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Pleasantly Surprised!

So I took a plunge back into WAR after I found out my account had a free 14-day option to it. I always had fond memories of WAR and it was the one game that had me hooked for a good 3-4 months after launch and made me forget about WoW. One of the things I always respected WAR for was that it was the first PvP oriented game that I took a chance on (never played games like DAOC and completely avoided any PvP in WoW) and actually enjoyed the PvP.

Not to soon after launch, many issues became apparent, a lot of them were game breaking for me. Alas, I only ever got a toon into T3 on Order side. One of my biggest gripes at the time was the sync between the server and character action input, which was unbearable. It was no fun at all to hit a skill and watch it happen 3 seconds later, and this also threw the global CD off sync, so timing your abilities was almost impossible.

The second biggest issue was large scale pvp performance. FPS went down faster than Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office, and scenarios and RvR lakes became unplayable, even on really good systems. Even Nordenwatch was pretty choppy, despite the fact even spell effects were minimal due to limited skills available in that level bracket.

So how is WAR now? I'm gonna try to update this day-by-day, tier-by-tier, and see how things go.

Day 1 - Rank 5 Black Guard (Iron Rock Server) - Playtime: 1.5 Hours

I was immediately surprised to see the Empire/Chaos starting area was altered a bit, but in a good way. It felt more streamlined. All races start here now, but do have the option to go to their original starting lands. Lag seemed non-existent. Everything responded instantly, skills functioned as they should, NPC's responded immediately upon clicking them, and interactive objects were working properly. FPS also seemed a lot more smoother, and I have things running fairly high.

I was able to do 3 scenarios while I quested around. Nordenwatch twice and Gates of Ekrund once. Now, here was the biggest shock for me: the freakin' scenarios ran without a hitch! Even with both teams clashing on my screen all at once, everything ran super smooth, and there was not a drop in FPS or server response! I especially remember GoE being even worse than NW for a T1 scenario in terms of performance.

Overall, I'm very happy and actually having fun! Unfortunately, having to work today cuts my playtime short. Till the next update!

Day 2 & 3 - Rank 10 Black Guard (Iron Rock Server) - Playtime: 5 hours

I got to spend lots of time in the T1 RvR lake and man was it booming! Both Friday and Saturday both sides had at least 1 full WarBand (24 players) fighting from Objective to Objective. RvR activity, in T1 anyway, seems to be active all times of the day from what I've seen so far. Once again, my memories of open RvR were full of horrible performance and server lag. None of that was present. Framerates, Movements, and Abilities ran and functioned very smoothly. It was a blast to actually be able to see and know what you were doing.

Something new (to me anyway) I noticed was a token/emblem system, and this allows you to get blue quality weapons and an armor set in addition to regular green/white quality renown gear for T1. Combine that with the T1 RvR Influence rewards, and you can have a really nicely decked out T1 character. This system seems to give you another avenue of advancemet and I imagine it carries over to all the tiers.

There is a ( new? ) low level PvE instance everyone seems to be doing as well called Hunter's Vale, and I've only had a chance to try it once, but without a healer we didn't get far. The PvE is mostly the same, some Public Quests have become easier. If anything, I'm having so much fun in PvP that I have a hard time bringing myself to complete any of my PvE quests. I guess that's a good thing in a PvP game, right?

So far, my only gripe is that everytime I seem to log on, I'm greeted by a new goldseller spammer, but it's only always one person and as soon as I put them on ignore, I don't see anymore spam for the rest of my playtime.

Until my next update, and hopefully I'll be in T2 by then...


  • levsixlevsix Member UncommonPosts: 363

    I also quit about 3 months after launch. I was doing a lot of t4 RvR on the side of Order. I had a lot of negative experiences, several of which you mentioned.

    I got the endless trial a few days ago and am also pleasantly surprised. The client performance is great. I am going into large RvR battles and having consistent frames.

    On a side note, I have seen other former players talk about the 14 day thing. I can't find it on my account management. I subbed for several months and would like to do that if it is available. Do you mind putting me in the right direction?

    Keep us posted on your experience. I'm doing Destro right now and having a good time. For free you can't beat it. I was completely jaded and annoyed with this game but I'm glad I gave it a shot. On the downside, I suspect tier 2 and 3 are ghost towns. I fear they are going to have to just put this game on one f'ing serverr and it is going to go the way of Tabula Rasa and Hellgate. Hopefully that won't happen.

    Have a winner and don't go on a game over! Does your avatar make you powerful in real life? Check out the Mystical Enders gaming community.

  • DillingerEPDillingerEP Member UncommonPosts: 366

    Originally posted by levsix

    On a side note, I have seen other former players talk about the 14 day thing. I can't find it on my account management. I subbed for several months and would like to do that if it is available. Do you mind putting me in the right direction?

    Go to the Warhammer website >> Account Management. Should be at the log in screen, right underneath on the bottom of the page, is Call to Arms Re-Enlisment Campaign. Your account has to be in-active for 90+ day's to be eligible.

  • kaiser3282kaiser3282 Member UncommonPosts: 2,759

    Originally posted by levsix

    I also quit about 3 months after launch. I was doing a lot of t4 RvR on the side of Order. I had a lot of negative experiences, several of which you mentioned.

    I got the endless trial a few days ago and am also pleasantly surprised. The client performance is great. I am going into large RvR battles and having consistent frames.

    On a side note, I have seen other former players talk about the 14 day thing. I can't find it on my account management. I subbed for several months and would like to do that if it is available. Do you mind putting me in the right direction?

    Keep us posted on your experience. I'm doing Destro right now and having a good time. For free you can't beat it. I was completely jaded and annoyed with this game but I'm glad I gave it a shot. On the downside, I suspect tier 2 and 3 are ghost towns. I fear they are going to have to just put this game on one f'ing serverr and it is going to go the way of Tabula Rasa and Hellgate. Hopefully that won't happen.

     Youre absolutely right about that, and one of the biggest drawbacks to being / becoming a paying player unless youve already got a T4 character. T1 is awesome, T2 is (or at least was when i last played prob 2-3 months ago) not terrible, slower than T1 but still pretty active in primetime, T3... just plain dead. All anyone does is grind PvE in LOTD from 25+ so there is very very little RvR or Scenario action going on. If you can grind your way through to T4 though without getting too bored, it picks back up again in T4, though then youve got to suffer through getting your ass handed to you by everyone else due to being 40 w/ high RR and PvP gear.

  • levsixlevsix Member UncommonPosts: 363

     Thanks a lot, Dillinger.


    Yeah, Kaiser, I expect to get a lot of o-ring damage in tier 4. I have an engineer but he's got about 40 levels of rr to go.


    I'll probably check back in here if i have any more questions. I've been trying to get some friends to give the trial a spin.  Several are trying it now (vets from the launch days). On the downside, a couple of our guildies had their accounts hacked. They had not been playing for over a year and came back to find their accounts were now in someone else's control.

    Have a winner and don't go on a game over! Does your avatar make you powerful in real life? Check out the Mystical Enders gaming community.

  • AzerinAzerin Member Posts: 170

    Updated with Day 2 & 3!

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