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Armor Artwork

AzerinAzerin Member Posts: 170

Was exploring areas of the Gateway to Khitai, and stumbled upon a camp for the Scarlet Circle, a faction oriented towards the caster types. The armor design just blew my mind, and I thanked myself a million times for having rolled a Demonologist!


If anyone else has good screenshots of some of the new faction armor, post em here. I know there's videos out there for each faction, but they don't do the artwork justice!


  • Tob7Tob7 Member Posts: 24

    Nice Post, I love those Artwork.   I waqnna see more and more of them :)

  • DeeweDeewe Member UncommonPosts: 1,980

    Great stuff, thanks for the pics!


    Honestly I drool at a dye system on top of that ;)

  • ZeletorZeletor Member Posts: 150

    Gorgeous shot! :D Thanks for the screen, I also have a demonologist, can't wait to break him out of Tortage >:D

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