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[8000 and over] Extremely High Performance |
Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings. |
[5500–7999] Very High Performance |
Easily capable of running the game. Should perform exceptionally well, even at higher resolutions. |
[4500-5499] High Performance |
Easily capable of running the game. Should perform well, even at higher resolutions. |
[3000-4499] Fairly High Performance |
Capable of running the game on default settings. Consider switching to a higher resolution depending on performance. |
[2500-2999] Standard Performance |
Capable of running the game on default settings. |
[2000-2499] Slightly Low Performance |
Capable of running the game, but may experience some slowdown. Adjust settings to improve performance. |
[1500-1999] Low Performance |
Capable of running the game, but will experience considerable slowdown. Adjusting settings is unlikely to improve performance. |
[Under 1500] Insufficient Performance |
Does not meet specifications for running the game. |
Scored 3705 on the Hi-Res test
Scored 3963 on the Low-Res test
Load time 16762 MS
i7 2.8 GHZ OC to 3.6
12 Gig DDR3 Ram
ATI 5970 2 gigs of ram
SSD for game drive
I have a pretty badass PC if I do say so myself....and they say the best score is over 8000?! wth do you have to have to score that high??!! hahahahaha
BTW the benchmark is BEAUTIFUL!!
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
On low:
Score: 2745
Load time: 16791
I can't run it on high right now because I'm using dual screens at the high resolution doesn't conform correctly. But even on low it's pretty visually amazing.
AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6gHz
Geforce 9800gt 512 (Hope to upgrade later on anyways)
2GB DDR2 ram (I should get more)
Sound Blaster XM (if it really matters)
Wowza those are some really heafty requirements, and it does follow a similar scoring system to the one used by FFXI.
My Scores:
High: 2861
Low: 3865
Still planning on getting an nVidia GTX 480 later this year though, so that alone should help bump my score at least another 2000 points. I'll report back then when I've got it and compare scores, but thats like 5+ months from now as the 480s are bit too pricy for me atm.
Second test:
High: 2787
Low: 4033
i got a 1455 on high with an e8400 @ 4.0ghz, 4 gigs of ddr2 800 ram and an 8800 gts 640. lol, time to upgrade i guess?
1920x1080 resolution, btw
Lets see if anyone can beat these then :P
Low: Score 7115 and load time 10457ms
And High: Score 4145 and load time 10401ms
Can click on the pictures for larger size.
This is definately an NVIDIA game, want to play this best possible then do in with an Nvidia card.
My PC specs are in my signature and the CPU is at 4.2ghz here.
Was it just me or did the galka in that video not have a tail?
They are called Roegadyn now, and they don't have tails this time. All the races have been improvd upon and slightly changed!
BTW, damn fine PC Avery, what nVidia card are you running!? Nevermind I see it now...looking forward to one of those myself eventually!
the person above me answered nvm. Avery is running the new geforce GTX4-series fermi card.
Somebody in alpha/beta should report that as a bug.....
I wouldn't read too much into Ati scores, i just tried it with an 8800gts 512mb and a 4870 1gb as they're the closest cards i had to each other in the cupboard. The 8800GTS is getting the higher score out of the 2 even though the 4870 is a much better card. It's not a shocker seeing as the benchmark is an nvidia one, its heavily biased.
I got 3800 low and 3100 high with my stock x4 820 and a GTX 470 - dual screened. It also ran the temperature up about 10C low and 17-18C on high to the mid 70s. That's with 2 extra fans, so it would be HOT with just the crappy auto-fan setting.
The GPU was at 50 percent on low and 100 on high. Both played smooth, no obvious choppyness. Nice to know it can handle dual-screen decently. If I get a chance to single-screen test I'll see how much the performance jumps.
Avatars are people too
There is a Japanese blog here that is about this I think:
Give it a few months, and hopefully the driver teams for both sides will start to make some optimizations, as usually happens. Still, looks like they're pretty ambitious graphically. Hope this doesn't scare off too many people with lower-end systems.
Looking at my task manager, pretty solidly single-core programming, kind of a shame. Although it wasn't particularly CPU-taxing in any event.
A Modest Proposal for MMORPGs:
That the means of progression would not be mutually exclusive from the means of enjoyment.
Maybe they want everyone to play on the PS3 and let the PC market catch up a couple of years down the road.
I have both, but the requirements seem "too" high. I can run most current MMO's on High to Max settings. As of now, I think my computer will run the game on medium settings, at most.
AMD Phenom II X3 710 Processor (2.6 GHz)
8 GB Kingston HyperX @ 1066
Ati Radeon 4890 (1gb)
1 Terabit Hardrive
Windows 7 (64 bit)
Yeah it's not amazing, but it's not bad either. Maybe a GPU or CPU upgrade...but we'll see.
Wow, and I thought I had a "mid" range machine.....I knew I was in need of an upgrade but this was an eye opener.
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, E7300 @ 2.66 (dual core, Wolfdale), 4 gb PC2 6400, Geforce 9800 GTX+ 512 mb GDDR3, and my HD is nothing special, just a standard 7200 RPM 32 mb cache WD.
low: 2832
high: 1962
Current resolution max for my monitor is 1680 x 1050, so I know I should be able to assume my score is a happy medium between the two marks. So the bigger question is, if I could upgrade just one feature, where would I see the biggest boost? I was kind of leaning towards a new CPU, I know the dual cores are fairly dated. I have a LGA 775 socket and there are a few quads in my price range. Or would a better card go farther in performance? I know GDDR3 is getting kind of dated now too. My mobo can go to DDR2 1200 memorry as well if ram was in the picture, but I am pretty sure i'd see the money go farther on the cpu or card. Any ideas?
Can't wait for XIV
I ran the benchmark on both settings, while keeping the Task Manager open. This benchmark is definitely single-core material - at most, dual core. I really can't see a quad making any difference. Memory isn't likely to make a huge difference either. Score improvements are likely to be heavily GPU based at this point (although I'd definitely hold off for awhile before upgrading for this game's sake.)
On a related note: Anyone here running Windows XP, who's familiar with programs like Rivatuner? I'm curious how much video memory is being demanded by this benchmark, but I only have Vista running at the moment, which won't let me determine video memory usage.
A Modest Proposal for MMORPGs:
That the means of progression would not be mutually exclusive from the means of enjoyment.
Try DL'ing this :
And then look under the sensor part for GPU mem usage.
There are also some GPU wigets out there for vista that show this too.
not sure how to resize the image but heres a link to the score i got¤t=test.png
Just thought I'd check on new nVidia drivers and there surely are some new ones released today! After updating gonna see if I get a better score...
Link is too the Windows 7 64bit version!
Oh no, I was really excited when I saw the designs on the Roegadyn, but the designs on the female Hyur looked better.
Don't feel too bad. I scored a 450 on low resolution ><
So anyone able to get higher then my 4389 on high settings?
I scored 2000 which is very depressing considering my rig runs other 'pretty' games fine like Aion on max settings. Pretty sure you need an i7 and a Nvidia 400 series to score well on this which is somewhat insulting. My cpu is getting old and I can see myself changing it out before XIV is released but if my GTX+ 9800 isn't good enough for SE, then I really don't like them right now.
high: 3265
low: 4279
with a rather new ATI card
Well, when ya think about it, Sony did the same thing with EQII in there wasn't a benchmark but it really put most gamers PC to the test like this is. And it did take nearly 4 years before PC technology caught up enough for the average gamer to run EQII on max.
Square-Enix I believe said something similar, that they're building this to scale over a great deal of time so it looks excellent for many many years to come. Besides EQII's plasticity look, it still shines as a rather pretty MMO for its age.