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First come first serve. I'm going to ask that the person that gets this posts one or both of their friend keys here as well. Lets keep this thread going for as long as we can .
Your friend keys will be in an email sent to you after registering. If it's not in your inbox be sure to check your spam!
The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best - and therefore never scrutinize or question.
I tried using it but it said it was invalid. Must of been used. Thanks for the try though! Appreciate it!
I got it, thanks
Heres one of the friends keys, GL and to whoever gets it, post at least one of the friends keys.
Woot! I got it! Thank you!
Where can I find the location of the friend keys?
They email you the 2 codes
Confirming your email gives two, generally in your spam mailbox
Another code, same deal, register, then post at least one of the friends keys, keep it going
Thanks guys!
Here's one!
Danke mucho. Keeping one for a friend, but here is the other.
Anyone got another?
Another key please? Thanks
2nd one i posted already taken?
We’re sorry, your beta key is invalid!
Your beta key may have been entered wrong or already been used.
Please check your beta key and try again.
Return to Instructions
If anyone has an extra one laying around could you throw one my way via pm...tks
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Well someone has it, be nice if that person posted at least one of the friends keys, you got something on the charity of others, keep it going.
if i get one i will post one.. need other for wifey
same here - if i get one i will share one!
wow... just wow.
such a perfect idea goes down in matter of seconds.
its such a shame to see this be messed up by people that are so selfish or lack of moral/character
when another code pops up ill make sure to use it an post both my codes
A Old Friend Once told me " I'll Make ya Famous"
I'm kinda disappointed that it didn't even get past the first page of posts.
Oh, well. Hopefully Someone will continue this.
The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best - and therefore never scrutinize or question.
Very sad indeeed....
Please pm me a key and ill post my free one i get. THank you
2 keys here
wow gone already
Awesome. Thanks for continuing it Lerwen!
The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best - and therefore never scrutinize or question.
But here are some more!