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Friend Invite (Can Provide Bloodline Champions Invite)

JakeSimJakeSim Member RarePosts: 884

Hey, I was wondering if anyone possibly has a friend invite for Vindictus. I would love to help test this game out. My e-mail is [email protected].

I can provide a Bloodline Champions friend invite. Just e-mail me along with the invite.

Also, I have no idea if that is against the rules here to offer a friend invite from one game for the other, so please let me know if it is.


If you do end up sending one, please post here so I do not receive multiple.

Thank you.

Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated! 



  • JakeSimJakeSim Member RarePosts: 884

    anyone? :)

    Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated! 

    TWITCH: @JakeSimTV
  • SmikisSmikis Member UncommonPosts: 1,045

    can supply same :) + free lotro beta key  ( not much use tho as game goes free in 2-3 weeks , but least im honest ) would love key too

  • VampgamrVampgamr Member Posts: 30

    closed beta ended on the 24th, open should be soon,keep fingers crossed its soon

    Currently playing Jade Dynasty,looking for master,I'm a level 75 Arden,name iBiTeU,server-Billows

  • OtakunOtakun Member UncommonPosts: 874

    There is a chance for a 2nd closed beta for all we know. Though it was stated that there will be a lot of invites sent out soon.

  • VampgamrVampgamr Member Posts: 30

    Originally posted by Otakun

    There is a chance for a 2nd closed beta for all we know. Though it was stated that there will be a lot of invites sent out soon.

    thank god,i applied for 1st closed beta,but i didnt get in,i heard it was randomized,supposedly someone just mashed the keys and put a bunch of random numbers in the boxes for the application and he got in,im not saying this is true,just a rumor i am shame-shameing Nexon for image<- cool emote

    Currently playing Jade Dynasty,looking for master,I'm a level 75 Arden,name iBiTeU,server-Billows

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