Had a look on the website, the last mention of any free trial was one which you had to register to before Jan 1st this year or something and was unlimited only up to level 20.
So I'm just wondering now if there is any way to trial this game as it is the only way I would ever return to it.
I played this game at launch (pre-order) for a couple of months or so, max level I got to was a 68 sin, among a bunch of alts.
My main gripes with the game and the reasons I quit are as follows:
Game-breaking lag spikes/crashes (the main reason)
Lack of quests/content at high levels, my only option I was told was to do heaps of runs of the same instance.
Meaningless/lacklustre PvP, tried a PvP server and it seemed pointless, every man for themself ganking and griefing, I prefer PvP with a purpose. Minigame PvP seemed contrived and glued on as an afterthought, lame maps.
Missing/broken features at launch, these didnt affect me much but was still disheartening (sieges, dx10, etc.).
Armor looked boring, a high level item would often use the graphics of a low level one. (ugly sandals ftl)
Things I loved about the game:
Combat, who doesn't love the fatalities? It felt fluid and involved. Even though the button-mashing became annoying at times.
Quests weren't too bad either.
Dark and gritty, lots of gore (I love dark and gritty)
So my question to you guys:
How have the above gripes been improved,fixed or changed? And of course is there a trial?
Hi there, I actually just returned to the game after playing for about 6 months near the beginning.
First things first: Yes there is a trial. I just installed my old game on a new PC I have(need about 6 hours for it to patch), patched it and created a trial account. Not sure how long it goes or how many levels I can play but there are some interesting limitations.
-Can't talk in chat (there is a trial channel, but haven't gotten any response in it)
-Can't use Auction house
-Can't join clans
The toughest thing isn't being able to chat to active players for reasons which you can imagine. As for the game I am really having fun. Its one of the few games where the movement doesn't feel clunky to me which I like. There hasn't been any lag....graphics still are amazing. Logging in you still deal with the little patch sequence, but thats not so bad.
Im in tortage right now, and am doing the initial content and there are alot of people running around which is indictive I think of the games populatio health. I am mainly playing on Cimm. and Wicc. and they are both busy with lowbies in Tortage.
My bottom line is I will prolbably resub my old subscription for atleast a month and talk to some people see what is really happening. Hope I was some help
Lets see, most things have been imrpoved or fixed as problems. The list is so huge I can`t care to name them all, but all patches is on the website with some info about them, so you get the point. DX10 seems to be forever in beta, but I have been using it for the last 12+ months. PvP servers, well, perhaps just go for PvE as it seems that suits the game better, and I think more people play on those. Armor is realistic, so the nice looking ones are rare and epic. Sanctum has some nice ones, and armor from 75+ is greater looking I think. Siges has been improved on most servers, but some still has problems. (Fury)
www.ageofconan.com/trial I think is the adress for trial.
All statements I make is from my point of view unless stated otherwise.
Haha, thanks for the replies guys but it looks like Funcom are up to their old tricks. The trial only allows you to play Tortage... I don't give a shit about Tortage, I want to see what the actual game is like.
I think everyone here can agree with me that Tortage isn't exactly a great indicator of what the rest of the game is like.
I'll wait for a decent trial.
O_o o_O
That´s up to you ofcourse but I don´t see them adding another version of the trial. Since they´re already offering Tortage unlimited I believe.
All statements I make is from my point of view unless stated otherwise.
Well, then it seems you will have to wait until a Veteran`s Comeback to try the game then....the last one was in June 2009. Perhaps your lucky this summer, but I guess that depends on the expansion results.
the only game crashes might happen in full sieges but even then are rare. there is the odd lag spike but very seldom and frankly not much of an issue.
They have added a lot of content especially 60+. they have also added a lot fo end game content so yea you dont have to grind anything anymore to level to 80. Expansion is just arround the corner and it will add quite a bit to do at 80.
The pvp has not changed much. there are a lot more premades teams running most mins now days. witht the Shrines of Bori world group pvp is very meaningfull and very alive. mini's are still the same 4 maps but rewards for winning now make them quite popular. there are still those that like to run arround on pvp server and gank anyone they can.
dx10 is fully functioning and very beautifull but sieges are still quite laggy and possibly the least polished part of the game
. they are much better then at launch but lag is still very annoying especially when 4 full raids are fighting. they also happen a lot more often now.
Armor is still low fantasy but they have come out with new T3 and pvp 10 armor setts. with full graphics settings some of them are very beautifull but still very realistic (some might call it plain). you can probably google most of it if you want to see it. this game will never have Aion like armor.
They have revamped combat quite a bit since the beginning. many things have been fixed and it's never been smoother yet still challenging. a few classes have been reworked, as well as cc immunities implemented.
You now get 1 free level 50 character fo your choice if you already have at least 1 characeter above level 50. one time offer but worth checking out.
The game outside Tortage is exactly like all other fantasy based MMOs. If you have played any of the following then you will know what to expect: WoW, EQ2, LoTRO, Vanguard etc. Which, in a nut shell, is arrive at a quest hub get loads of quest go do them, join six man instances, play pvp in instanced matches, get to lvl cap and raid etc etc. I am sure you get the picture.
So now you know you don't need to wait for a decent trial and either jump right in or not!
Funcom offers a 7-day trial outside tortage a "friend invite" but because this coupled with lots of successful invites into purchase of game can give the recruiter "free" month of gametime mmorpg.com doesn't allow the postings of this on the board here.
If you are looking for an Age of Conan Free Trial please refer to the thread at the top of this forum.