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It confuses me. You're pretty much forced to repeat the same content over and over, and I'm assuming that's why people are saying "IT HAS SO MUCH CONTENT". Pretty much all the quests are generic as fuck, maybe you have a quantity of shitty repetitive killtasks, but you certainly don't have quality.
It's the variety.
If you only look a specific playstyle: i.e. raiding .. then yep, it's as limited as any other MMO.
Where the "tons of content" comes into play is in the large number of options. Solo, 5-man, Heroics, 10-man, 25-man, Arena, Battlegrounds, Wintergrasp, Crafting, Fishing, Cooking, Daily Quests, Achievements, Reputation Grinds.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
What do you care what people like? It isn't any of your business what other people do with their spare time. Also, since you failed to define what "content" means to you, or give an example of a game with all of this incredible "content," no one is going to listen to another fascist post about people who like to play wow.
Hey look another anti WoW thread. I think it's time for an Anti WoW sub forum.
Look another one of these threads. This forum really has an obession with wow, maybe you secretly love it deep down, am i right, but u pretend you hate it.
Asheron's Call.
I'm not arguing that enjoying shit isn't personal preference. I feel bad for you guys, haven't played anything better, you don't know what a real MMORPG tastes like.
Asheron's Call.
I'm not arguing that enjoying shit isn't personal preference. I feel bad for you guys, haven't played anything better, you don't know what a real MMORPG tastes like.
Actually lots of WoW players have played mmorpgs prior to WoW. It's not a coincidence that pretty much every other mmorpg out lost subscribers after the release of WoW.
Asheron's Call.
I'm not arguing that enjoying shit isn't personal preference. I feel bad for you guys, haven't played anything better, you don't know what a real MMORPG tastes like.
Your pity is noted. Thanks for validating my free time.
Asheron's Call.
I'm not arguing that enjoying shit isn't personal preference. I feel bad for you guys, haven't played anything better, you don't know what a real MMORPG tastes like.
Actually lots of WoW players have played mmorpgs prior to WoW. It's not a coincidence that pretty much every other mmorpg out lost subscribers after the release of WoW.
What does that matter if the MMORPGs they played were pretty much exactly the same as WoW?
I thought it was the sheer amount of expansions that WoW has, and the areas to play in compared to other games.
I think most games have all that stuff, some done very well some done very poorly, except of course games like EVE wont' have fishing, etc.
This was a good enough answer and this thread requires no further posting.
What does it matter you believe AC is the best thing ever and we're all mindless WoWbots? "Pretty much exactly" means nothing, just off hand. It's a nice way of saying you do not know or care to figure out the differences.
Just by the title of this post it's evident that,you've never even played WoW or if you have not for very long. You base your opinion of "variety" just off of the quests in WoW which granted,is a major part of the game BUT,it also has raiding,PvP,a HUGE map to explore and many other things.I don't see why people bother to post about WoW when every post gets the same answers anyways.If you don't like the game don't waste time talkin about it when you could already be out looking for your next MMORPG to complain out EQ and Aion....
I don't know maybe because it does have a lot of quests to do and a lot of zones to run around in? When Blizz was designing and getting WoW ready for release they had a target goal of having around 600 quests in the game. This was based on their estimation that Everquest had around 1200 quests available at that time.
I don't know if they went crazy or what but here are numbers tossed out by Blizz about the number of quests in WoW at release and with the various expansions:
?Original WoW total quests: 2600
?Burning Crusade: 5300
?Wrath of the Lich King: 7650
So with WLK if you did 10 quests a day it would take you about 2 years to do them all assuming no more expansions were released. With Cataclysm coming out I expect that the total number of quests will be approaching 10,000. Other games have also released new content and increased what is available but I don't have any hard numbers for that and don't feel like digging around for it I suspect that EQ and EQ2 have similar numbers of quests as WoW as both those games have continued to release new expansions.
None of this means that all the quests are wonderful and original but there are some gems in there and well worth doing. Some of course will be ones based upon your class and not available to others but still even with all the accusations that WoW gives its players everything very easily there is enough content to keep a new person to the game busy for at least 5 or 6 months. Toss in alts, crafting, raiding, and PvP WoW has a little bit to offer everyone and if you wait a bit I'm sure they will come up with something for your little dog too.
Asheron's Call.
I'm not arguing that enjoying shit isn't personal preference. I feel bad for you guys, haven't played anything better, you don't know what a real MMORPG tastes like.
So now you are saying the purpose of this post was to tell people you feel sorry for them because developer's haven't made another game similar to your pet project? lol
Yeah but you could apply that to every MMO because they're all basicly the same old bollocks. In MMO's "lots of content" translates into "lots of text files to read".......and WoW is indeed jam-packed with a gazillion text files......which is why WoW is generally considered to have lots of "content".
You're right with the quantity vs quality comment........but again its the same for all MMOs and not just WoW. They all focus on quantity over quality because (a) its easier and cheaper to just copy & paste mobs all over a 3d landscape and then get someone to type up shit loads of text files as a substitute for gameplay, (b) they know that MMO players have low standards and dont expect variety and (c) they want your money each month so they want to make you stay in the same place doing the same thing over and over for as long as possible.
You're complaining that WoW is repetitive? Are you new to MMOs? If you want a game that places quality before quantity then you wont find that in any MMO. You're better off playing single player games.......and even then you will have to fish around.
its funny with wotlk i found there to be plenty of quests to do untill i hit 77 and then it all sort of dried up and got a little sparse . there is plenty of content but Blizzard really are making such a mess of this game that i really would nt want to sample it anymore because everything is outdated so quickly also the thing i loved most about WoW the world pvp has all but gone . much of this is down to allowing players to have horde and alliance characters on the same server . the one thing that made WoW really different the faction pvp play has been damaged. ok in the past some players had two accounts but they were nt common . most WoW players seam to be basing thier hope on the cataclysm , its title alone suggests Blizzard realise what a mess they ve made and the only way forward is to turn the whole game world upside down . who knows they might get it right and if they do i ll buy into it again .
Well to begin with the game as a ton of content. Yes, vanilla wow through burning crusade had very generic quests. WOTLK brought back the storyline and had some very original quests.
Quests dry up? Are u crazy even at lvl 80 there are tons of quests to do. So ur saying uve completed every quest in all the zones in wotlk? This is probably the one game where quests do not dry up at all.
There is a LOT of content, much of it obsolete, yes, but still a ton of it.
Don't you know the rules yet Mr OP ? Saying something negative about WoW on here will get you 30 days in prison and beat with tomatoes until you say World of Warcraft 100 times! The fact is that this game does have alot of content. You should have said this game does not have quality content because each area is nothing but fedex quests.
But he didn't say that. Much to your dismay.
The reason they saw WOW has a ton of content is because they do/it does, the only game ive played with more quests is EQ2. Whether you consider WOW's content, good content, is another question.
Just like every single quest, in every single MMO to date.
^ This
WoW has a ton of content. Whether good or bad, take it how you want. But if you say it has no content you are a moron at best.
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."
Because it has tons of content? While it faces the inevitable issues of a level structure, sequential expansion content rendering prior content possibly obsolete in terms of attractiveness (cataclysm seems interesting as it proposes a total overhaul of Azeroth to meet current standards) and the themepark design (instead of a sandbox), it still has a tremendous variety of content to be explored, way above the average for a themepark design which usually can't pump content fast enough without giving you huge leveling curves.
If you are out of ideas of what to do and/or don't currently care about the equipment endgame (which is based on raiding/arena play), a quick browse through the achievements panel (while not necessarily seeking to be an "achiever") should give you ideas.