EvE online has a good one. They are called Drones [it is afterall a spaceship game] And there are many types used to assist you in PvPPvE. There are also many skills you can learn and Items to equipt that can help improve your drones in some way.
Finally you are not restricted in what drones to use.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Ether saga online a free 2 play game and a bit grindy (quest grind) but for me it had the best but costly pet system I have ever seen. You can have "equiped" 3 pets I usually have one for damage one for magic and another healing.
You can only summon one at a time and another if you want to fuse with it (You get half the damage and the pet gets the other half) and change "race" in beast/ghost/elemental ecc which have all their bonuses and weaknesses like for example human hits harder on beasts but is weak to ghosts.
My favourite in that game was a half tiger half human with a bow in other words a ranged pet I was a rogue.
GW, although 'party' more than 'pet'. SWToR is supposed to be decent and its for everyone. Also I actually liked EQII. Quite liked CoV MM class. SWG CH had the making of a decent class if it weren't so nerfed.
Edit: come to think of it what was wrong with WoW? for me it was one of the only things in it I liked. Oh and AoC had decent pet class, one of the first where I didn't feel nerfed from the start, in fact a little op'd, boy did they change that.
----- The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I am talking about a class that fights alongside its animal companion as a fighter not a mage , and wow just sucks.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
lol at everyone avoiding mentioning WoW like the plague just admit it, it has the best pet system both non-combat and combat pet classes as far as the white lion in warhammer... seriously? ya, that game has so many choices as far as pets and pet classes go /sarcasm
Not really wow's pet system is pretty basic and in pvp/pve your doing 90% of the damage the pet is just a little boost or just a scapegoat.
WoW has a decent pet system, and in arena they can be quiet handy. Petopia is a website about all pets in WoW, with their attributes, specials, talent tree´s (Yes WoW pets have different talent tree's!). Beastmaster talented hunters utilize their pet to the max. If you ask this question on this forum don't bash games that actually have a decent pet system...
and by the way, the class in WoW with a tamable pet is the Hunters, its pretty logical that hunters are ranged, and since Hunters usually are classes of survivability/the wild they can tame pets...
If you want a game purely for pets then your very limited.
In DDO you can get hirelings that can do dps or heal for you, and at the lower levels they can pump out impressive damage, but if your after a more long term union then you could always try the Necromancer in AoC. one of the trees allows you to do 45-50% of your damage from pets so it is more of a real union... that or you have the option later on with the feats to sacrifice those pets to make your own spells a lot more powerful.
really need more specifics though, what do you want the pet to be able to do? just fight or other things?
Ultima Online. Tameable and controllable animals that can die as well.
EvE online has a good one. They are called Drones [it is afterall a spaceship game] And there are many types used to assist you in PvPPvE. There are also many skills you can learn and Items to equipt that can help improve your drones in some way.
Finally you are not restricted in what drones to use.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Ether saga online a free 2 play game and a bit grindy (quest grind) but for me it had the best but costly pet system I have ever seen. You can have "equiped" 3 pets I usually have one for damage one for magic and another healing.
You can only summon one at a time and another if you want to fuse with it (You get half the damage and the pet gets the other half) and change "race" in beast/ghost/elemental ecc which have all their bonuses and weaknesses like for example human hits harder on beasts but is weak to ghosts.
My favourite in that game was a half tiger half human with a bow in other words a ranged pet I was a rogue.
GW, although 'party' more than 'pet'. SWToR is supposed to be decent and its for everyone. Also I actually liked EQII. Quite liked CoV MM class. SWG CH had the making of a decent class if it weren't so nerfed.
Edit: come to think of it what was wrong with WoW? for me it was one of the only things in it I liked. Oh and AoC had decent pet class, one of the first where I didn't feel nerfed from the start, in fact a little op'd, boy did they change that.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG element....it's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
I also think UO has the best pet system
"after the time of dice came the day of mice "
sorry if my pay style differentiates from yours but i prefer to treat my pet as a friend and an equal, not bantha fodder for the enemy. thanks.
Then UO is for you!
Warhammer is your friend
Warhammer? They have that White lion class thats melee dps, he/she fights along side a big Cat.
It seemed ok.
Edit: Honestly pet systems kinda suck in mmos.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
*edited* why the face
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
Not really wow's pet system is pretty basic and in pvp/pve your doing 90% of the damage the pet is just a little boost or just a scapegoat.
WoW has a decent pet system, and in arena they can be quiet handy. Petopia is a website about all pets in WoW, with their attributes, specials, talent tree´s (Yes WoW pets have different talent tree's!). Beastmaster talented hunters utilize their pet to the max. If you ask this question on this forum don't bash games that actually have a decent pet system...
and by the way, the class in WoW with a tamable pet is the Hunters, its pretty logical that hunters are ranged, and since Hunters usually are classes of survivability/the wild they can tame pets...
If you want a game purely for pets then your very limited.
In DDO you can get hirelings that can do dps or heal for you, and at the lower levels they can pump out impressive damage, but if your after a more long term union then you could always try the Necromancer in AoC. one of the trees allows you to do 45-50% of your damage from pets so it is more of a real union... that or you have the option later on with the feats to sacrifice those pets to make your own spells a lot more powerful.
really need more specifics though, what do you want the pet to be able to do? just fight or other things?
Try Rappelz.