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been playing nearly six months now and have yet to put one play on ignore . :)

i ve not once yet met a player with a bad atitude in lord of the rings online i m six months into the game now and everyone is helpful . i rarly here the word noob used . if you ask for some advice in chat you dont get a load of smart comments . theres not an elitist attitude that i ve encountered as yet .   such a breath of fresh air espeacially after warcraft and conan .



  • trancejeremytrancejeremy Member UncommonPosts: 1,222

    Pretty easy though, when you can go six months without ever hearing another player talk (or type).

    R.I.P. City of Heroes and my 17 characters there

  • soap46soap46 Member Posts: 169
    Originally posted by googajoob7

    i ve not once yet met a player with a bad atitude in lord of the rings online i m six months into the game now and everyone is helpful . i rarly here the word noob used . if you ask for some advice in chat you dont get a load of smart comments . theres not an elitist attitude that i ve encountered as yet .   such a breath of fresh air espeacially after warcraft and conan .


    This is exactly why I keep coming back to this game.  I've left to try several other games, but no one else has the awesome community of LOTRO.  It also helps it's one of the best PVE games available.

  • grandpagamergrandpagamer Member Posts: 2,221

    The game has a great community and somehow it always has. It doesnt seem to appeal to the morons and  that in itself is what helps make it one of the better games available.  It has a nice relaxed atomosphere without all the rush to endgame to be the first to get the uber sword crap.

  • gboostergbooster Member UncommonPosts: 712

    Lotro does have a great community, I think the only people I put on ignore were some christians I met who were talking their hellfire / you are scum and must be healed by Jeezeus crap.

    And they were a small kinship.

    I'll take that over the racist arrogant smack talking teenagers in WoW anyday.

  • colutrcolutr Member Posts: 333

    Prolly due to monster play.

    PVP brings out the worst in gamers, and the unique way that lotro introduced pvp doesnt work well with the type of gamer that ruins communities.

  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195

      I , too, must agree. I've played LOTRO off and on for about  2 years. Due to an insurance and lost wages...I had to cut back most luxuries. I re-activated LOTRO because ...of all the had the most reasonable price...with it's new offers... my dollar goes a long way..the most bang for the buck. Just today...I asked many questions to re-accustom myself with the game..and tho I could have gone to the internet for answers....I was not rudely insulted or reminded of this fact. All my inquiries were kindly answered. Thinking back...this has always been the case. I am only a 21st level Burglar I still have plenty to learn...What I have learned is that...tho I like other mmos and the big"W' being my mmo of choice for years...This game is extremely fun...deep with story..and simultaneously relaxing and exciting at times. The community is a big part of this...and helps to keep my  hypertension  Enough rambling ....all take care.

  • SnarlingWolfSnarlingWolf Member Posts: 2,697

    I've played a ton of MMOs and LotRO did have the best player community overall in terms of chat. Much better then most MMOs I've been involved in. There are some games I've enjoyed more but their communities were worse.

  • dreamscaperdreamscaper Member UncommonPosts: 1,592
    Originally posted by trancejeremy

    Pretty easy though, when you can go six months without ever hearing another player talk (or type).


    I'm not sure where you're playing, but off-hours never really seem to happen on Landroval. Granted, a large part of it is in GLFF, but the server is always active. And Landroval isn't even the most popular server...


  • grandpagamergrandpagamer Member Posts: 2,221
    Originally posted by dreamscaper

    Originally posted by trancejeremy

    Pretty easy though, when you can go six months without ever hearing another player talk (or type).


    I'm not sure where you're playing, but off-hours never really seem to happen on Landroval. Granted, a large part of it is in GLFF, but the server is always active. And Landroval isn't even the most popular server...

    Today was my first day back for the free week and I played with a friend most of the evening and talked to another that I have known  for some time. Also, complimented a fellow on his musical ability and believe it or not I waved to a fellow who bowed and said hello. Im on Landroval as well.  I solo a lot due to choice but even an antisocial old fart  like me makes a few friends along the way in all games and LOTRO is one of the most friendly game ive played.  Trancer, if your not hearing people talk then talk first its that simple.

  • AzarealAzareal Member UncommonPosts: 163

    Yeah, the population on lotro tends to be generally nice. I think in the 2 years I played, the only people I ever stuck on ignore were the gold spammers.

  • AliothAlioth Member UncommonPosts: 236
    Originally posted by Azareal

    Yeah, the population on lotro tends to be generally nice. I think in the 2 years I played, the only people I ever stuck on ignore were the gold spammers.



    I just resubscribed after a 9 month hiatus. I'm almost finished the installation process :).

  • googajoob7googajoob7 Member Posts: 866
    Originally posted by trancejeremy

    Pretty easy though, when you can go six months without ever hearing another player talk (or type).


    thats odd the server i play on is always busy  . i ve seldom had any problem finding a group . but i must admit i tend to play in the evenings and weekends . also getting into a decent kinship is more important in this game than getting into a guild in something like warcraft .

  • GidSlackGidSlack Member Posts: 173

    One player was actually complaining in the official forums recently he couldn't raid because so many people had put him on ignore.  I assume this was because of his behaviour in global chat (glff).

    So I guess in LotRO asshats get ostracized.  

  • googajoob7googajoob7 Member Posts: 866

    from what i ve seen thats seams to be the case . theres a pride amongst players that they arnt going to allow this game to become like a lot of other mmos . for instance  in the recent autumn festival a player took time out to show me how and where i should go to get my havestmath horse . in turn i did this for friends in the game that did nt know what to do . i think whats happened in lotro is that it is so close to the traditional rpgs ( talking about single player ones here ) that its attracted a different sort of crowd .

  • UW1975UW1975 Member Posts: 183
    Originally posted by trancejeremy

    Pretty easy though, when you can go six months without ever hearing another player talk (or type).


    I'm sorry about your blindness.


    That's right. You should be blind if you haven't seen any activity in six months. Ever bothered joining a kin? or a PUG?

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