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What's PVP like? Can I not participate?

sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

So I actually really liked everything about Darkfall except PvP. I think they would have had one hell of a game if they stuck to PVE. So I've been looking a little at MO and I'm wondering, IS the PVP like DF? Am I going to be running from people I see at every turn? Getting ganked out of no where for no reason?



  • isbellyiisbellyi Member Posts: 8

    it was suppose to be small battles but recently everything is zerging with lag, people flying around and horrible optimization (bad fps)     not fun in my experience

  • gatherisgatheris Member UncommonPosts: 1,016

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    So I actually really liked everything about Darkfall except PvP. I think they would have had one hell of a game if they stuck to PVE. So I've been looking a little at MO and I'm wondering, IS the PVP like DF? Am I going to be running from people I see at every turn? Getting ganked out of no where for no reason?

     in one word



  • osmundaosmunda Member Posts: 1,087

    Well the criminal flagging system is such that you only have to run from members of rival guilds and murderers (flagged red)  If you harvest in any of the popular areas and stay there for long, yes you will get killed (about 50/50 if you harvest in the same area for more than an hour)

  • Southpaw.GamerSouthpaw.Gamer Member CommonPosts: 572

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    So I actually really liked everything about Darkfall except PvP. I think they would have had one hell of a game if they stuck to PVE. So I've been looking a little at MO and I'm wondering, IS the PVP like DF? Am I going to be running from people I see at every turn? Getting ganked out of no where for no reason?

    Both Darkfall and MO were made with pvp in mind, having played both I felt the need to be wary in both games... however if I had to choose which game was worst in terms of ganking and so forth I'd have to say MO simply because there is little to no pve content in the game.  In Darkfall you have a much larger sandbox funny as that is to say.  Both games have a low population at this point, MO being the lowest of the two games.


    If you don't like pvp you best just stay away from both games.

    Full Sail University - Game Design

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    Originally posted by Bainwalker

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    So I actually really liked everything about Darkfall except PvP. I think they would have had one hell of a game if they stuck to PVE. So I've been looking a little at MO and I'm wondering, IS the PVP like DF? Am I going to be running from people I see at every turn? Getting ganked out of no where for no reason?

    Both Darkfall and MO were made with pvp in mind, having played both I felt the need to be wary in both games... however if I had to choose which game was worst in terms of ganking and so forth I'd have to say MO simply because there is little to no pve content in the game.  In Darkfall you have a much larger sandbox funny as that is to say.  Both games have a low population at this point, MO being the lowest of the two games.


    If you don't like pvp you best just stay away from both games.

    Damn that's too bad because the feature list has EVERYTHING else I'd want in an MMORPG too. EVERYTHING ELSE.


    Why oh why do they have to ruin it for me with PVP? Can't they just open a pve server? You know, like how they'd have a pvp server in EQ, but reversed.

    EDIT: Oh and thanks for all the quick responses too.

  • ToferioToferio Member UncommonPosts: 1,411

    PvE only server goes against MOs goals, considering there is almost no PvE in the game, people would have nothing to do on a PvE server. And yes, if you are not in a guild, you will be ganked 24/7, if you are in a guild you willo be zerging 24/7 :)

  • NatarayaNataraya Member Posts: 78

    hi there,

    While pvp is one main feature in MO i  guess a smart player could find a way to get involved in zero fights, there is plenty of bodyguard services runned by players and you can allways join a guild where you will find people to protect you while you do your risky activities and craft all your items in your guild city. 

    Hope you give it a try if you liked the rest of features, for me is the most fresh game i have played in long time.

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    I guess I'm not completely turned off by PVP, and I know it is a "goal" of the devs for all PVP all the time. But in reality, it just never works well enough to be a big part of an MMORPG. PVP seems to fall short in every instance and cause more problems then the game would have withouth PVP.

    If there really needs to be PVP for whatever reason, then open that PVE server and give the option to flag yourself for PVP when you are ready (with obvious restrictions to how often you can turn on and turn off PVP mode). That why you can have fun and relax when you want to and be all nervous and adrenaline filled when you choose.


    Still thinking about playing MO, but I have to say DF didn't work out for me past a month.

  • DiekfooDiekfoo Member Posts: 583

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    So I actually really liked everything about Darkfall except PvP. I think they would have had one hell of a game if they stuck to PVE. So I've been looking a little at MO and I'm wondering, IS the PVP like DF? Am I going to be running from people I see at every turn? Getting ganked out of no where for no reason?

    You should try MO, you get maxed out (competitive) pretty fast you focus on combat. It takes a little longer on crafting depending on what you want to craft. But in totaly, compairing with DF, MO have much less grind. 

    SV also add new stuff (creatures and feats) every week. I have lots of fun with MO, more fun than I have had in any other MMO, for several years.

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    Originally posted by Diekfoo

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    So I actually really liked everything about Darkfall except PvP. I think they would have had one hell of a game if they stuck to PVE. So I've been looking a little at MO and I'm wondering, IS the PVP like DF? Am I going to be running from people I see at every turn? Getting ganked out of no where for no reason?

    You should try MO, you get maxed out (competitive) pretty fast you focus on combat. It takes a little longer on crafting depending on what you want to craft. But in totaly, compairing with DF, MO have much less grind. 

    SV also add new stuff (creatures and feats) every week. I have lots of fun with MO, more fun than I have had in any other MMO, for several years.

    Yeah, I think I might try it anyways. It's always good to give a little support to the indie MMO devs from time to time too.

  • Southpaw.GamerSouthpaw.Gamer Member CommonPosts: 572

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Originally posted by Diekfoo

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    So I actually really liked everything about Darkfall except PvP. I think they would have had one hell of a game if they stuck to PVE. So I've been looking a little at MO and I'm wondering, IS the PVP like DF? Am I going to be running from people I see at every turn? Getting ganked out of no where for no reason?

    You should try MO, you get maxed out (competitive) pretty fast you focus on combat. It takes a little longer on crafting depending on what you want to craft. But in totaly, compairing with DF, MO have much less grind. 

    SV also add new stuff (creatures and feats) every week. I have lots of fun with MO, more fun than I have had in any other MMO, for several years.

    Yeah, I think I might try it anyways. It's always good to give a little support to the indie MMO devs from time to time too.

    don't throw your money away, at least find an indie developer that provides a good game

    Full Sail University - Game Design

  • osmundaosmunda Member Posts: 1,087

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Yeah, I think I might try it anyways. It's always good to give a little support to the indie MMO devs from time to time too.

    If you are on the fence, I'd say wait a few more weeks and keep an eye on this:  In particular, keep an eye on what they say about the fledgeling flag (currently planned for Sept 13th.  When that is put in place, no one will be able to attack you for the first 20 hours of time in game.  

    Keep in mind some of the naysayers (i.,e. toferio, and bainwalker) don't play the game.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,771

    Originally posted by osmunda

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Yeah, I think I might try it anyways. It's always good to give a little support to the indie MMO devs from time to time too.

    If you are on the fence, I'd say wait a few more weeks and keep an eye on this:  In particular, keep an eye on what they say about the fledgeling flag (currently planned for Sept 13th.  When that is put in place, no one will be able to attack you for the first 20 hours of time in game.  

    Keep in mind some of the naysayers (i.,e. toferio, and bainwalker) don't play the game.

     Or better yet.. wait just a few days until Massively does their official review of the game.  Pretty sure that Sera actually played it so we will see what she has to say image

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    Too late I already subscribed! haha! I've been through enough betas and really funk indie games to know how long to wait. I mean, I even played Wurm online for a while. Played SWG through all the memory leaks etc. I just couldn't resist any longer. I couldn't let one feature get in the way of all the other things I could do!


    So any guilds recruiting? image

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    Originally posted by isbellyi

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Too late I already subscribed! haha! I've been through enough betas and really funk indie games to know how long to wait. I mean, I even played Wurm online for a while. Played SWG through all the memory leaks etc. I just couldn't resist any longer. I couldn't let one feature get in the way of all the other things I could do!


    So any guilds recruiting? image


    hope you used a credit card to get a refund after playing it for a week and finding out the truth of how bad it is

    If it's bad, it's bad. I'll just move on. Although $40.00 was kind of a lot to spend so I will be making an extra effort to like the game.

  • username509username509 Member CommonPosts: 635

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Too late I already subscribed! haha! I've been through enough betas and really funk indie games to know how long to wait. I mean, I even played Wurm online for a while. Played SWG through all the memory leaks etc. I just couldn't resist any longer. I couldn't let one feature get in the way of all the other things I could do!


    So any guilds recruiting? image

    Your a veteran MMO player than you must know how buggy MMO's are when they are first released.  Compared to the monthlong rollbacks of UO, the featureless and buggy system SWG had when it first came out, or the disaster Eve Online was when it was released Mortal Online had a decent release.  

    There are many guilds recruiting on the official mortal online forums I would check those out.  

    The game gets better with every patch, more bug fixes, more features etc...

    If you liked SWG than your going to love Mortal Online.

    Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!

  • DiekfooDiekfoo Member Posts: 583

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Too late I already subscribed! haha! I've been through enough betas and really funk indie games to know how long to wait. I mean, I even played Wurm online for a while. Played SWG through all the memory leaks etc. I just couldn't resist any longer. I couldn't let one feature get in the way of all the other things I could do!


    So any guilds recruiting? image

    Check here:

  • ToferioToferio Member UncommonPosts: 1,411

    Originally posted by username509

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Too late I already subscribed! haha! I've been through enough betas and really funk indie games to know how long to wait. I mean, I even played Wurm online for a while. Played SWG through all the memory leaks etc. I just couldn't resist any longer. I couldn't let one feature get in the way of all the other things I could do!


    So any guilds recruiting? image

    Your a veteran MMO player than you must know how buggy MMO's are when they are first released.  Compared to the monthlong rollbacks of UO, the featureless and buggy system SWG had when it first came out, or the disaster Eve Online was when it was released Mortal Online had a decent release. 

    You know damn well your self that it's not fair to compare MO release in 2010 to 10 years old games. The standards are higher now, and MO can't even get it's server stable 3 months after release.

  • ultimt1ultimt1 Member Posts: 7

    ive been ganked by more blues than reds. 

    its unfortunate that the best way to play the game is to join a guild.  i have nothing against guilds,( i ended up joining one), just that joining a guild shouldnt be something you are almost forced to do in order to have a chance at being competetive.


    im still playing, and i am still willing to play, only not much sand in the box right now.

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712


    Originally posted by ultimt1 ive been ganked by more blues than reds.  its unfortunate that the best way to play the game is to join a guild.  i have nothing against guilds,( i ended up joining one), just that joining a guild shouldnt be something you are almost forced to do in order to have a chance at being competetive.   im still playing, and i am still willing to play, only not much sand in the box right now.


    I played a little yesterday after I downloaded all the patches and I think they made the typical PvP centric mistake that I've seen everytime. They make things difficult to do just for the sake of difficulty. Like stealing. The only people who are going to have fun with that are greifers. Do they really expect people to be having fun worrying about theives for the 100th time while they're in town? Sure it might have been fun the first 1 or 2 times but after that it gets really annoying and shows how bad of a feature it is. That and "never being safe". Why do that? This isn't Modern Warfare FPS, it's supposed to still be an mmorpg at heart. No giving a chance to feel safe and rest makes me personally not want to play any time I feel like relaxing.


    Also, I ended up joining a guild too. I think that may make or break the game for me. I'm not going to give up on it just yet either.

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    Day 2 report.

    Game is pretty fun. I'm having a little more fun than I did on DF becuase the guild I'm in is still only 5 men strong and we don't have a guild house or anything. I think this game is best played only in a guild. Greifers suck, theives suck, but the fun out weighs the bad so far.

    Best part of the day.

    The 4 of us were hunting bulls and we spotted another set of 3 horses up top of a hill. So our guild leader decided to take a look and one of the a lady jumped out of no where and pulled a bow on him. He backed off  and tried to communicate that we are friendly. So then he told on of our other guys to go over there and try to talk to them.

    So I am waiting on my horse next to the leader and one other guy like a scene straight out of brave heart and I said this.

    Me: I've never done this before.

    Leader: Done what?

    Me: I've never been in hostile negotiations.

    My heart was pounding the whole time and I was hoping that they'd leave us alone to hunt and it turned out that the lady in their party pulled a bow on us because they were scared of us attacking them, so we all came to an agreement that they'd stay on their side of the hill and us on our side.


    It was awesome.

  • RohnRohn Member UncommonPosts: 3,730

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Day 2 report.

    Game is pretty fun. I'm having a little more fun than I did on DF becuase the guild I'm in is still only 5 men strong and we don't have a guild house or anything. I think this game is best played only in a guild. Greifers suck, theives suck, but the fun out weighs the bad so far.

    Best part of the day.

    The 4 of us were hunting bulls and we spotted another set of 3 horses up top of a hill. So our guild leader decided to take a look and one of the a lady jumped out of no where and pulled a bow on him. He backed off  and tried to communicate that we are friendly. So then he told on of our other guys to go over there and try to talk to them.

    So I am waiting on my horse next to the leader and one other guy like a scene straight out of brave heart and I said this.

    Me: I've never done this before.

    Leader: Done what?

    Me: I've never been in hostile negotiations.

    My heart was pounding the whole time and I was hoping that they'd leave us alone to hunt and it turned out that the lady in their party pulled a bow on us because they were scared of us attacking them, so we all came to an agreement that they'd stay on their side of the hill and us on our side.


    It was awesome.


    Nice story.  Sometimes it's those little moments that make the game.

    I've had quite a few of those "oh shit" moments - they can definitely get the adrenaline flowing.  Oddly enough, they've ended up peacefully just as often as they've resulted in PvP, in my experience.  Much better ratio than in some other games I've played, where people attacked as if compelled to do so without question.

    In any event, welcome to the game! image

    Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.

  • DiekfooDiekfoo Member Posts: 583

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Day 2 report.

    Game is pretty fun. I'm having a little more fun than I did on DF becuase the guild I'm in is still only 5 men strong and we don't have a guild house or anything. I think this game is best played only in a guild. Greifers suck, theives suck, but the fun out weighs the bad so far.

    Best part of the day.

    The 4 of us were hunting bulls and we spotted another set of 3 horses up top of a hill. So our guild leader decided to take a look and one of the a lady jumped out of no where and pulled a bow on him. He backed off  and tried to communicate that we are friendly. So then he told on of our other guys to go over there and try to talk to them.

    So I am waiting on my horse next to the leader and one other guy like a scene straight out of brave heart and I said this.

    Me: I've never done this before.

    Leader: Done what?

    Me: I've never been in hostile negotiations.

    My heart was pounding the whole time and I was hoping that they'd leave us alone to hunt and it turned out that the lady in their party pulled a bow on us because they were scared of us attacking them, so we all came to an agreement that they'd stay on their side of the hill and us on our side.


    It was awesome.

    Nice report, thanks. Good to see that you have fun playing MO. I have been in many adrenaline pumping situation in MO. Also, I agree, thieves can be annoying sometimes. But I expect SV will probably balance things up.

    I hope you have seen that SV yesterday got a new very important update from Epic. That will improve lots of things and SV can also start adding more content, all the creeps/NPC's that require more advance and bug free AI. New GUI and more nice looking trees etc ... Check here for what the new update will improve:

  • HodoHodo Member Posts: 542

    PVP in MO is simple...


    Get a steel, or tungsteel mercy dagger on a stick, call it a spear, and run around with a min/max toon thrust spam attacking anyone in front of you.   No skill needed. 

    So much crap, so little quality.

  • ltankltank Member UncommonPosts: 293

    Originally posted by Hodo

    PVP in MO is simple...


    Get a steel, or tungsteel mercy dagger on a stick, call it a spear, and run around with a min/max toon thrust spam attacking anyone in front of you.   No skill needed. 

    So very very very true. Yup, no misinformation there.image

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