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MMO i killing me

FrostHackerFrostHacker Member Posts: 6

The last 2 weeks I tested I think almost 20 MMOrpg games and I can not find any one that keeps me wanna play more sure I found one R2 online but I can´t understand Russian so thats fucked. sure I saw that the game will be out on EU/US version soon but I hate wating. I liked SUN but I hated that u can not pick the class u wan´t. so im asking any one got a tip on a f2p mmo like R2 or Sun tell me. And no I hate WOW and Aion can fuck them self and RoM sucks.

I hope I posted right place



  • mytruehatemytruehate Member Posts: 6

    20 mmos in 2 weeks? if  your going to give a game a honest chance to entertain you, you should play it longer then it took to download... just saying

    as for a game recommendation i would have to say or they will suit your ADHD and no long download times or installs!

    btw: wow and aion are both great games in my opinion.

  • haelikothhaelikoth Member Posts: 116

    instead of testing the actual game, why dont you read up on reviews and watch in-game video on youtube to see if you like the game.

    also you might want to post over at the LFGame section instead.

    as for suggestions, im not very up-to-date with MMOs so all i can suggest is Atlantica Online, or Pangya.


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