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And what was your first MMORPG? What were the others you enjoyed? I don't care about your reasons for it, although feel free to post em, just curious to see some data and look at some trends between players and their MMO experiences.
My first was Asheron's Call, I enjoyed Darkfall Online at launch for a bit as much as AC. (Hate Darkfall Online now though, empty game.) Anything else I've tried I didn't enjoy as much as the two mentioned up there. I found everything else felt way too restrictive in terms of where you could go and what you could do, like I was playing a carefully planned out singleplayer game where any difficult decisions were made for me.
My first was Meridian 59 followed by Lineage.
The games I enjoyed most is however Guildwars and EQ2.
For some people is the fist game as their first love, but not for me.
EQ was my first, AC1 was close second (played it within a year of starting EQ1). So if I was to think what MMO's I've enjoyed as much as EQ, I can say they are AC1, DAOC, and WoW. The rest of the MMO's I played, I enjoyed them somewhat, but not as much as the other ones I listed.
Nice thread.
My 1st was EQ ,I really enjoyed it and got me hooked on mmo's forever(seems I should sue them for that now though).
Now don't shoot me but I also enjoy WoW to start with,maybe even more so than EQ,though that could be because I knew what I was doing this time around,after many months of level 60 in wow I grew tired of the game and since so many either rushed or just bad releases in this genre I can not find 1 to settle down in,Fallen Earth came very close though.
I look at this year and already feel this could be a dead genre,very little to look forward to,slight hopes for STO but it seems that is being rushed out the door..maybe FF14...though at this stage I tend to keep my hopes for a mmo very low that way I am either right or still aimed a little to high
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
First was technically UO, which I still have a soft-spot for. I could only play it at a friends house during a summer in middle-school or over my 56k modem at home (which wasn't working out). I had to walk from it, but when I got old enough to pay my own bills I got into SWG and that's the perception-changing game for me... even if it does a lot of what UO did just right.
Since SWG, I had a love affair with DDO when it was still P2P, dug FFXI passionately until my lifestyle affected my ability to camp for hours, then hopped in Auto Assault and thought it was the shit until I realized I was alone. The only one that I play today, and highly doubt that I would leave, is Wurm Online. It does exactly what UO and SWg did right, and in spades, albeit with lacking visuals and animations on models (world looks great though). Basically, I like housing in a game for some reason. Just keeping a bunch of trophies and having worked hard on moving things around and decorating does a lot to keep me playing a game, and when it comes to Wurm, I have about a square mile of personal space with which to terraform and do crazy things with. Absolutely love the game.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
My first MMO was UO. Both AC and EVE Online rank up there with it down the line of the amount of sheer entertainment I've gotten from them.
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My first MMO was PlanetSide. I didn't even know what an MMO was at the time. I didn't realize I was playing an MMO.
My first fantasy-based MMO was FFXI. I have not found another MMO that I've enjoyed quite as much as FFXI. I'm scared that FFXIV will fail to live up to FFXI and I will be disappointed with yet another new release.
DAOC, however, has been a great game for me at all times. But I have no friends that play DAOC, so I'm alone in that game. Maybe the rumored updates to DAOC will bring some much needed life back into the old dog, I'd love to see DAOC 2 or DAOC Improved.
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EQ1 was my first MMO and the only one I have enjoyed as much as it, was SWG. Oddly enough, the things I enjoyed in EQ (progression raiding, alternate advancement, wonderfully designed and challenging dungeons) were not the same things I enjoyed about SWG (player housing, player owned shops, crafting system, player driven economy, resources that changed over time).
My first MMO was WoW and the closest enjoyment to an MMO that came to WoW was LotRO, the first is always the best in my opinion
This may not be possible for most. There's a certain newness that other MMOs simply can't recreate. Especially when they're all made to be so very similar to one another.
EQ was my first graphical MMO, and I played MUDs before then (text based multi-user dungeons). I was in EQ at launch.
To give you an idea about the newness factor, back then I loved watching promo videos that showed characters sitting around campfires with the game's (still enjoyable) music as the background music. These days I couldn't give a rat's arse about that sort of thing... who actually does that anyway?
AC was a very good game that I enjoyed at least as much as EQ. I even tried to get friends to move to AC from EQ, but they wouldn't because of the graphics.
My first MMORPG was SWG-preCU. And it was the best game ive ever played regardless of genre. The runner-up is LOTRO. I enjoy the story and the world very much. I dont play any MMORPG's atm. Think im just burned out again.
And for the first time since the dreaded NGE and my quest for a new MMORPG to play, i have no new games that im looking forward to. Perhaps if Darkfall or Fallen Earth will offer a free trial in the future i will give them a go. But as I have burned my fingers to many times the last couple of years i doubt i will buy any game that i havnt tried out first.
Hauken Stormchaser
I want pre-CU back : We got your game
Yeah?, Well i want it back!!!
My first MMO was EQ.
The only MMO I have enjoyed as much as EQ is Lord of the Rings Online.
My first was Ultima Online. Second was Everquest. Both were easily surpassed. Especially Everquest. The idea of a 3D MMO was amazing back then, but I was really disappointed with every single thing the game did. Now, Ultima Online, it was not quite the looker and it did have quite a few things wrong with it, but it was at least showing a magnificient potential for the genre. Which has still not materialized, by the way.
Though I did like Asheron's Call quite a bit more than these two, the real eye-opener to me was Anarchy Online. I thought AO was the absolute king of the hill back then, I was really pleesed with it despide the launch and the many problems it bore (I was even a beta tester).
SWG was a disappointing experience for me and I quit even before JTL hit. After that, I got into EVE and World of Warcraft. I don't remember the timing well, I might have got into EVE a bit later or a bit earlier, though I know I initially spent more time in WOW. The latter was a blast at least in its first year or so, I never experienced any problems with it and it felt like the MMO scene had seen its first truly professionally-made game, it was so polished and smooth an experience. At some point while playing WOW, I started putting more time into EVE, effectively only then discovering what an amazing game it was. And oh, did it feel absolutely great!
The double experience of WOW and EVE was definitely the high point of my run as an MMO-player.
Since then, I'd say nothing's topped that - really in large part thanks to EVE.
Though I did enjoy at least some aspects of quite a few MMOs since then. Like LOTRO for its beautiful world, its ability to provide you with at least some semblance of a story and really nice touches like the music system. I liked Vanguard especially for its crafting system, fun classes and vast open world. And in the last few months, the I've really enjoyed Fallen Earth. It's not polished at all, and maybe not innovative in the real sense of the word, but it still manages to be fresh and incredibly immersive for me.
So, I guess I'm one of those really few people who does not have many complaints with the genre. I've always found something I can enjoy, and most of them more than my first MMO. Mind, the genre never really fulfilled its initial promise that first MMO, or rather the idea of an MMO set before me: I was dreaming of massive beatiful Gibsonian cyberpunk cities where we all had our apartments and cases to solve and a variety of vocations other than killing stuff... But, oh well, I'll take what's out there right now.
My first mmo was EQ but it was no where near my favorite mainly because I had no clue what I was doing. I would have to say one of my favorite mmo's was DAOC back when it was about fighting for your realm, not running in 8man groups farming for realm points. The only other game that came close to bringing back that feeling of realm pride was WoW even though I can't stand what that game has turned into.
I also have to say that Planetside in its hayday was awesome. I have yet to get the feeling of going into a full scale battle with troops, vehicles and air support at your side. Planetside was great until BFR's killed the on foot part of the game.
Funny it seems like all the mmo's I really liked were great at launch then where eventually killed by the devs, that includes SWG.
edit because i spel gud
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
My first was WoW. You can never truly relive those first moments in an MMO. The feelings I had making and playing my first toon in WoW were amazing. I wanted to explore every nook and cranny of the game world. Discovering new creatures and areas was awesome. Realizing you were working with people from around the world to accomplish a common goal was exciting. I played WoW for 3 years before I finally lost my interest in it. I still have a soft spot for it, but I don't think I could ever regain those same early feelings if I went back to it.
The others I've enjoyed as much (or close to it) were LotRO and DFO. I'm a major Tolkien nerd that had been dreaming of a LotR-based MMO since my early days in WoW. LotRO had one of the best launches I've ever seen in an MMO and has awesome visuals and storytelling. The community was great and the gameplay was fun. I played it for 2 years before losing interest after the MoM expansion. It was turning into a game I didn't want to play. I'm a lifetimer though, so I could jump back in any time, I just can't work up the interest anymore.
What I had really wanted in an LotR-based MMO was a real "world". A real Middle-Earth. No rails. No set paths. No quest "breadcrumb trail" to lead me through the world. Wide open lands that begged to be explored. If you could see a mountain top, cave or ruins in the distance, you could eventually get there. Dangerous creatures and locations. Spooky scenery and locations that gave you a sense of dread or danger. And for the most part, DFO has scratched that itch. The game world is one of the best MMO worlds I've seen (Ryzom and VG being the other two great ones). There's a sense of danger from both the PvE mobs and PKers. The explorer in me gets rewarded with chaos chests and other goodies I discover. DFO has issues that need to be dealt with, but it's the only MMO since my early days in WoW where I felt like I was in another world and not just going from quest to quest.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
None. Very few games have come out in the past 6 years that can even hold a candle to the shadow of DAoC. Darkfall is the closest yet.
World of Warcraft was my first MMO. I played it for about a year and a half then quit due to the Burning Crusade.
After that I fell in love with Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online and Tabula Rasa. Those three MMOsime are my all time favorites as of now.
First one is kingdom of drakkar, a pre-cursor to MMOs so i guess it won't count.
Second one is UO beta .. it was awful ... either click click click mining which is boring, or getting Pk every 2 steps.
3rd is EQ .. could NOT stand the horribe down-time & camping and quit in about a year.
Now I am playing WOW .. MUCH better than any of these 3.
First was EQ-- havent found any i liked as much
The first MMO is always the best in my opinion. Nothing can compare to seeing all those other players running around and being able to talk to them. You can do this in any game, but it's the most impressive things about MMOs, and all MMOs share it.
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
Same here,EQ was my first also..
the only other game that came close for me was DAOC,since it introduced to me the glory of massive 3-way pvp battles..If I remember right DAOC was my 3rd with Asheron's Call being 2nd.
But as far as EQ goes,I dont think anything will ever replicate the kind of fun I had in that game.Most of it being that it was my 1st mmo,my 1st venture into a massive, open, virtual world..
I think after you're 2nd or 3rd mmo you just kind of know what to expect.
My first and I still remember it was KalOnline. I did like how you can leave your computer on and fish until your full. Usually that would take a full week of leaving it on.
However, I have yet enjoyed a MMOG consider the Korean stuff really clones itself easy (no offence to those Koreans in the crowd). For now it seems I'll be sticking with the FPS circuit until there is a MMORPG that stands out.
My first is Asheron's call , played it for 7 years... 2nd game i played is Final Fantasy Xi online.. after that I don't enjoy much anymore.... I'm really looking foward to final fantasy 14 online
My first was UO followed by EQ ,but I didn't become hooked to mmo's until I played anarchy online; for me that was my favorite and it hasn't been topped. Some games that I would say have been fun since have been WoW (for a while), Eve, and recently AoC (played at launch was really disapointed but it has gotten a lot better).
My first MMO was Star Wars Galaxies, Pre-CU. And yes it was my favorite video game EVER! Not just MMO's. From Super Mario Bros, to Metal Gear Solid, SWG Pre-CU still holds the mantle of the best game I've ever played.
No game has even come close (and I've tried filling my SWG shaped hole with everything from WoW to Wii, nothing does the trick).
I've enjoyed probably ten or twenty MMORPGs as much or more-so than my first.
However my first was Horizons so it's not really a fair competition.