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I mentioned this in another thread, but I wanted to make a new thread to discuss this.
Is a pure crafter a viable way to play the game. By viable, I mean desired by a clan, and profitable to the player. My fear is that there being no skill cap would allow everyone to do what a pure crafter could do, thus rendering that concept useless.
On a side note, is there no market/AH to place goods on? All I'm seeing is the trade channel of chat.
Pure crafter is TOTALLY viable. I know a few, in my clan's alliance. Their services are ALWAYS in demand.
Most people level up crafting skills a bit, at first. they may go up armorsmith to the scale armor level, weapon smithing to the R30 weapon level, etc. But then they start to realise that if they want to fight, they need to work on fighthting, rather than crafting.
A pure crafter can make you a weapon that will 3-hit a veteran player in inferno armor. Ships, enchanted items, battlehorn mounts....all the high end stuff that advanced players need are crafted...and someone needs to be there to make them.
You'll need a clan in order to access the rare materials needed for your crafting. A clan with it's own city, so that you can craft in relative safely, and a good alliance, so that you will have a larger customer base.
Yes, there is a trade channel....but most of the time it's a royal pain to arrange for a trade, since your customer is likely going to have to come to you through hostile territory, and your alliance will have to refrain from ganking them long enough for the trade to take place. It can be done, but it's a pain.
You can place a vendor in your house, if you have one. As a pure crafter, just save up and buy these things, as opposed to trying to find them in chaos chests.
It's a long, tough road, but yeah....a master crafter in Darkfall is a VERY valuable resource to any clan, and his products really tip the balance in battles.
Listen to Wharg0ul. He is always right on the point with his answers. So I agree with him, yes they are valuable. Just make sure you can defend yourself.
Get out of your box already...
Aw, thanks Pepsi The game is hard, so I try to be helpful when I can.
There was no oone to help, really, when I started, and I know how it can be.
I guess pure crafters will be on even more demand sooner than later. When AV will implement rare ores drops from ordinary mines and salvage (or any similar) skill. Then materials will become much cheaper and crafting even low (and mass) armors (banded/scale) will be profitable.
a cottage is around 50k and a vendor 100k-150k that will make 200k money that u need to make this money means 8000 iron ingots = 20 000 iron ore that means 33 hours just mining iron nodes (whit top skills) no downtime/rest time included
i bet this will get you +20 on str and vit
BestSigEver :P
Thos lazy PvP folks are always in need of gear so guess who is important for that part ..but for to be really profitable it needs high end items, so will take you a while also need a clan that supports you fully ...
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That's very good to hear. This is a major selling point for me.
I plan on doing some group PVP as well, but in a support role, mostly. I would much rather focus on making a name for myself as a respected crafter in the game. Sounds like I need to find a clan who would welcome a dedicated crafter!
Good job. This game, Darkfall, is only one of a small number where someone that takes on a crafting role, more exclusively, is a very rewarding game-play experience.
Of course, with a higher player-base population of those that want to spend their time on conquering and combat, there's more population to make your crafting life-choice more feasible. So even though many players might pick up gathering of resources, and most guilds have in-house crafters, with the AV trial available now, the population should continue to climb to support crafting game-play for others.
Yes, make sure you do find a good clan that will support you. As you get higher, you need higher levels mats. These only drop from certain player owned cities. But with the next patch, they will be able to drop randomly from any node.
Well, if anyone has a clan here that would like a dedicated crafter, that would be awesome. I'm on NA-1
Figured I'd ask here before posting on the Darkfall forums.
I agree completely with the previous posters, full crafter is completely viable.
I think a lot of guilds have at least 1 person who is heavily dedicated to crafting, mine included. These people might not be devastating on the battlefield because how they focus their time in game, but their contribution can be equally as valuable to securing victory.
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At least with crafting, you raise your strength and vitality pretty well as well as wisdom. So you're stats will actually be pretty solid.