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Why is their so much hatred for WoW?



  • brostynbrostyn Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,092

    People blame Blizzard, because other developers are making shallow, boring games. Doesn't make much sense. Seems like they should hate the devs who make WoW clones.

  • Mad+DogMad+Dog Member UncommonPosts: 788

    Is it not very obvious why people dont like this game..............

  • HolgranthHolgranth Member Posts: 380

    Originally posted by Mellow44

    Originally posted by Rammur

    Its a highely and the most successful online game ever thats why. lol i love it still i think what people hate the most its like watchin the same episode over and over again the content too easy and we fly through it then we get bored playing the rerun. community wise its great.



    I think the community is pretty awful.

    Last thing I heard they don't even care to speak to one another in the PUGs anymore hows that for community?

    I dunno I have about a 5/1 ratio of social PUGs vs unsocial and have only met maybe 6 or seven total dicks out of 150+ people that I've pugged with. Thats REALLY not a bad ratio.

    Two of those dicks were in the same guild/run too.

    Dem hibbies! Dey be wrong!

  • MoretrinketsMoretrinkets Member Posts: 730

    WoW is like a mainstream pop singer. Haters will hate.

  • BrianshoBriansho Member UncommonPosts: 3,586

    1. Barrens Chat

    2. Trade Channel

    3. Official Forums

    Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!

  • spydermr2spydermr2 Member Posts: 336

    I don't so much hate WoW as simply find it a very boring MMO that lacks features i personally like having:

    1)  Crafting -- very shallow, no customization to speak of.  every "big copper sword" made is the same.  i've played games with better crafting (hell, perfect world has better item differentiation, so that no two "big copper swords" will automatically be the same, and it's F2P) -- Vanguard comes to mind.  Hell, the best thing in Horizons was its crafting. 

    2)  Housing -- promised in beta, never delivered.  I've enjoyed the housing in EQ2 (tops, to me), LOTRO (could use a better item-placement system than the hooks system, but the neighborhoods and the yards are a big plus), heck even Runes of Magic gives you a little something to play with.  Its flatly ridiculous that the biggest Western game with the largest subscribing playerbase doesn't have any at all.


    Actually, I'll stop there.  Housing is emblematic of the overall problem I have:  the game has practically NO systems that aren't combat-centric.  You don't exist in WoW for any other purpose and they offer nothing to those of us who want to play an MMORPG that lets us actually feel like we have a place in the virtual world.  give me great combat, phenomenal enemies, but also give me a place to hang my sword in the evening, a place to gather and craft my own items and equipment and bits for the house; give me game systems that flesh out the world.  WoW has not done this, and they've flatly said in their forums that they have no interest in doing any of these things.  So, that's fine.  It's not "hate", it's simply that the game doesn't offer the features I'd like to see, nor the development I'd hope for a game.


    Right now, I subscribe only to vanguard, while playing Aika Online, Perfect World, and Karos.  If I were to resubscribe, I'd play Asheron's Call (the original), UO, maybe LOTRO, and maybe EQ2. 

    I do find it rather pathetic, the number of people who equate having a different set of standards and therefore not liking a game based it doesn't fit what they like as "hate".  Also those who seem to want to forbid anyone who disagrees with them, or offers dissent, or tries in polite terms to argue the merits/demerits of games/systems, from posting at all.  Truly sad.

  • astrob0yastrob0y Member Posts: 702

    cuse its at the internetz every burned out wow player will be gather around. and they are pissed that they are not having so much fun with a game that they loved but cant stand now days. 


    its rather fun to see how many here wants wow as something else than a game. really odd and scary

    I7@4ghz, 5970@ 1 ghz/5ghz, water cooled||Former setups Byggblogg||Byggblogg 2|| Msi Wind u100

  • causscauss Member UncommonPosts: 666

    Originally posted by spydermr2

    I don't so much hate WoW as simply find it a very boring MMO that lacks features i personally like having:

    1)  Crafting -- very shallow, no customization to speak of.  every "big copper sword" made is the same.  i've played games with better crafting (hell, perfect world has better item differentiation, so that no two "big copper swords" will automatically be the same, and it's F2P) -- Vanguard comes to mind.  Hell, the best thing in Horizons was its crafting. 

    2)  Housing -- promised in beta, never delivered.  I've enjoyed the housing in EQ2 (tops, to me), LOTRO (could use a better item-placement system than the hooks system, but the neighborhoods and the yards are a big plus), heck even Runes of Magic gives you a little something to play with.  Its flatly ridiculous that the biggest Western game with the largest subscribing playerbase doesn't have any at all.


    Actually, I'll stop there.  Housing is emblematic of the overall problem I have:  the game has practically NO systems that aren't combat-centric.  You don't exist in WoW for any other purpose and they offer nothing to those of us who want to play an MMORPG that lets us actually feel like we have a place in the virtual world.  give me great combat, phenomenal enemies, but also give me a place to hang my sword in the evening, a place to gather and craft my own items and equipment and bits for the house; give me game systems that flesh out the world.  WoW has not done this, and they've flatly said in their forums that they have no interest in doing any of these things.  So, that's fine.  It's not "hate", it's simply that the game doesn't offer the features I'd like to see, nor the development I'd hope for a game.


    Right now, I subscribe only to vanguard, while playing Aika Online, Perfect World, and Karos.  If I were to resubscribe, I'd play Asheron's Call (the original), UO, maybe LOTRO, and maybe EQ2. 

    I do find it rather pathetic, the number of people who equate having a different set of standards and therefore not liking a game based it doesn't fit what they like as "hate".  Also those who seem to want to forbid anyone who disagrees with them, or offers dissent, or tries in polite terms to argue the merits/demerits of games/systems, from posting at all.  Truly sad.

    This above post said everything. The crafting is terrible, no housing. But I want to add a few things for me personally:


    - I don't like the community.

    - I hate the ride to get to end content. There is absolutely nothing to do except for endless/mindless leveling 'till endgame. You can say: Crafting, Housing. But.. there is none.

    - Don't like the PVP in this game. It's gear based. I'm a PVE player, unless there is a good PVP system.

    - Endgame: Your gear is l33t, raid with us.


    Well, this game is just isn't for me. Too shallow. Almost all my friends play WoW, but I quit a long time ago.

    WoW offers alot of average content, other MMORPG's offer (debatable) less content, but of a much better (deeper) quality.

  • BlueharpBlueharp Member Posts: 301

    Originally posted by Mellow44

    Last thing I heard they don't even care to speak to one another in the PUGs anymore hows that for community?

    Great.  I hate random people trying to chat me up in real life, why would I want it in a game?

  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218

    Housing! seriously thats why some of you hate WoW, listen just enroll on an interior decoration course and let it be.  Housing is a pointless waste of time, when bosses start droping table lamps in WoW I am quitting.

  • astrob0yastrob0y Member Posts: 702

    Originally posted by Blueharp

    Originally posted by Mellow44

    Last thing I heard they don't even care to speak to one another in the PUGs anymore hows that for community?

    Great.  I hate random people trying to chat me up in real life, why would I want it in a game?

    i wonder what they are supposed to say to me in random pugs :) 

    i believe its funny if someone trys to rp a bit. im not a stranger to that.

    I7@4ghz, 5970@ 1 ghz/5ghz, water cooled||Former setups Byggblogg||Byggblogg 2|| Msi Wind u100

  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075

    Originally posted by UnholyVashX

    I'd like to say I've played my fair share of MMO's. I'd also like to think I know the pro's and con's of most MMO's, but I don't understand why so many people reserve an intense hatred for WoW. People constantly compare other games to WoW saying how they're better and then bash on everything WoW has to offer.

    But lets straighten one thing out first. When I speak of WoW I like to speak for the Burning Crusade version of WoW. Not a huge WotLK fan myself, although people seem to forget about BC altogether and just hate on the game.

    WoW has many things going for it:

    • Diverse mechanics, some of which no other game has. (WotLK phasing technology anyone?)

    • Great free combat - Have to keep moving to stay alive, much like many games should be IMO.

    • Crafting system. Not the best by any means, although still pretty good none the less.

    • Best PvE of any game, or at the very least, can be argued to be one of the best.

    • Great PvP combat with more balance than most games will offer. I realize their are other "PvP" games that do better but seeing as how they usually fail in terms of PvE content while WoW offers both, I will argue that WoW's PvP is still very good. Also offers many different ways to PvP which is nice.

    • Talent specialization, and if I remember correct it was the first (or one of the first) games to introduce such a system that is now deemed mandatory in most games.

    • A vast array of spells with the ability to change your role with most classes.

    I guess the worst thing about WoW how it "caters" to the casual gamers. While I will agree it kills the game a bit, I myself don't have much time to dedicate to the game anymore and the arguement how there is no challenge is completely false. I would like to say to anyone who says WoW has no challenge to show me your ICC Heroic 25 Lich King achievement or just shut up. The game has a challenge, sure not on any normal 10 man raid for the most part, but if thats not hard enough, just ramp up the difficulty. Don't just beat the easiest setting and then complain about how easy it was.


    There are other games that I believe are superior to WoW or pioneered many aspects of MMO's (UO/EQ for instance), but thats not a real reason to hate on WoW. It had 11 million players at one point and I do agree they flaunt that fact too much, but I think they've earned the right. Blizzard is a terrific company. They had Diablo and Starcraft and even the original Warcraft long before WoW was conceived.


    I guess I can't comprehend why people play WoW for 10 minutes and then complain about why it's the worst thing ever created while most games try to copy off it because of how much of a success it is. I will agree WoW copied aspects from other games but thats what you do when you find something that just works. Why forsake it altogether then you can change it and make it a part of your game.


    Well I suppose thats my defence for a game that I personally believe is one of the top MMO's ever.

     1. Many old school MMORPG players, meaning pre-WoW players, hate WoW because it took what they were used to and almost turned it on its head.

    2. I was one of those old school players. I couldn't stand the boring quests, because they had you running all around doing what seemed like chores for lazy NPC's. I much preferred gathering a group of 5 people, exploring the world until I found a good spot to camp, and then proceed to slaughtering mobs for hours with those 5 people. You learned and mastered teamwork and how each class complimented other classes before you were even level 20. Plus, open world dungeon crawls were a blast.

    3. After WoTLK released, I finally gave the game another shot and I think it's the best game on the market. Pound for pound, feature for feature, the game just offers more than any other game and it's polished (aka high quality).

    4. LOTRO is the first game to offer phasing. WoTLK did it several years after the first appearance of phasing.

    5. The ability to change your role at a whim is not a benefit for those people that care about individuality and carving a special place in the world for their character. Now in WoW it's like, dual spec or go home. Oh? You're a Warrior? You better be dual specced tank and dps if you want to compete. Now everyone who wants to be just one thing gets screwed.

    6. IMHO, it's the community that killed WoW for me. Why in the world would I subject myself to a community that cares more about getting Epic gear than forming friendships? Back in the day, you got an invite to a group for just being you and knowing your class. In WoW, you need to show a gear score, achievements, and be committed to playing several hours in a row if you want to take part in the challenging content. WoW is casual friendly, but the community that's good at gaming is not.

  • JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410

    because it took my virginity and then left me empty, alone, and yet angry that i still want more.


    On the serious side i think because in it's quest to make everyone happy the game that was once innovative, wonderfull, and fresh  has spiroled down into a brainless, repetitive, recycled, endless gear grind of a game.

  • Frostbite05Frostbite05 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,880

    Originally posted by Jakdstripper

    because it took my virginity and then left me empty, alone, and yet angry that i still want more.


    On the serious side i think because in it's quest to make everyone happy the game that was once innovative, wonderfull, and fresh  has spiroled down into a brainless, repetitive, recycled, endless gear grind of a game.

    Um it was never innovative. All they did was make a very polished product using tried and true gameplay that made EQ so popular. Honestly, if you think the content is recycled then you probably didn't do Ulduar or ICC. Hell if the horrible ToC raid had some very unique fights.

  • uquipuuquipu Member Posts: 1,516

    I hate WoW for the same reason I hate:




    Wal mart



    The United States

    Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren

  • ViewDooViewDoo Member Posts: 268

    Originally posted by uquipu

    I hate WoW for the same reason I hate:




    Wal mart



    The United States

    Because all your friends do, and in order to fit in and be nonconformists just like they are you have to hate the same stuff? Thats kinda funny, that you "hate" the U.S. while still living there.


    I don't hate WoW. I just don't play it anymore. It's on a long list of games I don't play anymore. I don't hate any of them...because they are games.


  • flimmyflimmy Member Posts: 18

    Originally posted by ViewDoo

    Originally posted by uquipu

    I hate WoW for the same reason I hate:




    Wal mart



    The United States

    Because all your friends do, and in order to fit in and be nonconformists just like they are you have to hate the same stuff? Thats kinda funny, that you "hate" the U.S. while still living there.


    I don't hate WoW. I just don't play it anymore. It's on a long list of games I don't play anymore. I don't hate any of them...because they are games.



    Do you get paid by the cliché?

  • RavenmaneRavenmane Member Posts: 246

    I guess I'll throw my two cents in there somewhere.  Being a previous WoW player and a player of many other MMO's, some prior to WoW I can see a lot of hate.  WoW was a good game but it's aging and Blizzard isn't doing anything other than catering to the kids and the casuals.  Yes I am a more hardcore player and believe a lot more work should be done to get your rewards.  Nowadays most people hit cap and get outfitted in epics straight away.  I don't think it's right to give away those items without putting the work at the appropriate levelf ro them.  I personally only enjoyed vanilla-WoW...pre-BC.


    A lot of people don't find it as immersive as other games either.  If I play a game I want the world to be equally unforgiving as I level and the closest thing I got to that was the PvP servers.  After playing WAR, though, I can't go back to WoW's PvP.  The raids are too easy nowadays.  I miss having to grab 39 of my friends and then spend 6 hours in a raid and hope on piece drops for me and I got the DKP to get it...not grab 9 friends and go raiding for 90 minutes and walk out with 2-3 pieces.  I don't feel like I earn it when it's that easy.


    The game is incredibly casual friendly which is why I left it.  I'm not saying WoW is horrible but I was sharing some of what I dislike about it, my opinions.  I play Darkfall now...which it may not be the greatest but it has what I look for in a game and it shows promise. 


    But if you enjoy WoW then good on you, continue playing something you enjoy playing.

    "If at first you don't succeed, excessive force is probably the answer."
  • XxMaticxXXxMaticxX Member Posts: 115

    people hate WOW because of posts like yours, its like every WOW fanboy out there has to prove they are right and everyone else is wrong.


    ive played WOW and raided everything, but now after reading the forums of this and any other game i have to say even i hate WoW, not because of the game but because of its fans.

    the Evil Raider that outgears you and makes you cry for welfare epics on the forums.

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460


     someone pretending WoW combat is turn based doesn't know what turn based combat means.

    EDIT: for info, turn based combat is made so that one player can only do a specific amount of action, and then he has to wait until his opponent has done his own share of action before he can do anything again. Neither WoW nor any mainstream MMORPG is based on that kind of combat system, all are real time based.

    [Mod Edit]

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • swshbcklrswshbcklr Member Posts: 11

    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    It's hillarious, I got moderated because I said it's ignorant to pretend WoW combat is turn based...

    Well, I'll say it again... someone pretending WoW combat is turn based doesn't know what turn based combat means.

    Maybe the moderators themself should check out what turn based means.



    Isn't WoW combat just mashing a few buttons once they refresh?  I think that is how they downed the Lich King on 25 man.

  • swshbcklrswshbcklr Member Posts: 11

    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Originally posted by swshbcklr


    Isn't WoW combat just mashing a few buttons once they refresh?  I think that is how they downed the Lich King on 25 man.

    If you believe that, you never did any raiding in WoW, and certainly not lich king. But we are used to haters posting that kind of stuff. I'm not allowed to call it stupid, so I will call it ignorance again, assuming because of lack of knownledge, in other words.

    Now if we go down to the basics... every video game is about mashing buttons.


    Some games require mashing buttons in a precise manner.

    In any case, WoW raiding has been dumbed down.  You could never play carelessly and win in old WoW.

    Some people played WoW and realized how easy it was.  Then they quit.  The have-nots stayed around for several years though always aspiring to get welfare gear and do trivialized raid zones.

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460

    Originally posted by swshbcklr

    Some games require mashing buttons in a precise manner.

    If you suggest one can just mash random buttons and kill the Lich King, then you are either just trolling, or just trying to mindlessly bash down the game without any solid basis just out of hatred.

    It's actually quite funny, I regularly read stuff like that, and every single time, the person posting it actually doesn't play the game at all or never did the raid encounters he's critisizing. But you clearly have no idea of what that fight is about, or even several other fights in Icecrown Citadel. Dumb players who only mash random buttons will never kill those bosses.

    But I guess that just in "real" life, critic is easy for those who don't do anything... and it makes you feel special ;-)

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • Skooma2Skooma2 Member UncommonPosts: 697

    I don't think that there is hatred for WoW; I think there is contempt.    People view "their" MMO as filet mignon and WoW as a bologna sandwich.

    Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.

  • KilmarKilmar Member UncommonPosts: 844

    There is as much blind (!) fanboism as hate for wow.

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