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well i ve taken the bait i never did hate conan theres a bit of fun to be had there and i ve a level 60 tos that i would nt mind playing up . i cant really see myself returning to this game full time because the community was so bad . i think the problem was that without factions pvp gameplay became a gank fest and pushed players into large guilds . but without the pvp conan is very dull so if you play on a pve server you only really get half the game . looking forward to seeing what its like now but i cant help but wonder given the flagging ddo is doing so well under rmt will aoc be next .
not sure about it ever going F2P but i will agree with you, it has a HORRIBLE community. Hands down easily THE worst MMO community in any MMO i ever played and i have played 99% of the MMOs out there. and i'm not talkin about the ganking but just how people react,talk and treat each other in that game. Barrens chat has NOTHING on the chat in AoC.
i know what you mean there . i spent three months in the game and i met only a handful of people that did nt have a bad attitude . the odd things is normally in the less popular game the nicer community you get but this has nt happend in aoc .WoW had got a lot worse last time i went back but i still managed to get into a nice guild .
never played champions online then? read their fourms ?
yeah general chat some times is as bad as wows .but thats what a good guild is for.most just turn off general chat.but your comunity is not based on some loud mouthed kid in general chat .guilds make or break it.while aoc even on pve servers arent as friendly as say city of heroes .with a good guild its close.
theirs reson i dont play on pvp servers .it atracts just what your saying the worst of a comunity .
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." Robert E. Howard, The Tower of the Elephant (1933)
I thinks its a great game two weeks trial is very good way to get players try it once more before the final decision. Dont think the game will ever be F2P...okay mayby in 2-4 years or so, if things go horribly wrong. I admit that people arent that friendly in the game but for me its the RP and how the game is done. Its a brutal world to live in, my friends and I play this bandit group thing once in a while stealing peoples money (we gank them a while and sometimes when I put on the trade windows I get some coins and we let the poor fellow live.)
These kinds of situations drive people to be very very causios all the time, which I like. I like to be on my toes and do a little PVP once in a while with some random fellow. Of course some people just run past when they are questing and some random RP discussion in camp isnt very rare.
Just what I've experienced
im just reading these forums waiting for my dl to be done for aoc . all im seeing is all the same hate from when i played after the launch just wondering should just uninstall and not bother. last time i played on free month i lasted 2 days
Community is what you make of it. I joined a large guild and that does help. Folks will step down from their high-end content to help you out if you are in a predicament of whatever type. Also, don't be afraid to walk up to someone and just start talking. After you run a few missions, add them to your friends list, thank them, and look for them the next time you log on. They are going through the same thing you are. Yes, there are jerks in there like every other game. Age of Conan is not my first game, but the community is just like every other game I have played. I help some people I run into and I ignore some others that are beggers. I try to help my guildies when someone calls of a level lower than I.
For example, lets look at the Conan the Barbarian movie. People were generally suspicious throughout the movie, until someone introduced someone. Conan made his first friend Subatai by helping him escape imprisonment. He later met Valeria but doing a Raid together, and got a friend "with benefits". He befriended the wizard by not attacking and stealing from him when he first met him. Start helping others and you will make long-time friends. Also say hello to your new friends whenever you log on. If they only hear from you when you want something, they will be less likely to help you out in the future. It takes more than one person to build a community, but one person can make the difference. Be the pebble in the pond. Generate the ripples and the ripples will eventually come back to you.
They have talked about possibility of going f2p if they see fit but my guess is that you wont see it happen until at least 6-12 months past the release of upcoming expansion.
The expansion will generate a surge in sub numbers even if not by a large amount , and then you will have to wait for that surge to end and then die out for FC to finally go the F2P way.
They also still have the T3 content as another tool to create interest among ex-players to resub, so they may also fire that last shot besides the expac before going f2p.
well my two weeks are nearly up . its been an odd experiance . i ve spent most of the last two weeks questing and hardly been ganked at all . not because the people are any nicer but because there are so few of them . in fact it was rare to see another player in ymirs pass . i got the feeling it was a game in sharp decline which is a shame because it does have some decent enough gameplay but i dont think it justifys a subsription fee or maybe the subscription fee they are asking now which in the uk is roughly 20 percent more than most other mmos .
It's odd because when I played AoC I found the community to to helpful and patience. I think it was on the scourge server. I really think the "failcom" haters should stop being so bitter and give this game a fair review.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
It's odd because when I played AoC I found the community to to helpful and patience. I think it was on the scourge server. I really think the "failcom" haters should stop being so bitter and give this game a fair review.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
The only problem with your idea "I really think the "failcom" haters should stop being so bitter and give this game a fair review." is that you assume that these former players actually see the game as you do. I don't play AOC anymore but I also don't live under a rock and know for a fact that many of the things I didn't like about the game and many others have not changed at all.
The biggest change I've seen as far as AOC making is generally to add new content/areas and while a lack of content was certainly one of the early complaints it was not the biggest complaint.
Again I don't play anymore only played on a friends account at launch but as I understand it DX10 is not on live or only recently made it to live and sieges are still a hit and miss function. I'm not even a pvp player and am not all that into graphics but again as some folks upgraded the pc for that would that not be an important thing to have gotten around to fixing before what a year and a half into the games launch?
And generally that is the biggest problem with this game as I see it now. If they launched with so much missing (wasn't drunken brawling missing at launch and is that in yet?) and still a year and a half later these things are either just trickling in or not in at all what is unfair about giving the game a bad review? And the most important thing missing is them finding someone to throw under the bus in explanation of why the public has been lied to about the product they intended to release.
Again I could very easily be wrong about the current state of the game and it's features and if I am I do apologize for posting incorrect information but again my last paragraph are the biggest problem I had with AOC and since we as a community don't demand it they never answer these types of questions but for me my trust is much more important than my money and while a company can make a game that I buy and don't find fun I simply won't put up with those who play fast and lose with my trust.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
The only problem with your idea "I really think the "failcom" haters should stop being so bitter and give this game a fair review." is that you assume that these former players actually see the game as you do. I don't play AOC anymore but I also don't live under a rock and know for a fact that many of the things I didn't like about the game and many others have not changed at all.
The biggest change I've seen as far as AOC making is generally to add new content/areas and while a lack of content was certainly one of the early complaints it was not the biggest complaint.
Again I don't play anymore only played on a friends account at launch but as I understand it DX10 is not on live or only recently made it to live and sieges are still a hit and miss function. I'm not even a pvp player and am not all that into graphics but again as some folks upgraded the pc for that would that not be an important thing to have gotten around to fixing before what a year and a half into the games launch?
And generally that is the biggest problem with this game as I see it now. If they launched with so much missing (wasn't drunken brawling missing at launch and is that in yet?) and still a year and a half later these things are either just trickling in or not in at all what is unfair about giving the game a bad review? And the most important thing missing is them finding someone to throw under the bus in explanation of why the public has been lied to about the product they intended to release.
I understand your hesitance but thats why they make free trial
. I'm not telling you to like the game, I'm asking you (if you have the time) to try the game and give it an unbiased review. If you don't like it then it's not for you and theirs nothing wrong with that.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
The only problem with your idea "I really think the "failcom" haters should stop being so bitter and give this game a fair review." is that you assume that these former players actually see the game as you do. I don't play AOC anymore but I also don't live under a rock and know for a fact that many of the things I didn't like about the game and many others have not changed at all.
The biggest change I've seen as far as AOC making is generally to add new content/areas and while a lack of content was certainly one of the early complaints it was not the biggest complaint.
Again I don't play anymore only played on a friends account at launch but as I understand it DX10 is not on live or only recently made it to live and sieges are still a hit and miss function. I'm not even a pvp player and am not all that into graphics but again as some folks upgraded the pc for that would that not be an important thing to have gotten around to fixing before what a year and a half into the games launch?
And generally that is the biggest problem with this game as I see it now. If they launched with so much missing (wasn't drunken brawling missing at launch and is that in yet?) and still a year and a half later these things are either just trickling in or not in at all what is unfair about giving the game a bad review? And the most important thing missing is them finding someone to throw under the bus in explanation of why the public has been lied to about the product they intended to release.
I understand your hesitance but thats why they make free trial
. I'm not telling you to like the game, I'm asking you (if you have the time) to try the game and give it an unbiased review. If you don't like it then it's not for you and theirs nothing wrong with that.
The only problem is I'm really not of the "failcom" army and the reasons I didn't like the game are vastly different than most of them. For one I'm not too keen on the whole whack a mole/pinjata type of combat system, at thirty five I don't feel like more is less and my ego is often inmy wifes purse so I rarely feel the need to be better/more skilled than another player. I hear though they are changing another thing I didn't like about the game and that is the way instances work but I still am not high on paying to play such an instanced world. I quit DDO in a week when I saw it was designed much the same but once it went f2p it was ok.
And again while I don't begrudge anyone the right to enjoy and play the game I can't overstate how against dishonesty in this industry I am and that's why SOE still since the NGE has not gotten a dime out of me heck they even kept me from buying other Sony products simply off of the principal. If I did play the game again and somehow found it to be fun the truth is I still would not recommend it nor even relay that fact because as I stated I will not be a part of a company that lies so blatantly recieving any money at all, I would constantly worry about any one person filling FC coffers because I said so which can only tell them what they did is ok with me.
I really hope to not come off too trollish in my assesment because I will never have a problem with people having access to something they enjoy and I even think FC has been moving in a positive direction (although far too slow for my tastes) I just can't be a part of anything they do until they can reagain my trust with a track record of avoiding the things that plauged the last two mmo's they released.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
So in the end, when making a descision to play a game, how much % depends on the game itself and how much % depends on the game developer?
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and assume most people who complain about community play on PvP servers. I enjoy PvP casually but I can't play on PvP servers because the type of people they draw to them. Been like that in every MMO I've played, didn't even attempt rolling PvP in AoC. I imagine its like other games but much worse since its FFA.
Yea...I play on Cimmeria RP-PVP server (US)....their are some shitty people on their, but I have fun having to watch my back all of the time....found some good RPers and they make it worth my while.
But like I said, their are some dumb asses on that server...a lot of bullshit in global chat, but with a good group of friends, it can be great...
PLAYED:FFXI, LotRO, AoC, WAR, DDO, Megaten, Wurm, Rohan, Mabinogi, RoM
That was a very deep analysis of MMO communities. +1