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EvE PvP is care bear...please read.

gauge2k3gauge2k3 Member Posts: 442

I have played EvE on and off for a very long time.  I decided that I would force myself to try this game for an extended period of time.

I made a corp, got many people in it :)  I joined an alliance.  I was told man times, like I had read before, that PvP in this game was where it was at and was such a blast.

I even posted here a while back asking for help on the subject whilst playing.

One thing makes this game care bear.  Stations and stargates.  Those two items literally ruin the PvP in this game.  You can live in low sec and never see combat if you want.  No one will ever touch you.

Here has been EvE pvp.  Get wardecced.  Wardeccers never leave station until their entire corp is on (in my case it didn't happen at all), they then leave and gank all your members while they are out and about.

So in an optimal situation, you're playing when they are logged off, and they are playing when you're logged off.  All because stations and stargates.

I could name many PvP mmo's that are far less carebear than this.  You could make an arguement that EvE is about PvE, and I think even the EvE players would laugh at you.  PvE in EvE is about as mind numbing as it gets.  Most missions repeat after 5 mission, I think most i've had to wait was 10 for a repeat mission.

The only thing good in EvE is the player market.  But as one can expect, it is completely over run with botters and farmers who sell isk.  Try finding an open research slot anywhere in the entire game?  Nope, not unless you have a POS.  I can't speculate on how many of them are covered by farmers, but I suspect a lot.

Back to EvE PvP.  For how much rave this part of the game gets, it happpens amost never.  Which is too bad because it would be very meaningful if it did.

I do have a corp so I'm not quitting.  I decided to stick to the manufacturing and corp management side and get a real pvp game to play on the side.

Maybe I am missing something?  I just don't see the amazing fun pvp this game offers.

Before someone says, go to NULL.  Good luck.  NULL often requires so many skill points to get into a corp/alliance, and if you go with your corp you will get absolutely destroyed by SOV milita.

Low sec is really the only option for a newer player (less than 10 mil sp) and there you run into the infamous station/stargate huggers.

I'll stick to my 100% open pvp thanks.  The best PvP game I've ever played was lineage 2.  EvE does not even come close to holding a candle to that games PvP.

Please don't yell at me, I'm just trying to add perspective to people who may not know what it's like for newer players.  I wish with all my heart I could get on here and say something else.  The game had mad potential, then care bear happend.

EDIT: IMO if you get attacked you cannot enter a station or use a stargate period.  Even if you don't return fire.  Also, maybe make it so ships don't go into the station to use it, maybe dock outside and it opens up the GUI for the station and you can still be attacked while docked outside?



  • Ramonski7Ramonski7 Member UncommonPosts: 2,662

    I would tell you that you're on the wrong server for REAL PvP buuuuut.......

    "Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."

  • gauge2k3gauge2k3 Member Posts: 442

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

  • xsharkeyesxxsharkeyesx Member Posts: 119

    You obviously never actually lived in 0.0 or you would know 99% of what you said is untrue.



  • gauge2k3gauge2k3 Member Posts: 442

    Originally posted by xsharkeyesx

    You obviously never actually lived in 0.0 or you would know 99% of what you said is untrue.



    I told you this was coming.  And yet for a new player this is possible how?

  • grimfallgrimfall Member UncommonPosts: 1,153

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

  • JetrpgJetrpg Member UncommonPosts: 2,347

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine

  • mklinicmklinic Member RarePosts: 2,016

    If you want to test the 0.0 waters, then take your corp and rent. I've been in corps that went this route because they did not feel confident that they could otherwise exist in 0.0. These corps weren't very large and had no SP requirement. Anyhow, the PvP minded of these corps went on roams with others in the Alliance and saw a fair share of PvP without station games and such that you get in empire.

    Otherwise, I currently live in highsec and most PvP I come across is pretty much consensual. I mission out of a system that borders a few lowsec systems and have dodged my share of pirates on the occasions I venture over there. I've also seen the pirates catch people. So, I suppose it just comes down to experiences may vary and sorry it hasn't panned out the way you expected thus far. Good luck in your endeavors though :)


    "Do something right, no one remembers.
    Do something wrong, no one forgets"
    -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence

  • gauge2k3gauge2k3 Member Posts: 442

    Originally posted by mklinic

    If you want to test the 0.0 waters, then take your corp and rent. I've been in corps that went this route because they did not feel confident that they could otherwise exist in 0.0. These corps weren't very large and had no SP requirement. Anyhow, the PvP minded of these corps went on roams with others in the Alliance and saw a fair share of PvP without station games and such that you get in empire.

    Otherwise, I currently live in highsec and most PvP I come across is pretty much consensual. I mission out of a system that borders a few lowsec systems and have dodged my share of pirates on the occasions I venture over there. I've also seen the pirates catch people. So, I suppose it just comes down to experiences may vary and sorry it hasn't panned out the way you expected thus far. Good luck in your endeavors though :)

    I should have mentioned this.  We have discussed going down that route.  However priced for renting are out of this world.  If I could afford to rent I could afford to buy a merc corp to protect us lol.

  • WraithoneWraithone Member RarePosts: 3,806

    Yes, those damn CareBears have ruined the game! <starts foaming at the mouth...>  image

    There is a reason that CCP has established certain ROE's in the game.  One phrase and a word explain much of it.  Those would be "business model" and "Goonies". ^^  If the game was a wide open gankfest, CCP would very likely lose more than half of their player base.  So, over time, Concord and the ROE have evolved to their current state.  Make no mistake about it, CCP is *very* Pro PvP, but they are also pro profit, so EVE is almost two games at this point.

    Null sec is alliance/corp zones. Down there NBSI rules. High Sec, Concord rules.  Low Sec, you have gate campers on the choke points, and various other such antics.   There is PvP to be found, but you have to know where to look for it these days.  Since I'm of one of those horrible CareBears, I'll leave such details to Bat or some such. ^^ 

    But in the absence of people like the Goonies, one of whose mottos is rumored to be; "We don't want to ruin the game, we just want to ruin *your* game", much of the restrictions wouldn't have been established in the first place.  I've always considered that to be really amusing and ironic.

    "If you can't kill it, don't make it mad."
  • mklinicmklinic Member RarePosts: 2,016

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    I should have mentioned this.  We have discussed going down that route.  However priced for renting are out of this world.  If I could afford to rent I could afford to buy a merc corp to protect us lol.

    I hear ya. I was not involved in the finances of those corps so I can't really say whether prices were fair, outrageous, or somewhere in between. I do remember the general consensus being that the ISK to be made in 0.0 was sufficient enough to cover the expense, but again, that was really just casual conversation and not something I really bothered with. Was just throwing out an idea based on the minimal experience I have in the area...


    "Do something right, no one remembers.
    Do something wrong, no one forgets"
    -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence

  • itchmonitchmon Member RarePosts: 1,999

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    Originally posted by xsharkeyesx

    You obviously never actually lived in 0.0 or you would know 99% of what you said is untrue.



    I told you this was coming.  And yet for a new player this is possible how?

    Agony takes people into their sov space who have only een playing a month or 2.  and they hold sec in providence (or so i remember) which is one of the more hotly contested places in 0.0.


    RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.

    Currently Playing EVE, ESO

    Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.

    Dwight D Eisenhower

    My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.

    Henry Rollins

  • grimfallgrimfall Member UncommonPosts: 1,153

    Originally posted by Jetrpg

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    Do I really need to explain the difference between that and getting your player  killed in WoW and losing nothing?

  • WraithoneWraithone Member RarePosts: 3,806

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by Jetrpg

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    Do I really need to explain the difference between that and getting your player  killed in WoW and losing nothing?

    Ouch! But the first rule in EVE is, "Don't fly what you can't afford to replace".  The second rule of course is "Trust No One"... ^^

    "If you can't kill it, don't make it mad."
  • DevilXaphanDevilXaphan Member UncommonPosts: 1,144

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by Jetrpg

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    Do I really need to explain the difference between that and getting your player  killed in WoW and losing nothing?

    And you do know before he lost that ship he made the isk to cover that loss twice over, so not really a big loss for him.

  • grimfallgrimfall Member UncommonPosts: 1,153

    Originally posted by DevilXaphan

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by Jetrpg

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    Do I really need to explain the difference between that and getting your player  killed in WoW and losing nothing?

    And you do know before he lost that ship he made the isk to cover that loss twice over, so not really a big loss for him.

    Remeber that time in WoW you had a PVP death that stripped away 33% of your armor and bank savings... me neither.

    I don't play Eve, I find it dreadfully boring, but any PVP game with full loot rules is going to be more hardcore than WoW or any other game where the only consequence of death is maybe a 3 minute run, and a lowering in some ranking.

  • Ramonski7Ramonski7 Member UncommonPosts: 2,662

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by DevilXaphan

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by Jetrpg

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    Do I really need to explain the difference between that and getting your player  killed in WoW and losing nothing?

    And you do know before he lost that ship he made the isk to cover that loss twice over, so not really a big loss for him.

    Remeber that time in WoW you had a PVP death that stripped away 33% of your armor and bank savings... me neither.

    I don't play Eve, I find it dreadfully boring, but any PVP game with full loot rules is going to be more hardcore than WoW or any other game where the only consequence of death is maybe a 3 minute run, and a lowering in some ranking.

    How can it be hardcore when the common consensus among EvE players is ships mean nothing and player skills is where it's at. Besides there are umpteen guides available for players to avoid such a loss in the first place.

    "Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    Does 'hardcore' include presence of stupid game mechanics such as unrestricted FFA PVP?
    I guess ganking newbs is 'hardcore' and requires 'ub3r l33t' skills...or you are just a carebear who want some easy targets...

    Well, have fun with some stupid game then. Me, and a few(330k) others enjoy something with depth.

  • comerbcomerb Member UncommonPosts: 944

    Originally posted by Jetrpg

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    10k?  Nah.  $200 worth of ships/modules... yes. Hell, I've probably lost several thousand dollars worth of equipment over the course of 6 years, and gained several thousand as well.

    How bout when your corporation loses hundreds-thousands of manhours spent into building a home in nulsec only to get pushed out?  Or to have your Titan popped?  The point is its loss/gain that makes PvP intense.  The only other recent game I can think of that compares is Darkfall, but the scale isn't as grand.

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    Originally posted by Robokapp

    There's always some system of people protecting people. In MMOs the NPCs do this task because it'd be boring to guard the starting area 23/7 in a Standing Fleet.

    Pretty much this. But that is beyond of understanding people praising this type of 'hardcore' games. I think more appropriate term would be 'dumbcore' in this case.

  • KilrainKilrain Member RarePosts: 1,185

    I would counter it by telling you either what you did wrong or you didnt really try or many other things that come to mind. But it's painfully obvious you will simply reply with " I knew this was coming. blahblah blahblah blah blah blah."


    Play a different game and stfu...carebear.

  • KilrainKilrain Member RarePosts: 1,185

    Originally posted by Ramonski7

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by DevilXaphan

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by Jetrpg

    Originally posted by grimfall

    Originally posted by gauge2k3

    To add even more perspective, even WoW world PvP is more hardcore.

    You run into a town?  Guy gets some friends, tanks the guards and kills you anyways.  There is no get out of jail free card when you are out and about in the world.  No stargate to freedom.

    I dunno.  Like I said, maybe I'm just not seeing it.

    Remember that time you lost $10,000 playing WoW?  Me neither.

    Remember when you lost $10,000 playing eve? Me neither.



    What was the point of this?

    Do I really need to explain the difference between that and getting your player  killed in WoW and losing nothing?

    And you do know before he lost that ship he made the isk to cover that loss twice over, so not really a big loss for him.

    Remeber that time in WoW you had a PVP death that stripped away 33% of your armor and bank savings... me neither.

    I don't play Eve, I find it dreadfully boring, but any PVP game with full loot rules is going to be more hardcore than WoW or any other game where the only consequence of death is maybe a 3 minute run, and a lowering in some ranking.

    How can it be hardcore when the common consensus among EvE players is ships mean nothing and player skills is where it's at. Besides there are umpteen guides available for players to avoid such a loss in the first place.

    ROFL, you just lost any credibility when it comes to Eve bro. Show me the proof hahaha, common concensus my ass, your completely clueless. You have no idea what hard core is, and you never will apparently. 

  • Alchemist322Alchemist322 Member Posts: 51

    I've only played Eve briefly but your argument confuses me...


    Statement 1 : "Eve is care bear"

    Statement 2 : "I don't go into null sec because I will get owned."


    So um.. it sounds to me like it's care bear for you by choice. Don't like it? 0.0 awaits!

  • neorandomneorandom Member Posts: 1,681

    i couldnt get past the fact that all eve combat was was turn on your weapons and auto attack till you reload at a specified optimal range based on ammo/weapon type.


    no challenge, just bland spreadsheet info with a graphical interface, no thanks!


    heres hoping jumpgate evolution comes out 

  • KwanseiKwansei Member UncommonPosts: 334

    And while I find PVP fun I still don't get the whole carebear/hardcore macho thing.. Are people really that dissatisfied with their real lives?

  • cosycosy Member UncommonPosts: 3,228

    Originally posted by neorandom

    heres hoping jumpgate evolution comes out 

    that game is a joke also is F2P

    BestSigEver :P

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