I tried the game a few years back. I thought it was decent but at the time let my sub run out, which eventually got hacked and banned. I tried the free trieal last year. The community was some of the most juvenile I have ever seen. I had one person following me for 15 minutes spamming me to duel him, calling me a noob cuz I told him I told him I wasn't interested. I had to turn off the region chat because of all the juvenile chuck norris comments being spammed non stop. And when I went back to a lower level area to clean up some old quests some little brat in town started yelling at me to leave, capping WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! YOU NEED TO LEAVE YOU NOOB!
That was enough for me. The community is a bunch of juvenile brats. If the community was better I could see myself enjoying the game, but it's truly one of the worst I've ever seen.
Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end
Casual Gamers - WoW is great. Tons of fun with friends with challenging content.
Veterans - F*ck you. WoW sucks. The community blows and it's too f*cking ez mode. Blizzard is retarded. /RAGE
"Hardcore" WoW Gamers - I'll admit Blizzard has their follies, but they provide challenging content. It takes us a few days with about 4 hours a day of raiding to down the end game stuff. Like I said, it's pretty hard. Maybe I should input some suggestions in the community board for blizzard to read through. I'd like the lich king to be a bit easier.. he took us about 4-5attempts.
Smart MMO Veterans - /Hibernation waiting for something good to come out. Or trollin up 4chan.
I notice that the hatred seems to come from players of other games who saw their favorite game's population decline after WOW came out eg: SWG,EQ,UO etc.. They can't handle the fact that WOW not only appealed to far more people and took away their players but that it continued to stay successful for so long. So they go out of their way to bash it every chance they get. It's the biggest case of nerdrage I've ever seen next to the oldschool SWG veteran's rage against SOE.
That's the core of the problem and I really can't see any other reason what would justify hate against a game.
I wanted to like WAR or Lotro or AoC or I wouldn't have bought them (not even talking about the older games I "tried" to enjoy like Eve or DaoC or EQ2)
But I can't say I "hate" them. I have analysed them and wanted to see what went wrong, but apart from the fact I think I know why they failed to be any serious competition to Blizzard's game, I would say the feeling towards those games is "indifference".
It would be foolish for me to run every other month to the PotBS forums and yell "... I hate this game so much".
I think everyone would be posting ": "You're nuts".
That shows WOW hate is purely based on its popularity and people thinking it "killed" the popularity of their preferred games.
It simply didn't.
All the rest of the arguments are poor man's excuses.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
Wow was great at pre tbc: risk vs reward was awesome. If you had an epic than you just ruled because it was freaking hard to get an epic.
Now they just throw it at your face. Risk vs reward is just so out of balance now.
Raiders still have, by far, the best gear of the game.
The only thing they did is to also give goals to those who don't raid.
I can only agree with that, I'm a raider myself but I'm not driven by my epeen, and I don't care if casual people are wearing purple items at the Ironforge mailbox, my ego isn't threatened by what people have in a video game.
They also made raiding easier to get in by removing the stupidly annoying to organize 40 man raids and changing it to optional 10 or 25 man ones. This is also a major improvement compared to the time they made raid content only 5% of the game population would see, which was clearly a totally flawed design.
The very hard content is still there. Those who will kill the lich king in 25 man heroic mode will be very few. The difficulty is just more progressive, giving more people access to raid content, while still leaving in a challenge for those who want it.
WoW vanilla, regardless how many nice memories I have from it too, was a badly designed game which was, like EQ1, catering way too much to the "no life elitists" which make less than 5% of the player population. WoW TBC, and then WoW WotLK, are way better games because they cater to every single play style instead of the elite few who take games way too seriously and think they are better persons because they own virtual purple crap in a video game, even if those people still have stuff to look forward to no "casual" will ever achieve.
I won't even bother doing it 25 man raid cause i can do it in 10 man raid. I can enjoy the same content as you. And the gear upgrade aint that big of a difference. So whats the point? the achievement?
I will give you that point that it was a design flaw ... but the solution they came up with sux. I don't mind the 25 man raids, but they should have made the raids 2-3 times harder then they were with 40 men (skill based not geared based).
The thing is you have different kinds of items. common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary.
The cool thing about this is so people shouldn't be able to get epic so easily cause then it defeats the point of having those types.
I was thrilled pre tbc to actually have an epic on me. Now well who cares if it is epic or not? everyone has tons of epics. So whats the point. The idea of epic stuff is so that only hardcore people would be able to get that. And not some moron that doesn't even understand what sapping means. So whats even the point of playing those dungeons. The thrill is gone.
I won't even bother doing it 25 man raid cause i can do it in 10 man raid. I can enjoy the same content as you. And the gear upgrade aint that big of a difference. So whats the point? the achievement?
The challenge of doing more difficulty content.
I will give you that point that it was a design flaw ... but the solution they came up with sux. I don't mind the 25 man raids, but they should have made the raids 2-3 times harder then they were with 40 men (skill based not geared based).
The thing is you have different kinds of items. common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary.
The cool thing about this is so people shouldn't be able to get epic so easily cause then it defeats the point of having those types.
Gear is just a tool and who cares what color it is.
I was thrilled pre tbc to actually have an epic on me. Now well who cares if it is epic or not? everyone has tons of epics. So whats the point. The idea of epic stuff is so that only hardcore people would be able to get that. And not some moron that doesn't even understand what sapping means. So whats even the point of playing those dungeons. The thrill is gone.
If you only play the game to have better gear than others then I pity you and you will be disapointed in the game since it is moving away from such petty concerns. The game is becoming about what content you can beat and not about what gear you can get. The Gear Myth is dieing.
I won't even bother doing it 25 man raid cause i can do it in 10 man raid. I can enjoy the same content as you. And the gear upgrade aint that big of a difference. So whats the point? the achievement?
The challenge of doing more difficulty content.
I will give you that point that it was a design flaw ... but the solution they came up with sux. I don't mind the 25 man raids, but they should have made the raids 2-3 times harder then they were with 40 men (skill based not geared based).
The thing is you have different kinds of items. common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary.
The cool thing about this is so people shouldn't be able to get epic so easily cause then it defeats the point of having those types.
Gear is just a tool and who cares what color it is.
I was thrilled pre tbc to actually have an epic on me. Now well who cares if it is epic or not? everyone has tons of epics. So whats the point. The idea of epic stuff is so that only hardcore people would be able to get that. And not some moron that doesn't even understand what sapping means. So whats even the point of playing those dungeons. The thrill is gone.
If you only play the game to have better gear than others then I pity you and you will be disapointed in the game since it is moving away from such petty concerns. The game is becoming about what content you can beat and not about what gear you can get. The Gear Myth is dieing.
i guess your not a diablo fan
Well thats a piety, thats the only reason I would wanna play any game. If you own in a fps do you wanna play with noobs? Seems kinda boring. What i mean by that is there is no difference between hardcore and casual players anymore. No matter what kind of raid you are in there are always gonna be people in your raid that don't understand how to play a game. Sorry but I don't need that kind of torment.
That is the whole point of the epics. You can see at the look of the character if he is hardcore or not. I don't care for the stats. I care for the difference between casual and hardcore players.
On a side note ... back then you had a goal. Your goal was getting in mc, the dragon dungeon, ahn qiraj, etc. You needed to grind fire res gear, frost gear, pots, etc. Just to be able to get in.
Now there is no goal anymore, people just wonder like zombies in dalaran just waiting for new content. Grinding the rep for the enchantments is not even worth doing anymore. And grinding for the emblems ... thats just bulshit. Just ask a friend to join a raid and bam you got some gear.
My personal opinion is that the less gear hungry players play the game, the better the game is.
People only obsessed by the purple color and use it as measurement of their epeen are usually nuisances to the rest of the community.
So if some left due to the evolution of WoW... for me, it's a positive point. Good riddance.
Same goes for elitists who take a simple video game way too seriously and call others "noobs" or similarly childish names, by the way. The less we have, the better the community is, too.
Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
My personal opinion is that the less gear hungry players play the game, the better the game is.
People only obsessed by the purple color and use it as measurement of their epeen are usually nuisances to the rest of the community.
So if some left due to the evolution of WoW... for me, it's a positive point. Good riddance.
Same goes for elitists who take a simple video game way too seriously and call others "noobs" or similarly childish names, by the way. The less we have, the better the community is, too.
hmm so basicly you play the game for the content...
you do realise there are singleplayer games with 1000 times better content then wow, right? I mean characters that walk from point a to b and blabber some dumbass text aint content. And scenery, might as wel go look at some paintings in paris if you love pictures that much.
My personal opinion is that the less gear hungry players play the game, the better the game is.
People only obsessed by the purple color and use it as measurement of their epeen are usually nuisances to the rest of the community.
So if some left due to the evolution of WoW... for me, it's a positive point. Good riddance.
Same goes for elitists who take a simple video game way too seriously and call others "noobs" or similarly childish names, by the way. The less we have, the better the community is, too.
hmm so basicly you play the game for the content...
you do realise there are singleplayer games with 1000 times better content then wow, right? I mean characters that walk from point a to b and blabber some dumbass text aint content. And scenery, might as wel go look at some paintings in paris if you love pictures that much.
Yes, because it's well known that most single player games offer a 10/25 man raid mode you can beat with a bunch of guild mate for fun. It's also well know that most single player games offer a trade/economy and socialisation system through the internet.
I'm VERY happy people like you have quit - if you wonder why, reread your posts, "hate hate hate", talk about taking a game too seriously. Back to xbox live with you guys.
Respect, walk, what did you say? Respect, walk Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
Why so much hatred for WoW? Simply because it is as big as it is. People hate anything and everything and most especially things that are popular. Do I like WoW? No, I played it for about a month in beta just before release and I just didn't care for the game at all. But would I hate on the game as much as I do if it weren't so damned unreasonably popular? Nah, I could understand if no one liked the game because that's the feelings I have, but how so many people could like that game that's something I'll never get. (Excluding excess opinion of game in order to address the reasoning behind the hatred rather than the reason I don't like the game.)
My primary hate for WoW is around the area of graphics.
They basically lowered the graphics bar across the board in the industry away from a more virtual reality approach to a more cartoon approach and the design style found itself infecting other games.
That is my primary reason.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
I will be honest when I first started playing WoW there were things I enjoyed about it but the game as a whole got boring very quickly. One thing I never liked about it was that it gives you almost no choice but to have to rely on other players to help you with quests which is frustrating seen as you cant get the help you need, esp for class specific quests. I will never understand what makes WoW so popular because in my opinion the graphics arent anything special and even the gear is bland.
My primary hate for WoW is around the area of graphics.
They basically lowered the graphics bar across the board in the industry away from a more virtual reality approach to a more cartoon approach and the design style found itself infecting other games.
That is my primary reason.
Funny enough for most WoW haters, the graphics tend to be the one thing that WoW did right.
My primary hate for WoW is around the area of graphics.
They basically lowered the graphics bar across the board in the industry away from a more virtual reality approach to a more cartoon approach and the design style found itself infecting other games.
That is my primary reason.
Funny enough for most WoW haters, the graphics tend to be the one thing that WoW did right.
One of the things I like about WoW is their attention to detail. If you watch a wolf, it will roam around, then sit down and scratch it self. If it gets near a squirl it will chase if for a bit. I was flying on the griffon and my character would look too the left and to the right and sometimes stretch its arm. If you are walking through the forest and come across a dear it will skitter away from you. While the graphics aren't state of the art, the animimations are great. They give you the feel of a real live breathing world.
On the other hand I tried playing Warhammer and the first quest I was given was a 'kill X number' quest. I look around and the 'bad guys' I am supposed to kill are all practically in a line not even really moving or flying around. So you kill one, go to the next in line kill it. and before you even get to the number you are supposed to kill the first one you killed has already repopped. No Immersion what so every.
I really enjoyed Playing Lotro, the graphics are great. Sometimes I would find a waterfall or get to the top of a hill and see the Land spread out before me and just take a moment to enjoy the view. But I really didn't like how my little Hobbit moved. or the Human characters. The walking and running Animations really took away from the game. I just love how fluid my WoW characters move and run.
So I do agree the WoW graphics are getting dated, but I think WoW has great Animations and Attention to detail. This helps you believe you are in a living breathing world.
I "dislike WoW strongly" for reeling me in long ago with it's "epic-ness", digesting me once BC came, and then spitting me out post-WotlK when nothing in that game seemd fun anymore.
The worst part being that everything I play now I compare to WoW... And It just seems inferior in some way.
I still haven't been able to play a new game since quitting that curse.
I like the way you phrase that. I'm a bit similar although didn't make it through BC. I also have been unable to play any mmo since (don't last more than a month). They're mostly poorly done wow clones, and the ones that aren't either don't have enough funding and development time, or are so hardcore that they only attract a super niche audience (e.g. player looting).
I accept the fact that maybe I'm just older and true mmo gaming may just be dead for me. However I don't really think that's the case. I can see myself sinking into a great swg/wow hybrid mmo, but for the moment this genre's just dead as far as development goes. I don't see this changing anytime soon, but I hope I'm wrong.
I notice that the hatred seems to come from players of other games who saw their favorite game's population decline after WOW came out eg: SWG,EQ,UO etc.. They can't handle the fact that WOW not only appealed to far more people and took away their players but that it continued to stay successful for so long. So they go out of their way to bash it every chance they get. It's the biggest case of nerdrage I've ever seen next to the oldschool SWG veteran's rage against SOE.
That's the core of the problem and I really can't see any other reason what would justify hate against a game.
I wanted to like WAR or Lotro or AoC or I wouldn't have bought them (not even talking about the older games I "tried" to enjoy like Eve or DaoC or EQ2)
But I can't say I "hate" them. I have analysed them and wanted to see what went wrong, but apart from the fact I think I know why they failed to be any serious competition to Blizzard's game, I would say the feeling towards those games is "indifference".
It would be foolish for me to run every other month to the PotBS forums and yell "... I hate this game so much".
I think everyone would be posting ": "You're nuts".
That shows WOW hate is purely based on its popularity and people thinking it "killed" the popularity of their preferred games.
It simply didn't.
All the rest of the arguments are poor man's excuses.
Well, I was playing SWG at the time WOW came out so I don't know what the game was like at release. But I do remember the attitudes of the SWG devs started changing. If my memory is correct, WOW came out a month after the first expansion JTLS. I remember a lot of players talking about how much better WOW was compared to the bug filled mess that galaxies was. Then the devs started catering every patch to the jedi profession. Clearly they were losing subs and were hoping that creating more jedi players, even in a universe that wasn't suppose to have them, would save their game. It didn't. The next year they released two more expansions along with revamping the entire game twice. I think even the devs for that game thought they were losing subs because of WOW. Heck, the NGE itself was a poor man's ripoff of WOW. What they didn't understand is that people were leaving the game because it was a bug filled mess and they were ignoring a lot of professions that were broken in order to concentrate on jedi.
To be honest, the star wars team was already trying to draw/retain players to the game with jedi crap long before wow hit shelves. Somewhere around the end of 2003 they introduced the holocron jedi craze and that really ravaged the community of the game turning into an abonination for many months.
You are absolutely right though, everything related to the jedi in the game was a desperate attempt to do something with players while the team tried to figure out how to make the game work. What a gigantic mess that was.
There's also the issue of the game's effect on the MMO industry. No investor will risk putting money into anything that isn't exactly like WoW so the rest of us are stuck with only playing dated games that are aging badly... yet ironically due to the way the MMO industry works this is also the worst investment to make since the WoW players aren't going to leave WoW for more of the same.
This is what I don't understand, don't the investors have some kind of brain? People are not going to jump ship and pay for a shoddy WoW clone that's launched too early and offers nothing truly new and revolutionary to the genre. WoW did something huge by refining the EQ mold for a wider audience, and Blizzard already had a huge fanbase to begin with.
The worst part is the clones are always released in a poor state, and first impressions count, especially if you haven't formed a strong, reliable reputation as a company. Why play a poor imitation when you can play the real thing? If they badly want $$$ they need to do some damned research. WoW was hugely successful because it greatly refined the Everquest model for a wider audience, not to mention its highly polished, well supported and fun despite its flaws. Anyway, that's my rant.
There's also the issue of the game's effect on the MMO industry. No investor will risk putting money into anything that isn't exactly like WoW so the rest of us are stuck with only playing dated games that are aging badly... yet ironically due to the way the MMO industry works this is also the worst investment to make since the WoW players aren't going to leave WoW for more of the same.
This is what I don't understand, don't the investors have some kind of brain? People are not going to jump ship and pay for a shoddy WoW clone that's launched too early and offers nothing truly new and revolutionary to the genre. WoW did something huge by refining the EQ mold for a wider audience, and Blizzard already had a huge fanbase to begin with.
The worst part is the clones are always released in a poor state, and first impressions count, especially if you haven't formed a strong, reliable reputation as a company. Why play a poor imitation when you can play the real thing? If they badly want $$$ they need to do some damned research. WoW was hugely successful because it greatly refined the Everquest model for a wider audience, not to mention its highly polished, well supported and fun despite its flaws. Anyway, that's my rant.
I really don't believe this argument. When I see Fallen Earth (Nothing Like WoW) and Champions online (A city of heroes clone not a WoW clone) Darkfall (Nothing like WoW) and the up coming Mortal online (Nothing like WoW) The Idea that the industry is only putting out wow clones is simply wrong. There are wow clones, but if you want to find new games that are nothing like wow then you can play Mortal Online Or Darkfall.
I play WOW and still kinda like it to a point. Do I like the community in WOW easy answer no.
WoW has many things going for it:
Diverse mechanics, some of which no other game has. (WotLK phasing technology anyone?)
Possibly although I dont think it is unique in any of its game mechanics or first to introduce them
Great free combat - Have to keep moving to stay alive, much like many games should be IMO.
Hmm never thought this was true have to keep moving err no never found that to be so.
Crafting system. Not the best by any means, although still pretty good none the less.
Crafting is good but completely useless nothing you make is worth making except to sell it has a great Auction House probably most widely used AC in any game
Best PvE of any game, or at the very least, can be argued to be one of the best.
Just not true PVE is very good. "The best ?" sorry subjective, the best to you but what games have you played ?
Great PvP combat with more balance than most games will offer. I realize their are other "PvP" games that do better but seeing as how they usually fail in terms of PvE content while WoW offers both, I will argue that WoW's PvP is still very good. Also offers many different ways to PvP which is nice.
Not a point that can be argued its not a PVP game its a PVP add-on for a PVE game a decent PVP add-on but if you want PVP then choose decent games like Darkfall
Talent specialization, and if I remember correct it was the first (or one of the first) games to introduce such a system that is now deemed mandatory in most games.
Not first and not great. Most Korean games had this long before. Whats the point in having talent specs if you all choose same specs in each class? They could remove specs that people never use.
Its not really a choice you choose what you want and generally you gimp your char ...not a choice so really not worth using as a plus point.
A vast array of spells with the ability to change your role with most classes.
Hmm true lots change your role hmmm depends some classes are gear bound so if you have the gear then yes. If you dual spec yes. Saying that lots of spells would never be used. Its flavor of the month depending on what class gets nerfed.
I guess the worst thing about WoW how it "caters" to the casual gamers. While I will agree it kills the game a bit, I myself don't have much time to dedicate to the game anymore and the arguement how there is no challenge is completely false. I would like to say to anyone who says WoW has no challenge to show me your ICC Heroic 25 Lich King achievement or just shut up. The game has a challenge, sure not on any normal 10 man raid for the most part, but if thats not hard enough, just ramp up the difficulty. Don't just beat the easiest setting and then complain about how easy it was.
Whooa tiger show you evidence of 25 man Hard Mode why it has no importance if you consider people to have right to opinion. Some people have played game for years and still play it have achieved all that can be doesnt mean they will prove it to you :XD I think you have too much self worth. The game is easy max levelling chars can be done in days or a day thats the games choice and the players.
There are other games that I believe are superior to WoW or pioneered many aspects of MMO's (UO/EQ for instance), but thats not a real reason to hate on WoW. It had 11 million players at one point and I do agree they flaunt that fact too much, but I think they've earned the right. Blizzard is a terrific company. They had Diablo and Starcraft and even the original Warcraft long before WoW was conceived.
Dont hate WOW or I would not play it.
Blizzard terrific you jest .
People play wow in masses cause its a good easy to play game with great net and media advertising. Also because it has a vast amount of helpful fan sites and tools like quest helper.
I guess I can't comprehend why people play WoW for 10 minutes and then complain about why it's the worst thing ever created while most games try to copy off it because of how much of a success it is. I will agree WoW copied aspects from other games but thats what you do when you find something that just works. Why forsake it altogether then you can change it and make it a part of your game.
Nothing wrong with copying thats a good thing.
Well I suppose thats my defence for a game that I personally believe is one of the top MMO's ever.
It is but thats not a reason to bash other games either not that you did. WOW is a very good game needs completely reworked as its old and dated. Everyone has opinions these are yours all valid. personally I think WOW gets most abuse because it has appauling community and worst GM support on net. The GM's are badly trained and only deliver stock answers never solve problems. The game needs to evolve beyond the poor expansions it released lately.
I still have soft spot for the game so keep my sub open in case any of my relatives want to try it.
The answer to your question is very simple. Anything popular, be it a game, a guild, a candy store...whatever, once it gains some measure of popularity (and 5+ million subs in the US alone can be considered popular by anyone's standards in this industry) gains with that popularity a giant target painted on its chest or back (you choose). That's just the way it is - in both business and in life.
There are people I know who have never even played WoW who hate it. It has nothing to do with the game itself, but only to do with the game's popularity and perhaps to do with what they have heard rumored about the community.
Speaking of the game's community, I have been playing MMORPGs for a day or two now myself and have played - or at least tried - many of them (SWG, CoH, CoV, EVE, WoW, AoC, STO, MxO, EQ2, WAR, FFXI, GW, LoTRO, Vanguard, PoTBS, DAoC...and others that I forget). I can honestly say, bar none, in my experience in every game I have played, the community in WoW is, quite possibly, the worst community overall in any game that I have ever played. Granted, with such a large playerbase, it is a given that a player is going to run into more jerks than normal - that cannot be helped. But it would also stand to reason that with such a large playerbase, a player would also run into a larger percentage of good people. Sadly, with WoW, that does not seem to be the case - the good people, if you don't bring them into the game with you, seem to be increasingly difficult to find.
To be perfectly honest with you, I think that the community is WoW's biggest problem, generally speaking. The game itself is not really that bad, aside from being a kind of Western RPG/Korean grinder hybrid...but if I wanted to play a Korean grinder, I'd play one, so this "shift" (if that's what we want to call it) towards making me continue playing by upgrading my gear every new patch and trying to trick me into thinking you are giving me "challenge" by simply making this dungeon or raid harder but making it drop new and better gear that I need for the next big dungeon doesn't really fly with me.
But WoW does have its problems like any other game: give me a reason to go back and grind that reputation that makes sense and makes it less "grind-y" for starters. Give me a reason to go back and do those old world dungeons instead of simply removing them because no one does them...well, maybe if there were a reason that made sense, more people would do them. And for the love of all that is holy in Azeroth, fix Dragonblight. There's no reason why my quad core system with two 5700 graphics cards in CrossfireX and a ridiculously fast internet connection should ever crash when flying over the place, yet I still do.
TL;DR: Community, grind, and graphics are a few of the reasons WoW gets "hate," even from those of us who play it. From those who don't play it, WoW is the monstrous elephant in the room, so people will always hate it.
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
People hate wow much like people hate Wal-mart...
It offers a themepark experience to the casual shopper for a discount price. So chances are, if you hate walmart.. u hate WoW.
I tried the game a few years back. I thought it was decent but at the time let my sub run out, which eventually got hacked and banned. I tried the free trieal last year. The community was some of the most juvenile I have ever seen. I had one person following me for 15 minutes spamming me to duel him, calling me a noob cuz I told him I told him I wasn't interested. I had to turn off the region chat because of all the juvenile chuck norris comments being spammed non stop. And when I went back to a lower level area to clean up some old quests some little brat in town started yelling at me to leave, capping WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! YOU NEED TO LEAVE YOU NOOB!
That was enough for me. The community is a bunch of juvenile brats. If the community was better I could see myself enjoying the game, but it's truly one of the worst I've ever seen.
Our spirit was here long before you
Long before us
And long will it be after your pride brings you to your end
Casual Gamers - WoW is great. Tons of fun with friends with challenging content.
Veterans - F*ck you. WoW sucks. The community blows and it's too f*cking ez mode. Blizzard is retarded. /RAGE
"Hardcore" WoW Gamers - I'll admit Blizzard has their follies, but they provide challenging content. It takes us a few days with about 4 hours a day of raiding to down the end game stuff. Like I said, it's pretty hard. Maybe I should input some suggestions in the community board for blizzard to read through. I'd like the lich king to be a bit easier.. he took us about 4-5attempts.
Smart MMO Veterans - /Hibernation waiting for something good to come out. Or trollin up 4chan.
I'd say that sums this whole thing up quite well.
That's the core of the problem and I really can't see any other reason what would justify hate against a game.
I wanted to like WAR or Lotro or AoC or I wouldn't have bought them (not even talking about the older games I "tried" to enjoy like Eve or DaoC or EQ2)
But I can't say I "hate" them. I have analysed them and wanted to see what went wrong, but apart from the fact I think I know why they failed to be any serious competition to Blizzard's game, I would say the feeling towards those games is "indifference".
It would be foolish for me to run every other month to the PotBS forums and yell "... I hate this game so much".
I think everyone would be posting ": "You're nuts".
That shows WOW hate is purely based on its popularity and people thinking it "killed" the popularity of their preferred games.
It simply didn't.
All the rest of the arguments are poor man's excuses.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
I won't even bother doing it 25 man raid cause i can do it in 10 man raid. I can enjoy the same content as you. And the gear upgrade aint that big of a difference. So whats the point? the achievement?
I will give you that point that it was a design flaw ... but the solution they came up with sux. I don't mind the 25 man raids, but they should have made the raids 2-3 times harder then they were with 40 men (skill based not geared based).
The thing is you have different kinds of items. common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary.
The cool thing about this is so people shouldn't be able to get epic so easily cause then it defeats the point of having those types.
I was thrilled pre tbc to actually have an epic on me. Now well who cares if it is epic or not? everyone has tons of epics. So whats the point. The idea of epic stuff is so that only hardcore people would be able to get that. And not some moron that doesn't even understand what sapping means. So whats even the point of playing those dungeons. The thrill is gone.
If you only play the game to have better gear than others then I pity you and you will be disapointed in the game since it is moving away from such petty concerns. The game is becoming about what content you can beat and not about what gear you can get. The Gear Myth is dieing.
Well thats a piety, thats the only reason I would wanna play any game. If you own in a fps do you wanna play with noobs? Seems kinda boring. What i mean by that is there is no difference between hardcore and casual players anymore. No matter what kind of raid you are in there are always gonna be people in your raid that don't understand how to play a game. Sorry but I don't need that kind of torment.
That is the whole point of the epics. You can see at the look of the character if he is hardcore or not. I don't care for the stats. I care for the difference between casual and hardcore players.
On a side note ... back then you had a goal. Your goal was getting in mc, the dragon dungeon, ahn qiraj, etc. You needed to grind fire res gear, frost gear, pots, etc. Just to be able to get in.
Now there is no goal anymore, people just wonder like zombies in dalaran just waiting for new content. Grinding the rep for the enchantments is not even worth doing anymore. And grinding for the emblems ... thats just bulshit. Just ask a friend to join a raid and bam you got some gear.
My personal opinion is that the less gear hungry players play the game, the better the game is.
People only obsessed by the purple color and use it as measurement of their epeen are usually nuisances to the rest of the community.
So if some left due to the evolution of WoW... for me, it's a positive point. Good riddance.
Same goes for elitists who take a simple video game way too seriously and call others "noobs" or similarly childish names, by the way. The less we have, the better the community is, too.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
hmm so basicly you play the game for the content...
you do realise there are singleplayer games with 1000 times better content then wow, right? I mean characters that walk from point a to b and blabber some dumbass text aint content. And scenery, might as wel go look at some paintings in paris if you love pictures that much.
Another thing I hate about wow
This is an example but a really good one to make my point
There was such a big ass fuss about the new skins for the morphs of a druid.
I mean wtf that takes like 5 minutes to get that working and blizzard acted like it was a big deal
m_MySkin = m_MySkins[BEARSKIN2];
that took me a long time to program 
Yes, because it's well known that most single player games offer a 10/25 man raid mode you can beat with a bunch of guild mate for fun. It's also well know that most single player games offer a trade/economy and socialisation system through the internet.
I'm VERY happy people like you have quit - if you wonder why, reread your posts, "hate hate hate", talk about taking a game too seriously. Back to xbox live with you guys.
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
Why so much hatred for WoW? Simply because it is as big as it is. People hate anything and everything and most especially things that are popular. Do I like WoW? No, I played it for about a month in beta just before release and I just didn't care for the game at all. But would I hate on the game as much as I do if it weren't so damned unreasonably popular? Nah, I could understand if no one liked the game because that's the feelings I have, but how so many people could like that game that's something I'll never get. (Excluding excess opinion of game in order to address the reasoning behind the hatred rather than the reason I don't like the game.)
Meh. I dont hate WOW. Im simply bored of it. Im hoping Cataclysm refuels my interest and coaxes me to resub for a while.
My primary hate for WoW is around the area of graphics.
They basically lowered the graphics bar across the board in the industry away from a more virtual reality approach to a more cartoon approach and the design style found itself infecting other games.
That is my primary reason.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
I will be honest when I first started playing WoW there were things I enjoyed about it but the game as a whole got boring very quickly. One thing I never liked about it was that it gives you almost no choice but to have to rely on other players to help you with quests which is frustrating seen as you cant get the help you need, esp for class specific quests. I will never understand what makes WoW so popular because in my opinion the graphics arent anything special and even the gear is bland.
Funny enough for most WoW haters, the graphics tend to be the one thing that WoW did right.
Yeah, it was a real bummer to wait all those years while blizzard didn't do anything else but work on a few druid skins.
Great point! I agree! Great reason to hate and it illustrates your point precisely.
One of the things I like about WoW is their attention to detail. If you watch a wolf, it will roam around, then sit down and scratch it self. If it gets near a squirl it will chase if for a bit. I was flying on the griffon and my character would look too the left and to the right and sometimes stretch its arm. If you are walking through the forest and come across a dear it will skitter away from you. While the graphics aren't state of the art, the animimations are great. They give you the feel of a real live breathing world.
On the other hand I tried playing Warhammer and the first quest I was given was a 'kill X number' quest. I look around and the 'bad guys' I am supposed to kill are all practically in a line not even really moving or flying around. So you kill one, go to the next in line kill it. and before you even get to the number you are supposed to kill the first one you killed has already repopped. No Immersion what so every.
I really enjoyed Playing Lotro, the graphics are great. Sometimes I would find a waterfall or get to the top of a hill and see the Land spread out before me and just take a moment to enjoy the view. But I really didn't like how my little Hobbit moved. or the Human characters. The walking and running Animations really took away from the game. I just love how fluid my WoW characters move and run.
So I do agree the WoW graphics are getting dated, but I think WoW has great Animations and Attention to detail. This helps you believe you are in a living breathing world.
I like the way you phrase that.
I'm a bit similar although didn't make it through BC. I also have been unable to play any mmo since (don't last more than a month). They're mostly poorly done wow clones, and the ones that aren't either don't have enough funding and development time, or are so hardcore that they only attract a super niche audience (e.g. player looting).
I accept the fact that maybe I'm just older and true mmo gaming may just be dead for me. However I don't really think that's the case. I can see myself sinking into a great swg/wow hybrid mmo, but for the moment this genre's just dead as far as development goes. I don't see this changing anytime soon, but I hope I'm wrong.
Well, I was playing SWG at the time WOW came out so I don't know what the game was like at release. But I do remember the attitudes of the SWG devs started changing. If my memory is correct, WOW came out a month after the first expansion JTLS. I remember a lot of players talking about how much better WOW was compared to the bug filled mess that galaxies was. Then the devs started catering every patch to the jedi profession. Clearly they were losing subs and were hoping that creating more jedi players, even in a universe that wasn't suppose to have them, would save their game. It didn't. The next year they released two more expansions along with revamping the entire game twice. I think even the devs for that game thought they were losing subs because of WOW. Heck, the NGE itself was a poor man's ripoff of WOW. What they didn't understand is that people were leaving the game because it was a bug filled mess and they were ignoring a lot of professions that were broken in order to concentrate on jedi.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
To be honest, the star wars team was already trying to draw/retain players to the game with jedi crap long before wow hit shelves. Somewhere around the end of 2003 they introduced the holocron jedi craze and that really ravaged the community of the game turning into an abonination for many months.
You are absolutely right though, everything related to the jedi in the game was a desperate attempt to do something with players while the team tried to figure out how to make the game work. What a gigantic mess that was.
This is what I don't understand, don't the investors have some kind of brain? People are not going to jump ship and pay for a shoddy WoW clone that's launched too early and offers nothing truly new and revolutionary to the genre. WoW did something huge by refining the EQ mold for a wider audience, and Blizzard already had a huge fanbase to begin with.
The worst part is the clones are always released in a poor state, and first impressions count, especially if you haven't formed a strong, reliable reputation as a company. Why play a poor imitation when you can play the real thing? If they badly want $$$ they need to do some damned research. WoW was hugely successful because it greatly refined the Everquest model for a wider audience, not to mention its highly polished, well supported and fun despite its flaws. Anyway, that's my rant.
I really don't believe this argument. When I see Fallen Earth (Nothing Like WoW) and Champions online (A city of heroes clone not a WoW clone) Darkfall (Nothing like WoW) and the up coming Mortal online (Nothing like WoW) The Idea that the industry is only putting out wow clones is simply wrong. There are wow clones, but if you want to find new games that are nothing like wow then you can play Mortal Online Or Darkfall.
I play WOW and still kinda like it to a point. Do I like the community in WOW easy answer no.
WoW has many things going for it:
Diverse mechanics, some of which no other game has. (WotLK phasing technology anyone?)
Possibly although I dont think it is unique in any of its game mechanics or first to introduce them
Great free combat - Have to keep moving to stay alive, much like many games should be IMO.
Hmm never thought this was true have to keep moving err no never found that to be so.
Crafting system. Not the best by any means, although still pretty good none the less.
Crafting is good but completely useless nothing you make is worth making except to sell it has a great Auction House probably most widely used AC in any game
Best PvE of any game, or at the very least, can be argued to be one of the best.
Just not true PVE is very good. "The best ?" sorry subjective, the best to you but what games have you played ?
Great PvP combat with more balance than most games will offer. I realize their are other "PvP" games that do better but seeing as how they usually fail in terms of PvE content while WoW offers both, I will argue that WoW's PvP is still very good. Also offers many different ways to PvP which is nice.
Not a point that can be argued its not a PVP game its a PVP add-on for a PVE game a decent PVP add-on but if you want PVP then choose decent games like Darkfall
Talent specialization, and if I remember correct it was the first (or one of the first) games to introduce such a system that is now deemed mandatory in most games.
Not first and not great. Most Korean games had this long before. Whats the point in having talent specs if you all choose same specs in each class? They could remove specs that people never use.
Its not really a choice you choose what you want and generally you gimp your char ...not a choice so really not worth using as a plus point.
A vast array of spells with the ability to change your role with most classes.
Hmm true lots change your role hmmm depends some classes are gear bound so if you have the gear then yes. If you dual spec yes. Saying that lots of spells would never be used. Its flavor of the month depending on what class gets nerfed.
I guess the worst thing about WoW how it "caters" to the casual gamers. While I will agree it kills the game a bit, I myself don't have much time to dedicate to the game anymore and the arguement how there is no challenge is completely false. I would like to say to anyone who says WoW has no challenge to show me your ICC Heroic 25 Lich King achievement or just shut up. The game has a challenge, sure not on any normal 10 man raid for the most part, but if thats not hard enough, just ramp up the difficulty. Don't just beat the easiest setting and then complain about how easy it was.
Whooa tiger
There are other games that I believe are superior to WoW or pioneered many aspects of MMO's (UO/EQ for instance), but thats not a real reason to hate on WoW. It had 11 million players at one point and I do agree they flaunt that fact too much, but I think they've earned the right. Blizzard is a terrific company. They had Diablo and Starcraft and even the original Warcraft long before WoW was conceived.
Dont hate WOW or I would not play it.
Blizzard terrific
People play wow in masses cause its a good easy to play game with great net and media advertising. Also because it has a vast amount of helpful fan sites and tools like quest helper.
I guess I can't comprehend why people play WoW for 10 minutes and then complain about why it's the worst thing ever created while most games try to copy off it because of how much of a success it is. I will agree WoW copied aspects from other games but thats what you do when you find something that just works. Why forsake it altogether then you can change it and make it a part of your game.
Nothing wrong with copying thats a good thing.
Well I suppose thats my defence for a game that I personally believe is one of the top MMO's ever.
It is but thats not a reason to bash other games either not that you did. WOW is a very good game needs completely reworked as its old and dated. Everyone has opinions these are yours all valid. personally I think WOW gets most abuse because it has appauling community and worst GM support on net. The GM's are badly trained and only deliver stock answers never solve problems. The game needs to evolve beyond the poor expansions it released lately.
I still have soft spot for the game so keep my sub open in case any of my relatives want to try it.
The answer to your question is very simple. Anything popular, be it a game, a guild, a candy store...whatever, once it gains some measure of popularity (and 5+ million subs in the US alone can be considered popular by anyone's standards in this industry) gains with that popularity a giant target painted on its chest or back (you choose). That's just the way it is - in both business and in life.
There are people I know who have never even played WoW who hate it. It has nothing to do with the game itself, but only to do with the game's popularity and perhaps to do with what they have heard rumored about the community.
Speaking of the game's community, I have been playing MMORPGs for a day or two now myself and have played - or at least tried - many of them (SWG, CoH, CoV, EVE, WoW, AoC, STO, MxO, EQ2, WAR, FFXI, GW, LoTRO, Vanguard, PoTBS, DAoC...and others that I forget). I can honestly say, bar none, in my experience in every game I have played, the community in WoW is, quite possibly, the worst community overall in any game that I have ever played. Granted, with such a large playerbase, it is a given that a player is going to run into more jerks than normal - that cannot be helped. But it would also stand to reason that with such a large playerbase, a player would also run into a larger percentage of good people. Sadly, with WoW, that does not seem to be the case - the good people, if you don't bring them into the game with you, seem to be increasingly difficult to find.
To be perfectly honest with you, I think that the community is WoW's biggest problem, generally speaking. The game itself is not really that bad, aside from being a kind of Western RPG/Korean grinder hybrid...but if I wanted to play a Korean grinder, I'd play one, so this "shift" (if that's what we want to call it) towards making me continue playing by upgrading my gear every new patch and trying to trick me into thinking you are giving me "challenge" by simply making this dungeon or raid harder but making it drop new and better gear that I need for the next big dungeon doesn't really fly with me.
But WoW does have its problems like any other game: give me a reason to go back and grind that reputation that makes sense and makes it less "grind-y" for starters. Give me a reason to go back and do those old world dungeons instead of simply removing them because no one does them...well, maybe if there were a reason that made sense, more people would do them. And for the love of all that is holy in Azeroth, fix Dragonblight. There's no reason why my quad core system with two 5700 graphics cards in CrossfireX and a ridiculously fast internet connection should ever crash when flying over the place, yet I still do.
TL;DR: Community, grind, and graphics are a few of the reasons WoW gets "hate," even from those of us who play it. From those who don't play it, WoW is the monstrous elephant in the room, so people will always hate it.
Firebrand Art
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr