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so im looking for a mmorpg where you have to button mash to attack
like a shooter game that is mixed with a WoW kind of world
where you can go anywhere, preferably with pvp. i would like to have to aim and shoot at your
enemy, as to click on the enemy so your character walks over and attacks while you just watch
him swing or shoot as to actually making your character swing or shoot
not like say war rock where you buy guns and crap when you log in
and then you have to find a server
i want a game where you are useing reaction as to strategy somthing more fast paste
if you have any info on this or this just makes no sense at all plz reply
what your describing to me sounds like Darkfall or mortal online,also Xyson will have this. those are all sand box type games. If your looking for more a theme park thats like that i would say maybe Conan.
played M59,UO,lineage,EQ,Daoc,Entropia,SWG,Horizons,Lineage2.EQ2,Vangaurd,Irth online, DarkFall,Star Trek
and many others that did not make the cut or i just plain forgetting about.
I strongly suggest Fantasy Earth Zero! What you are looking for is definitely there!
look up some e3 footage on from The Agency, may fit your preferences