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I dont play wow anymore but i ve still got a few friends that do and i was talking to one of them about the pet store and she said she d seen a lot of verble abuse being hurled at these players . Lots of people using /spit etc . I just wondered what the experiance was of those of you that actually have brought these pets ?
While i m not for RMT and cash shops in pay to play games i think players should nt have to suffer this kind of thing .
never bought one and don't know anyone who has. But I have no issue with RMT as long as they aren't game breaking. Most of those poeple using /spit have probably ebayed anyway
You can walk the walk but can you talk the talk?
A good friend of mine caught some flak for it, but not much. A couple guys trying to tell her she sucks, is all thats wrong with WoW, and how she feeds the corporate greed of Activision Blizzard.
Mind you, that were 3 players. Hardly newsworthy.
Everyone is too busy bowing to the Panderan to give anyone flak for the RMT pets
I haven't seen a single incident with the dozen or so people that I have seen with the pets. Nobody cares. They are cool, funny pets who make funny sounds.
I would give more flak to somebody who paid to change their name in order to get rid of their notoriety as a ninja or an assshole over somebody who bought an ingame pet for 10$.
Lol getting abuse for buying pets nobody cares about???????????????? LOL this forums really has lost the plot. U take out a pet when ur sitting in IF or dalran doing absolutley fuuck all, or if ur questing , nothing more, and you expect people get abuse for buying the pets???????? NEWSFLAHS, nobody gives a dman about a pet u see for 20 secs.
we see a bunch of these pets but no one says anything besides the occasional "cool pet".