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darkfall has some serious issues and if anyone speaks about them on the forums, they are instantly banned to cover it up. most top end guilds have been crippled since people end up quitting because things arent being fixed fast enough, mostly because the devs cant find out about anything with forum moderators banning anyone who suggests or talks about problems with the game. the game is not getting enough new players in vs how many are quitting. yes new people are coming in, but just as many are leaving. the biggest problems remain swept under the carpet, and if the game takes another population hit servers might have to be merged into 1 again, or shut down all together.
the saddest part is, pvp overall has been great for the last few weeks, mostly on NA. darkfall is a good idea, poorly designed, yet still one of the best pvp mmos... however the only way to compete is to macro 24/7 when not playing, and exploit any new/existing bugs or exploits. if you dont, you are fucked. there is no denying this. the sheer time and amount of grind existing in darkfall makes Aion look like a super fast gain game. i have 2 darkfall accounts, been playing on and off since launch, and my subs end around february or towards the end of it, at which time i will not be resubing if serious changes arent made.
Sadly you are right, but I knew this the first week I played Darkfall.
I started just a month after the launch, but even back then new chars got owned in a 1 vs 3 fight. I started the ENORMOUS grind by mining 6 hours for two days to get some health. The reward was a massive 0.8 in vitality out of 100. Everything in Darkfall is a grind. You grind for mats, stats, gear, skill and the travel is a huge timesink. Atleast I could macro back then, but now my clanmates are getting banned. I started grinding GA after the PA nerf, but I'm close to give up. I haven't logged in for three days, and I closed one of my alt accont.
I have killed an insane amount of boring mobs to get a medium PvP char, but I finally made it. I will never do such a thing again. I just checked my log in the journal, and I`ve killed 3691 goblins, 1355 kobolts, 1172 trolls, 1250 zombies, 2584 Bone knights and thousand upon thousand other ncp mobs. You think you subscribe to a pvp mmo, and this is what you get. So have fun new players.
You can never compete in Darkfall if you are a casual player. You can tag along in large battles and hide behind the high level chars, but no pvpers like to do that. All the wise guys are crying out for more marketing, but AV is counting on the word of mouth. Sadly the word of mouth are that Darkfall is a huge grind and you`ll have a hard time to be able to compete.
The aligment is shit, and there is absolutly no reason not to stay blue as an advanced char. Kill everything and everyone and get your reward. The penaltys are....nothing. If you chose to get blue, you can just kill an alt char for some time. Stupid system, and a reason to quit for new players.
Why does the hardcore full-loot pvp players quit Darkfall?
This is the only question AV should be working on, it's as simple as that. Find out why they don`t like it, and fix those problems.
I don't think we are more than a few thousand players on EU1 at the moment. I`m at all the major battles, and it`s always the same players that attend. If you are more than 20 players in a fight, you are called a zerg. That`s how patetic few we are left. To bad AV placed their server on the west coast in USA, so a server merge is out of the question for us EU player.
I have a mixed feeling on what the future of Darkfall should be. If AV doesn`t reduce the grind, I hope some bigger company buys it. I really don`t want this game to fold, I just want 20 k more high level players on my server.
I don't play DF but that statement seemed to jump out at me. Wonder why?
But anyway, maybe its because, despite however many people claim to be fans of hardcore full-loot pvp, in practice, around 50% of those people are going to discover that perhaps they don't like it.
Let me give you an example. Two hardcore full-loot pvp fans meet. They pvp. One wins, gets all the loot. The other loses, has nothing and suddenly discovers that while they are still 'fans' of hardcore full-loot pvp, the way it has been implemented in the game they are currently playing (and losing in) is seriously broken, needs massive nerfs/fixes/balances/etc... and storms off in a fit of quit.
Remember as cool as a lot of mmo dynamics should be, they may not necessarily work out because they don't provide entertainment for the larger audience that the mmo publisher is aiming for.
Also lets face it, what do you think is the real percentage of players who classify themselves as 'hardcore' pvp'ers who are actual honest pvp enthusiasts and not just insecure chest thumpers who like to grief lowbies cause it makes them feel big?
Ok first off, people ARE NOT GETTING BANNED for making complaints. I've even made a complaint on the board about how difficult it is for a newb to go back blue when going red by mistake.
Secondly, what the heck were you doing to earn only 0.8 vit in 6 hours? I am willing to bet you found something to do that didn't require it.. I am faily new to Darkfall though I have been on the forums and watching for awhile. And in 2-3 weeks (20-25 hours play time) I have already raised STR by 4.0, VIT by 4.0, DEX by 2.5, INT by 3.0
I chose to go axes and I am at 35 right now. Mining around 50, Logging is around 40, Weaponsmith is about 24 only right now. A bunch of other skills ranging from 30-40 as well.
One of the things I did when I first started was run out to enemy areas and tried to kill other newbies that were farming. I got some nice armour and got ganked quite a few times too. Im no good a real PVP yet.
Also, in the past week I have noticed quite the influx of players. The starter town I am in (Sandbrook), is happening. As well as the Drawven one (Ymirs tear?).
I for one am thankful a PVP game kind of like UO has arrived. As long as progress continues I am going to stick with it. When UO first started it was a frickin nightmare and now everyone has fond memories of it, including myself.
Darkfall isn't dieing.
lying is a sin
DarkFall is not dieing, quit trolling.
I haven't seen any user getting banned for speaking up on the forum other than horrible trolls causing trouble....really....there's noting wrong.
No. The game is not currently dying. I'm seeing more activity now, than I've ever seen before.
Try harder.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
I play on the NA server and I started to travel naked through Agon only to know it more, I have run many kilometers I have visited Cairn and the Ice subcontinent, several islands and many other locations and the only I see is a BIG DESERT, desert cities, desert roads and desert towns. Even the places where there is a lot of richness are empty, the only inhabitants in Agon are the Mobs and the gankers. I could say that there is not more than 500 players in a given moment of the day and believe me, I play a lot.
There is steep learning curve, and it's easier to stay on the top, then get to the top. It's the same for players and for guilds.
I know full legit players with millions in their banks, and still earning 50k per hour, and still playing 4-6 hours every day. They won't risk hacking or exploiting - because it's not worth it, and because guys from competing guilds will report them at once.
From my experience, only people who can't compete in legit way turn to hacking and exploiting. They usually last for 1-3 months, and they get banned as soon as they bring too much attention to themselves.
DF is far from perfect. It's not only first MMO, but even first game made by small company. When it comes to level of polish - it's lightyears behind Blizzard products. It may die when better product will appear on the market - but if you're a player, not shareholder - you don't need to worry about it too much
Perhaps some remember me as a defensor of this game. I was very excited when I bought it and although I was ganked day over day, I never lost the entusiasm and kept trying harder to not to be ganked. But no more, I am leaving Darkfall, and this are my conclusions that make me think the game is condemned unless urgent and radical changes be made.
1) The only population that rules supreme on Agon are those who started playing the game from day one. I started just one month ago and never ever will have at least the smallest possibility to have a decent PVP duel since they are ahead of me and that gap will never be closed.
2) Having weak and powerful players co-existing in the same world is ok, but when those powerful players visit new players cities to gank them like animals is a real problem since a game that claims to be "closer to reality" should not allow that in walled city where supposedly there are laws and rules, be a no man's land where strong preys weak and no one says anything. To be ganked in the middle of the forest is ok, but to be ganked in the middle of a "realistic medieval city" makes me sick.
3) That alignment system must be a joke man, what are the consequences of being red name?: NONE, they can enter any town, they can use the bank like any other player, they can belong a clan and they can go for the world killing and ganking and nothing makes their life more difficult.
4) What the heck is the games objective, tell me please, I beg you, make me found the objective of this game. Only raiding the weaks and ganking them?, is there a good quest? something with story, please tell me where to find it. "Kill X goblins in one hour", is that the best I can get?
5) Aventurine is so drunk with the flattering of the reviews that is not seeing that the new blood, new players like me who are those that keep the game alive with our money, are leaving because they are fed up that all the effort they made gathering resources was wasted because a coward attacked them and took everything. I don`t know why aventurine thinks that having safe zones to live and trade is something far from reality, there were not safe cities in the medieval age? A safe city could not be so safe if an army comes and siege but a medieval city never became unsafe because a stupid coward came to the place to gank all those who were in front of him, he probably had died hanged by the major and the city watch.
And finally I want to share some of the things I learned in all this process:
1) A game is made to get fun but I can say that this one was a suffering for me, I not even could go to the bathroom at peace because every sound I listened I imagined my character was under attack, I made piss on my pants on one ocassion and I had nightmares the last night with that shout: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! that makes the character when is attacked. No thanks, gaming is about fun not about suffering I have enough problems in my life for still come to my computer to relax and finishing depressed.
2) I will never, never, never ever buy a game without playing a trial, if I had the opportunity to try the game I surely had not buy it.
I know some other posters will come with insults and mocks against me. Say whatever you want, me and my money are leaving the same than many others new frustrated players. And the end only the gankers will stay in Agon, probably ganking each other.
Aventurine, want my money back? make urgently some changes and make this an authentic real medieval world game, that was the reason why I bought the Darkfall.
Can I have your stuff?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Stopped reading right there, because that is just a downright lie.
Then I went back and read it anyway, and nodded, because yup, first assumption was correct, you're just a troll.
You don't talk about any facts or actual arguments, you just say "big conspiracy theory, all banned, mods banning people, no threads! massive grind! no way to compete!"
And if you go to the forums, right now, the forums you say have these threads deleted and people banned, you will find threads discussing the grind, discussing the macroing situation. Anyone banned? No. Thread still open? Ayup. You a moron? Ayup.
Troll elsewhere please. Don't assume everyone macros and exploits just because you do. I don't macro, I don't grind, I don't exploit, and I am constantly having fun. (maybe that's why I'm having fun)
Call me crazy but I loved Darkfall!
Yeah, I didn't stick with it on the Euro server because of the macros and exploiting.
But I have every intention of returning on the US server as soon as my budget allows, the economy got me
MMO Strategy Guides
So is this thread. Darkfall isn't dying. Every single MMO I've ever played has had its share of Chicken Littles, and none of them are out of business yet.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
Darkfall is a niche game. Any time a niche game gets a large influx of population there's always a bunch who get into the game and realize they don't like it.
That doesn't mean the game is dying.
One man, a small pile of money, and the screwball idea of a DIY Indie MMORPG? Yep, that's him. ~sigh~
Darkfall is a base pvp game. With that being said, anyone who play DF will go power lvl mode to compete the fastest way possible to start enjoying the game like it deserve to be played.. Anyone want to be the best. Many players cant be even near the best players under 1 to 3 months because of their poor stats, they lose patient and leave at once
So as long that the grind to be competitive on pvp dont get fixed, newcomers will never start to be a good sign as long that you have long term followers that leave and this is currently the problem. Darkfall players dont stay because they get sick quite fast enough of not being the best or near the best already even after 1 to 3 months of play. Some say that it take 6 or 10 months of play.
Darkfall is the best mmorpg ever, but they have the worst devs communication ever because they dont listen to us. Well, they listen to the vets who asked them to not add cap or decay. Darkfall dont have enough pve content to cover all that grind so it need to be grindless so we can enjoy the best part of the game that is pvp.
C:\Users\FF\Desktop\spin move.gif
Aventurine listens to the players that've been playing/paying for 11 months and not the 2 weekers? Well good for you Aventurine! If this was the case with all the companies I'd still be playing Pre-CU SWG and having a blast! A company that listens to the players that've invested the most time and money in the game can only be a good thing in my opinion.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
There is no prob with peeps leaving, DF is not for everyone, good luck on a game suits to you. The prob is if you start to ruin the game for others by spamming fault in forums..."i don't get handed that", "give me asap", "i have to to put effort", "need insta gratification" etc.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
With all the due respect, having paid $87 for the game and 6 months sub gives me the right to write my opinion in the terms I wish. No one here hates DF, we only ask for some fixes and we will return inmediately.
Do you even play? I started a couple weeks ago(actually only a couple days played due to the holidays) and their are tons of people, and a large amount of new players. I dunno about Euro, but the NA server is booming.
I also don't get the problem with getting your ass kicked every now and again by a veteran player. You lose some crap gear, maybe a few reagents and some coin... its not a big deal. Half the time the guys won't even bother looting your gear cause your a noob and its trash to them anyway. Some of them will even revive you and let you be on your way. I've particularly noticed that if you actuall try to give them a fight(as opposed to running away), they are more apt to revive you.
When I finally get to the point where I can start kicking some ass of my own, it will only make it that much sweeter that I had to earn my "Big Kid" card.
Can I have your stuff?
I believe the Darkfall approved method would be to pry it from their character's cold dead hands. Just sayin'
I was hoping to lure him into trading, then pk him and take his gear just for shits and giggles. Well this is Darkfall right?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Yeah I know I'm going off topic, but that right there was pure gold.
With all the due respect, having paid $87 for the game and 6 months sub gives me the right to write my opinion in the terms I wish. No one here hates DF, we only ask for some fixes and we will return inmediately.
With all due respect, 6 months sub ? that is enough time to create a hell of an in game avatar. The way is the goal, no need to win every duell out there or be the "king of the hill" in your local area ASAP, you will grow into that with time and effort invested...
I just realized you are a vet player according your post, you should have even less of a reason to complain, your char should compete in PvP even with an casual playtime investment..what are the facts you complain about anyway ? Your OP is just "uhm no negative talk allowed and the game will die"...what are the exact points you want to make ?
Have to take second paragraph back again , it was someone else did the OP ..sorry..
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Six months from now you'll be a vet and will have probably flipped your position on everything.
The objective is PvP and character advancement. The PvP can either be running around ganking other players, or clan warfare where you take and hold assets and build cities. If your looking for a deep PvE objective then your sorely on the wrong track bud. You did read the description of this game before you bought it, right? Maybe try Vanguard?
The objective is PvP and character advancement. The PvP can either be running around ganking other players, or clan warfare where you take and hold assets and build cities. If your looking for a deep PvE objective then your sorely on the wrong track bud. You did read the description of this game before you bought it, right? Maybe try Vanguard?
That would not be enough for an "objective" for these game..Clan warfare or taking advantage of beating other players have to be embeded in a personal "story"..
My story is clan..seeing the people i have established social connections to (even further then just these game) survive and prosper in the world of Agon. The World of Agon is not a comfortable world, it is in really very challenging for individuals or teams to survive in. There is organization and preparation needed for just keep us rolling and staying alive everyday.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)