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I recently argued that Blizzard would make cosmetic items such as pets and exoctic mounts available in an rmt item store in my thread about the possibility for paid for class changes being implimented into the game at some time .
Lots of you have said this day would never come and you were wrong . Blizzard will use anything to make money and mark my words
the next thing WIll be paid for class changes .
and it will be a lot sooner than you think .
You never actualy said "they will add item shops".
You also said
I m actually not against a cosmetic item shop . Cosmetic items dont interfere with gameplay so as long as you ve worked to get your first epic mount epic/ flying mount i have no problem with people buying something a little different . Same thing with pets .
So what are you banging on about, you said you support the idea of a vanity shop
Oh and whats next weeks lottery numbers?
And BTW this is just a vanity pet store, not an item store.
You never actualy said "they will add item shops".
You also said
I m actually not against a cosmetic item shop . Cosmetic items dont interfere with gameplay so as long as you ve worked to get your first epic mount epic/ flying mount i have no problem with people buying something a little different . Same thing with pets .
So what are you banging on about, you said you support the idea of a vanity shop
Oh and whats next weeks lottery numbers?
And BTW this is just a vanity pet store, not an item store.
i m not against it . but i was right about it . the selling of virtual pets is rmt or an item shop by any other name .
you know what i ment your just trying to be picky ... you go to a webpage select a pet buy it the pets an item ... thats an item shop .
pick away at it whatever way you want . i know what i ment and so do you and i was right .
hav nt aclue about the lottery numbers but i can tell you know WoWs subscription numbers are down . it does nt take a crystal ball to see where things are going just a little common sence .
I can imagine that the next thing will be something like premade lvl 50s or 55s to buy, somewhen after people got sick playing through the new Azeroth of Cataclysm from lvl1 on. "To adjust the player's experience according to the DK heroic class blabla..."
But one thing i'd like to see would be a discount on server transfers for 3/5/X chars or an option to transfer a whole account to another realm at a fair price.
Last time i played my realm was completely dead and by reading the realm forums it looks like it got even worse with the whole alliance leaving. I wouldn't want to transfer just my healer or alchemist, which would break the interactions between my chars (like professions supporting each other, login on my tank OR healer and such) or pay a TON of money for transfering all of them.
i would nt be suprised at that either . the strange thing is most of the rabid fanbois would argue now that it ll never happen and thats not the way Blizzard works and when it is implimented it ll be the most fantastic thing on earth .
I totally agree the server transfers are way overpriced .
Already bought them myself, i don't really care if they want to sell extra stuff or not. Seriously if RMT bugs you that much go back to single player games.
MMO companies have moving to the RMT model for awhile now, and all the doom and gloom people haven't made them think not too, guess they really don't care if you play their game or not eh?
I'm on a break right now, burnt myself out playing too much lol, but i'll be back. I don't think any of their pricing is bad, people need to stop being cheap asses.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
LOL it does nt bother me one iota . Make you wonder if Blizzard read these forums then make policey :P who knows you may have me to thank for these item stores/shops etc ( JOKE in case any of you are stupid enough to think i m serious )
perhaps they ll listen to me on

heres a few other things to put in your item shop/store .... dances , emotes , mounts , cosmetic/vanity cloaths (although that would miff off tailors ).
shame you dont have player housing yet you could expand it even more , imagine all those decortations and that furnature people would buy . may as well rip off the sims as well .