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This could be an MMO which already exists and you want to add a class from another MMO or add your own unique class to it, or this could be your idea for a class for a MMO.
This is a great place to discuss not just your favorite classes, but what they might be like in other games, or to make up your own classes and discuss why they would be different.
To start, I think it would be cool to add the Thane class from DAoC to WoW. Instead of the Overpowered Paladin or the Melee Tank, you'd have a weak ranged damage tank class, lol. I don't really care so much for the death knight and thought it was a little overhyped, and think a ranged tank class would have been cooler, maybe a Ranger Tank, or a combination of a Hunter + Druid in WoW.
If being a developer means being quiet, mature, well-spoken, and disconnected from the community, then by all means do me a favor and believe I'm not one.
Since I started playing MMO's back when EQ1 came out, I've always tried to enjoy playing a healing class. It's probably always the first class I try in any game I join, but the "enjoying" part just never happened. At least, not until I played a templar in EQ2.
I think the funnest imaginary class for me to play would be a cc/utility class like Runemaster from DAOC (I think I was tri-spec with my Runemaster) that doesn't have the offensive power the runemaster had, but does have a lesser, weakened ability to heal like an EQ2 templar has. In other words - a strong support/utility class with good cc, with little to no offensive spells, and backup group healing spells that are reactive in nature. Would be fun stuff.
All the classes I want to see are in my mmo design
I am very impressed with my class design. However, I went through about 4 revamps before the classes finally meld with the vision of the game.
I would suggest cater those classes to how you want players to play them. Its kinda of difficult to come up with a new playstyle that is out of the traditional trinity strategem. However, you can come up with new ways of playstyles within that stratagem. As for finding people on the forum you're going to get a vast array of opinions and flavors from players. You can't please everyone. I did forgot to ask you this, what niche is your mmo going to be for? Essentially, cater your class design that fits your vision and people will like what you have to offer if you can cater to that niche playerbase.
Skill trees, let the players make their own class.
I want to see more classes that are primarily Crowd Control. City of Heroe's Controllers were really cool!
Finally, I want to see a class similar to the Everquest 1 Bard.
I have always been a fan of crafting classes. However, most mmo's don't have only one class made for crafting. Sure some games have crafting but they're for all the classes. They should one class specialzing in crafting. The "Trader" class in SWG is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. They can build and sell items to other players. If you play your cards right, you can become one of the richest in the game.
Templars - Heavy armor combined with offensive spells and spell failure cause of the armor.
For fantasy - Class based on Zulu or Spartan foot soldiers. Sword and board but not much else, relying on speed and blocking rather than 'tanking' like full plate-knights.
For sci-fi - A driver/pilot class. Ships/vehicles that can hold other players and have some big but slow weaponry, defense, or CC (ex. can blast/build trenches.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
Antipaladin from Mozart Mud
or maybe the witcher 
Suicide bomber.
It's sole purpose would be to run in the middle of a crowd of people and blow themselves up. It would have low HP and a run speed buff. Just run, click a button and KERSPLAT!
well, you can try FF14 for that
Weapons: Lance, sword, warhammer
Armor: Medium, Heavy, plate, shield
Experts on mounted combat, the knights were dominating the battlefields until the arrival of the musket. A longbow was before that together with the pike the only thing that could bring them down.
Weapons: sword, axe, spear
Armor: light, medium, shield
A Hirdman is a viking elite warrior who is also the bodyguard of the jarl. He can fight on foot, on horse or on a ship. He will follow the jarl and protect him on the battlefield and home.
I don't see an easy leveling experience for anyone playing that. Wouldn't it be better to use magic/trick/PSI powers to get other people doing that instead?
I would like to see the headlines for a game with a class like that. C&C Generals got enough bad rep for the unit that drove a WW and detonated itself near the enemy.
I would like to see the return of Shadowbane's Rogue Asssassin...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Heh. I don't know if you ever played WoW, but there is this quest where you get a control mechanism for the Abominations. You basically send them into a group of enemies and make them explode.
I guess what you are saying is that you could have a pet class, like a necromancer for instance, except he would call out for a guy with a bomb strapped to his chest. You would then send the "pet" in and make him pop where the enemy sustains the most casualties.
I still think it would be more fun to actually be the bomber and have to wait to rez or whatever the death mechanic is. I guess this is more of a PvP class than a leveling class. :P
Hey now, you left out the flatulence with the knockdown from those Abominations...heh.
CoX (if you purchase the cyborg pack) has a self-destruct where you can blow yourself up...
...but yeah, "suicide bomber" rubs a lot of people the wrong way (myself included). Could not see anybody outside a terrorist marketing group putting out such a game.
Heck, as is... Big Brother is probably going through your file as we type all of this...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
No, sorry, no Wow.
But playing the bomber, I just don't see how that would be fun.
If you however made a demon race that posses people and them make them explode it would work. A class without body that steal other bodies and when they eject themselves the whole thing explodes.
But back t topic:
A musketeer class would fit right in a MMO. Rapier, pistol and musket together with combat acrobatic tricks like in the movies, I would play that.
Id really be interested in a sort of "hacker" class that uses various technologies for either warfare or group utility. Perhaps they use various devices that can reprogram opposing player bots or being able to hack a security system used in a dungeon to see where traps are set or to use some npc security system against the enemy mobs as some form of CC.
Ive always been interested in tech heavy based classes but havent really seen anything like it outside of say EVE Online with ships that can jam scanners, or pin ships down with tackling.
Duel 1
Lets ROCK!
im still waiting for a kickass unarmed monk class. kind of makes the whole gear-grinding a non-starter, but maybe there are people out there who would enjoy playing a true ascetic character.
Charr: Outta my way.
Human: What's your problem?
Charr: Your thin skin.
The DDO monk is pretty kick ass but a class without gear would not work in most MMOs, they are just too gear centered.
Imagine adding the class in Wow (or EQ"). Leveling goes fine enough but as soon as you hit max level (or full AA in EQ2) you have nothing to do. Endgames are all about getting the best gear through raids and PvP.
So the class is interesting in itself and if someone made a game without gear dependence (a game was in development like that called Warhammer online but development got cut since the company making it got broke and license were sold to Mythic).
I would love a MMO based on Runequest, were character development is the big thing and gear matters little, it would work fine there.
Folks have been asking for the Pandarens in WoW for a long time...
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Gear driven endgame is basically a semi-random method of character advancement. It's a method of extending the leveling experience beyond level cap. Games don't have to be about leveling.
Charr: Outta my way.
Human: What's your problem?
Charr: Your thin skin.
Well, SWG had the ability to make the best class. I made a few, I was a melee stacker with a pet. I will never ever be able to kick ass like that again.
I had some medic and creature handler, enough to make a good size cat, and the rest went into mastering brawler and pikeman and then as much into TKO as possible so I didn't have to wear armor and could buff myself.
I ran around with a staff, my bad ass looking cat pet and wore a robe from the waist down (a long kilt, if you will). I looked like some kungfu dude. Oh, I had on bracelets and a big gawdy gemstone necklace and sandles. My long skirt was black and red and I had black hair in a pony tail with red eyes. I would rape!!!! That was the best part, pure rapage unti they fucked up the game.
Anyway, now...I would like a melee class like a beastlord or white lion. Me and a pet putting out some whoop@ss. Of course I would need some buffs/debuffs and minor heals. That would do it for me.
My wife would like playing the WOW Hunter but with EQ Ranger type spells and melee abilities.
In SWG she probably would have taken enough CH points for a solid pet and then get some medic and the rest of her points would go to the Bounty Hunter tree (minus the pistol branch) and then as much as possible into Carbineer.
I think you needed scouting for CH and BH so that would work well.
Damn...that game was so kick @ss...why on God's eath did they not change it back or at least open one old school server.
Oh, now that I think of it. My favorite would also be a melee stacker but unlocking the force so I could throw some lighting around and maybe force cloak but still mastering pikeman....the options where so vast. You could make so many bad ass characters in SWG.....could.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP