Originally posted by Turdinator: Wow. So many great points made in that post. You are a fine addition to the Athiest movement my good man. Keep up the good work and post as often as you like. It sounds like you have important/intelligent things to say.
would like to get a V:I:P key aswell
would really like to try the game. i hope for a good vip key
Heya, tried to get the VIP key with those days but didnt manage, so would be nice to have one now thanks!
well i joined like 10 vip key lotterys and didnt get a single one
. i already thought about buying one on ebay because im really excited about rift.
I Want a key so badly
Would like to get a VIP key, thanks =]
Hi i want to win Rift VIP beta key coz Love this game ty so much Love u all ;*
plz gief key
I guess I'll request a key. It would be greatly appreciated.
Consider me the tiny Tim of this holiday season and please give me a key!
It don't matter if they're laughing with you or at you, so long as they're laughing.
Would be nice to get a VIP Key.
little vip key please
I keep missing out on the Facebook VIP keys by minutes as I am always at work or at the gym. Alittle love for a faithful gamer?
Please can i get a key ty!
lol I've tried everything to get a key and have failed way too much.
Would appreciate a vip key much!
Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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would like to get one VIP KEY pls
thx a lot!
Greets from germany
Wouldn't mind a VIP key..game looks promising and I'd love to help make it better.
I would love a key! That beta was smooth as butter.
I have partecipated partially to the 2nd beta event thanks to a friends more lucky then me but Vip Key still needed!
I recently participated in the Guardian Beta Event and I was very impressed!
Would be most greatful if someone could provide me with a VIP key!
Thankyou for your consideration
Please send me a Key because I need one.
Ive been in both betas and I would love a VIP key please
Takes out my crayons and writes
Please may I have (crayong broke) have one please
Hello all,
Need a VIP key here i want to help in this beta:-)
Yeah! i know i need to practice my english!!
Takes out my crayons and scribbles
May I have one please
I need a key man...bad.