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Judging by the link above, it seems that some of the empty servers did not get a free transfer option. The thread focuses on Gorath specifically. It seems that people can't find anyone to play with, but they didn't get the option to transfer for free, like other servers did.
Apparently they are also no longer allowed to point this out or request a free transfer, since the thread was just locked, allegedly for becoming a "+1 fest" according to the mod.
Come on SOE, admit that servers like this one are empty, let people talk about it and at least ask for some assistance. Silencing the remaining few people on Gorath: -10 for SOE
There are still two threads addressing the population woes on the first page of the O-board's GPD forum. The low population problems are serious issues for so many servers and will be keenly felt when the group intensive content the next game update brings. So far, the devs have no plans at present to offer the FCTS (Free Character Transfer Service) to these troubled servers or to allow players to transfer off the most populated server, Starsider. Some control on destination servers should be considered to help ensure a more equal distribution of players to the remaining servers.
As for as the FCTS Gorath post, it was a +1 thread just to keep it on the first page of the GPD forum in order to keep others and the devs focused on the serious population issue. By doing so, it made it easy for the mods to lock it. I suspect the Double Socket Exploit Status thread will receive the same fate since it was already unstickied earlier without any final feedback from the devs.
I suppose the silence from the devs is actually an answer in itself.
This is bewildering to me. How and why SoE doesn't address it is simply beyond me because this is a MAJOR issue with ANY MMO...this isn't unique to SWG. Pretending it's not a problem is just stupid.
They should open one of the old servers and allow FTCS to it for EVERYONE or do CONTROLLED moves, not this FFA "FCTS" crap like they did last time where everyone went to either Starsider or Flurry. They need to control it and address it IMO.
Here's another link from another one. Notice the 2004 registration date and 1 post.
Scroll down for these 3 replies:
QQ & Good riddance don't let the door hit you on the way out.
OMG just start another toon or toons on a server with more people , starting fresh is a great way to get back into the game. Just pay up your houses etc and start fresh or just leave
Am I the only one who doesn't care when strangers passive/aggressively /ragequit because they think SOE will miss their $15/mo.
ONE post in 6+ years...and he gets a "QQ" from the trolls. Just sad.
I guess I just don't understand SoE's thinking. $50 is just 3-1/3 months...I guarantee most people would play for those 3-1/3 months on the new server if SoE just allowed them to move for free.
Please let the beast die in peace.
There was a fantastic short video clip where someone had messed with a Smedly interview, every time he was asked a question about how a product was doing, he would stick his fingers in his ears and go LALALALA, then at the end when asked if all the negative feedback about him affected him at all he starts singing MC HAmmer, 'You cant touch this'
was about a year ago, been searching youtube for it, cant find it to link, anyone seen it recently? Was very funny piece editing and splicing.
You HAVE to find the link!!! Never seen it, but it sounds cute.
"Am I the only one who doesn't care when strangers passive/agressively /ragequite because they think SOE will miss their $15/mo."
Wow, that quote sums up so much of what is wrong with this game. I would call attention to the fact that the thread was complaining about the low population. So, yeah, apparently some insightful people do care that so many people are unhappy enough with the service to go elsewhere.
What is this player saying? "Yeah, you show 'em whose boss SOE, keep treating them all like crap until they leave so that I can enjoy my game in peace."
I know...I read these posts and these replies by the people STILL PLAYING and it shocks me to no end. The guy had ONE POST!!! ONE!!! He wasn't some chronic complainer...he was a guy who registered for the forums in 2004 and hasn't voiced his opinion ONCE...until now. And the current mob tells him to just go
Like I said in another thread here...SoE blames sites like THIS for their problems lol. What a complete joke tbh.
$OE has always blamed ev1 else for the problems they've created. Smed has set it up for TOR to be the next blame-me child for the demise of SWG. Maybe they'll be happier with their tween based SW browser game.