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New online browser game currently in pre-alpha can be found at
It's still very much in development and i'm looking to have a few players so I can start balancing it.
Trying it out as we speak. Seems interesting. =D
...and...having issues figuring out what the hell I do. I built a lumber mill and 2 gold mines and I can't build anything else, nor can I train militia or deploy my heroes...
Check out the MUD I'm making!
I've added a quest system that guides you through everything up to moving armies around the map
You can't train militia without weapons and armour which you need a black smiths to make for you :P I need to get a user guide written really.
I think the quest system will hopefully provide the stop gap between too little/too much information.
Aight cool man. I'll have to check it out. Seems like a good game ^^
Check out the MUD I'm making!
Got a little bored so I decided to try it out.
Wish I could find a bit of info about the game like who made it and other things.
When I first saw it I thought it would be a very, very simple game and while it looks simple and shallow there might be more to it then I thought.