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Dreamland Online

I'm posting this here because even though they claim to be in "Closed Beta", they have announced there will be no wipe... which for most of us equates to Open Beta.... that and you need a key... which is a trait of a closed beta.. but there are 1000+ free keys available here and other sites around the web... so getting in won't be a problem if you want to play.


The game itself - VERY SOLID. 2D sidescroller similar to Maple Story and Wonder King. I like the graphics. Early on (level 1-15), the walking back and forth didn't seem as bad as other similar games mentioned. Plus you get a nice little mount at like level 10. 

4 Typical Classes, Warrior/Scout/Mage/Rogue. 

I would say I am enjoying this more than MS or WK... both of which I played to about level 30 before uninstalling. I don't know that end game is in my future here, but it does seem to have an appeal to it so far.

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