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Wow gets official licence in China : news flash

Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.


  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,079

    Uh, so what.

    They were granted permission to run Burning Crusade which was already approved by China.

    At this point Blizzard and NetEase should skip WotLK entirely in China and go straight for approval for Cataclysm.

    Or Blizzard can pull a Google and say "do things our way or we never come back". The hoops that Blizzard is being forced to jump through for approval by the Chinese government is getting to be not worth the meager profits China provides.

  • virtualfogvirtualfog Member Posts: 92

    The fact remains that they use time cards in China mostly rather then pay a sub like U.S. and European players.

    Even though they account for 50% of the players base they don't account for a lot of sales.  See this article:

    The article above above tells us that they really only account for around 6% of sales figures for WoW.  So, honestly the fact that WoW is a source of 'income' for many people in the country means that the game just regained millions of gold sellers and botters. 


    The good news, as I can confirm, that Blizzard has been extremely strict this year about Spam, Gold selling, use of expoitative software, etc.   So all those regained China accounts might shrink considering their new strict enforcement.  I think we could see that additional 5/6 million player base in China shrink, but how much will be interesting.


    [Mod Edit]

    Do not try to be a great gamer, just be a gamer. Cause, I don't care how good you are anyway.

  • camp11111camp11111 Member Posts: 602


    The fact that WOW is on rail in China has nothing to do with the problem of Gold sellers.

    Gold sellers are operating on US and EU servers and the above has absolutely nothing to do with the gold maffia.

    It is about the poor Chinese chaps who wanted to play their beloved game but had to migrate to Taiwan servers to just play ... a game.

    Google made the only good stand against dictatorships: you threaten to leave when there is no free market and observe there is no respect for human rights (control of Google mail by the government).

    The internet won.

    Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.

  • virtualfogvirtualfog Member Posts: 92
    Originally posted by camp11111

    The fact that WOW is on rail in China has nothing to do with the problem of Gold sellers.
    Gold sellers are operating on US and EU servers and the above has absolutely nothing to do with the gold maffia.
    It is about the poor Chinese chaps who wanted to play their beloved game but had to migrate to Taiwan servers to just play ... a game.
    Google made the only good stand against dictatorships: you threaten to leave when there is no free market and observe there is no respect for human rights (control of Google mail by the government).
    The internet won.


    Its hard to get reliable information on who is doing the most of these types of activities, but I would glady read any up to date article you know of regarding this.  If I was wrong then I was wrong, but there is some rumor floating around that China has the most of these types of illegal players. 

    regardless, they aren't even much of the companies revenue generated considering the 6% or so earnings from time cards.  It sucks that it is such a pain int he butt to tap into this meager 6% when they are half of the known community. 

    Do not try to be a great gamer, just be a gamer. Cause, I don't care how good you are anyway.

  • camp11111camp11111 Member Posts: 602
    Originally posted by virtualfog

    Originally posted by camp11111

    The fact that WOW is on rail in China has nothing to do with the problem of Gold sellers.
    Gold sellers are operating on US and EU servers and the above has absolutely nothing to do with the gold maffia.
    It is about the poor Chinese chaps who wanted to play their beloved game but had to migrate to Taiwan servers to just play ... a game.
    Google made the only good stand against dictatorships: you threaten to leave when there is no free market and observe there is no respect for human rights (control of Google mail by the government).
    The internet won.


    Its hard to get reliable information on who is doing the most of these types of activities, but I would glady read any up to date article you know of regarding this.  If I was wrong then I was wrong, but there is some rumor floating around that China has the most of these types of illegal players. 

    regardless, they aren't even much of the companies revenue generated considering the 6% or so earnings from time cards.  It sucks that it is such a pain int he butt to tap into this meager 6% when they are half of the known community. 


    You can't transfer money from Chinese servers to EU or US servers. Simple.

    And that's what this thread is all about: Netease getting the permission to sell/support Chinese servers again.

    While the supposed gold sellers play on EU/US servers from anywhere. These guys were never a target with the above political actions.

    It's about the rights to play a video game at your home ... in a communist country.



    Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.

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