Originally posted by eldanesh117 Originally posted by Loktofeit
I pretty much agree here. I'm a 40-year old male and I enjoy a scantily clad female as much as the next guy, but the style and gameplay of the Asian MMOs seems to be as overused and repetitive as the orcs-n-elves crap is in the West. Can I have some armor on my female characters? Trust me, a woman can still look badass in a full suit of armor. It's as if there is some actual rule about AC and Coverage in female armor, but honestly a decent set of armor isn'tentirelyimpossible. Why does my mage, regardless of gender always have to have a skirt and a book? Why does my female cleric need to be almost naked? Why does my weapon always have to be twice the size of my character?
Same here, though I tend to prefer the style in the more action-oriented Asian MMOs. Gameplay, however, well, to each his own. I don't particularly like Western MMOs because I find their skill animations to be particularly lacking on eye candy. The whole "giant weapon" issue is something I usually overlook, usually it's the aesthetics of a weapon that draw my attention, not the size. :P I also wholeheartedly agree with you on female armor. A full-plate wearing female warrior with a sword and shield says thousand of words more than a scantily-clad one.
ITs all inside the marketing.
NO matter the continent, the main age groups long for something that is lacking in the real life. People, the majority of players, LOVE sexual, unrealistic armor designs. Hell, look at Age of Conan, graphically shunned to hell because "armor is too casual and too realistic and not shiny"
Those who want to try something new have to be careful as to still retain the major part of the customers.
Going on abotu FW I am king of happy that it does not seem to follow the usual skimpy smexy outfit trend of nxt-gen blockbusters *cough*Tera, MabinogiHeroes, C9*cough* and actually tries to add something that looks, well, like armor.
Screenshots like this,increase my hopes that we wont have yet another mmo with thousands of walking fetishes:
Originally posted by Fusion Highly doubt that this'll be a blockbuster anywhere but maybe japan, china or whatever the hell that scribble language is
Stereotype much?
Let's not forget that this mmorpg is NOT targeted to China or Asian countries. Its developed with main customer base target being europe/USA. As shown by concept art, screenshots and the leaked interface screenshot, you won't find anything "chinese" or "asian".
Originally posted by Loktofeit Why does my mage, regardless of gender always have to have a skirt and a book? Why does my female cleric need to be almost naked? Why does my weapon always have to be twice the size of my character?
The wonderful world of marketing.
Skimpy-looking, sexy female with sword attracts more people than badass female warrior in armour
Sad, but true.
Even major rpg games like Mass Effect do not escape the over-marketting of sexual designs(Evident by a transition from interesting-characters of ME1 to Fetish-sex-icons of ME2)
Originally posted by eldanesh117 Therein lies the debacle. People like them tend to run in groups, guilds, very big ones. With the help of his own guild (who, under assumption, would also be fairly well-equipped and just as ambitious as he is), it wouldn't really be a problem to obtain godhood. I think the problem is pretty much in favoritism with the system. If the entirety of the pantheon is filled with players from the same guild, it could give them an unprecedented advantage over others.
What if one guild is not enough for the power?
What if one has to earn respect of entire continents/races/etc?
What I like about this divine system so far is that "its not about strength". Its not Overlord or Brutal LEgend, where you are TEH GOD and do what you want. Its more like....Sacrifice?Civilization? Where your power is not your fists but the people who worship you.
Surely there will be some evil players who get into that position, but that only adds up to the lore.
And its not like "Owning a fort, a city, a castle, etc". Its about being against a whole game community if you make a wrong decision.
IF fw game manages to create that sense of responsibility and peril for gods, It ill all be alright.
Sounds really good on paper. But considering its being made by the Perfect World folks, I think its very likely that its going to be nothing anywhere near as good as it sounds on paper.
Lets be honest, the asian market isn't exactly know for implementing new and exciting gameplay aspects. I suspect it will just be another grindfest w/ pretty graphics, animations, and a weak combat system.
Originally posted by comerb Lets be honest, the asian market isn't exactly know for implementing new and exciting gameplay aspects. I suspect it will just be another grindfest w/ pretty graphics, animations, and a weak combat system.
C9? Tera? Mabinogi Heroes? SUN? Magic World 2?
All these games are from "asian markets and so far they seem to destroy pretty much everything that currently exists in "western" mmorpg market(minus Secret World and upcoming Torchlight mmorpg)
Oh and FW is developed NOT by PWi-China. Its developed by PWi-China, PWi-USA, PWi-Taiwan and PWi-Japan, alongside a fe hundreds freelance artists and programmers from Europe and USA. The AI team also includes two Princeton University professors.
Lets be honest, the asian market isn't exactly know for implementing new and exciting gameplay aspects. I suspect it will just be another grindfest w/ pretty graphics, animations, and a weak combat system.
C9? Tera? Mabinogi Heroes? SUN? Magic World 2?
All these games are from "asian markets and so far they seem to destroy pretty much everything that currently exists in "western" mmorpg market(minus Secret World and upcoming Torchlight mmorpg)
Oh and FW is developed NOT by PWi-China. Its developed by PWi-China, PWi-USA, PWi-Taiwan and PWi-Japan, alongside a fe hundreds freelance artists and programmers from Europe and USA. The AI team also includes two Princeton University professors.
Nothing you listed is released in the western market. Until that happens the only thing eastern MMOs have shown us is that they are all bland generic grinds with pretty colors. And let me be honest, I generally consider Europe as the current innovators in MMOs, not NA... and I'm from the US. So this isn't some biased opinion I have based upon my nationality.
I don't care if the PW team has aliens from Pluto on it, its still an asian flavored design team... the same as Blizzard is a western flavored one.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about getting to try some of those titles, particularly Tera.. and I'll be the first to apologize(if I'm wrong) once I get to play those games and actually experience them if they are innovative in a good way. Until then, the asian market has provided nothing innovative in the least. Sorry, but we always here about how awesome these games are, then they land in the western market and end up being absolute trash.
And when you say they "destroy" games except SecretWorld and a Torchlight MMO... of which neither are anywhere near release... well you lose credibility. Your just looking at feature sheets and floating on fluffy hopefilled clouds, which is always a surefire way to be massively disappointed.
Sounds really good on paper. But considering its being made by the Perfect World folks, I think its very likely that its going to be nothing anywhere near as good as it sounds on paper. Lets be honest, the asian market isn't exactly know for implementing new and exciting gameplay aspects. I suspect it will just be another grindfest w/ pretty graphics, animations, and a weak combat system.
one thing is sure ! when a company bring in specialist of the mind from harvard to help designer do AI
you might become very surprised by how smart the various npc might be,we dont even speak of boss yet!
and viewing the new psychic spell efffect in pwi i got to say it will probably a very good game for all market (aside from america)
why i remove america some might ask !because america will be playing wow cataclysm !
There is one exception, comerb. SUN has already been released in NA.
But, you are pretty much spot on when it comes to the game. It's quite bland, the combat system feels clunky at best, and the graphics aren't all that spectacular.
Why does my mage, regardless of gender always have to have a skirt and a book?
Why does my female cleric need to be almost naked?
Why does my weapon always have to be twice the size of my character?
The wonderful world of marketing.
Skimpy-looking, sexy female with sword attracts more people than badass female warrior in armour
Sad, but true.
Actually the real culprit there is game design, not marketing. The book, the attire, the skirt... it's so that you can immediately recognize the opponent's class.
If marketing was left in charge, the next expansion for each MMO would probably offer new goth attire and a face strangely similar to Bella's in character creation. There would probably also be a winback campaign that gives returning players an exclusive /glitter emote.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Why does my mage, regardless of gender always have to have a skirt and a book? Why does my female cleric need to be almost naked? Why does my weapon always have to be twice the size of my character?
The wonderful world of marketing. Skimpy-looking, sexy female with sword attracts more people than badass female warrior in armour Sad, but true.
Actually the real culprit there is game design, not marketing. The book, the attire, the skirt... it's so that you can immediately recognize the opponent's class. If marketing was left in charge, the next expansion for each MMO would probably offer new goth attire and a face strangely similar to Bella's in character creation. There would probably also be a winback campaign that gives returning players an exclusive /glitter emote.
Designs ARE left to the marketing now
WHy do you think We have "japanese bishonen(-shoujo) VS bestial demonic goths" of aion? Why do you think certain MMORPG (tera online) has all females run around almost naked(not to mention the pink lipsticked goth succubus race)?
Its sad but most of games now target for sexual appeal and not for making sense.
So when developers PROMISE that they won't have fetish armours (like Project9 developers did), it leaves people in SHOCK. NO ONE believes such a simple fact that someone would NOT add such things into mmorpg:)
Originally posted by drbaltazar mm!from the look on last link i put i guess we can say the gear some women will get will be respectable looking! ps:by the way that game website is best viewed with explorer!i tried it on firefox and firefox doesnt work (too slow) for some reason.
YEs, so far it seems that Females will indeed have armor that actually covers them and mages will have clothes that well, would not qualify them for Playboy Manson.
The most the so called "base audience" ill get is a bit of curves and cleveage.
Why does my mage, regardless of gender always have to have a skirt and a book?
Why does my female cleric need to be almost naked?
Why does my weapon always have to be twice the size of my character?
The wonderful world of marketing.
Skimpy-looking, sexy female with sword attracts more people than badass female warrior in armour
Sad, but true.
Actually the real culprit there is game design, not marketing. The book, the attire, the skirt... it's so that you can immediately recognize the opponent's class.
If marketing was left in charge, the next expansion for each MMO would probably offer new goth attire and a face strangely similar to Bella's in character creation. There would probably also be a winback campaign that gives returning players an exclusive /glitter emote.
Designs ARE left to the marketing now
WHy do you think We have "japanese bishonen(-shoujo) VS bestial demonic goths" of aion?
Why do you think certain MMORPG (tera online) has all females run around almost naked(not to mention the pink lipsticked goth succubus race)?
Its sad but most of games now target for sexual appeal and not for making sense.
So when developers PROMISE that they won't have fetish armours (like Project9 developers did), it leaves people in SHOCK. NO ONE believes such a simple fact that someone would NOT add such things into mmorpg:)
Originally posted by drbaltazar
mm!from the look on last link i put i guess we can say the gear some women will get will be respectable looking!
ps:by the way that game website is best viewed with explorer!i tried it on firefox and firefox doesnt work (too slow)
for some reason.
YEs, so far it seems that Females will indeed have armor that actually covers them and mages will have clothes that well, would not qualify them for Playboy Manson.
The most the so called "base audience" ill get is a bit of curves and cleveage.
So a lot more features in official news - For starters, "Soul Gold" a feature to get rid of gold farmers. Apparently just having enough "shiny lots of cash" won't be enough as to buy anything you have to have a certain amount of OTHER currency, which is only obtainable by actually participating in activities, quests, dungeons, world events, etc. You know - actually PLAYING the game. The feature is built in such a way that while "real" gold is still important, buying it from gold farmers for real money is pointless. - The Unique refinery system. BY participating in various events, doing quests, etc, players can obtain items to upgrade their weapons. AS your weapon is upgraded, it will not only change the "color" but also the form itself as well. Oh and The Failure to upgrade weapon does not destroy it and weapon does NOT loose the already existing bonuses. Oh and as of preliminary news - if game will be f2p with microtransactions(currently there's a poll going on for what model should the Chinese version go), Item Mall will NOT have items affecting the refinery. - "Changing" the world system - Each "Server" won't be a copy of the "template server". Instead each server will develop accordingly to player actions and choices in game. Each server - completely different game environment created and constantly changing by player decisions themselves. - Pantheons and Divinity - 10 Players per server stuff already said before but the new part is Two Primordial Gods - basically each server will be a huge never ending pvp between those two npc characters, with players themselves and their decisions as "Skills". Player-Gods will have to be careful not only as NOT to loose their own followers or get "overwhelmed" by other members of pantheon, but also as not to get demolished for getting in the way of fight between two Primordial Gods. - XP Skills - The game will have three gauges - HP, SP and RAGE. RAGE will be used for launching unique XP skills based on your race/class combination. These PVE ONLY skills will only be upgradeable through quests or certain "happenings" and you won't be able to use them in PVP.
So, a 'crab' will act different than a 'bear'? a Kobold has different attack strategies than a Naga? NPC's will co-ordinate their attacks, not only relative to the player's actions, but each other's, as well? Smart enemies...that will be fun...(and potentially frustrating for non-strategic thinkers). Could this be the end of "wash, rinse, repeat" cycling of your skill cool-downs? If this is all they're saying, then no two battles will be truly alike.
Thank you for the kind words, DrBaltazar. After getting a "helpful critique" from another blogger, I've shifted away from "direct translate" to "This is what I got out of it, and this is how I think it relates". Keeping in mind, of course, that everything is "loosely" translated via Google Translate. Ever try it on a page you already know? it's...um.."interesting. Best translate thus far, for me, was "Is is the wet nurse of great violence?" The opportunity to mis-interpret is phenomenal. Once "Kung-Foo!" and "Battle of Immortals" gets settled down, we can expect a torrent of information. As for now, "Cauldron China" (Forsaken World in China), is only now getting ready for their public beta, so we can expect a couple more months of waiting, at the least.
So, a 'crab' will act different than a 'bear'? a Kobold has different attack strategies than a Naga? NPC's will co-ordinate their attacks, not only relative to the player's actions, but each other's, as well? Smart enemies...that will be fun...(and potentially frustrating for non-strategic thinkers). Could this be the end of "wash, rinse, repeat" cycling of your skill cool-downs? If this is all they're saying, then no two battles will be truly alike.
Thank you for the kind words, DrBaltazar. After getting a "helpful critique" from another blogger, I've shifted away from "direct translate" to "This is what I got out of it, and this is how I think it relates". Keeping in mind, of course, that everything is "loosely" translated via Google Translate. Ever try it on a page you already know? it's...um.."interesting. Best translate thus far, for me, was "Is is the wet nurse of great violence?" The opportunity to mis-interpret is phenomenal. Once "Kung-Foo!" and "Battle of Immortals" gets settled down, we can expect a torrent of information. As for now, "Cauldron China" (Forsaken World in China), is only now getting ready for their public beta, so we can expect a couple more months of waiting, at the least.
they delayed all of their other futur title (unless its very close to be ready and put all the rest of the work force on shenmo
Yeah, that's from the 7 day testing period. It was feedback from that, (and some overtime adjustments by the developers) , that has pushed FW to public beta in China., (soon).
It all sounds great on paper. A huge world influenced by the player's decisions; however, it's still on paper. I loved Perfect World, but the whole PvP system turned me off. If they can make a game like WoW, but issue the features promised in the article posted by the OP, then I will truly be impressed. Until then, I'll keep praying.
Keep in mind that Forsaken World is an entirely new game.
I've only gotten to play it for a little while but it does look quite different from PW's other games.
It's still to early to know what features are going to be the most interesting but you'll start seeing information & a teaser site released in English very soon.
Keep in mind that Forsaken World is an entirely new game. I've only gotten to play it for a little while but it does look quite different from PW's other games. It's still to early to know what features are going to be the most interesting but you'll start seeing information & a teaser site released in English very soon.
Let me have control over my character's features; including makeup and I'll give it a shot. Give me ugly pre-rendered faces and huge, muscular bodied spell-casters and I'll pass =P
So, let's start with beginning. There were a lot of rumors flying around for at least a year now and a few months ago, with the leaked screenshots, the fact was confirmed - PWE, the makers of Perfect World and its clones(JD, ES, Kung FOO) are developing a new game, which might as well shake up the current mmorpg market pretty hard. At that time, all that those interested in Project EM(the codename for the game) knew was that it had was one leaked screenshot and the fact that it would be some sort of western-mythology-themed mmo. Now, with the official opening(sort of) of official chinese website a lot of new facts came into light.
For first - Features:
- Chronological Player-Driven storyline - Every player will be able to impact greatly on appearance of the world and the gameplay itself. Almost each decision will change the world as we know, so if you go inactive - do not be surprised to find a totally different world and game, the next month you login.
- Great variety of races and classes - THe game will offer five races based on real historical regions of Egypt, Greece, Europe, Babylon and Mayan lands. It will also offer total of 8(or 10, the current information is conflicting on this matter) different classes, each differing in gameplay and capabilities.
- Persistent World Effects(Also known as Glistering World) - unlike in other mmos, the world of Project EM will be greatly affected by events happening in it - When strong bosses appear, they will send a meteor showers thorough the world, burn trees, freeze the lakes or wither the grass they walk on. And they are not limited to that. The same goes for Gods, whose appearance will be felt by entire world - blessing those who worship them and instilling fear to the infidels...
- Divinity- Ever wished to be a divine being with thousands of followers and absolute control over your domain? in Project EM, 10 players per server will be able to achieve a status of a God, with different abilities, philosophies, enemies and allies. And no, its not a class. Its real(well, almost) godhood, with others becoming your followers and you having a total control over the Divine Realms you created, according to your will. Of course being a God also will have a great deal of burdens being put on your shoulders, so only those ready to bear the responsibilities, should accept the position...
- Soul and Reflex System(also known as 3D Soul) - The PK system will be reinvented too. Each player will have weakpoints, hitting those will differently affect him. For example your enemy can take away your soul, increasing his own power and weakening yours...
- Wars in the sky - No more guild-war based maps! All the guild combat will happen in one big map, full of Ancient floating bases(with their own defense systems and etc), introducing a whole new level of combat and strategy(as each base can, literally, relocate somewhere else).
- A whole new level of art and details - PWE is employing and hiring high-quality designers for this game and only accepting the best of best.
So that sums up known features. Now onto Screenshots and concept art. Concept art:
for the design choice try to find an episode of any anime (asian)they are exactly like what you see in video game
sometime i think the game graphic person and the anime person are one and the same
its like seeing bart simpson everywhere,
Same here, though I tend to prefer the style in the more action-oriented Asian MMOs. Gameplay, however, well, to each his own. I don't particularly like Western MMOs because I find their skill animations to be particularly lacking on eye candy. The whole "giant weapon" issue is something I usually overlook, usually it's the aesthetics of a weapon that draw my attention, not the size. :P
I also wholeheartedly agree with you on female armor. A full-plate wearing female warrior with a sword and shield says thousand of words more than a scantily-clad one.
ITs all inside the marketing.
NO matter the continent, the main age groups long for something that is lacking in the real life.
People, the majority of players, LOVE sexual, unrealistic armor designs.
Hell, look at Age of Conan, graphically shunned to hell because "armor is too casual and too realistic and not shiny"
Those who want to try something new have to be careful as to still retain the major part of the customers.
Going on abotu FW I am king of happy that it does not seem to follow the usual skimpy smexy outfit trend of nxt-gen blockbusters *cough*Tera, MabinogiHeroes, C9*cough* and actually tries to add something that looks, well, like armor.
Screenshots like this,increase my hopes that we wont have yet another mmo with thousands of walking fetishes:

Stereotype much?
Let's not forget that this mmorpg is NOT targeted to China or Asian countries. Its developed with main customer base target being europe/USA. As shown by concept art, screenshots and the leaked interface screenshot, you won't find anything "chinese" or "asian".
The wonderful world of marketing.
Skimpy-looking, sexy female with sword attracts more people than badass female warrior in armour
Sad, but true.
Even major rpg games like Mass Effect do not escape the over-marketting of sexual designs(Evident by a transition from interesting-characters of ME1 to Fetish-sex-icons of ME2)
What if one guild is not enough for the power?
What if one has to earn respect of entire continents/races/etc?
What I like about this divine system so far is that "its not about strength". Its not Overlord or Brutal LEgend, where you are TEH GOD and do what you want. Its more like....Sacrifice?Civilization? Where your power is not your fists but the people who worship you.
Surely there will be some evil players who get into that position, but that only adds up to the lore.
And its not like "Owning a fort, a city, a castle, etc". Its about being against a whole game community if you make a wrong decision.
IF fw game manages to create that sense of responsibility and peril for gods, It ill all be alright.
Sounds really good on paper. But considering its being made by the Perfect World folks, I think its very likely that its going to be nothing anywhere near as good as it sounds on paper.
Lets be honest, the asian market isn't exactly know for implementing new and exciting gameplay aspects. I suspect it will just be another grindfest w/ pretty graphics, animations, and a weak combat system.
C9? Tera? Mabinogi Heroes? SUN? Magic World 2?
All these games are from "asian markets and so far they seem to destroy pretty much everything that currently exists in "western" mmorpg market(minus Secret World and upcoming Torchlight mmorpg)
Oh and FW is developed NOT by PWi-China. Its developed by PWi-China, PWi-USA, PWi-Taiwan and PWi-Japan, alongside a fe hundreds freelance artists and programmers from Europe and USA. The AI team also includes two Princeton University professors.
C9? Tera? Mabinogi Heroes? SUN? Magic World 2?
All these games are from "asian markets and so far they seem to destroy pretty much everything that currently exists in "western" mmorpg market(minus Secret World and upcoming Torchlight mmorpg)
Oh and FW is developed NOT by PWi-China. Its developed by PWi-China, PWi-USA, PWi-Taiwan and PWi-Japan, alongside a fe hundreds freelance artists and programmers from Europe and USA. The AI team also includes two Princeton University professors.
Nothing you listed is released in the western market. Until that happens the only thing eastern MMOs have shown us is that they are all bland generic grinds with pretty colors. And let me be honest, I generally consider Europe as the current innovators in MMOs, not NA... and I'm from the US. So this isn't some biased opinion I have based upon my nationality.
I don't care if the PW team has aliens from Pluto on it, its still an asian flavored design team... the same as Blizzard is a western flavored one.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about getting to try some of those titles, particularly Tera.. and I'll be the first to apologize(if I'm wrong) once I get to play those games and actually experience them if they are innovative in a good way. Until then, the asian market has provided nothing innovative in the least. Sorry, but we always here about how awesome these games are, then they land in the western market and end up being absolute trash.
And when you say they "destroy" games except SecretWorld and a Torchlight MMO... of which neither are anywhere near release... well you lose credibility. Your just looking at feature sheets and floating on fluffy hopefilled clouds, which is always a surefire way to be massively disappointed.
one thing is sure ! when a company bring in specialist of the mind from harvard to help designer do AI
you might become very surprised by how smart the various npc might be,we dont even speak of boss yet!
and viewing the new psychic spell efffect in pwi i got to say it will probably a very good game for all market (aside from america)
why i remove america some might ask !because america will be playing wow cataclysm !
There is one exception, comerb. SUN has already been released in NA.
But, you are pretty much spot on when it comes to the game. It's quite bland, the combat system feels clunky at best, and the graphics aren't all that spectacular.
The wonderful world of marketing.
Skimpy-looking, sexy female with sword attracts more people than badass female warrior in armour
Sad, but true.
Actually the real culprit there is game design, not marketing. The book, the attire, the skirt... it's so that you can immediately recognize the opponent's class.
If marketing was left in charge, the next expansion for each MMO would probably offer new goth attire and a face strangely similar to Bella's in character creation. There would probably also be a winback campaign that gives returning players an exclusive /glitter emote.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
link recap:poster=1,31,36,40! heres anothe one!
men this feature will make pvp a lot more dynamic !i wonder about this feature?
http://shenmo.wanmei.com/news/20100208/43378.shtml picture posted yesterday!
mm!from the look on last link i put i guess we can say the gear some women will get will be respectable looking!
ps:by the way that game website is best viewed with explorer!i tried it on firefox and firefox doesnt work (too slow)
for some reason.
[quote]Originally posted by Loktofeit
Designs ARE left to the marketing now
WHy do you think We have "japanese bishonen(-shoujo) VS bestial demonic goths" of aion?
Why do you think certain MMORPG (tera online) has all females run around almost naked(not to mention the pink lipsticked goth succubus race)?
Its sad but most of games now target for sexual appeal and not for making sense.
So when developers PROMISE that they won't have fetish armours (like Project9 developers did), it leaves people in SHOCK. NO ONE believes such a simple fact that someone would NOT add such things into mmorpg:)
YEs, so far it seems that Females will indeed have armor that actually covers them and mages will have clothes that well, would not qualify them for Playboy Manson.
The most the so called "base audience" ill get is a bit of curves and cleveage.
Actually the real culprit there is game design, not marketing. The book, the attire, the skirt... it's so that you can immediately recognize the opponent's class.
If marketing was left in charge, the next expansion for each MMO would probably offer new goth attire and a face strangely similar to Bella's in character creation. There would probably also be a winback campaign that gives returning players an exclusive /glitter emote.
Designs ARE left to the marketing now
WHy do you think We have "japanese bishonen(-shoujo) VS bestial demonic goths" of aion?
Why do you think certain MMORPG (tera online) has all females run around almost naked(not to mention the pink lipsticked goth succubus race)?
Its sad but most of games now target for sexual appeal and not for making sense.
So when developers PROMISE that they won't have fetish armours (like Project9 developers did), it leaves people in SHOCK. NO ONE believes such a simple fact that someone would NOT add such things into mmorpg:)
YEs, so far it seems that Females will indeed have armor that actually covers them and mages will have clothes that well, would not qualify them for Playboy Manson.
The most the so called "base audience" ill get is a bit of curves and cleveage.
arent we supposed to view that in real life lol !
So a lot more features in official news
- For starters, "Soul Gold" a feature to get rid of gold farmers. Apparently just having enough "shiny lots of cash" won't be enough as to buy anything you have to have a certain amount of OTHER currency, which is only obtainable by actually participating in activities, quests, dungeons, world events, etc. You know - actually PLAYING the game. The feature is built in such a way that while "real" gold is still important, buying it from gold farmers for real money is pointless.
- The Unique refinery system. BY participating in various events, doing quests, etc, players can obtain items to upgrade their weapons. AS your weapon is upgraded, it will not only change the "color" but also the form itself as well. Oh and The Failure to upgrade weapon does not destroy it and weapon does NOT loose the already existing bonuses. Oh and as of preliminary news - if game will be f2p with microtransactions(currently there's a poll going on for what model should the Chinese version go), Item Mall will NOT have items affecting the refinery.
- "Changing" the world system - Each "Server" won't be a copy of the "template server". Instead each server will develop accordingly to player actions and choices in game. Each server - completely different game environment created and constantly changing by player decisions themselves.
- Pantheons and Divinity - 10 Players per server stuff already said before but the new part is Two Primordial Gods - basically each server will be a huge never ending pvp between those two npc characters, with players themselves and their decisions as "Skills". Player-Gods will have to be careful not only as NOT to loose their own followers or get "overwhelmed" by other members of pantheon, but also as not to get demolished for getting in the way of fight between two Primordial Gods.
- XP Skills - The game will have three gauges - HP, SP and RAGE. RAGE will be used for launching unique XP skills based on your race/class combination. These PVE ONLY skills will only be upgradeable through quests or certain "happenings" and you won't be able to use them in PVP.
Thank you for the kind words, DrBaltazar. After getting a "helpful critique" from another blogger, I've shifted away from "direct translate" to "This is what I got out of it, and this is how I think it relates". Keeping in mind, of course, that everything is "loosely" translated via Google Translate. Ever try it on a page you already know? it's...um.."interesting. Best translate thus far, for me, was "Is is the wet nurse of great violence?" The opportunity to mis-interpret is phenomenal. Once "Kung-Foo!" and "Battle of Immortals" gets settled down, we can expect a torrent of information. As for now, "Cauldron China" (Forsaken World in China), is only now getting ready for their public beta, so we can expect a couple more months of waiting, at the least.
Thank you for the kind words, DrBaltazar. After getting a "helpful critique" from another blogger, I've shifted away from "direct translate" to "This is what I got out of it, and this is how I think it relates". Keeping in mind, of course, that everything is "loosely" translated via Google Translate. Ever try it on a page you already know? it's...um.."interesting. Best translate thus far, for me, was "Is is the wet nurse of great violence?" The opportunity to mis-interpret is phenomenal. Once "Kung-Foo!" and "Battle of Immortals" gets settled down, we can expect a torrent of information. As for now, "Cauldron China" (Forsaken World in China), is only now getting ready for their public beta, so we can expect a couple more months of waiting, at the least.
they delayed all of their other futur title (unless its very close to be ready and put all the rest of the work force on shenmo
(forsaken world)
A video from some sort of chinese game convention where people got the chance to try out Forsaken World.
Yeah, that's from the 7 day testing period. It was feedback from that, (and some overtime adjustments by the developers) , that has pushed FW to public beta in China., (soon).
heres the second part of this dude who took the time to do a translation of grand mundo(aka forsaken world'unofficial)
ty men!great article!
I can tell you for a fact that marketing has no say in how the game looks. lol
It all sounds great on paper. A huge world influenced by the player's decisions; however, it's still on paper. I loved Perfect World, but the whole PvP system turned me off. If they can make a game like WoW, but issue the features promised in the article posted by the OP, then I will truly be impressed. Until then, I'll keep praying.
Keep in mind that Forsaken World is an entirely new game.
I've only gotten to play it for a little while but it does look quite different from PW's other games.
It's still to early to know what features are going to be the most interesting but you'll start seeing information & a teaser site released in English very soon.
Let me have control over my character's features; including makeup and I'll give it a shot. Give me ugly pre-rendered faces and huge, muscular bodied spell-casters and I'll pass =P
Ohh custom makeup would rock!
Unfortunately most of the PM's of the world are men!
This game sounds like crap; every design feature Western players DON'T want. Only the graphics are up to par, and that's not enough.
Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't appreciate pretty things or playing dress up on my character.