If you don't want to grind OP then you are totally in the wrong game. Darkfall is probably one of the most grind oriented games out atm. Also, yes you are correct, such a big world with very little to do in the way of PVE. To whoever said this game reminds them of EQ1, did you even play EQ1? I mean seriously? No really, did you? Not sure what exactly your basing this statement on being Darkfall is about 90% PVP and EQ1 was about 100% PVE.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009..... In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
Dude you just need to quit sugar coating the game, I see you do it all day long. For a new player PVE comes in the form of goblins over and over and over and over. Then you move on to another mob of the same type over and over and over and over. For the first couple months you are on you will fight the same crap mobs over and over and over again until your completely and utterly bored with it. Oh and lets not forget the harvesting, OOOOOAHHHHOHHHHH lets sit for hours on end and watch a bar fill up. As for fighting other players and skilling up off them, LOL. As a new player in your first couple months you aren't going to be able to stand a chance in pvp verse the majority of the population that are primarily vets that ALOT have macro'd their grind. Also, all the mobs drop different things huh? Like what? The same old regs and same old armor over and over and over. The game has a weak number of armors and weapons when compared to other games. I guess tho this is how they get large scale pvp to work, with limited number of graphics on armor and weapons. This game is all about end game massive pvp and the grind is just to huge, boring and repetitive to get there, which is why the game doesn't retain new players like it should. Quests in the game are pretty much non-existent after the starting area which is another major problem. The truth is tho, I don't have to sit here and point out all the things wrong with the game that you like to sugar coat, the number of subs and the retention rate of the game speaks for itself. Yah, the game has potential, but it still needs ALOT of work and it's the type of work that people aren't going to wait around for while they waste $15 a month on it.
Who says?? Just because the tutorial quests tell you to kill a few goblins, what makes it so that you HAVE to kill them??
get in a clan, get a group, go kill something else. Who's stopping you??
Don't harvest if you don't want to. Most mats drop off mobs as well, and you can always kill other players for their harvested mats.
Yeah....skill up on players. GET A GROUP.
Yeah....mobs drop different and interesting things. Have you killed a Raven Standard Officer?? Have you killed a Minotaur King? A Dark Dragon??
Yeah, there's a lack of quests. This isn't a quest based game. There are plenty of them on the market....if you NEED an NPC to give you orders all day long...NEED a trail of bread crumbs to follow, there are a plethora of games to choose from.
But don't blame Darkfall for your lack of imagination, and your attempts to play it like one of those other games, because you have only yourself to blame for this.
Uhm, it's quicker to skill up off mobs if i'm not mistaken, by about 6x I believe so killing players in a group would obviously take even longer. As for the mobs you listed, what new player is going to kill any of those within his first month or more without a group of higher skilled players. Furthermore, how is a newer player with much lower skills gonna benefit a group attempting to kill these mobs?
Currently Playing: Toying around with AoC and bored with Darkfall
Thinking of Playing: Fallen Earth or Darkfall after this months update.
Have Played: EQ1, EQ2, WoW, WAR, Vanguard, EvE, Requiem, PW, Lotro, Lineage2, AoC, SWG...
If you don't want to grind OP then you are totally in the wrong game. Darkfall is probably one of the most grind oriented games out atm. Also, yes you are correct, such a big world with very little to do in the way of PVE. To whoever said this game reminds them of EQ1, did you even play EQ1? I mean seriously? No really, did you? Not sure what exactly your basing this statement on being Darkfall is about 90% PVP and EQ1 was about 100% PVE.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
Then it would seem that the best course of action is to polielty explain that to the OP. If they cannot understand that this is a game where the user is responsible for the world, then forcing them to understand won't create a solution either.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at www.globalequestria.com - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
Dude you just need to quit sugar coating the game, I see you do it all day long. For a new player PVE comes in the form of goblins over and over and over and over. Then you move on to another mob of the same type over and over and over and over. For the first couple months you are on you will fight the same crap mobs over and over and over again until your completely and utterly bored with it. Oh and lets not forget the harvesting, OOOOOAHHHHOHHHHH lets sit for hours on end and watch a bar fill up. As for fighting other players and skilling up off them, LOL. As a new player in your first couple months you aren't going to be able to stand a chance in pvp verse the majority of the population that are primarily vets that ALOT have macro'd their grind. Also, all the mobs drop different things huh? Like what? The same old regs and same old armor over and over and over. The game has a weak number of armors and weapons when compared to other games. I guess tho this is how they get large scale pvp to work, with limited number of graphics on armor and weapons. This game is all about end game massive pvp and the grind is just to huge, boring and repetitive to get there, which is why the game doesn't retain new players like it should. Quests in the game are pretty much non-existent after the starting area which is another major problem. The truth is tho, I don't have to sit here and point out all the things wrong with the game that you like to sugar coat, the number of subs and the retention rate of the game speaks for itself. Yah, the game has potential, but it still needs ALOT of work and it's the type of work that people aren't going to wait around for while they waste $15 a month on it.
Who says?? Just because the tutorial quests tell you to kill a few goblins, what makes it so that you HAVE to kill them??
get in a clan, get a group, go kill something else. Who's stopping you??
Don't harvest if you don't want to. Most mats drop off mobs as well, and you can always kill other players for their harvested mats.
Yeah....skill up on players. GET A GROUP.
Yeah....mobs drop different and interesting things. Have you killed a Raven Standard Officer?? Have you killed a Minotaur King? A Dark Dragon??
Yeah, there's a lack of quests. This isn't a quest based game. There are plenty of them on the market....if you NEED an NPC to give you orders all day long...NEED a trail of bread crumbs to follow, there are a plethora of games to choose from.
But don't blame Darkfall for your lack of imagination, and your attempts to play it like one of those other games, because you have only yourself to blame for this.
Uhm, it's quicker to skill up off mobs if i'm not mistaken, by about 6x I believe so killing players in a group would obviously take even longer. As for the mobs you listed, what new player is going to kill any of those within his first month or more without a group of higher skilled players. Furthermore, how is a newer player with much lower skills gonna benefit a group attempting to kill these mobs?
Stop trying to play this game if its lvl based realy get this themepark mentality out of your mind if you gonne play Darkfall.
Your totally free whatever you wanne do and believe me there is plenty to do just dont think thats its all grind or raise stats.
Just play have fun ENJOY:)
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009..... In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
If you don't want to grind OP then you are totally in the wrong game. Darkfall is probably one of the most grind oriented games out atm. Also, yes you are correct, such a big world with very little to do in the way of PVE. To whoever said this game reminds them of EQ1, did you even play EQ1? I mean seriously? No really, did you? Not sure what exactly your basing this statement on being Darkfall is about 90% PVP and EQ1 was about 100% PVE.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
I'm not missing any points. I get it, the game is about massive PVP, but the getting there is what is lacking. The game has an end game like most mmo's, but if the journey getting there is boring and bland then most will never continue the journey. The game basically has a beginning and an end, but very little in between.
Currently Playing: Toying around with AoC and bored with Darkfall
Thinking of Playing: Fallen Earth or Darkfall after this months update.
Have Played: EQ1, EQ2, WoW, WAR, Vanguard, EvE, Requiem, PW, Lotro, Lineage2, AoC, SWG...
If you don't want to grind OP then you are totally in the wrong game. Darkfall is probably one of the most grind oriented games out atm. Also, yes you are correct, such a big world with very little to do in the way of PVE. To whoever said this game reminds them of EQ1, did you even play EQ1? I mean seriously? No really, did you? Not sure what exactly your basing this statement on being Darkfall is about 90% PVP and EQ1 was about 100% PVE.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
its not a mmorpg then if you have to "make your own story" I wonder how people would have responded to Dragon Age Origins or Mass Effect 2 if the developers sent them a nearly void storyline saying you have to make your own,so yea I guess that makes what you say correct in it being different than other mmorpg's being devoid of the 'rpg" it seem's to be more of a mmopvp staging ground.
If you don't want to grind OP then you are totally in the wrong game. Darkfall is probably one of the most grind oriented games out atm. Also, yes you are correct, such a big world with very little to do in the way of PVE. To whoever said this game reminds them of EQ1, did you even play EQ1? I mean seriously? No really, did you? Not sure what exactly your basing this statement on being Darkfall is about 90% PVP and EQ1 was about 100% PVE.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
I'm not missing any points. I get it, the game is about massive PVP, but the getting there is what is lacking. The game has an end game like most mmo's, but if the journey getting there is boring and bland then most will never continue the journey. The game basically has a beginning and an end, but very little in between.
Huh whatever lol.
It seems you dont wanne see what this game has to offer or how you should play it np have nice day im dont trying convince you hehe.
Its simple Darkfall ain't your game, np hope you find what your seeking then.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009..... In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
Just keep in mind guys, we're going to see many threads like this in the coming weeks. The moment I heard about this trial I knew it would be inevitable. No matter how much advice/help/encouragement we give, a large percentage of gamers are never going to appreciate this game for what it is. For those trial users that fall into this category, it doesn't make you an inferior gamer in any way shape or form. It merely makes you a different kind of gamer with different playstyle preferences. Be warned though, if you feel the need to start a thread that's a little heavy on the bitchy side, make sure you have spent enough time in game to be capable of accurately backing yourself up.
Remeber for every 10 people that try the game out, one or two might take on a sub. In the end that's all we can ask for, and it's all we're going to need to keep Darkfall growing slowly but surely, as it has been doing.
P.S. Wharg0ul, I think you've passed the point where you can help (some people) in this thread. You've certainly tried, lol. You can only repeat yourself so many times. Some people will never listen, nor do they necessarily have their ears even open.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I agree with the thread creator. I have given it a try, but I haven't been able to understand the game. I've been playing all the day, but I don't get the logic of the interface, the magic skills and the quest.
I'm sorry but the newbie 'welcome' is far from what it could/should be.
I feel the same way as the OP, and I feel that if I had someone to play with it could have been different. I used to love UO and DF felt like a 3D UO to me and that is great, but sadly I have been thrown off that path by the MMO's I have played since UO.
I was looking at a game to play while I still play EVE and with as much time as EVE takes I do not think I could put that much time into DF to do it justice? and Already having 2 years invested in EVE I do not think I can put that on the back burner for DF...
Other than that I loved it, I died a few times but was able to get my stuff back. I love how tough it is, compared to today's MMO's where everything is yours at minimal effort. Maybe I will look at DF again in the future
I feel the same way as the OP, and I feel that if I had someone to play with it could have been different. I used to love UO and DF felt like a 3D UO to me and that is great, but sadly I have been thrown off that path by the MMO's I have played since UO. I was looking at a game to play while I still play EVE and with as much time as EVE takes I do not think I could put that much time into DF to do it justice? and Already having 2 years invested in EVE I do not think I can put that on the back burner for DF...
Other than that I loved it, I died a few times but was able to get my stuff back. I love how tough it is, compared to today's MMO's where everything is yours at minimal effort. Maybe I will look at DF again in the future
I totally understand where you're coming from. I played EVE for 5 years, and unfortunately could not find the time for both. I don't really know what made me do it, but I've been playing Darkfall since October. Sadly, none of my EVE friends have joined me....yet.
Now if I could just snag a lottery win.....
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I agree with the thread creator. I have given it a try, but I haven't been able to understand the game. I've been playing all the day, but I don't get the logic of the interface, the magic skills and the quest.
I'm sorry but the newbie 'welcome' is far from what it could/should be.
It is a hardcore game, it doesn't hold your hand like others. Ask for help and you shall recieve it. If you want to buy another trial I will walk you through how to play. /tell barden jusik ingame.
This offer applies to any new players and/or trial account holders.
Just an update here. I'm not done with this game yet. I still have days left on this trial, and I intend to use them. I spent most of the morning harvesting, so I could check out more of the tradeskill action. I am a big time crafter in these sandbox games, where crafting actually matters. I was on UO, SWG (pre-NGE), and currently in EVE.
My only irritation is that the lack of skill cap allows everyone to be largely self-sufficient. I'm afraid that if I were to devote serious time to crafting, that it wouldn't be as desirable as I think it should be.
I also applied to NEW, since I think that they would be the most tolerable clan for my noobishness. I think some of the people "agreeing" with me here, might be taking my words out of context. Don't get me wrong, this game has a lot to offer, and I intend to go as far as I can on the trial before making a final decision.
To anyone who wants to get ahold of me in game, the name is Volst Thorssen, on NA-1.
You can be self reliant as a crafter but no more than you could be in UO if you had a crafter alt. Crafting in Darkfall takes a large amount of time as everything that can be crafted generally has a high resource cost associated with the item. This means you will be devoting a large number of time to raising each crafting skill that will take away from pve/pvp and raising your combat skills.
Yeah dont forget about the NEW clan thats specifically there for new players. Im new myself btw, playing 1 month since yesterday. Ill join NEW also this week.
its not a mmorpg then if you have to "make your own story" I wonder how people would have responded to Dragon Age Origins or Mass Effect 2 if the developers sent them a nearly void storyline saying you have to make your own,so yea I guess that makes what you say correct in it being different than other mmorpg's being devoid of the 'rpg" it seem's to be more of a mmopvp staging ground.
I completely disagree with this.
Just because the game isnt making the story for you doesnt mean it isnt an rpg. It just happens to be an rpg where the players make the story. Shadowbane was very similar in that each server started off as a blank canvas, then cities are built, alliances made, wars fought, treacheries, spies, etc. The roles were filled by the players as they saw fit, not as some devs predetermined every story line or quest series. That isnt role playing, that is doing what npcs tell you to. The mechanics of the game are such that the ideas and actions of the players actually matter.
Yes, please enlighten us on this massive amount of PVE you claim the game has for new players. I can name 3 maybe 4 types of mobs players will be capable of killing on their own within the first month or two. Also, PVE usually comes with quests, where are the quests after you leave the starter areas? Now a question for you. If this game isn't such a grind, then why do a giant majority of the player base feel the need to afk macro? Going into a clan city and seeing 20+ people sitting afk on a wall (bloodwall) so they can afk stat gain is just lame. A game should be fun and shouldn't make you feel the need to sit afk so you can skill up and actually play the part of the game that is advertised, massive pvp.
I'm not here to hold anyone's hand, as I said. Here's a really good map....look for green (easy) mob spawns for solo play, and harder for groups.
This isn't a quest based game. There are no quests outside of the starter areas. I've I've said before, killing mobs comes as a necessity, for various reasons, such as you need the items they drop, or you're just having some fun leveling skills with your friends. For example, there are golems that skin for rare metals....far more fun and productive to kill them with some friends than to whack at the clan mine for an hour.
To answer your question, most of those people AFK grinding are at work school, or asleep. They do this so that while they are gone, their character advances, so that they are not wastng time. What typically happens though, is that while everyone else like me logs off (I never macro), reds come into the city and farm these AFK people for their regs. It's a huge risk, and can be a very expensive mistake, expecially considering the possibility of a ban.
Uhm, it's quicker to skill up off mobs if i'm not mistaken, by about 6x I believe so killing players in a group would obviously take even longer. As for the mobs you listed, what new player is going to kill any of those within his first month or more without a group of higher skilled players. Furthermore, how is a newer player with much lower skills gonna benefit a group attempting to kill these mobs?
yes, it's quicker. But the point is, it's not necessary.
And....I don't expect new players to kill the mobs I listed without a group. I highly recommend ALWAYS rolling in a group if possible.
A new player with lower skills will benefit fine from grouping with higher level players. Some of the more difficult mobs are kept alive (more or less) by groups who use less effective attacks VS that mob in order to prolong the skill gain. IE, using fire magic on a mob that has high resistances to fire....yeah, everyone's doing ONE point of damage....they will kill it eventually, but in the mean time, the players are leveling their fire magic, healing and buffing each other (and thus leveling those skills), and learning to function well in a group.
Once it's eventually dead, ya all split the loot, and either find another tough mob close by to cycle while waiting for respawn, or simply rest and shoot the shit for a while....maybe gets some duels in.
This is a LOT more fun, and productive, thatn trying to solo through the game, and whacking on goblins, kobolds and trolls solo, I think. This is an example of ONE way that new players in my clan are able to become effective in such a short time.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
Who says?? Just because the tutorial quests tell you to kill a few goblins, what makes it so that you HAVE to kill them??
get in a clan, get a group, go kill something else. Who's stopping you??
Don't harvest if you don't want to. Most mats drop off mobs as well, and you can always kill other players for their harvested mats.
Yeah....skill up on players. GET A GROUP.
Yeah....mobs drop different and interesting things. Have you killed a Raven Standard Officer?? Have you killed a Minotaur King? A Dark Dragon??
Yeah, there's a lack of quests. This isn't a quest based game. There are plenty of them on the market....if you NEED an NPC to give you orders all day long...NEED a trail of bread crumbs to follow, there are a plethora of games to choose from.
But don't blame Darkfall for your lack of imagination, and your attempts to play it like one of those other games, because you have only yourself to blame for this.
Uhm, it's quicker to skill up off mobs if i'm not mistaken, by about 6x I believe so killing players in a group would obviously take even longer. As for the mobs you listed, what new player is going to kill any of those within his first month or more without a group of higher skilled players. Furthermore, how is a newer player with much lower skills gonna benefit a group attempting to kill these mobs?
Currently Playing: Toying around with AoC and bored with Darkfall
Thinking of Playing: Fallen Earth or Darkfall after this months update.
Have Played: EQ1, EQ2, WoW, WAR, Vanguard, EvE, Requiem, PW, Lotro, Lineage2, AoC, SWG...
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
Then it would seem that the best course of action is to polielty explain that to the OP. If they cannot understand that this is a game where the user is responsible for the world, then forcing them to understand won't create a solution either.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at www.globalequestria.com - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
Who says?? Just because the tutorial quests tell you to kill a few goblins, what makes it so that you HAVE to kill them??
get in a clan, get a group, go kill something else. Who's stopping you??
Don't harvest if you don't want to. Most mats drop off mobs as well, and you can always kill other players for their harvested mats.
Yeah....skill up on players. GET A GROUP.
Yeah....mobs drop different and interesting things. Have you killed a Raven Standard Officer?? Have you killed a Minotaur King? A Dark Dragon??
Yeah, there's a lack of quests. This isn't a quest based game. There are plenty of them on the market....if you NEED an NPC to give you orders all day long...NEED a trail of bread crumbs to follow, there are a plethora of games to choose from.
But don't blame Darkfall for your lack of imagination, and your attempts to play it like one of those other games, because you have only yourself to blame for this.
Uhm, it's quicker to skill up off mobs if i'm not mistaken, by about 6x I believe so killing players in a group would obviously take even longer. As for the mobs you listed, what new player is going to kill any of those within his first month or more without a group of higher skilled players. Furthermore, how is a newer player with much lower skills gonna benefit a group attempting to kill these mobs?
Stop trying to play this game if its lvl based realy get this themepark mentality out of your mind if you gonne play Darkfall.
Your totally free whatever you wanne do and believe me there is plenty to do just dont think thats its all grind or raise stats.
Just play have fun ENJOY:)
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
I'm not missing any points. I get it, the game is about massive PVP, but the getting there is what is lacking. The game has an end game like most mmo's, but if the journey getting there is boring and bland then most will never continue the journey. The game basically has a beginning and an end, but very little in between.
Currently Playing: Toying around with AoC and bored with Darkfall
Thinking of Playing: Fallen Earth or Darkfall after this months update.
Have Played: EQ1, EQ2, WoW, WAR, Vanguard, EvE, Requiem, PW, Lotro, Lineage2, AoC, SWG...
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
its not a mmorpg then if you have to "make your own story" I wonder how people would have responded to Dragon Age Origins or Mass Effect 2 if the developers sent them a nearly void storyline saying you have to make your own,so yea I guess that makes what you say correct in it being different than other mmorpg's being devoid of the 'rpg" it seem's to be more of a mmopvp staging ground.
So which is it, then?? You claim it's a huge grind, but that there's very little PVE???
The world is heartily populated with mobs of all shapes and sizes. they all drop different things, are of varying levels of difficulty, and are not all grouped together by "level". There's plenty of PVE in Darkfall...SHOULD YOUR CHOOSE TO SEEK IT OUT.
You do not NEED to fight mobs, or grind them at all, for that matter. You could gather gear and regs off from players, and skill up from them as well. granted, as a new player you would need a group to do so, but hey....this is an MMOrpg after all.
I think his definition of PvE is far more than just "Go out and kill 10,000 Goblins". At least, that's the way I read it.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
It's his choice to do that, if he does. No one is forcing him to.
There are countless mob types scattered all over Agon. Want PVE?? Go find some.
Maybe you can elaborate on this "PvE" instead of simply saying "Go find some". Maybe he needs some help building his sand castle in this sandbox of yours. Since it seems like grinding enemies isn't his idea of PvE and you seem to know a fair bit about the game; you should easily be able to help him out ^-^
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Your totally missing the point and absolutely have no clue how and what Darkfall kind of game is.
Its opposite of almost all mmorpgs out there you have to make your own story own exploration own adventure and believe me when i say, there is so many to do in darkfall if you open your mind and see its a sandbox with free for all pvp where you can do anything you want, no hand holding here.
I'm not missing any points. I get it, the game is about massive PVP, but the getting there is what is lacking. The game has an end game like most mmo's, but if the journey getting there is boring and bland then most will never continue the journey. The game basically has a beginning and an end, but very little in between.
Huh whatever lol.
It seems you dont wanne see what this game has to offer or how you should play it np have nice day im dont trying convince you hehe.
Its simple Darkfall ain't your game, np hope you find what your seeking then.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
Just keep in mind guys, we're going to see many threads like this in the coming weeks. The moment I heard about this trial I knew it would be inevitable. No matter how much advice/help/encouragement we give, a large percentage of gamers are never going to appreciate this game for what it is. For those trial users that fall into this category, it doesn't make you an inferior gamer in any way shape or form. It merely makes you a different kind of gamer with different playstyle preferences. Be warned though, if you feel the need to start a thread that's a little heavy on the bitchy side, make sure you have spent enough time in game to be capable of accurately backing yourself up.
Remeber for every 10 people that try the game out, one or two might take on a sub. In the end that's all we can ask for, and it's all we're going to need to keep Darkfall growing slowly but surely, as it has been doing.
P.S. Wharg0ul, I think you've passed the point where you can help (some people) in this thread. You've certainly tried, lol. You can only repeat yourself so many times. Some people will never listen, nor do they necessarily have their ears even open.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I agree with the thread creator. I have given it a try, but I haven't been able to understand the game. I've been playing all the day, but I don't get the logic of the interface, the magic skills and the quest.
I'm sorry but the newbie 'welcome' is far from what it could/should be.
I feel the same way as the OP, and I feel that if I had someone to play with it could have been different. I used to love UO and DF felt like a 3D UO to me and that is great, but sadly I have been thrown off that path by the MMO's I have played since UO.
I was looking at a game to play while I still play EVE and with as much time as EVE takes I do not think I could put that much time into DF to do it justice? and Already having 2 years invested in EVE I do not think I can put that on the back burner for DF...
Other than that I loved it, I died a few times but was able to get my stuff back. I love how tough it is, compared to today's MMO's where everything is yours at minimal effort. Maybe I will look at DF again in the future
I totally understand where you're coming from. I played EVE for 5 years, and unfortunately could not find the time for both. I don't really know what made me do it, but I've been playing Darkfall since October. Sadly, none of my EVE friends have joined me....yet.
Now if I could just snag a lottery win.....
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
It is a hardcore game, it doesn't hold your hand like others. Ask for help and you shall recieve it. If you want to buy another trial I will walk you through how to play. /tell barden jusik ingame.
This offer applies to any new players and/or trial account holders.
Just an update here. I'm not done with this game yet. I still have days left on this trial, and I intend to use them. I spent most of the morning harvesting, so I could check out more of the tradeskill action. I am a big time crafter in these sandbox games, where crafting actually matters. I was on UO, SWG (pre-NGE), and currently in EVE.
My only irritation is that the lack of skill cap allows everyone to be largely self-sufficient. I'm afraid that if I were to devote serious time to crafting, that it wouldn't be as desirable as I think it should be.
I also applied to NEW, since I think that they would be the most tolerable clan for my noobishness. I think some of the people "agreeing" with me here, might be taking my words out of context. Don't get me wrong, this game has a lot to offer, and I intend to go as far as I can on the trial before making a final decision.
To anyone who wants to get ahold of me in game, the name is Volst Thorssen, on NA-1.
You can be self reliant as a crafter but no more than you could be in UO if you had a crafter alt. Crafting in Darkfall takes a large amount of time as everything that can be crafted generally has a high resource cost associated with the item. This means you will be devoting a large number of time to raising each crafting skill that will take away from pve/pvp and raising your combat skills.
My Guild Wars 2 Vids
Yeah dont forget about the NEW clan thats specifically there for new players. Im new myself btw, playing 1 month since yesterday. Ill join NEW also this week.
I completely disagree with this.
Just because the game isnt making the story for you doesnt mean it isnt an rpg. It just happens to be an rpg where the players make the story. Shadowbane was very similar in that each server started off as a blank canvas, then cities are built, alliances made, wars fought, treacheries, spies, etc. The roles were filled by the players as they saw fit, not as some devs predetermined every story line or quest series. That isnt role playing, that is doing what npcs tell you to. The mechanics of the game are such that the ideas and actions of the players actually matter.
I'm not here to hold anyone's hand, as I said. Here's a really good map....look for green (easy) mob spawns for solo play, and harder for groups.
This isn't a quest based game. There are no quests outside of the starter areas. I've I've said before, killing mobs comes as a necessity, for various reasons, such as you need the items they drop, or you're just having some fun leveling skills with your friends. For example, there are golems that skin for rare metals....far more fun and productive to kill them with some friends than to whack at the clan mine for an hour.
To answer your question, most of those people AFK grinding are at work school, or asleep. They do this so that while they are gone, their character advances, so that they are not wastng time. What typically happens though, is that while everyone else like me logs off (I never macro), reds come into the city and farm these AFK people for their regs. It's a huge risk, and can be a very expensive mistake, expecially considering the possibility of a ban.
yes, it's quicker. But the point is, it's not necessary.
And....I don't expect new players to kill the mobs I listed without a group. I highly recommend ALWAYS rolling in a group if possible.
A new player with lower skills will benefit fine from grouping with higher level players. Some of the more difficult mobs are kept alive (more or less) by groups who use less effective attacks VS that mob in order to prolong the skill gain. IE, using fire magic on a mob that has high resistances to fire....yeah, everyone's doing ONE point of damage....they will kill it eventually, but in the mean time, the players are leveling their fire magic, healing and buffing each other (and thus leveling those skills), and learning to function well in a group.
Once it's eventually dead, ya all split the loot, and either find another tough mob close by to cycle while waiting for respawn, or simply rest and shoot the shit for a while....maybe gets some duels in.
This is a LOT more fun, and productive, thatn trying to solo through the game, and whacking on goblins, kobolds and trolls solo, I think. This is an example of ONE way that new players in my clan are able to become effective in such a short time.