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finally we get to see what Blade and Soul gameplay looks like:D
(i'ts in korean though so if you dont speak the language, I dont think you get much of what they're saying but still)
hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did:)
I didnt understand a word he said, but the game looks sweet ;P
Korean MMO
not touching that crap with a ten foot pole
i dont know, I think it looks good... what Aion should have looked like in the first place, but if the Grind is as heavy, I think that will ruin the game and we have another korean grind fest >.<
The game looks pretty good so far. What people consider a grind these days is pretty sad. If the game is fun than its step in the right direction. The questing in games today is just over rated bitch work. The only problem I have with Korean games is the lack of support for them here in the west. I find that botting ruins games quickly.
Forget Tera, I'll wait to try this out.
When that first toon "died" and "crawled off".. lol, that was pretty slick. It'll be nice to not have to respawn all the way back in some town and then run all the way back.
I always thought that sucked in most games that healers or mage types were able to rez themselves, but melees/ranged had to lie there like sacks waiting for someone to come back from /afk for a rez.
The combat looks really fluid and those combos seem to mean this game will lend itself very well to a gamepad for players who like the console feel. (I wanna see some G15 macros for this though!)
The gliding off the mountain was pretty interesting too.. a nice twist. Usually that kind of thing is only in superheroe games, not in high fantasy.
Being this is a Korean game, I worried a bit. But looking at the gameplay this really has Aion, Tera or anything coming out of Korea beat by a mile.
I didnt have high hopes for this game but after I found these videoes it's back on my radar:) as I said in post above, im affraid this will be yet another grind fest, but who knows, maybe NCSOFT learned form aion and will cut down on the grinding
after all, this is what AION should have looked like:)
Why are people getting super hyped for this game? seriously.
1) It is made by ncsoft for one....
2) potential to be another korean grinder.
3) does it have some amazing new gameplay mechanic or something that we're unaware of?
Have you even looked into the game-play video? Have you searched, at least one bit about B&S before typing that?
The team said that this game will be story driven, pushing it even further: "every server it's own story" <-yeah I wonder how they`ll handle this.
Also, have you looked deeper in the battle system? How you can combo/block? How your screen isn't cock-blocked by the UI? How you`ll be able to use R as basic combo starter, 1-2-3-4[skills that change accordingly to your/your enemy's state] & additional z-x-c-v slots for skills. Besides all this 4 more buttons for pots/items and that's all the buttons you will ever use in this game. Well besides moving, with Q&E for strafe walk, A&D for rotating, F to interact with NPC, and TAB to engage rage or other states[such as mounting].
And I don't see this game getting super hype[as of yet]. I'd rather say that about GW2.[but the hype is well founded, imo]
From what you write NcSoft makes shitty games, let me remind you that they have CoH/CoV, GW, Aion and some other titles I can't recall. They may or may not be popular, but none of those are F2P[if you wanna take GW into discussion, it's B2P, so no you can't categorize it as F2P], so they do enough to sustain themselves, not like some P2P titles that went F2P.
The team has stated with Pride the only localization they will do is language. That basically means this is gonna be a grinder. This is a game made for Koreans, they like grind its not gonna be absent. Game will still probably be worth a try, but it will suffer probably from the exact flaw Aion did.
My 'ol lady rarely gets into high heels on a yearly bases, these babes wear them to in.
least the game does not have Aion horrid textures in places, and has a decent view distance
You have to love people who continue to complain about "It's just another korean grinder". Yeah just keep telling yourself that every game from Korea is exactly the same.
I can't help but laugh at people still pretending as if Korean games are all flawed. Please by all means keep waiting for the next western MMORPG, we all have seen how great those have been lately. After all, games such as Age of Conan, Vanguard: Saga of heroes, Champions Online, Warhammer Online, Star Trek Online, Auto Assault, Pirates of the Burning Sea and Tabula Rasa have been nothing short of amazing, right?
Face it, the average MMO gamer whining about "Korean grindfest" is the one that buys a new western MMO which is based on an already exisiting IP and is done with it in a month as they consider every game where it takes longer than the 30 day free trial to reach the cap as a grindfest, They play through a few hundred go kill XX quest, which is this kind of gamer's definition of content, hit the cap and then start bitching that there is nothing to do at the endgame.
Thanks for the info xD Didnt know any of this and I though I've read alot about this game 0.o guess you proved me wrong;P
Thank you ^^
I played many korean and Western games. There cultural differences between the games. Grind is one of them, the amount of time Koreans want to spend getting from 0-80 is a lot longer then the average westerner wants to. These are just general market differences. There is nothing wrong with people being hung up about this. Blade and Soul is primarily made for Koreans, and they want more grind. Same way Aion had more grind. A lot of westerners are not going to like that.
So he is blind just because he disagrees with your arguments which is based on absolutely nothing but a stereotype. If you are seriously trying to argue that there is no difference between a game like Lineage 2 and Aion, then I don't understand why you're even posting here because you do not even have a basic understanding of either of those games.
You have no clue what you're talking about.
Not really, no. They have stated that the ONLY difference between the many versions will be localization because they are aiming to make their game fun, not grindy and not boring.
As the game system was revealed, bots and repetitive gameplay became a worry. How do you plan to deal with this concern?
Jae-Hyun Bae: Bots are a result of repetitive play. Bots happen because the player goes through boring repetitive gameplay and they don't feel like doing it. I assure you, Blade & Soul will never run out of content to make the players feel bored while they play. Also, this title will not be a repetitive grindfest game.
This is most probably the reason that they said this:
This game was developed with an interesting concept in mind, according to Mr. Bae. So far, we've played our fantasy games as traditional European medieval fantasy, but now it might be time to learn the medieval history of Korea. Will this be as interesting to a global audience, though? If you're tired of the same old fantasy, then the answer is yes.
The current plan is to launch globally as one game (Korean launch first), with only language localization changes. There won't be a version with different game mechanics created for Europe or one for North America specifically, but one for everyone. Bae isn't worried about trying to cater to every market, but says that the company has an open plan to change for certain markets, depending on the feedback from the players.
It's a little to anime for me. But tastes vary, and I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy it.
For the people saying its going to be a grind they already said in the Q&A its story driven and you will never run out of content.
Yes the western version of ncsoft might screw it up again somehow and there is a big cultural difference for some people, fair enough.
I just have been reading all the info and watching the videos about this game after I asked about the lack of info in some features in another thread (TY Rynne for the link ). I will tell here what I've learned about the things the devs are trying to implement appart from the combat (which is the only original thing most players know about this game).
I must say that the devs are clearly stating their main concern for this game is getting rid of the grinding, the holy trinity as much as possible, buffs and debuffs (which I kind of agree with for the sake of ballance and fun, although I like them too), and probably castle siege too.
Taking the grinding by presenting the game to the player by beeing story-driven and not quest-driven, and with the videos from the demo we see that it's real story and not "quest writen" story. The holy trinity as much as possible with making the classes more hybrid as possible. Buffs and debuffs "to put away the movement impairing debuff, lowering defenses and buffing your HP. Instead we wanted to add realism and put in knock downs, tripping and a groggy state and mix it all together. Because of that, the skills are very powerful and in some cases learning a new skill will be more powerful than acquiring a new item."
The only thing I might disagree with is taking the castle siege. They could make a new kind of castle siege. But ok, they will have oher kinds of PVP, kind of like arenas and others (but haven't said much).
The good things they are doing different from other games, besides the things I already have said before, are; implementing different kind of gear, auto-target is influenced by the mobs ai, more kinds of Qing Gong than showed in the demos, and maybe more that maybe I can't remmember.
The gear will not influence stats, one thing that I'm really hoping to be something that changes the mmorpg industry. The equipments will not be about stats but will be about honor and achievement. Something to look for, and I hope is good. At least is different and original, I guess.
Auto-target is not as easy as we have experienced in the mmorpgs before. It's just a kind of strategy that you have to think about. If you want to attack a boss and his minions ai are making a deffense wall around him, you cant touch him, you have to change your auto-target to one of those minions. and I don't know if you can only chose one or more, because in some skills we see a character attacking a lot of mobs in a swift movement. I think I need to learn more about this feature in the future.
There are things that I don't know how good they will be. At least they answer my question about the existence of Guilds, yes they exist. But I haven't really understood what are their purpose besides having mini-player-communities.
Overall, they really are trying to do a lot of things different from other games. I just hope those things will work out well, because they haven't talked much about those features and ideas. Maybe they should release more info about their features.
I have a request btw: could someone put a sticky thread in B&S forum with all the new features and ideas in the game? It would help clearing the misconception that "this is just another korean grinder", which imo, it might not be the case (but i'm not completely sure, i must admit, it's korean after all lol).
You know what we can tell from the videos? The graphics look awesome and the mobs behave like the mobs in every other MMO on the planet (except Ryzom, which someone will post). You know what we can tell from the developer interviews? The graphics look awesome. Oh, and the mobs will behave like every other mob in every other MMO on the planet. Except Ryzom (which someone will post).
And that's it. Everything else is just supposition and wishes. It could be the usual grind fest with a voice over storyline while you're grinding away at those mobs. It could be something truly innovative but it probably won't be as good as you wish it was right now.
Rest assured, the graphics will look awesome. And the mob thing which I'm sure you get by now.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.