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are blizzard behind hacked accounts???



  • EliandalEliandal Member Posts: 796

    Originally posted by miceinblack

    I hold Blizzard accountable although perhaps not a hundred percent. I get a lot of those fake emails too but I find it strange that out of all the MMOs I've played, heh, and thats quite a few, I only started to get those fake World of Warcraft hacked account emails after subscribing to Starcraft. I can't help but feel there is a connection. Nothin I can prove or back up. Maybe coincidence. Still.... My gut tells me something fishy is going on here.

       Naw - especially if you use Hotmail or Gmail - I have 3 seperate Hotmail accounts that have never been associated with my WoW account - and I recieve the "phishing" emails on all of them.


      Funny thing is, the email I created specifically for the Battle.Net conversion has never recieved spam or phishing emails of any kind - at all (Then again - it's a pretty random combination of words and numbers)


      Question though - can you still "Brute force" Blizzard's login server?  I know you used to be able too.  Considering one computer could be set up to make thousands of attempts per second - just imagine what the 'sweat shops' in the far East could be doing (some of them have thousands of employees and systems)  Just more food for thought - allthough I love all the rampant speculation :D!!!

  • miceinblackmiceinblack Member Posts: 122


    Yeah, I do admittedly have some hotmail accounts. Still.... Those mails are annoying even if they go straight to the junkmail bin. Heh. Next I'll be getting them for Guild Wars. Thankfully ArenaNet customer service is very good if I ever did have a question about my account. I haven't played WoW in forever but still been playing StarCraft off an on. Not sure why Blizzard customer support is so hard to get a hold of. At least on phone anyways. I wonder if they will ever make something close to a Warcraft 2.

  • unbound55unbound55 Member UncommonPosts: 325

    Originally posted by jessian


     im suprised at the amount of people nit picking on this forum regarding my serious allegation regarding Blizzard are hacking peoples accounts.  Its the same responses others only harp on... its your PC, you used that email, you have a keylogger yet when its turned around back on them with valid arguements,

    like the now the authenticator scam... and so forth.  At what point do people stop and wake up and say hey its not the gamers fault his account was hacked but more HOW was it hacked when it was CLOSED for 4 years and all passwords changed to the strongest details i could.

    NO one could have got that information peroid.

    Blizzard 100% at fault


    Well, to honest, I don't know who you are.  The basic reality is the the overwhelming majority of security breaches are at the user end.  Am I blowing smoke?  Actually, I manage one of the most active web sites in the US, so I am very familiar with security both commercially as well as in the federal environment.


    I can count on one hand the number of serious attempts to hack the site, and still count on that same hand the number of times a rogue employee has used information inappropriately (totals to exactly zero).  There aren't enough hands on this planet that can count the number of mindless script-kitties that hit the site and go nowhere.


    I have personally dealt with 5 people in the past 3 years that have had their accounts hacked (game or otherwise).  In all 5 cases, it was ultimately on their end.  2 of the people had above average security knowledge and used appropriate security measures on their machines (e.g. AV, firewall, anti-spyware).  It's always difficult to tell exactly how they got hacked, but 3 of them had keyloggers on their systems...1 of them got their WoW account hacked in the first wave of Java Null Pointer exploits in a malicious flash advertisement (  He claimed that he didn't click on any flash advertisements, but perhaps he clicked one accidentally, or a mouse-over initiated it.  He had decent security software, but didn't have the absolute latest version of flash, and his account was hacked as a result.  He wasn't an idiot.  He just surfed into something unexpected and hit the wrong place at the wrong time.  1 person (who should have known better) got suckered into a beautifully rendered duplicate of a website, and entered her login credentials.  I've personally experienced a DNS poisoning redirection (alternate site was poorly done, so it didn't work...but it would have worked if they would have spent the time on the site to make it look correct).


    Nobody can have their security defenses at 100% at all will always be at least a little bit behind on patches and updates.  And always keep in mind that malicious software is typically out before the security companies can update their software.  For anyone to state that their security defenses are perfect is naive to say the least.


    As to your particular case jessian, I can not offer anything better than "I don't know".  But understanding the realities of security in the modern age, I can't honestly subscribe to your notion that Blizzard is behind the hacks.  Of course they are making money on the authenticators...but they make even more money on your subscription they aren't looking to mess that gravy train up at all.  Similarly, Blizzard makes a lot more money keeping your confidence to sell the next 2 versions of Starcraft 2 than selling a few dollar authenticator.

  • robgyorgyrobgyorgy Member Posts: 105

    Originally posted by jessian

    So there i am, a once proud owner of an account to this game since 26 july 2003.  i have been alliance, horde and back and forth since my first level 60 warrior named Jessian on the deathwing server


    now in 2010 i recieve an autobot email stating,


    Account Name: ***************** Masked for security reasons :)


    Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Use of Third Party Automation Software


    This account was closed because one or more characters were identified using an unauthorized cheat program, also known as a "hack." These programs provide character benefits normally not achievable in the World of Warcraft. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. Use of these unauthorized programs harm the game environment because they offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.


    Now here is the kicker...


    i have never bought gold from any seller.... i never went to get hacked or programs to do the above. now before anyone goes, " aye right, i dont believe you..." 


    well my account is been FROZEN  since 2006...   strange that. i did think of using a game pass 2 months ago but didnt sign up. Yet strangley Blizzard can claim i used a hack program yet didnt have an ACTIVE account...


    How ??? did Blizzard hack " bypass" my account?


    ok im honestly not gonna read thru 13 pages on this thread but. IMHO lets see.. blizzard OWNES wow right?the can CREATE whatever the fk they want ingame right?right?. now u give me 1 good reason why they would even BOTHER to look up ur account details, logg in, hack it then use it for some wierd shit?. i donno about u bro but from where im standing if blizz wants to sell GOLD they can do so by CREATING the item(gold) themselves with 1 fking button. i do admit that most of the gold selling sites might be blizzards employes but i highly doubt they would bother hacking any1... even just for ppl to buy the authenticator. thats my 2cent goodday

  • Goonies1632Goonies1632 Member Posts: 20

    I wouldn't say they are behind hacked accounts, but I do believe they are doing something to push authenticators because I find it alittle odd that I started receiving spam emails from Blizzard around the time I started my 10 day WotLK account around Aug. & Sept of this year.  And to add those are the only spam emails I've ever received in my email since I don't just go throwing my email at every little service, I use backup emails for that type of garbage.  And I think we can all agree they don't give a rip about item/gold/account/powerleveling services that go on because it is two subscriptions for them which is what... more money... exactly.  And kickbacks are a possibility to prevent those RMT websites from being taken to court.  Tax free money under the table FTW....

    And really couldn't you just argue that you traded that person in real life a few nice WoW TCG cards in return for some gold?  And powerleveling I doubt would be too terribly hard to get around by logging into their account from their location via some sort of VPN setup.  The only problem you would have is account selling now that I'm sure would be a rather tough cookie to complete without being flagged in at least some way.

  • PhilbyPhilby Member Posts: 849

    I cant see where Blizzard would have anything to gain by hacking accounts, burning man hours to replace what was stolen, often not only for a players toons but for things stolen from a guild bank  all to make  $6.50  on an authenticator sale.

    WOW isnt great because it has 12 million players. WOW has 12 million players because its great.

  • jessianjessian Member Posts: 277

    Originally posted by Philby

    I cant see where Blizzard would have anything to gain by hacking accounts, burning man hours to replace what was stolen, often not only for a players toons but for things stolen from a guild bank  all to make  $6.50  on an authenticator sale.

     its not just the authenticator sales, why did blizzard move over to was security that easy to hack at blizzard or did they see an easy way to make money.

    heres an example.

    10,000 accounts hacked monthly (whether its blizzard or paid gold sites) they strip down all 10k accounts and get say for arguement sake.

    5million gold, 4,700 items to pwn off in the AH and so forth, they then charge those 10k, 7$ for the authenticator

    raking in 70,000 quid. Then those 10,000 players that have to catch up pay gold sites $100 each (for arguement sake) to get their 5million gold back.  thats, 1 million in cash giving blizzard a % of that back

    Repeat this every month,

    Subs for 11 million players + hacked accounts + gold sales and etc etc... a lot of money to make.

  • SkuzSkuz Member UncommonPosts: 1,018


    Reality check, Blizzard don't NEED to hack accounts they are already making billions as a perfectly legitimate business, are there maybe 1 or 2 disgruntled employees making a few bucks on the side? possibly.

    Someone needs a brain scan if they believe there's an ounce of truth in this B.S. conspiracy theory.

  • EliandalEliandal Member Posts: 796

      A couple of caveats to your argument ... ;P

      There aren't 11 million accounts to hack.  6+ million of those are Chinese, are not really accounts, and are not under Blizzards control (direct or otherwise)


      Gold is at $2 per thousand now.  Selling a million gold per month is barely going to cover 1 support persons salary - and definately no where near enough to cover the team that currently works there.


      Authenticators are sold at cost - and actually free for people who bother to look.


      Could Blizzard be involved in this racket?  Sure!  Would it be a revenue generator?  Hell no - not with the price of gold VS the costs associated with investigating and restoring hacked accounts

  • wildtalentwildtalent Member UncommonPosts: 380

    Originally posted by Thane

    Originally posted by wildtalent

    Originally posted by Thane

    Originally posted by wildtalent

    Originally posted by Thane

    why should they acrtually "make up reasons" to ban you?

    they could just ban you for whatever they want, it's THEIR server, that's what people often forget.


    you actually have no rights at all but to stfu :)

    look some random blizz customer service guy doesn't care.  trust me.  he listend to us call and bitch all day so to him if he's gonna hear it anyway and assuming this guy has no morals why not sell your info for a quick buck

    blizz employees cannot check or lookup your acc data (login / password).

    actually no GM or support worker can, no where. no game. never everrrrrr...


    if you think so, you should adjust your medications again :P

    paranoia can be a bitch hehe.

    *sigh*  fine your right.  their call centers are ran by angels from heaven and in their vast data banks and multiple interfaces the workers use I'm sure that its entirely impossible for them to get access to info they shouldn't have.  God know I don't have access to info at work I am not supposed to, i bet you don't either.   Your absolutely right you win.


    now that's an argument, because your company is unable to run on propper security blizz must be too, that funneh :)

    so how many  customers you guys have? anywhere close to 11 million? :>

    and how many pins to bankers know?

    just cos they arranged my bank account does not mean they got my PIN and stuff, according to your logic, they do tho ^^



    ps: my hair is a bird...

    not my company but the one my wife works for.  lets see

    they answer phones as a third party call center for

    one of the largest cell phone providers in the us (giving them the ability to make account changes after you call and the collect your info)

    one of the largest credit card companies in the us (giving them your credit card and validation info after you answer the sec questions)

    and one of the largest insurance compaines in the us (giving them your social security and medical history)


    all have more customers than blizzard.....       :)

    obviously I can't post the names of the corporations but use a little imagination and you can probably guess 2 out of the 3

  • MrMxyzptlkMrMxyzptlk Member Posts: 141

    I get one of those so called emails from blizzard every week. The link that they send me takes me to a website that can steal my account info.

  • wildtalentwildtalent Member UncommonPosts: 380

    I also want to chime in here and reinterate...blizzard themselves (the execs) don't have to be behind anything for what the OP is saying to be true.  It just takes one bored rogue employee. 

    Also, I want to say that I am sure the OP prob doesn't believe that it's 100% the fault of a blizz employee just a small percentage of it. 

    This is a large scope issue.  What is more likely the case is that some rogue employees are selling info,  some people have key loggers, some people have security holes and some people are simply idiots and give out their info.

  • SurfriderSurfrider Member UncommonPosts: 302

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