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That certain people have already achieved level 50 or so? And there are like, 60 levels?
Oof. Bet the PvP comes in real handy for those players then. =p
I dont have the game so maybe somebody could please do a /who for me or something? I heard this from a friend but he had no proof.
level 56, troll rogue called Xenif
hehe i find this hilarious
i think this is a good thing. eventually the powergamers will accept that WoW isnt a powergamer game. Its for casual players. Powergamers are gonna burn out... best be without them if you ask me. People who play mmorpgs 15+ hrs every day like these guys are well retarded and not very social in real life so i doubt they got social skills in game.
I lvoe the fact i can get to 40 in 3 months playing a few hrs a day :P.
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, EverQuest 2 World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, EverQuest 2 World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
The l3leest
The l3east
WoW is so... WOW! Get it?
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
I don't have a signature so stop looking for one.
I don't have a signature so stop looking for one.
Well getting that high a level in first week or so is (i think) abit sad...
Only because for the last week or so they must of had little to no contact to the outside world, and been playing like 10-15hrs aday. Now I do agree that this game is really good but I cant see why people would want to burn themselves out so quick. Well it remains to be seen what will happen to the those speedy gamers...
<img src="">
Ya, I remember I got lvl 20 in L2 in one day, and I quit the character the next day cause I couldnt take it anymore. I dont like to play to excessively, it makes the class you are playing and game less fun imo.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-
Games Played:DoAC, EQ, CoH, Lineage 2, Planetside, Shadowbane, EQ2, EVE, WoW Beta
Playing:(Waiting to buy WoW)
The fact that somone is already level 57 is a bad sign for WoW IMO. I think the game is awesome but I always had a concern about the staying power it would have. That was the main reason I didn't end up getting it. Even with the addition of end game content I see the game getting a bit boring after awhile. Not syaing the game is bad at all, just see it fading out in the not so distant future.
Well, it has to be around 3 people playing the same character to keep it going 24/7.
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
Famous people speak out:
Im for the death penalty. If you commit a terrible crime you should have a harsh punishment...So you learn until next time.
-Britney Spears
Famous people speak out:
Im for the death penalty. If you commit a terrible crime you should have a harsh punishment...So you learn until next time.
-Britney Spears
wasn't there a system that made you loose xp when playing very long sessions and you needed to rest in an inn or log out? Or was it changed or perhaps not implemented? Just to discourage those powergamers playing 27h/7d?
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
Well that's rather ignorant to call people retarded just because they devote alot of time in MMORPG's, are they retarded? Who knows.
You do know what a retard is?
Well I guess in your eyes I would be a retard knowing that I will play about 24hours periods at Europe launch and sleep for like 6-8 hours a time, but at first I'll play until I actually fall asleep at my keyboard.
Retarded? No, just not very social when theres an addictive game to play.
And your just jealous, I will gank everyone I can because I will be higher level than them and watch them whine/spam on the European boards about me playing constantly and ganking everyone just because I can.
Im currently "between work" if you can call it that because Im finnished with school so Im semi-actively seeking a job and getting "welfare" until Im employed and the fact that Ive been a drama student does not really help me get a job because the only avaible jobs are like fast-food and Im not degrading myself taking a worthless job like that, theres other means of degradation like prostitution.
So, retarded? no.
Pathetic? yes.
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
"Flamers, beware! when you leave this earth, there is a very special place reserved for you down below with romantic bonefires scourching you bones!"
"I have no prejudices, I hate everyone equally regardless of race or religion"
"Been there, done that!"
"Flamers, beware! when you leave this earth, there is a very special place reserved for you down below with romantic bonefires scourching you bones!"
"I have no prejudices, I hate everyone equally regardless of race or religion"
"Been there, done that!"
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
I did a check last night, and on the SIlvermoon server there is only a handfull of 25-30 levels. Did /who several times and there didnt seem to be any people on that were over level 30.
Level 12 Gnomish Mage
Silvermoon server
Level 21 Gnomish Mage
Level 19 Night Elf Hunter
Silvermoon server
But doesnt the /who command only give you players in a certain area? So the 40+ players might have been in some high level areas, or just further in the game.
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
Ok i think i understand... So you can have an accurate reading of the players level on your server? Well anyway doesnt matter to me that much yet, because im waiting for Euro release
Why on earth does this mater? If you play competitivly then MMORPG's are likely not your thing. Well I guess they could be, but your going to waste an awful lot of money achieving the same amount of satisfaction that you would out of any old FPS.
Some players tag-play, where when one player burns out his/her room-mate/friend/brother/sister take over where they left off, then in 24 hours when that player burns out they tag again. To me it seems foolish. I play these games for the story and for the exploration of the game content (And running through killing a few mobs, or doing the quests without reading them or being able to put them into an in-game context does not count as experiencing game content).
Well I guess we all play differently, but it's pretty annoying to have to awnser questions for high level players when they can't find the friggin bank or something:)
And don't get me wrong. I have no problem at all with so called 'power-gamers' (I am pretty much one myself). But I also don't see why it is important to know who is the highest player in a game especially since we all eventually plateau and the player who is the "Highest" changes almost hourly.
All MMORPGs are like that. When I was playing EQ2, when I finally reached Level 10, I actually saw some people above Level 20 walking around.
They are people that do not work, that do not go to school, that HAVE NO LIFE, that all they do is play MMORPGs all day long, power-leveling and become better than everyone else.
That's not unfair, trust me. They will just die from a heart-attack like what happened to a few people in Japan. People that died in front of their PCs or in Cyber-cafes cause all they did was play games all day, drink coffee (or high-caffeine beverages) and ate chips.
Play casually, have fun, and just let the power-levelers do what they want.
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P