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If you don't like to be scammed don't play AO!!!

I have been playing AO for almost two years and the worst part is not that the risk of getting tricked by other players is big.

It's the risk of being fooled by the game company itself.

They have several events where the rules are pretty unclear and will always work against you.

Customer support is horrible and the GM's will never admitt wrong even if they are wrong. Latest proof is that I was dumb enough to enter the enlist friend event.


What happen next is that I enlist many players... they actually get to the lvl for getting bonus coins which in turn can be used in Item Mall.. well you are not automatically qualified and it's pure random of all I enlisted who reach minimum req only 20% became qualified. Ok I soaked that one up.

Since I clearly was confused by their rules.. then I just yesterday discovered that they removed my reward because it had expired.

According to their own rules it says bonus coins will expire after 30 days... from when? it's not stated.

Also you get poor GM' responses that even underline what I claim...


"Thank you for writing to Atlantica Online Customer Support.

This is [GM]Flora and I have read your message. Please be informed that the bonus Gcoins from the event expires in 30 days. It is clearly stated in the "4. REWARD" part of the Rules and Eligibility of the Event.

If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to write to us again.




Atlantica Online Support"


I high lighted the response and if my eyes haven't fall out yet it says from the event expires..


The event ended about 14 days ago.. here is from their own rules..

"Qualified Referring Players will be chosen by Sponsor to receive 700 bonus Gcoins for each Qualified Referred Player up to twenty (20) Qualified Referred Players. Qualified Referred Players will be chosen by Sponsor to receive 700 bonus Gcoins, and is eligible to become a Referring Player before the end of the Referral Period. Bonus Gcoin will expire in 30 days. "

According to them the gcoins can expire at anytime and there is shit you can do about it.. 30 days can be from event started or ended or maybe you never really recived them at all..

But I was still considering what to use my reward for and then discovered that the reward was retracted..

The rules are in a grey zone and I have never discovered any mmo games that don't admitt it could be clearer and fix it and give back what they remove from their players.


This is a direct insult to the gamers and I will rather find a new game than to be treated like dirt.. all in all it's a free game which per definition is really boring all in all..

I'm happy in a way this happens.. because the game is basically solo gaming all the time which grow very boring once you become higher lvl...

We were a bunch of players who sent in ajoint petition and after standard reply they choose to ignore us.


We can ignore them as well..


friendly warning for those who want to join any event DO NOT TRUST their rules because they make it so vague it's only themselves that understand the meaning of.


in other topics I'm open to suggestions to other mmo's to try... need a new game that I can take somewhat serious..




  • simmihisimmihi Member UncommonPosts: 709

    First things first, Atlantica as a game is worth to play. It is unique, nice, smart. fun, offers lots of possibilities. On the other hand, there are tons of problems (i'm speaking about the western servers, have no idea about the others). Will list a few:

    1. The game client is broken. Everyone or almost everyone has crashes, bsod's, huge and i mean huge memory leaks (after running the game for a few hours i need restarts). Many people complain about this, they did close to nothing to fix it. If you complain about it they'll say it's your machine, even if you tell them that every other mmo which you tried works just fine.

    2. The ingame events are aimed to the huge money spenders / high level population.

    3. The "deals" and "sales" which they offer contain hidden / hard to find rules. They've recently advertised a package of two commodities for half price for one day, lots of people charged real money and at the event time they just offered a quantity of 100 of those packages (to probably tens of thousands of players on 6 servers). They advertised the sale for 1 week ingame and did not mention anything even vague about the limited quantity. People complained and they sent them to the contest rules which were posted somewhere hard to reach on their website. Now lots of people charged money and they will spend it on other items. A way of increasing sales by screwing the player base.

    4. There's the usual f2p insane grind at high levels.

    5. There's the stupid "leave your PC running over night" thing which offers serious advantages to people who auto-fish, auto-craft stuff, stamina regeneration etc.

    6. There's a constant "improvement" of the game where the high-level overpowered rich people get more powerful and richer, while the starters (2-3months ingame) get more screwed.

    To keep it as short as possible, i did not list the pluses, it was not meant to be an evaluation, just a list of problems.

  • DrolkinDrolkin Member UncommonPosts: 246

    You guys are on crack and seem to be wailing over nothing.

    I've been on AO longer than anyone on these forums and not once have I been scammed by Ndoors.

    "Hard to find rules"?  More like you didn't look hard enough.

    In my experience people who "mess up" are the ones who run to the forums and complain about AO.  If Ndoors was really scamming players there would be A LOT more people posting about it.

    Rich people get richer and powerful people get more powerful while starters get screwed over?

    Please explain to me in CLEAR DETAIL how a level 140 who has spent 4K$ plus on IM over years makes someone who is lvl 1-100 game harder and more difficult, I'd really love to know.

    "I can't play AO because the high lvls PK me and steal all my exp/gold!"<-------If thats what you think, you are plain stupid.

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