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I read and responded to a post just a few minutes ago posted by Rallycart called Things you miss about EQ1. It got me thinking about another aspect of EQ1 that I missed were people roleplaying thier characters. Now of course there are still a lot of people that still role play, but what I mean by this is players not just speaking in old english, but that had characters with actual personality traits that defined them. Not only did I portray these elements of my characters, but it also led to great storylines, last minute adventures, etc...
For instance, I had a High Elf cleric that believed in absoulte right and wrong. If you tried arguing with him, he would just turn and walk away.
I had a Ranger that was afraid of teleportation and heights. This made it interesting (and yes travle was more lengthly at times), but most often than not, it made for some great times because the only other way to get where we were going might be through an even more dangerous zone.
I played a monk that was mute, and so I had to communicate completely through emotes and gestures. People loved it.
I rolled Shaman once that was crazy eight ways from sunday and would consult with a spirit for advice. Sometimes in the middle of going somewhere, he would do random things like just stop and sit down or run over to a creature and start talking to it. He was a great Shaman, but you never knew what that cook was doing.
One of my favorites was a Nercomancer that believed he was superior over all others. He believed he was the chosen, born to cleanse the world of it's filth and disease. Other players were mere pets created merely to serve his purpose of clensing Norrath of it's filth and disease.
Anyway, I've been wondering if there are those out there that did or do still play thier characters persona, negative traits and all.
A tiny mind is a tidy mind...
In SWG ( pre NGE) i really role played.
The character was nothing like me. I often sat ashamed for what my character did. And even some of my RP friends got angry with me, even after i told them i did only RP my character (it was not me that did it).
I really miss those times : (
It depends... Sometimes I do, just depends on the game.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
Definitely depends on the game. It's getting harder to RP anymore as most people judge all your characters on the actions they see from one. They don't understand the concept of having different persona to different characters.
I found the best way to get them to understand is to double box the game and interact with myself around them. At first I won't tell them I'm playing them both, give them a couple months of thinking I'm two different 'players' and then let them in on the secret that it's just me with different 'characters'. Because in the end, it's that distinction that most are missing now a days player=/=character when your RPing.
On the games that it's near impossible to get the concept across I usually have my main persona, and my alt becomes the silent loner, just easier sometimes.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I have not but the next great MMO I play I will RP. No matter how much fun my friends will make of me.
"It's not me! I swear! My toon did it!"
RP is a lot of fun when you find a niche you enjoy that's for sure. My favorite right now is my CoH earth/storm controller. He is my Southern Baptist Preacher, nothing more fun that yelling out scripture while your tossing lighting bolts and storms everywhere, stomping your feet and rumbling the earth itself causing earthquakes and such. It really does take on a life of it's own when the team gets in over it's head and you start in with the revival - standing alone in the middle of evil to show your might and save the day. It's what heros are made for, and everyone has their own driving force, some of us love to RP it out and most around us even enjoy watching us do it.
I highly recommend everyone try and RP at least once on one game, one character just to see if they like it. You never know until to try it.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
in EQ1 I played a Gnome Mage who had a ridiculously over-the-top Napoleon Complex.
in DAoC I played a Necromancer who only spoke through his pet.
at another point in time in DAoC, I also played a Blademaster who was an utter and complete Gentleman at all times. picture a dapper, well-spoken English Gentleman...with dual swords.
all were great fun.
Usually I do like my character to fit a role, but I don't take it as far as typing or talking in chat like my character would. In EQ2 I played a froglok paladn who followed Mithaniel Marr. It just doesn't feel right to play unless my toon fits some of the game lore.
I tried Role-Playing back in "Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa". Playing a different persona seemed almost alien to me and made me feel uncomfortable. However, I think it had a lot to do with the games mechanics than anything else. Afterall, pretending I'm something I'm not was part of my job at the time, haha.
Had I tried role-playing in "Everquest" and "World of Warcraft" (when they were new), it probably would have been a more enjoyable experience. In fact, recently while playing "Darkfall Online", I did have an opportunity to role-play with a player who had taken on the persona of a pirate. I do admit, I had a bit of fun while it lasted, but surely it didn't last long. At the first chance I got, I took the unlucky players boat and sailed off, turning back just in time to see his avatar dissapear from view. I love MMO's.
The closest I come to RP'ing is, in LotRO, when I'm on my Elf RK, I say "Mae govannen" instead of welcome to new kinmates.
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
All the time.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
I am always roleplaying. I have characters, and they are the same people, at their core, from game to game. Obviously, some of the information about a backstory is not the same, but the personalities are.
Even when I am not with roleplayers nor working with a story that is unfolding, the way I speak and the things I do are in keeping with my characters. I do not talk about the real world, and I always talk as if I am the person I am playing. The exception to this is when I am discussing actual game mechanics with people for whatever reason, or when I am telling people something I know about the game that my character would not know.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
WTF? No subscription fee?
I did it so much when I was a member of Shadowclan in DAOC that I started speaking Kobo in casual conversation.
But since then, not so much.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
LOL .. i don't remember anyone role-playing in EQ and I played that game for a year.
The answer is nope .... i don't roleplay my char. I PLAY my character. There is a difference.
I think everyone does some roleplaying of sorts, i've often noticed this with friends playing female chars. Even if everyone around knows they're a guy they do act different than when in male chars. It's a very subtle thing really. I've also seen this with people playing large races, they tend to become a bit more quiet and somewhat more aggressive.
Sometimes mechanics influence you too, when playing melee classes i tend to disregard strategy more and do find myself acting somewhat more brash. Also, people i've noticed to act in different ways on PvE and PvP servers. Ultimately of course, we are all ourselves, but people who are nominally not role playing do act in varied ways across games, races, classes, etc. So i think once in a while we all roleplay a bit even if we don't mean to. It's somewhat on the level of those shy guys whose attitude noticeably changes around girls...
I know many players do to some extent do this on purpose, they may decide to make alts they goof around with, or in which they do things they'd never try on their mains (like ganking, etc.). As for actual roleplaying it's been more than a full decade since my pnp days, and i've never tried it on MMOs.
Just to make things clear...
I speak for myself and no one else, unless i state otherwise mine is just an opinion. A fact is something that can be independently verified, you may challenge such but with proof. You have every right to disagree with me through sound argument, i believe in constructive debate, but baseless aggression will warrant an unkind response.
I only roleplay in tabletop games or certain other occasions (I'll never admit to having been in the SCA, I was out of my frickin' mind back then.).
I found it to be rather futile in MMOs because there are a lot of folks who do not comply with it themselves which really kills the activity.
I typically use MMO's to let me get in large groups with other people, socialize and kill things; something I would not be able to do otherwise without owning a rifle and getting up at 6 AM to chase a bunch of birds around (I hate dealing with dead things, minus people.)
LOL .. i don't remember anyone role-playing in EQ and I played that game for a year.
The answer is nope .... i don't roleplay my char. I PLAY my character. There is a difference.
And do you PLAY each character differently? Or do you PLAY them all the same? If they are all the same than you are right, there is a difference... If you play them all different based on their fictional persona, than you are role-playing them. Even if you feel yourself above the term and wish not to be categorized with the rest of us. Role playing does NOT mean you speak only in Ole English or act out EVERYTHING in emotes. Role Playing is simply playing the character as if it is a live person with its own idiosyncrasies, beliefs, and personality traits. Sure, some people take it to extremes, but that does not mean in order to role play a character that you have to as well. There is no reason to let the skew on extreme taint the term role play itself, or take offense to it's use.
I'm an old school PnP D&D player back in the day before all the internet stuff. In our gaming sessions we didn't dress up in funny looking outfits and carry staves just to play the game, but we did PLAY in character when we were in the gaming sessions. That was role-playing, everyone stayed to the beliefs their characters had, spoke as they believed they would, and made choices as they thought the character would.
I don't see how this has changed over the years or in response to the different medias. PLAY the character, as each individual character would, IS in fact role-playing.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I've role-played my dwarf guardian and dwarf champion in LotRO, but otherwise I haven't roleplayed my characters in MMOs.
Did or Do You Ever Truely Play Your Character's Persona?
Yes, this is one of the reasons why I play singleplayer RPG's and MMO"RPG's"
But then I can immerse myself even with rollercoaster ride games like CoD or UT even.
But with RPG's it's kinda obvious for me to immerse myself into the role of my character, aka life the live of my character the way he would in that game (virtual) world.
I wouldn't even bother with games that carry a RPG tag if I would not want to truly play my character the way my character would life in that virtual world. But I sure know that I am a niche gamer when it comes to MMO"RPG's"
If you check FPS forums out you will find people who think they are making RP decisions in solo games. They seem to think picking a class or assigning some skills is a RP decision. At best I would describe it as a background decision.
Can you really play a character in a solo rpg? You can make choices, but mostly predefined ones that the game sets out for you. It is sort of like RP, but to me you need other people to actually RP.
If you really want to roleplay then play MUDs. There are several where its not only encouraged, its enforced.
Gemstone IV and Dragonsrealms are the two best ones I've played that are still active.
No, I don't roleplay at all when I play MMOs. In fact, I leave all the roleplaying I do to Second Life. However, I do wish that there were more people who actually roleplayed. It's so lonely just roleplaying on your own when everyone else is not, which is why I do not roleplay in the first place. But if other people did, then I would gladly do so.
I remember this one time in the Marketplace in Cantha (Guild Wars) where I was buying goods and I heard two people roleplaying about finding their way though because they got lost so often in the maze that was Cantha. It definitely was roleplay; it had none of the chatspeak other players use, and they actually used aprostrophy marks when they were talking. And, they also emoted as well. It was amazing watching them and the first thing I thought of was, "I wish I could join them". But I never did, because I thought it would be impolite to just barge in like that.
Main characters:
Jinn Gone Quiet (Guild Wars)
Princess Pudding (Guild Wars)
I am much over the fence in this. On the one hand, I love good RP, and miss it today. But it can also get on my nerves sometimes, when I just want to go hunting and some ppl are overy complicated. I guess for me it is a matter of balance.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Back in the day when I used to play City of Heroes, prior to City of Villians coming out. I was in a guild, where all the characters were based off of monkeys. To be in the guild you had to follow some basic appearance requirements to make your toon look like a monkey, or one of their slave classes. It was required that you roleplay, talking in character referring to the sibian race as superior to the others. By rolplaying like that we all seemed to develop certain traits that were unique to our character's personality. It was a lot of fun roleplaying, just wish that CoX was a lot more fun then it actually was, but rolplaying definitely helped.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Due to real life getting in the way I haven't been keeping up with my old blog here:
But, yeah, I'm a pretty hardcore roleplayer in theory. In practice, though, I tend to get more caught up in mindless grinding and less mindless questing these days. When I've got the right character, the right company and I'm in the right mood I still do RP but often times it just takes more work than I have energy or time for. Roleplaying doesn't have to be hard but I tend to put effort into it out of habit.
Lately I've been in LoTRO and done some minor RP there. I just have trouble when my idea of how the setting works fails to mesh with others. For example, there's a wonderful guild of great roleplayers doing a storyline around the Oathbreakers - remember those ghosts that Aragorn got to attack Mordor's forces? They're all captains with a ghostly follower in game. It's a great concept and folks seem to enjoy it. My problem, and it's my problem not theirs, is that the idea of ghosts running around downtown Bree without folks batting an eyelash is just something I can't grok. I...I don't know how to roleplay around it. It makes no sense and fouls up my suspension of disbelief. So I don't. The problem is that the RP community on Landroval is pretty old and tight knit. These guys are a part of it.
So I tend not to RP much there in public. I do RP with my Kinship mates sometimes and often, randomly, with roleplayers I run into in the wilds.
Landroval, along with Starsider (SWG) and Virtue (CoH), are fairly densely populated with roleplayers. Of all three Starsider's rp community is probably the biggest, or at least seems to be, because everyone tends to network together and they hold events or run server-wide storylines all the time. The player association, Hollowood Galactic Studios, actually helps other PAs with event planning and organization as well as helping to coordinate different plotlines. But nobody's really "in charge." Folks opt in or opt out of any given thing and everyone runs storylines or events - some public and some private.
Always notice what you notice.
LOL .. i don't remember anyone role-playing in EQ and I played that game for a year.
The answer is nope .... i don't roleplay my char. I PLAY my character. There is a difference.
And do you PLAY each character differently? Or do you PLAY them all the same? If they are all the same than you are right, there is a difference... If you play them all different based on their fictional persona, than you are role-playing them. Even if you feel yourself above the term and wish not to be categorized with the rest of us. Role playing does NOT mean you speak only in Ole English or act out EVERYTHING in emotes. Role Playing is simply playing the character as if it is a live person with its own idiosyncrasies, beliefs, and personality traits. Sure, some people take it to extremes, but that does not mean in order to role play a character that you have to as well. There is no reason to let the skew on extreme taint the term role play itself, or take offense to it's use.
I'm an old school PnP D&D player back in the day before all the internet stuff. In our gaming sessions we didn't dress up in funny looking outfits and carry staves just to play the game, but we did PLAY in character when we were in the gaming sessions. That was role-playing, everyone stayed to the beliefs their characters had, spoke as they believed they would, and made choices as they thought the character would.
I don't see how this has changed over the years or in response to the different medias. PLAY the character, as each individual character would, IS in fact role-playing.
I play them all the same. Leveling, getting upgrades, enjoying the content. There is no persona. My mage is me nuking stuff at range. My pally is me tanking stuff. My rogue is me meleeing stuff at close range.
If a guildmate ask me to switch to my main to help out a raid, I dont pretend it is some other person that comes for the raid.