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I was waiting for this game since ... dunno, 2007? Pre-ordered and everything, then it came and ... well, I was underwhelmed. Maybe because my expectations were pretty high, I dunno, but it had a general "meh" feeling to it. Also, the bugs... THE BUGS!
So give me a hint, should I return or not? How could we do this...
How about this: If you like this game, tell me the one coolest feature that you absolutely love about the game. Just one thing, not a list of things, you can be as elaborate as you wish but just one single thing that springs to your mind immediately that would, alone, be enough to keep you playing. Also give me something that you think is subpar, that you think really needs improvement and should be the top priority on their "fix this" list.
If you hate the game, tell me what single thing was the most disappointing one in the game. Again, one single thing. One thing that turned you away, that was the last straw that made you fire that box out of the window. And one redeeming feature that was pretty decent.
In any case, preferably something I could not get in another game (or that didn't make another game suck so terrible, in case you didn't like it). Please, also, especially if you don't like the game, don't write "nothing" as the redeeming feature. I know it's usually very tempting to just write an asinine "I hate everything about this" comment, but every game has its nice parts. Hell, even Spore had some. Or so I heard. Likewise, I doubt the game got ultra perfect in the month or two since I tried it, so it having no "fixmeplease" problem is something I kinda doubt.
Thanks in advance for sensible replies.
lol thank you 3 post Aion bot.
Yeah lots of patching has been coming our way, and a major content updates coming in a week or 2!
I play all ghame
You still run into bugs occasionaly but this game has much improved with numerous fixes and optimization efforts. Runs much more stable for me now than it used to do. Nearly 45 and loving it.
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I'm feeling slightly underwhelmed at this point as well. I haven't even made it to S2, but I spent a lot of time playing and maybe burned myself slightly, so I log in now and then, talk with some clannies & log.
I'm not unsubbing however. I really enjoy the game a lot and I really hope that they keep adding all these things they've been talking about in interviews. The game needs work, there is no doubt about it. It needs polishing and attention, but so far it's been one of the best gaming experiences of my gaming career.
Like I said, I think I just burnt myself from playing so much in such a short period of time. I'll keep checking on it, hoping they add their promises & fix their bugs.
It's definitely worth a go, without a doubt.
I'm currently on a trial, got my crafter character to level 8 now and i've enjoyed quite a bit. The game feels sort of new, like you never know what's behind that next corner, and there's plenty of stuff to explore. Can't say the same of Aion, which I played for 2 months and came to a conclusion I had seen that before.
There are still some bugs here and there, nothing game breaking yet. They are fixing them constantly and patching almost daily. The client feels quite stable, haven't crashed even once during a week.
What I miss from previous games I've played is grouping and instance runs. Hope they will add some group content later on. Or maybe I haven't reached that point yet. Graphics could be better too, but gameplay > graphics for me always.
Anyways, I'm definitely gonna buy FE after my trial expires. It's a goddamn good game.
It did. It sucks donkey balls. If I wanted to play an Asiagrinder without any sensible content, I'd be so game, but since I'm not, no sale.
I should mention that I got a total rush the other day while doing one of the main storyline quests, "You're Dying".
I had to fight some zombies and oh my god I was like hauling ass through there in the end hoping they weren't gonna get me (ran out of ammo). When I got through the cave thing, I turned to my bf and said, "Seriously, what a rush!" and he started laughing at me. It was like playing Quake(1) a million years ago with my dad. I loved that game, had nightmares from it. Best nightmares I ever had! :P
Loved the game at the start. Felt like a decent MMO overall. However, pop still very very low. The game is stable, some bugs, but it is relatively new. Personally I wish I could get my $50 back for buying this game. I tried for 2 months, could not bring myself to log in about 5-6 weeks into it. I cancelled my Sub. Still hoping something happens to this game to make it worth my original dollars. At least it has not had to reduce itself to selling the game for $20 a pop like champions online just to get people to play 30 days.
I waited a long time for this game too, but in the end, it was boring to me. One of the things that gets me hooked on games is having lots of interesting areas to explore. The desert southwest, which is fairly realistically presented in FE, is boring as hell. I didn't realize how important it was to me to have a "different" world to explore and become a part of until I tried FE and found myself having zero draw outward from the main hubs.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
"Population has never been low. I've never been out of sight of other players anywhere there was even a single mob."
That's quite a blanket statement. The population IS low. And I have been out of the sight of players - quite a bit of the time. The game IS fun, but its more like a single player game than an MMO. There is little real need to group, nor is there any real incentive to do so.
It's a good game, but I still want my $50 back.
Population is far from anything even resembling low pop. That is a bold faced fabrication.
Seriously, sometimes I wonder if you naysayers have even made it past level 10. S1, 2 and 3 are all nicely populated, anytime of the day that I login to one of my characters. Not sure what game you are playing, but it sure as hell isn't this one.
The statement was made that he had never been out of sight of a player where there were mobs. Created a newbie, started in boneclaw, rode out into the prairie killed a few prairie chickens, looked around, guess what... no one in sight. Make whatever claims you want, but do not call me a liar.
I have searched and found no population numbers. And I know of three large guilds who abandoned the game at the end of october. Now, does that mean that during peak prime time hours there is no one on, obviously not. But there are not huge numbers by any means.
One more thing that no one wants to talk about, if you don't like crafting, don't play anything but melee. Because you will spend a lot of time managing inventory and crafting ammo in the lower levels.
What the game does well is, its pretty. It's a new genre that needed to be covered. I would have given anything for a slightly less empty landscape. There are places mobs roam around that make absolutely no sense.
Typical directions are, head out east out of town after you pass your 100th cactus, look to the north, and you might see Lonely Jim. I want him dead. Kill him and return to me. which would be to look south, turn west, pass the 100th cactus in reverse and you will be back in town.
And the last dirty secret, do you know what most of the guild people who leveled quickly and left stated... no end game.
Do I hate the game, no. But don't mislead these people.
Here's a nice quote from the fallen earth forums...
"PVP Rewards - you either get it or you don't. If you don't like pvp, fine, but it's one of the few things to do in the game and it's 100% pointless at the moment. This is clearly evidenced with the fact that most every pvp zone I visit is barren."
Maybe those players are all crafting, since some would lead you to believe there is a large population and no one is pvping?
The truth is there is some pvp, but it is rare and pointless... plus people just log out before they die so you dont kill them.
My favorite quote from these forums is from a thread with a title indicating its about the MASSIVE pvp battles.
"This last weekend has been very entertaining for around 50 to 70 players who participated in the massive battles for Park City, a sector 3 pvp zone"
Now, we consider 70 players massive. I mean it beats CoD4/5 and Modern Warfare 2 numbers, but planetside was hosting 300+ how many years ago???
Yeah, I am down on this game. I admit it. I found that day to day, it became less enjoyable to log in.
I feel ya man, I was the same way, except instead of it being less enjoyable I just up and couldn't bring myself to log in anymore. I started Darkfall tonight and I probably won't be back to FE for a long time. I would much rather play a Post-Apoc... but I can't get over no player looting and how completely anti-player-looting the community and devs are. The game fits it so well and it doesn't make sense. The only thing they would have to do to balance it out would be to boost faction mob drops to realistic numbers instead of virtually nothing like they are now.
But, you're borderline flaming the man's thread. :-P
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Im taking a break from the game for a week or two until I see what the social patch brings. Fallen Earth is a great game and I really enjoy but im at the point now were I dont wanna roll an alt I wanna see what they do from here. I started playing October 8th and have had hours of enjoyment getting to lvl 45 and doing crafting/questing. Im a rifle/crafter build ive got 1030ap and max ballistics, science and armor. For anyone thinking of rolling crafter and saying to themselfs man im gonna suck in pvp with this build. If you do it right you wont gimp yourself and you can still kick ass in pvp. Alot of the problems that have been mentioned before is I would like to see more group content, I know there is some already in game but I would like to see a little more alot of it can be soloed even some of the group quests if your armor and things are above par. They also need to address some pvp changes. As far as population goes when you hit S3 you do see a decrease in population ive noticed it myself. Maybe not in S1 or S2 yet because theres alot of new players but in S3 you do. There would be night here recently were I would stroll thru all the pvp area's not a soul around. I think alot of the people who have been playing for a while are sitting back and waiting on some patchs or rolling an alt. Get the game now I would say because by the time you get to S3, S4 will be out by then im sure with alot of good patchs on the way. Also I play alot more than some people do right now with online games so it normally would take you past 2 months to see end game unless you play like crazy. I have hope for the game and I know it will keep getting better and better.
Since that quote is from me, allow me to retort; For FE terms around 70 players IS massive if you consider that pvp is not something which you are guided to by game mechanics such as a button that reads 'join battleground for epic item rewards'. All group pvp stems from players organizing it themselves; clan rivalry and wanting to kick those other guys' butts being the main incentives as of yet. Also add the huge size of the zones we play in and the fact that there are multiple pvp areas in each sector.
That explains why 70 players pvping in this game is a pretty big thing which hasn't happened untill this weekend. Realizing how much fun it was for those who participated, we are bound to see more of that. Now let's hope Icarus will tweak mechanics somewhat and come up with a few bigger carrots to actually go out there and pvp for those who wouldn't do so otherwise.
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All the junk that i kept in my bags and bank just in case i could use it to craft something. It was just too much for me to enjoy. Having to keep up with all that crap is ridiculous. You had to have a, b, c and x, y, z items to make one stinking item. Then you could use that one stinking item in conjunction with items e, f, g to make something else. So convoluted. But, some people like that.
I'm still in sector one at level 9. I play the game about 12 hours a week and have only 16-20 hours of gametime.
The game is very fresh for me and fresh from other MMOS. I am excited to get into PVP soon. I am excited to craft an ATV. I love how I can craft everything while chopping away with my axe. Only level 9 and have 90% of my different tradeskills maxed.
The only hard part is spending AP. You don't really know what to do. But this is also the great part of it. You can follow the builds they tell you, or you can completely choose it on your own. And getting to PVP will be interesting to test how your build did.
The only thing I am mad at is not coming up with a more clever name and having a 1st and last one