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I'm looking for a fantasy MMO to replace LOTRO

DR4296DR4296 Member UncommonPosts: 17

Posting here, in part, because it helps me to clarify in my head just what I want and what I enjoy.:


I played LOTRO for about a year and a half, until a graphics card upgrade and crappy drivers caused me to give up trying to play.... last April or May, I think it was.   Anyways, the kinship I was in back then fell apart soon thereafter (they were a small group that been around for several years... the leadership just became exhausted, I think).


The only other MMO I've ever played is, I think, Star Wars Galaxies.  Oh wait, I played City of Heroes for about a year too.  But I'd like to play another fantasy game.... at least until DC Universe comes out.


Well, I'm on a new video card now.  I've played maybe 1-2 hours of D&D online.  Still mulling over whether I like it or not.   Instancing seems to reduce contact between others, compared to LOTRO.    So, while I continue to try that out, I thought I'd ask if anybody has any other MMO recommendations for me.


What I really liked about LOTRO:

1)  The setting (huge game world and back-story, high-quality / "realistic" visuals, the whole sense of immersion)

2)  The in-game community

3)  Occasional RP-ing

4)  Going on quests with my kin


I'm not into PVP.  I think I've only been in one raid... ever.   And I typically don't even get any toons up to the top ranks.  My highest toon in LOTRO, after one year, was level 43, I think.  I had two other toons there that I seldom played.   So, I guess you could call me a "casual player", though my wife would argue about my LOTRO time-commitment on that.


What I kind of hated about LOTRO or things that keep me from going back to it:

1)  Oh Lord, I'd have to play essentially the same starter areas.... and probably also later areas.... AGAIN ?!?

2)   The whole sad feeling of starting over, missing my former characters and friends

3)  Would actually like to step away from that game world for now.


Some friends have suggested:

a) Play WOW.    -- My reaction:   The graphics are so, so "cartoony".  The community has a reputation of being... shall we say... immature?

b) Play Vindictus --  Isn't that the one where you're forced to play one of three specific characters??   Didn't the review here say that if you're a casual gamer, stay far, far away from this game?


Your thoughts?  Questions?   


Thanks very much!


-= Dave =-


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