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Hey there, I've been digging around for who knows how long on this website, youtube, and other sites alike searching endlessly for a game to capture my attention like they did 4 years ago. After the tedious reading of countless forum-goers, I fell like Ryzom can be my new version of crack. I WANT to get hooked onto a game so bad it kills me that it seems impossible. I'm about to get my trial account setup, but I was wondering if there was anyone here that would be willing to help "acclimate" me to the world of Ryzom. I'm not wanting someone to hold my hand and take me a long through the game. It's just I have zero RL friends that play MMO's, and I've had limited success connecting with people in games, feeling isolated even if the game isn't that way in the least bit. So if anyone has suggestions as to what server(US here), guilds to check out, or just any advice in general I would appreciate it greatly. And hey, if you need another buddy to play with let me know, because well, I have none at the moment.
I'm not currently playing myself (though planning to return soon) so can't help you in-game, but some general advice that may help you get started...
The English server is Arispotle. Leanon is German and Aniro is French.
This website will be your new best friend:
The Crafted items section will show you what all crafted gear looks like on each character type.
The Calculators - Fight XP page will also see a lot of use. Ryzom has no classes or player levels. In any given fight the amount of xp you get is determined by the highest level skill used and how many players engage in the battle. This XP calculator will help you figure out what to fight. Then use Atys Info - Maps to find where they are.
The Atys Info - Mobs section is handy as mobs have resistances to particular damage types.
Ryzom has a pretty good community. Not perfect, but one of the better mmo communities around. Once you decide which faction you want to join (Kami or Karavan) or if you want to stay neutral, you should be picked up by a guild fairly quickly. I only ever played Kami so don't know about the others, but once I had access to the Kami faction channel I found other players practically tripping over themselves to help anyone asking for it. Eg. the only decent gear is player-crafted. If you say you need something, it's a challenge to buy it - because most players will just give it to you.
If you plan to harvest and craft, definitely seek advice in game. There are many harvesting locations but some are much more convenient than others, and some are quite unsafe. You can't tell these things just from maps (eg. Atys Info - Maps on the Ballistic Mystix site).
Ryzom is a game you won't feel isolated in. The game mechanics strongly encourage grouping - eg. healing magic only works on other players, so a team of even just two is way, way, way, way more effective than solo'ing.
While the open skill system means that you are completely free to level whatever skill you like as you like (though three of the magic skills are difficult/impossible to level without a team), you'll probably find it easiest to level any melee skill, healing magic and elemental magic first - in any order. Though it's useful to get healing magic to around 50'ish early on so that when teaming you can heal your teammates or regenerate their sap (i.e. mana) or stamina for them.
Maxing a melee skill will give you better defence against physical attacks and more hit points. Maxing magic will give you better magic resistance and the spells themselves are always handy.
Folk generally only level ranged weapon skills later (if at all). Like all other gear, ammo is crafted, so if you want to play with guns it's easier once you've higher harvesting skill (which will let you harvest faster --> make ammo faster)
Finally, keep an ear out on chat channels for Treks - this is where veteran players gather up a bunch of nooblets and run them between zones. You'll start the game in the capital city of your choice (i.e. 1 of 4) . You'll be unable to safely travel to the other zones on your own. But there are lots of teleporters for fast travel. Once trekked to a teleporter you can buy a teleport ticket and return to it whenever you like (but teleport tickets are consumable so you'll need to buy another).
Jump into the first trek you can. It's much easier to get into teams once you can teleport anywhere in the game to join a team. They're also quite fun and you get to see a lot of the gameworld.
I´ll really never understand why it does seem imperative for Newbes to be shown the "easy" way to do things. *shakes head*
Did he ask for a spoiler site?
Did he ask to be told what to do?
Is it really best to just teleport around the world and miss all the fun traveling?
I´ve encountered may players lately that came to the game in the last few month since re-opneing and then were dragged around the New Lands by some high players, from teleport to teleport and NEVER got to see Virginia Falls for example.
They didn´t even know places like darkmoor cave existed, because nobody bothered to show them, and they were "content" with "tp-ing" everywhere. Many players seem to consider walking/running from point a - b a waste of time. Which I will never understand. It´s part of the game. So use it.
I always could just weep, when I see folks that are one or two years + InGame and don´t know a better way around a region than simply blasting right trough the middle of the aggro spot. While a simple matter of 5 running meters to the right, would have spared them a lot of trouble and gear-wear.
Sites like BM are great in a clinch, but they are not NEEDED to play the game. They´re in no way a resource that should be used to just feed you and make you miss the fun of discovery and experience.
Sorry for the rant, but things like these just get on my nerves.
Do you dare to adapt?
Thanks green13, couldn't ask for more info in text to get me started. It'll help a lot
MaDSaM, even though you just ranted I feel like I can take something out of it. I won't be afraid to explore unknown areas and not just skip over them like I probably would have.
I guess all there is to do is play
Everyone needs an occasional rant
But I think you need to look at this from the new player's perspective.
Ryzom utilizes a very unique game design. And it's a great design.
But because it's different, it's not as intuitive or easy to get into as other mmos, so new players do need a bit of guidance. That's not "showing them the easy way", that's "guiding their first steps in Ryzom so they have an opportunity to enjoy it".
And as for trekking them to tp points.... Seriously, there's plenty of time to explore the world and Ryzom doesn't have an enormous population. If they're not trekked then they can become isolated in their home zone. If they're in Yrkanis and get an invite to a team in KoD, do you really expect them to run?
Get off yer rocking chair you old fart and stop harassing the youngin's :P
SaM, you ornery ol' cuss, you. Go pet a yubo and relax.
If my denture wouldn´t fall out all along, I´d give you a rant, that´d keep your ears ringing ´´till next week!
And my crutch weren´t so heavy, I´d give you a good walloping along the trunk, you lousy young saplings!
*LOL* Okok, sorry for ranting a bit.
But I DO not like such behavior
Do you dare to adapt?
Hello and welcome to Atys.
Don't take the MadSam rant too serious... he loves the game and, as any true lover, wish to share the same feeling with everyone.
I understand this because i love ryzom the same way and i generally agree with his vision of the game (despite i was a bit upset in the recent past, but that doesn't change the fact that Ryzom is one of the best concept actually on the market).
As one that played 99% of the game without spoilers, but doing my own researches I can understand why he seems ranting: you will lose most of the fun if you just follow what others have done before.
At same time, I don't see any real issue if someone wanna tell you what he thinks and eventually suggest to do, even to use a spoiler site. Green13 just anticipated to you something you will read very often in the universe channel.
You are free to decide how to play the game, to read spoilers or just discover by yourself, so any suggestion can be appreciated as long as you will feel free to decide.
Ryzom can be a different game or Ryzom can be an usual grindy game. It all depends by you.
You are free in Ryzom: no classes, no mandatory quests (with some exception, but you can do anytime and never be forced to do something otherwise you cannot *advance*). While in other mmos you are generally forced to the path prepared by the devs, because there is an end game to reach.
There is no end game to reach in Ryzom, all the game is already an end game: you can experience the same kind of fun at level 10 as at lvl 250. The path to the knowledge of the world is the end game, and it's something you'll enjoy just 'living in the world' the devs has built for you. The entire world is a giant quest that waits you discover it.
Ryzom is more a virtual world than just a game: the goal is to survive in this strange living planet, learn how things works, the relations between the seasons and the resources, the politics involved around the races and around the players.
If you think to just rush to a master to be able to do pvp as fast as possible, you will leave atys soon, because getting a master can be a goal, but it's not the most important goal in Ryzom.
Ryzom is relations with other people living the planet, Ryzom is to confront the kitins to really understand when you can win or when you have to run, regardless of your masters. Ryzom is to look the scenery around you, understanding the weather and when the resources will be available, despite the misinformations given to you by the planet.
Ryzom is logging in, take the mount from the stable and run around doing nothing else than testing your survival abilities.
I think I spent at least 1/3 of my gaming time getting no xp at all (or some few xp forced by some stupid animal ) but always having a lot of fun.
If you approach the game in this way, you'll enjoy it.
Of course, no MMO can be good for every kind of people and there is no right or wrong people, no right or wrong MMO, just different tastes.
NB: just noticed I said something but also did the contrary: i just told you how the game should be played in my opinion!! Well, feel free to ignore me or take what you think can be useful for your gaming experience.
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That, I think, is Ryzom's best feature.
In most mmos I know before I log in what I "need" to get done that session. Achieve level X, grind Y amount of faction, collect Z amount of gold, do raid instance ?.... oh I ran out of letters. But you get the idea.
With no classes, levels or pre-determined goals, Ryzom is so unpredictable. I could log in and harvest for a bit. Then join a team as a nuker. A quick change of gear and I'm melee'ing. There could be a call to help trek some nooblets around. I could go hunting named mobs with friends and/or guildmates. I could join another team as a healer. I could poke around down in Prime Roots for a bit. I could do a few missions, etc. etc. etc. etc.
And there's never any pressing need to do any of the above - it's just there to do as and when you like.