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question about expasions

maybe this has been covered in other threads but i am wondering will players be able to play civilians(ie. human governers of planets or vulcan merchants or the like) in the future


  • DoomsDay01DoomsDay01 Member UncommonPosts: 783

    To be honest, I doubt it. You are a starfleet member and thus are expected to follow a starfleet career. However, its not to say it couldn't be in the realm of possibility. If they did add something like that, I really wouldn't expect it for a very long time, meaning, probably years down the road.

  • noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81

    the reason i am asking is because in the star tre universe not everyone is in starfleet perfect example is quark in ds9 or Lwaxana Troi in tng

  • BrenelaelBrenelael Member UncommonPosts: 3,821

    They have hinted at it a few times but it's nothing more than rumor and speculation at this time. I would bet that the first expansion will add the Romulan Star Empire as a playable faction but after that who knows. They claim that if enough players want something and it is possible to incorporated into the game they will add it. Only time will tell at this point if they stay true to their word however.




  • noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81

    i realy hope so

  • DrachasorDrachasor Member Posts: 2,678

    It would basically have to be an entirely new game to do that.  Quark doesn't go around shooting people for instance.  The current game is so combat-heavy and combat-focused that they really don't have anything remotely developed for any kind of civilian character (other than a pirate or the like).  I figure it is really about as likely as WoW having non-fighting classes (and as much work too).

  • noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81

    i was just wondering becasue not everyone is the star trek universe isnt in starfleet

    but of they dont bring in cilivians in some form the are missing a big part of the star trek universe and that would be a shame

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