If there's anything that I do miss about being a WoW player/fan its watching all those kick ass player made videos. Some funny stuff seriously. Thanks for the link.
There has been some very creative and good stuff from wow videos over the years. That video was very "Disney" - esque. Thanks for sharing.
I predict 14 million subs will be playing WOW Cata this winter.
mm!if forsaken world wasnt lunching?yes!but forsaken world will steal lot of that thunder !since most of the new player would have come from asia.asia will play forsaken world way more .wow better have very nice feature because what they did in the past just wont cut it!
I predict 14 million subs will be playing WOW Cata this winter.
nah, I think WoW has already peaked. There are alot of games coming down the tube and although they'll still have millions of subscribers I don't see them breaking subscriber records any more.
I predict 14 million subs will be playing WOW Cata this winter.
I predict you'll be wrong.
Yes you're right.
With a combined ex and present day user base of say 20.000.000 to 30.000.000 world wide players it could be more.
It will all depend on the Chinese and the approval of Wotlk/CATA over there.
You're all so lucky WOW China was off line in 2009 or that number would have been reached already.
Of course I'm right. We're lucky China was off line? What if it was online, wouldn't change my life one bit bahaha.
30 million? BAHAHAHAHAH, dude what are you smoking, gotta be some good stuff
Even I don't think that WOW has a 100% retention rate.
With all that WOW hate around mmorpg.com, I am quite convinced you think that too ! )
So tell me: what do you think is the average retention rate of WOW ?
If it is anything less than 50% ... you already arrive at 20.000.000+ players who once played (or still are playing) WOW.
Simple math really.
So think before laughing about those 20-30 million as the potential player base for ALL upcoming new projects of Blizzard.
That's potential. Perhaps look it up what it means.
What the hell? Is this Zorndorf? I just read your response and it was like having a flashback when that guy was around.
Anyway, throwing 30 million as a number would mean that the retention would be way below 50%, which I doubt is the case for WoW. I think they keep more players than that. And we are talking about WoW. NOT all upcoming projects player-base combined.
Furthermore, you are contradicting yourself. First sentence you say, "Even I don't think that WOW has a 100% retention rate", but you still think think it is a respectable retention rate. Then you talk about less than 50%, make up your mind.
Lastly.........are you Zorndorf or related to him? You type exactly like him and have that strong defensive/fanboyism approach.
people who have never done deadmines dont like this vid.
I think the video in the OP ...shows the exact attitude of WOW.
A fantasy MMO with a "wink" and a laugh, and without being too serious a very nice way to play for long term goals in a "world" setting.
The muscial setting is a laugh and even the graphics add to this feeling.
I think if you would introduce this "musical" video in a game like AoC or Aion, it would be really annoying and off lore.
It shows WOW is indeed not your typical MMO, but made for ... ALL people.
All 20 to 30.000.000 of them that ever touched it.
And yes I think that even Blizzard doesn't have a 50% retention rate over 5 years long. So the number of people being "exposed to WOW culture" is certainly near that number.
And no every fan of the game is not a Zorndorf. Everyone can do a Zorndorf, but no one can do it like him. Perhaps I can do a Burnbury next time. I have been Bunburying a lot in other forums, but not in this one.
Where is Coffee too btw. Gone?
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
people who have never done deadmines dont like this vid.
I think the video in the OP ...shows the exact attitude of WOW.
A fantasy MMO with a "wink" and a laugh, and without being too serious a very nice way to play for long term goals in a "world" setting.
The muscial setting is a laugh and even the graphics add to this feeling.
I think if you would introduce this "musical" video in a game like AoC or Aion, it would be really annoying and off lore.
It shows WOW is indeed not your typical MMO, but made for ... ALL people.
All 20 to 30.000.000 of them that ever touched it.
And yes I think that even Blizzard doesn't have a 50% retention rate over 5 years long. So the number of people being "exposed to WOW culture" is certainly near that number.
And no every fan of the game is not a Zorndorf. Everyone can do a Zorndorf, but no one can do it like him. Perhaps I can do a Burnbury next time. I have been Bunburying a lot in other forums, but not in this one.
Where is Coffee too btw. Gone?
I have no idea where coffee is. One day logged on and it read 'user deleted'. At the same time, zorndorf stopped posting. Zorn gone I do not miss at all, but coffee I liked
If there's anything that I do miss about being a WoW player/fan its watching all those kick ass player made videos.
Some funny stuff seriously.
Thanks for the link.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
While it doesn't make me miss WoW it was a fun watch.
There has been some very creative and good stuff from wow videos over the years. That video was very "Disney" - esque. Thanks for sharing.
I loved it
I predict 14 million subs will be playing WOW Cata this winter.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
I predict you'll be wrong.
Yes you're right.
With a combined ex and present day user base of say 20.000.000 to 30.000.000 world wide players it could be more.
It will all depend on the Chinese and the approval of Wotlk/CATA over there.
You're all so lucky WOW China was off line in 2009 or that number would have been reached already.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
Of course I'm right. We're lucky China was off line? What if it was online, wouldn't change my life one bit bahaha.
30 million? BAHAHAHAHAH, dude what are you smoking, gotta be some good stuff
Even I don't think that WOW has a 100% retention rate.
With all that WOW hate around mmorpg.com, I am quite convinced you think that too !
So tell me: what do you think is the average retention rate of WOW ?
If it is anything less than 50% ... you already arrive at 20.000.000+ players who once played (or still are playing) WOW.
Simple math really.
So think before laughing about those 20-30 million as the potential player base for ALL upcoming new projects of Blizzard.
That's potential. Perhaps look it up what it means.
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
Nice machinima, very creative.
Lets hope they update the graphics engine with Cataclysm. I suppose tesselation and DX11 is too much to ask?
mm!if forsaken world wasnt lunching?yes!but forsaken world will steal lot of that thunder !since most of the new player would have come from asia.asia will play forsaken world way more .wow better have very nice feature because what they did in the past just wont cut it!
nah, I think WoW has already peaked. There are alot of games coming down the tube and although they'll still have millions of subscribers I don't see them breaking subscriber records any more.
Am I the only one that didn't like this video?
"There is as yet insufficient data for a meaningful answer."
I like the official trailer
Lots of new stuff coming. No wonder this game stays at the top every year.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
people who have never done deadmines dont like this vid.
What the hell? Is this Zorndorf? I just read your response and it was like having a flashback when that guy was around.
Anyway, throwing 30 million as a number would mean that the retention would be way below 50%, which I doubt is the case for WoW. I think they keep more players than that. And we are talking about WoW. NOT all upcoming projects player-base combined.
Furthermore, you are contradicting yourself. First sentence you say, "Even I don't think that WOW has a 100% retention rate", but you still think think it is a respectable retention rate. Then you talk about less than 50%, make up your mind.
Lastly.........are you Zorndorf or related to him? You type exactly like him and have that strong defensive/fanboyism approach.
I think the video in the OP ...shows the exact attitude of WOW.
A fantasy MMO with a "wink" and a laugh, and without being too serious a very nice way to play for long term goals in a "world" setting.
The muscial setting is a laugh and even the graphics add to this feeling.
I think if you would introduce this "musical" video in a game like AoC or Aion, it would be really annoying and off lore.
It shows WOW is indeed not your typical MMO, but made for ... ALL people.
All 20 to 30.000.000 of them that ever touched it.
And yes I think that even Blizzard doesn't have a 50% retention rate over 5 years long. So the number of people being "exposed to WOW culture" is certainly near that number.
And no every fan of the game is not a Zorndorf. Everyone can do a Zorndorf, but no one can do it like him. Perhaps I can do a Burnbury next time. I have been Bunburying a lot in other forums, but not in this one.
Where is Coffee too btw. Gone?
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
I have no idea where coffee is. One day logged on and it read 'user deleted'. At the same time, zorndorf stopped posting. Zorn gone I do not miss at all, but coffee I liked