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What is the system requirement and is the game good?

Pain_K1llerPain_K1ller Member Posts: 7

I had heard that Aion got perfect graphic but the gameplay is just like all the other mmorpg,

I currently have a PC with 4GB but my friend said I need 8GB in order to run the game smooth.


Can someone explain the gameplay of Aion and the system requirement? thanks


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  • IceAgeIceAge Member EpicPosts: 3,208

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  • sultharsulthar Member Posts: 298

    I personnally didnt like Aion, but i must admit its working well.


    I hope you like to grind alot because its all youll do !

  • IceAgeIceAge Member EpicPosts: 3,208

    Originally posted by sulthar

    I hope you like to grind alot because its all youll do !

    Wrong, when was the last time playing the game? V1.9 brings alot to the table, including an substantial increase in xp for quests and such. Also new quests were add and some nice features.

    If you are talking about grinding for items and such, tell me a game where you don't need to "grind" for it.

    So don't talk if you have no ideea about the game.

    Reporter: What's behind Blizzard success, and how do you make your gamers happy?
    Blizzard Boss: Making gamers happy is not my concern, making money.. yes!

  • DraneanDranean Member Posts: 77

    Originally posted by sulthar

    I personnally didnt like Aion, but i must admit its working well.


    I hope you like to grind alot because its all youll do !

     After the 1.9 patch the game changed quite a bit. They added a nice amount of flight paths and increased the amount of EXP gained from quests.

    About the game...

    First when it came out I did not look at it as it looked like a typical grind game which I don't enjoy very much. Later when I got bored of Age of Conan I decided to give Eve-Online another try which didn't really work out for me either. I bought Aion installed it and started playing. This was just a little bit before patch 1.9 was released. I can say that I enjoy playing the game. Please understand that a decent/proper legion influences your view on the game. If you find yourself a legion that suits your style you will have a lot of fun.

  • WilliacWilliac Member Posts: 212

    I didn't like the game. The world was beautiful, character customization was great and the background lore was okay. But every quest is almost the same, and the NPC texts are poorly written imo. The zones are terrible with very little to explore and the lore could have been used much better than what's currently the case.

    But your experience may differ from mine, and if you have a friend playing Aion ask if you may try it out. I don't think they have a trail...

  • Insane666Insane666 Member UncommonPosts: 67

    personally i was hugely dissapointed by aion, with the exception of a week were i had great fun during the beta, when it finally got to launch day i think i was bit tired with the game,,,

    the game is way too much wow'ish for me, and the gfx, cotrary to what most ppl say, is just extremely poor for a p2p AAA title in late 2009

    i got dragged in by the promise of levelling trough pvp, and faction based pvp in general,,, 

    1. lvling trough pvp is just a lie, while theorethically possible it would take years or even more to get juts a few lvls out of pvp, at least its what it used to be like ( oh, and the biggest BS about it is that you first have to grind your arse off to 20-25 at the very minnimum to have any chance for faction based pvp )

    2. the general pvp model i saw in this game is something i disliked most i think, alltho i have to admit im biased on this subject, becouse of playing Anarchy Online for like 6 last years, and in that game there is something we call pvp lvl range ( a max lvl of 220 can only attack a mid lvl of at least 175+, the whole thing scales down, ie: a lvl 207 cant attack any1 under 165 ), in aion like in pretty much most games out there, if not all, you often will encounter ppl so much higher in lvl that you have virtually zero chance of succeding


    i think i was a bit biased on that game by my servers pretty childish community, all in all, only real good fun i had was soloing abbyss and looking for 1on1 pvp, but that was only possible on lower lvls till the main wave of launch day levelers arrived, tried it few months later - lvls 40-50s were roaming trough lowest lvl abbyss gankin leaving little or none space at all to the lowbies there

    Games previously played: AO, AoC, Aion, AoW, Eve, SWTor, WaR, STO, TSW, DCUO, FE, BP, ProjectEntropia, FootballSuperstars!

  • QazzQazz Member Posts: 577

    I played until I got to the mid-30's.  The ganking got totally out of control.  I got ganked trying to get to the next grinding hub when I was getting camped at the previous spot.  It's too easy to over-gear a lower level toon and the world is basically one really long road, so It's very inconvenient for your friends to get to where you are to help IMHO.  I suppose with 1.9 this has been remedied to a degree with the new flightpaths and decreased need for grinding, but the obvious lack of class balance at mid-levels (people apparently only care about balance at max level, even though PvP starts at level 20) and the huge disadvantage to new players makes it very difficult for me to want to return.

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