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In the latest issue of PC Gamer (Feb. 10), it has a small blurb on page 13 that "Cheyenne claims Stargate Worlds will be released in 2010." I don't think I really buy that, but at least there is some new news.
That's not news it's misinformation, CME have stated it's all been shelved and now they're working on an FPS made by some interns out of the scraps left from SGW. SGR won't reach the shelves in my opinion as Whiting has a deal with his MMOGULs saps to sell it through itzyourmall and only a FanOri would be crazy enough to purchase any game from there. If Whiting doesn't sell it through itzyourmall or atleast give MMOGULs free copies to recruit more saps into Whitings "Get Gary rich quick or go broke tryin'" pyram ... sorry MLM scam erm sorry scheme, he'll get sued AGAIN.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
From what I heard, this might not be 100% true. I am over 50% certain that mmoguls won't be selling the third person shooter (agricola it isn't an fps). Also SGR will be download only. As for Gary's other company itzyourmall I don't know but I'm pretty sure SGR won't touch mmoguls because if it did us "FanOri" or any fans of the game will not touch the game.
Sorry, This game will be lucky to make it for 2011. They are releasing there Shooter first, because of issues of SGW.
Just Google it and you will find tons of articles.
@ Agricola1: The game isnt shelved, its put on hold.
Link below:
"Stargate Resistance multiplayer shooter in 2010; Stargate Worlds still coming"
We've been covering the saga of Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment's financial issues with getting their long-in-development MMO Stargate Worlds off the ground for some time now. This week the developer made a surprise announcement with the reveal of Stargate Resistance, a all new multiplayer-oriented third person shooter based on the TV series universe that's set for release in the first quarter of 2010.
The game's official web site has more info and the first screenshots from the game along with a message from Cheyenne Mountain's Chris Klug explaining the premise. Stargate Resistance will feature battles between the humans of Stargate Command against the System Lords. The game will have six player classes, an assortment of weapons, gameplay modes like Team Deathmatch, Capture the Tech and Domination and more. There will also be a strategic element to the game as teams will try to win control over planets via matches.
Klug also talked about their issues with the MMO Stargate Worlds, saying, "We chose to remain quiet during those times, because, honestly, we often didn't know what our future was day-to-day, sometimes even hour-to-hour. As a group we chose to not say anything until we knew something." He added that while Stargate Resistance is being made, "we continue to work towards SGW's release."
Don't confuse this statement designed for the press with the concept of real work being done on the game. Work towards release likely means raising money rather than any programming.
Geeked for FFXIV
Freelance FFXIV guide author for Ten Ton
Anyone that thinks CME has a snowball's chance in hell of releasing SGW ... ever needs their head testing. The company and CEO are in court being sued by unpaid employees, landlords, server providers and ex business associates and it's all being held together with pipe cleaners and sticky back plastic thanks to a pyramid scheme run by the CEO. Who incidentally is being sued by investors in his pyramid scheme and his many games companies including CME, CMG, cash sink studios (too many to mention) and Firesky. Also he's failed to pay most of the MMOGULs saps their due earnings already, especially after they got dumped by the credit card company and evicted to some ranch.
I've followed this nightmare since 2008 when they ran out of cash and employees went unpaid for 3 months and missed out on the christmas bonuses. By 2009 most had left, the second beta test never happened as they were and still are being sued by the company that provided the servers. No one is left working there from the original developers, even the graphics engine companies said what they were doing was un workable under ideal cirumcstances.
Now there's next to no one left working there with any real experience or ability, all trying to hash together some 18 month old code written by someone else for a different game! Even the most crazed optimist has to admit it doesn't look like it'll launch? CME owes millions of dollars as does the CEO, only holding off bankruptcy by dragging out the court cases. How does SGR have a chance of releasing? Yeah it's what a 3rd person shooter? 50% sure it won't have any MMOGULs in it? Well good luck guys, but I don't see one single reason why this company could even get this out on a DD. They couldn't even get SGW into a bloody beta test last year despite having the game ready to go, they couldn't pay for a server or any staff!
But hey stranger things have happened ..... actually no they haven't!
Whatever happened to Khestral's screenies every two weeks? Is he gonna do the same for SGR?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
You know, there is one SURE way they could have actualy gotten the funding to make SGW.... turn what's going on with CME, Moguls and the whole rotten saga into a Reality TV show. Just listening to this train wreck/soap opera is more entertaining then 90% of the the dreck they put on TV these days anyways.
If not for the poor employees that got screwed when they first started missing payroll and the whole thing unraveled this saga would be a real comedy. Gotta feel for those guys....because AT THAT POINT.... I can easly see how some-one might not realize the type of company they were really working for..... and it had to be a rotten time to be dumped out onto the job market.
Only problem with the Reality TV show idea is with the cameras rolling to record everything..... some-one might well be heading to orange jumpsuit land. Maybe they could do a spin-off though.... "Scared Straight - The Pyramid Edition."
Oh Agricola I love you :P.
Oh Agricola I love you :P.
@ Aaron: then don't back stab him on the official forums.
@Agricola: Preach it brother, Amen!
Did you notice that the "new" SGW shots on the site once again have the ol' 2008 © on them... Kind of seems to fly in the face of his saying that they post new images and that it was his mistake... link.... If it IS true (that they are newly rendered images that are just mislabeled, and not just from the old stock pile of now two years old), doing it the first time... well that get's a facepalm. Getting called out on it, and then doing it again... well...

I think it's all a bad dream. Then we 'll wake up and SGW will be installed in our PCs and patched, ready for play.
"Traditionally, massively multiplier online games have been about three basic gameplay pillars combat, exploration and character progression. In Alganon, in addition to these we've added the fourth pillar to the equation: Copy & Paste."
Firesky did a great job of finally updating their webpage. Nice to see the current staff updated instead of all the former management that was long gone. Looks like they are trying to shed the name Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment name as everything is all firesky -- even the takes you to firesky.
What's missing is any mention of Stargate Worlds; except in the company history. The only game listed is "Our first project is a 3rd person persistent shooter based on the incredible Stargate license."
Some of the wording on the site lets your imagination wander and reminds me that they lack marketing muscle ... for instance: "Despite economic hardships and political potholes" Perhaps a better choice of words would have been 'legal potholes' ? or using severe and severely in the same sentence, etc. Just saying
as an old school SG-1 fan i will have to try this game if it ever comes out....
Peaches. I could eat a peach for hours!
(Mod Edit)
This is starting to look like another Duke Nukem Forever project. I had high hopes for SGW but..... you can't wait around forever.
"Life is too short to play nerfed characters."
it really is time this game was removed from the list on, its never going to be released and is dead.......
Playing: FFXIV
Future: wishing for SWG 2, World of Warcraft Classic
Played: Most current and extinct MMO's - 18 Years in....
Interesting Fact - I own 27 Tarantula's
After seeing the beta before they well...turned off the servers...
As a SG fan, I was crying on the inside.
These days however, I'm not. I'm praying that someone else get the license... Or else there would never come a real SG game.
Stargate is such a good model. I can't believe they couldn't finish the game.