They are gonna change ur gender. U will join their army of korean hookers. FOR BETTER AION!!!
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
If so, a heartfelt congrats! Being on the outside is often easier to critique things than being on the inside where checks and balances are in place.
If you're still browsing these forums after taking the job, and your job permits it, a suggestion might be to let us all in on how exactly the de-botting process works for this given company. Might help the community become more informed, and that's always a good thing.
Again, congrats, and best wishes!
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc. We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be. So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away. - MMO_Doubter
I am highly doubting this, sorry to burst people's bubbles. For one who would brag on a game forum, really? Checking this guy's post history he seems to brag quite a bit about random BS. Not to mention in a lot of his posts he seems very unprofessional(like this one), so if he somehow managed to "get a job" what exactly is your title called? To top it all off I see no mention in the news on Aion's site about new hires, or another "surveillance team."
Not sure what you wished to accomplish with this pointless thread lmao.
Will consider the game security position at ncsoft this week if you thought 50k account was banned? Wait till i get the position im even harsher then the other ncsoft survillence unit. I promise that aion will be bot free. Just you wait to see how many bots i can ban in a month haha. They'd be running scared.I promise i will kill bot accout with extreme prejudice haha. i will get paid pretty well too (which is always good.)
Geez, the hate. Anyone who has a shot at getting a job to put food on the table and keep a roof over their family's head in this day and age should get some support.
Screw what everyone else says man, grats to the OP and whatever ideas you may have, just keep them to yourself and do what the boss says. Hell, I have no love for my boss but that paycheck is a damn good incentive for me to keep my head down and my mouth shut.
No u are just a bunch of faggots sucking his dick. Get real... he didn't get any shitty job.
And you're a whiny little pissant trying to sound tough behind a keyboard. Do us all a favor and perform a post-term abortion on yourself. Have a nice day.
Lets just say, this thread brings the LOLs. Seriously. Such a gullible community sometimes.
Basically this.
LF Intelligence +100, WTB in bulk PST me.
"IRL is a pretty upstanding MMO with thousands of classes, a lot of PvP and even some pretty unique emotes and titles you can acquire. Explore that world first, then we'll talk about this virtual one."
Originally posted by pojung If you're [...] your job permits it, a suggestion might be to let us all in on how exactly the de-botting process works for this given company. Might help the community become more informed, and that's always a good thing.
Ehm no? He shouldn't do that. You do know that bot developers read, right? That would be like giving them an account that can't be banned..
Originally posted by miked9022 No one gives a ____ about you, including your parents. Most people would agree that having a member of our MMO community get a job in tough economic times is something to be happy about.
I am going to start being a male prostitute as that's the only job I can do and enjoy in these times. Please be happy for me too.
Originally posted by miked9022 No one gives a ____ about you, including your parents. Most people would agree that having a member of our MMO community get a job in tough economic times is something to be happy about.
I am going to start being a male prostitute as that's the only job I can do and enjoy in these times. Please be happy for me too.
as long as you're making bank, i am happy for you =D
Does it really matter if he's lying or not? There's no way you can find out if he is or isn't, so all we can do is wish him luck and move on with our lifes.
Malikye Now Playing: WaW2 Played: EQ - 5.5 yrs, WoW - 4.5 yrs, Diablo, Myth2, Tried: AoC (played it about 3 times that month), WAR (fun for a month), RoM (sorta, Aion (for 2 months), Allods (bored at lvl 13). Waiting for: DC Universe, Diablo 3 Own: Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, GBA SP, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, Modded Xbox, Wii, PS3, PSP, gaming PCs Sold like a dumb@$$: SNES Broke: PS1 Melted in a fire: Turbograhpx 16 w/ a ton of games Gave Away to a child: Nintendo 64
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
If so, a heartfelt congrats! Being on the outside is often easier to critique things than being on the inside where checks and balances are in place.
If you're still browsing these forums after taking the job, and your job permits it, a suggestion might be to let us all in on how exactly the de-botting process works for this given company. Might help the community become more informed, and that's always a good thing.
Again, congrats, and best wishes!
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc.
We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be.
So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away.
- MMO_Doubter
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
I am highly doubting this, sorry to burst people's bubbles. For one who would brag on a game forum, really? Checking this guy's post history he seems to brag quite a bit about random BS. Not to mention in a lot of his posts he seems very unprofessional(like this one), so if he somehow managed to "get a job" what exactly is your title called? To top it all off I see no mention in the news on Aion's site about new hires, or another "surveillance team."
Not sure what you wished to accomplish with this pointless thread lmao.

-Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.
Dude if you are not perma banned for this I'll start a campaign to stop people from coming to
Congrats! ^_^ Good luck!
Geez, the hate. Anyone who has a shot at getting a job to put food on the table and keep a roof over their family's head in this day and age should get some support.
Screw what everyone else says man, grats to the OP and whatever ideas you may have, just keep them to yourself and do what the boss says. Hell, I have no love for my boss but that paycheck is a damn good incentive for me to keep my head down and my mouth shut.
And you're a whiny little pissant trying to sound tough behind a keyboard. Do us all a favor and perform a post-term abortion on yourself. Have a nice day.
Edit: @OP: Congrats.
Lets just say, this thread brings the LOLs. Seriously. Such a gullible community sometimes.
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Yeah I had quite a few laughs myself...
Basically this.
LF Intelligence +100, WTB in bulk PST me.
"IRL is a pretty upstanding MMO with thousands of classes, a lot of PvP and even some pretty unique emotes and titles you can acquire. Explore that world first, then we'll talk about this virtual one."
Ehm no? He shouldn't do that. You do know that bot developers read, right? That would be like giving them an account that can't be banned..
Good luck to the OP though. Have fun.
ya guys, its pretty obvious this is false. I think its a private joke on the op's part.
I am going to start being a male prostitute as that's the only job I can do and enjoy in these times. Please be happy for me too.
I am going to start being a male prostitute as that's the only job I can do and enjoy in these times. Please be happy for me too.
as long as you're making bank, i am happy for you =D
Updated: I am relocating
I am currently developing an exclusive proprietory program to combat various aion bots myself, i am pretty confident at my ability
Its my shot at working for the mmo industry with this opportunity and the pay is very attractive for this type of work.
You hadn't mentioned what position this was.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
Does it really matter if he's lying or not? There's no way you can find out if he is or isn't, so all we can do is wish him luck and move on with our lifes.
Everyone has opinions, but does that make them the universal truth??? NO!
Congrats on your new challenges. Make us proud.
Good hunting,
Now Playing: WaW2
Played: EQ - 5.5 yrs, WoW - 4.5 yrs, Diablo, Myth2,
Tried: AoC (played it about 3 times that month), WAR (fun for a month), RoM (sorta, Aion (for 2 months), Allods (bored at lvl 13).
Waiting for: DC Universe, Diablo 3
Own: Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, GBA SP, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, Modded Xbox, Wii, PS3, PSP, gaming PCs
Sold like a dumb@$$: SNES
Broke: PS1
Melted in a fire: Turbograhpx 16 w/ a ton of games
Gave Away to a child: Nintendo 64