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Taken from today's financial press conference of Activision-Blizzard.
"President and CEO of Activision Bobby Kotick also hinted at where the company wants to take Call of Duty going forward.
"If you think about the success that we've had in other product categories on subscription, you can get a sense of the direction that we want to take that franchise," he said. .."
If that game hits the street, it could go to 5 - 6 million western subs with ease.
The end of an era for the tradional MMO's.
Who's anxious and who's afraid ?
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
Blizzard = Call of Duty MMO
I called it.
I'm afraid of a riot.
Call of Duty fans already almost boycotted MW2 due to having no dedicated servers (I dunno about PC gamers, but everyone else bought it anyways). I'm afraid to see what happens if they think that they're being forced to pay to play what they think should be a sequel run the same way as every other game in the series.
This is where blurring the line could get very, very ugly.
EDIT: Wait...wasn't Blizz's next MMO supposed to be a casual MMOFPS?
I see it raining fire when/if this releases...all those angry CoD fans...
Check out the MUD I'm making!

Yes ... and that "boycot" really "hurted"... (/sarcasm off).
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
Yes because everyone who is a fan of fantasy MMO's is guaranteed to be a fan of military based FPS games.
It might be successful if it has a console release, but a PC exclusive COD based MMORPG just smells of disaster in my opinion.
Why don't developers just stick with what they're good at instead of gambling on MMORPGs? Isn't there enough out there already?
Wasn't Blizzard saying that their next mmo would be an original ip ? What is so original with this ?
Yes ... and that "boycot" really hurted... (/sarcasm off).
"already almost boycotted", "hurted"....stop it! for the love of God, stop it!
When I said i had "time", i meant virtual time, i got no RL "time" for you.
I'd have to say I'm rather afraid; all these new fps big titles coming out just don't catch my attention I fail to see whats so special about them..then again its just me..but I'd be disapointed if blizzard did make it a call of duty mmo. Again it's just me, not calling these games trash, but i think leave the hardcore fps games like call of duty and modern warfare for consoles and out of the mmorpg genre.
I don't think it's the next MMO from Blizzard.
It is just another project coming from Activision Blizzard:
""It's definitely an aspiration that we see potential in, particularly as we look at different business models to monetize the online gameplay," said Tippl. "There's good knowledge exchange happening between the Blizzard folks and our online guys."
"We have great experience also on Call of Duty with the success we had on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. A lot of that knowledge is getting actually built into the Battle.Net platform and the design of that," he added. "I think it's been mutually beneficial, and you should expect us to test and ultimately launch additional online monetization models of some of some of our biggest franchises like Call of Duty."
So BattleNet is not going to be Blizzard games alone ???
Want a real mmorpg? Play WOW with experience turned off mode and be Pve_Pvp King at any level without a rat race.
Does not compute.
Isn't that what most devs do? Stick to what they know instead of taking risks? Why do you think most MMOs are pretty much the same... just saying.
Most MMORPGs are pretty much the same because we've literally exhausted all the resources available. I don't think there's a MMORPG we haven't touched that either hasn't died in the water or struggles to swim.
Honestly, he probably will be the one to kill WoW.
Call of Duty MMO? I can see it now: epic 9v9 PvP battles and people arguing over purple assault rifles while running dailies to raise their CIA faction, then moving on to FSB or whatever.
At this time, I wouldn't be interested in paying a monthly fee for a FPS.
I honestly think that's everyone's opinion at this point. FPS MMOs are still relatively new and many see them as the anti-christ of MMORPGs.
Only time, tolerance and patience can really decide whether or not these types of games will come out in the end. It couldn't hurt since we have so many fantasy and Sci-fi games out right now anyway.
I actually wouldn't mind paying for an MMOFPS if it was similar in scope to Planetside which, in my opinion, was one of the best MMOs at one point. Obviously, like everything else they touch, Sony completely ruined it.
I wouldn't want a CoD MMO simply because judging by MW2, and the direction CoD games have been going in general, I feel like it would be very limited, especially if Blizzard is involved... With their love for instanced PvP in a controlled environment that is.
I will pay for an MMORPG where your characters use guns, like Star Wars The Old Republic. I will not pay a subscription fee for an actual first person shooter game, where player skills and aiming actually determine outcome of the fight.
I'm pretty sure I can get all those I want buy purchasing a box and playing for free, just like i'm doing with borderlands right now.
Adding "massive" to a first person shooter doesnt' make it any more fun for me, so I'm not really interested in paying a sub for that.
I'd have to say I'm rather afraid; all these new fps big titles coming out just don't catch my attention I fail to see whats so special about them..then again its just me..but I'd be disapointed if blizzard did make it a call of duty mmo. Again it's just me, not calling these games trash, but i think leave the hardcore fps games like call of duty and modern warfare for consoles and out of the mmorpg genre.
Consoles and Hardcore don't go together.
CoD will and always will be a FPS, not an MMO. Activision would be down right stupid if they subbed CoD. For one they would lose a bulk of their customers (Me being one of them). The only thing CoD is to Activision now is a cash cow, they are trying to milk it for anything, even taking the risk of releasing Junk (Which the PC version of CoDMW:2 Is, absolute junk).
Exactly what I was thinking.
I doubt Blizzard would be making the COD MMO
If I had a guess I would say some other company working with Activision would make it, and take some ideas from the people at Blizzard.
Rofl, so true. I really laughed out loud at this. But yeah, to take it further, with the new enhancements to, this is exactly what I see. Tiny tiny group fights (9v9 max), combined with WoWs sort of world...
Well, the market for FPS is indeed HUGE if we consider the information on Xfire, Call of Duty holds #2, #3 and #4, and their hours combined surpass WoW...
They can have a very big baby if they manage to unify all these people under a single CoD - the "MMO" (because we all know this will be a "MMO" as much as STO, CO, GW, DDO, etc). I feel this should be better than having a new game/expansion released every few months but that's just me and I am afraid of how they can milk money, if they are going simply for a subscription fee or are throwing in item shops and DLCs in on top of the fee.