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"Carrie - Yeah. At the moment…I don’t currently see any glaring problems with…well, except for the “Waithammer” thing. I don’t have any action items for Open RvR right now. That’s not to say there’s not problems. That’s not to say there’s not things we can improve. But I don’t have a clear path of what we should be doing. Don’t get me wrong, the team does. They go “Oh we should do this” or “We should redo the whole thing” etc… And that goes into that whole thing were I go “Guys, we’re spending too much time futzing with something that already has a known existence and people are enjoying it, maybe others not so much.” I’d like to try to be additive rather instead of messing around with it. But again, everything ends up being iterative in some way so that comment is probably going to come back and bite me many, many times."
I have talked my fair share of shit about this game, and in the same breathe have tried to support this game. I would be lying through my teeth if i said, i didn't find some enjoyment in the game, the last year and a half i played it. Though honestly, how do some of you continue to support these naive group of grade A dipshit's, that's Mythic?
Not a good sign, no.
She doesn't seem to care a lot about RvR - the FOCUS of the game (in theory).
I like Carrie, but I think she's getting worn down with the responsibility. I wouldn't want to be in charge of that mess. Well, actually I would, but I can be arrogant and dictatorial. Sometimes.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Yeah, but it's really a part of the 'on-the-fly' development, imo... It's been going this way for a while now, so I'm not really surprised, honestly. Nontheless, as far as they are able to maintain a try and fail learninig with a relative success (which means, ofc, less fails and more success
), I can 'support' this 'naivité'. But 1.3.5. should be a GOOD patch, definitely.
IF they can put it in without it being bugged all to hell.
The design sounds like a big improvement, but their programmers stink.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2