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Afterworld future

Happy Holidays and the close future of AfterWorld.

The year 2009 was a good one for AfterWorld. We have achieved a large milestone in development and a lot of resources have been put into research. So, we think it is a right time to share with you some information about the future of AfterWorld.

1. "Beta", names and new world.

The most important from this news is: there will be no "Beta".

We decided not to go with the standard alpha-beta-gold loop, as it doesn't really fit our development routine. And we don't want "The Beta Effect" (read more at MMORPG) to affect our project.

At this moment, AfterWorld is in "live-development" with open registration for participation, though it is not yet commercially launched.

The current project is going to be renamed to AfterWorld: Alpha World. It will continue to receive updates/patches with bug-fixes and small improvements. The only large update expected to be released for "Alpha" is 9.9 which is about an updated inventory and storage (bringing in the lag-free crafting, faster loading of storages and containers, improved GUI).

At the same, we developing a new, better, larger world. Actually, it has been in development for some time already. Expect to see a new large world with size of more than 2000 (over 500 current “Saransk” zones). Most of the places are based on the real-world locations.

This new world will appear in a new project called AfterWorld: Survival.

AfterWorld: Survival is powered by Torque 3D engine (the successor of the award-winning TGEA engine).

The new project will include all of the "Alpha" features and many other additions and improvements. Corporations, transport and lots of other cool stuff is going to be implemented in "AfterWorld: Survival" too.

Some of the preview of new world:

Bigger world will allow to separate crafting machines into levels (so different cities will serve different craft levels).

The resources will be distributed widely over the whole area.

Different Quarantine zones with different features.

More PVP levels (from no PVP through kill-only up to fully lootable PVP zones).

New server’s back-end, developed locally in Dedicated Logic, will allow to provide high-quality service for a very large audience without lags.

Expect to enter into the new world in 2010.

2. Economy.

With the coming changes to the AfterWorld project (see above) it will be required to tune the whole system, however, we don't expect those changes to be dramatic.

Everything from the "old world" (current "Alpha") will be transferred to the "Survival Project" without any wipe, so at the end all items, skills, valuables, etc will stay "as is".

The commercial launch (we will post news with more information about it additionally) will not bring any changes to the economy at all, so everything you have on your avatar will be kept no matter what happens.

3. Thanks.

We would like to thank you all for your support, participation and dedication.

As you may have noticed, a lot of has been developed based on your ideas. Keep them coming (use contact form to share your thoughts, ideas and recommendations)!

Happy Holidays!



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