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Post Trial Invites or Buddy Keys Here



  • westmarchwestmarch Member Posts: 21

    Originally posted by RocknRoll

    I'm interested in a buddy key if you have an extra. PM me and I will send my email. Also I'm planning on subscribing.


    Invite sent. Enjoy!

  • RocknRollRocknRoll Member Posts: 21


  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916

    Can someone send me an invitation pretty please? Please pm me for the email. Thanks !

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • LynfiordLynfiord Member UncommonPosts: 16

    Want to thank Icelander for the invite and the ISK received ;) Thumbs up!

  • LysarionLysarion Member Posts: 87

    New month, new keys! just PM me for a trial invite.

    If someone already gave you an invite, you can still PM me IG (Nyalnara or Botan Ume) if you need some advices, i'll help for free =)

    I'm french, that's why I sometimes mis-use or mis-spell some words... Please don't blame me.
    (but feel free to explain my error if you want =)
    Need an Eve-Online trial invite? PM me your email adress =)

  • pupurunpupurun Member UncommonPosts: 561

    i havent tried EVE for over 3 years and from what i heard its has got better through the years...I would love a buddy key to try it again mate! Thanks!

  • westmarchwestmarch Member Posts: 21

    Originally posted by fivoroth

    Can someone send me an invitation pretty please? Please pm me for the email. Thanks !



    Invite sent! Enjoy the game. (If you don't see the invite, look in your spam folder).


    - West

  • LutrienLutrien Member Posts: 16

    I have 4 buddy invites left. Please email me at [email protected]. I have an active corp and would be interested in recruiting you into this corp as well. Please leave me your email address, and I will do my best to send buddy keys same day. Best wishes and FLY SAFE

    ~Macsen <Memento Mori>

  • manalord2manalord2 Member Posts: 9

    Hey, I know this is off-topic, but I have a quick question! I used to play with a friend who just paid for 30-day time keys ( I think that's what it was called) for like 300 mil each. I was wondering if they still had those and if someone was willing to help me get back in until I can buy them on my own IF they still have them? I LOVED the game but my friend quit playing and I moved. To all the trolls FYI no job, no money, no car, no way. 18 and stuck at home for the time being so I need something to pass the time other than bad games and basketball lol.

  • LysarionLysarion Member Posts: 87

    Originally posted by manalord2
    Hey, I know this is off-topic, but I have a quick question! I used to play with a friend who just paid for 30-day time keys ( I think that's what it was called) for like 300 mil each.

    The IG name is "Pilote Licence Extention (PLEX)", and you can buy them from the market.

    Originally posted by manalord2
    I was wondering if they still had those and if someone was willing to help me get back in until I can buy them on my own IF they still have them?

    Yes, they are still avalaible. The price changed since the last time you played, though... You'll see them around 330/340M.

    Originally posted by manalord2
    I LOVED the game but my friend quit playing and I moved. To all the trolls FYI no job, no money, no car, no way. 18 and stuck at home for the time being so I need something to pass the time other than bad games and basketball lol.

    Same here, so i am afraid i won't be able to help you. Good luck on your way back to Eve =)

    I'm french, that's why I sometimes mis-use or mis-spell some words... Please don't blame me.
    (but feel free to explain my error if you want =)
    Need an Eve-Online trial invite? PM me your email adress =)

  • icelandericelander Member UncommonPosts: 113

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by NekoNegde

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Unlimited Buddy Invites left

    how to get them ?

    1. Pm me on private for invite with your email

    2. Register trial, create a char and sent me his nick on PM

    3. Get 10 mil isk just to get started

    4. Play 21 days free time

    5. If like the game sub

    6. after sub sent me pm again here and get 150 mil isk. ( if your sub fail under TOS of buddy program) ( i have posted the tos in this topic )


    why i do this ?

    because if you sub i get 1 month free time

    everyone here do.

    if need help about the game, sent me pm ( no mather if you have sub, trial or anything )


    Ty for money.

    I can confirm that I have got money from her.

    np, my offer is valid and solid!

  • beamermt25beamermt25 Member Posts: 2

    I would like a trial code if possible :-) [email protected]

  • LysarionLysarion Member Posts: 87

    Originally posted by beamermt25
    I would like a trial code if possible :-) *********

    Please don't post your mail adress right here. Why?

    - Privacy?
    - If you post here, you'll probably receive more than one buddy invite, thus some people will have wastedt heir invite.

    [edit] You can still pm me for an invite if nobody sent you one, i have still some avalaible :)

    I'm french, that's why I sometimes mis-use or mis-spell some words... Please don't blame me.
    (but feel free to explain my error if you want =)
    Need an Eve-Online trial invite? PM me your email adress =)

  • lovechiefslovechiefs Member UncommonPosts: 157

    Originally posted by beamermt25
    I would like a trial code if possible :-) [email protected]

    Invite sent :)
    Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. My character name is Ikki Phoenix.

    Good luck in Eve!!!

  • LutrienLutrien Member Posts: 16

    Currently have 4 invites left!~


    If you are itnerested in a 21 day trial and if you are looking to get into Eve Online for Low Sec PVP or for Industrial-manufacturing reasons. Feel free to send me an email with the subject "Eve Buddy please". 

    Send your buddy key requests to [email protected]

    ~Macsen <Memento Mori>

  • ExecutionerKExecutionerK Member Posts: 5

    need a buddy key

    [email protected]


    Email deleted...

  • westmarchwestmarch Member Posts: 21

    Originally posted by ExecutionerK

    need a buddy key

    [email protected]


    Invite sent - enjoy the game! (If you don't see the invite, look in your spam folder).

  • AdraDurusAdraDurus Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by icelander

    Unlimited Buddy Invites left

    how to get them ?

    1. Pm me on private for invite with your email

    2. Register trial, create a char and sent me his nick on PM

    3. Get 10 mil isk just to get started

    4. Play 21 days free time

    5. If like the game sub

    6. after sub sent me pm again here and get 150 mil isk. ( if your sub fail under TOS of buddy program) ( i have posted the tos in this topic )


    why i do this ?

    because if you sub i get 1 month free time

    everyone here do.

    if need help about the game, sent me pm ( no mather if you have sub, trial or anything )

    gameplans for every rase how to start do ISK fast based on the new path 14 december. pm me if interested

    I have pretty much given up because of loss of interest, funds, school and life.  I wasn't able to make the ISK to give icelander that I made a promise for to get a free code, and she got 30 days free in exchange.  I wanted too, I didn't though.  I felt bad and she said it was ok.  I guess it was ok.

    Icelander is a good person to trust.  I'm almost positive she will follow through with her end.  She is the player to pick if you are looking for a buddy invite.

    160 million ISK, that is hard to beat.  Plus, someone who is great to work with.  And also can give you lots of advice.

    Icelander is your choice.  :)

  • caydyncaydyn Member Posts: 1

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by NekoNegde

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Originally posted by icelander

    Unlimited Buddy Invites left

    how to get them ?

    1. Pm me on private for invite with your email

    2. Register trial, create a char and sent me his nick on PM

    3. Get 10 mil isk just to get started

    4. Play 21 days free time

    5. If like the game sub

    6. after sub sent me pm again here and get 150 mil isk. ( if your sub fail under TOS of buddy program) ( i have posted the tos in this topic )


    why i do this ?

    because if you sub i get 1 month free time

    everyone here do.

    if need help about the game, sent me pm ( no mather if you have sub, trial or anything )


    Ty for money.

    I can confirm that I have got money from her.

    np, my offer is valid and solid!

    Great deal, thanks again Icelander

  • BlackasaurusBlackasaurus Member Posts: 2




    Originally posted by Baggs

    6 trial keys left here.

    Quote me with your e-mail for an invite.

    Cu in-game !



    Gon one


  • LysarionLysarion Member Posts: 87

    Originally posted by Lysarion
    Please don't post your mail adress right here. Why? - Privacy?
    - If you post here, you'll probably receive more than one buddy invite, thus some people will have wasted one invite.

    I'm french, that's why I sometimes mis-use or mis-spell some words... Please don't blame me.
    (but feel free to explain my error if you want =)
    Need an Eve-Online trial invite? PM me your email adress =)

  • BlackasaurusBlackasaurus Member Posts: 2

    ill edit my post once i get one

  • westmarchwestmarch Member Posts: 21

    Originally posted by Blackasaurus

    ill edit my post once i get one


    Invite sent. If you don't see it, look in your spam folder. Enjoy the game!

  • lovechiefslovechiefs Member UncommonPosts: 157

    2 invites left. Pm me your email address and I will send it to you

  • UnrulyevilUnrulyevil Member UncommonPosts: 49


    Simply put, ether you sign up yourself and get 14 days trial account, or you PM me with your e-mail address and get 21 days of trial play.




    Eve is a great game but has a steep learning curve, so why not and take your time before deciding if it'll work for you.




    I have an outstanding record and 100% satisfaction rate with folks who stay in the game beyond 21 days.








    3-invites left.

    I have an outstanding record and 100% satisfaction rate with folks who stay in the game beyond 21 days.








    3-invites left.

    I have an outstanding record and 100% satisfaction rate with folks who stay in the game beyond 21 days.








    3-invites left.


    Thank you.


    I have an outstanding record and 100% satisfaction rate with folks who stay in the game beyond 21 days.Simply put, ether you sign up yourself and get 14 days trial account, or you PM me with your e-mail address and get 21 days of trial play.




    Eve is a great game but has a steep learning curve, so why not and take your time before deciding if it'll work for you.




    I have an outstanding record and 100% satisfaction rate with folks who stay in the game beyond 21 days.

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