What do you mean with "auto move" if not "running"?
Do you want the Toons to run automatically to any NPC or destination in Game, without you steering?
I don´t get what you mean?
You're lost? Well just think a little. Can you always get from Point A to Point B by running in a straight line?
The races not having any advantage over any of the others is a tragemark of so called "Sandbox" games.
You distinguish yourself from others of your race, or any other, by your actions, not by your beginning statistics.
If they were to introduce different stats for races and as you state later "classes", then well,... what´d be the difference to WoW or others?
It's like you completely did not understand what I said, even though I expressed it in a very straight forward way. I don't think I could have been any clearer and I don't see the point of repeating myself using different words. You misunderstood what I said and if you'd like to understand what I mean, you can re-read what I said.
The "classes" thought is a completely wrong approach, in my book anyway. You absolutely don not have to "concentrate on one skill". That´s not the point of the game and of playing it. If you play it like that, then you play it like any other game before.
You´ve got to let go of these ideas. The logic behind this system IS that you´re not bound to any class or "role" in a team.
You´re not forced to be "the Tank", or "the Healer", or "the DPS". You can be anything and everything, if you just do it.
You can train skills whenever and wherever you want, just as long as theres opportunity to do so.
One day you may train Swordfight, the next you may train Pike, the next you may heal in some team, the next over you´ll be digging some needed materials. Just don´t force yourself into a corner by thinking: "I have to learn elemental to 250 before doing anything else." That´s bound to get boring and "grindy" pretty fast.
I myself for example only dig when I need to. I craft when I´ve got enough material to do so and then I do something else for a change. And I don´t mean "leveling", which I do only a few times a month. But thats my play-style, others do it differently of course. And there´s simply NO Game out there that caters to every single play-style out there.
Again, you did not understand what I wrote. You write in quotes that I said "concentrate on one skill" yet I never wrote that. Again, I'll let people read what I wrote and agree or disagree with what I said. If you would like to understand what I wrote, you may read it again.
A nice opening scene, yes. That would be pretty cool indeed. As reading the history of the peoples seems to be too much for most players, it should be delivered by way of visuals. I agree.
That would be nice, but I think you missed my point that the game needs more structure in the beginning. I don't think there is much or any initial explanation of where you are and why you are there, nor any pressing mission that needs to be completed for you or the village's existence. That contributes a bit to the who cares? factor.
But the "guy on the Hill" aka. "Chiang the Strong" DOES send you to the trainers right away?
Ok, after explaining a bit about the world and yourself, but he does send you to the trainers. If there was a visual Intro the explaining would not be necessary of course, but he does send you to the trainers.
Does he? I thought he sends you to a guy (the camp counselor) who sends you to the trainers. The game might be better served if you started out at the camp counselor.
If race mattered it would limit us, imagine if starting city, faction and racial spells were set in stone. It would go against the freedom we have to make a choice and change our minds later on if we want to.
You misunderstood what I wrote. Nowhere did I say that a system based upon race-based classes or stats should be established.
What is "Auto move"? Not that bullshit Atlantica has is it? that shit is horrible and designed for people without a brain.
Then perhaps you would enjoy it.
The character graphics are a bit funky due to the artstyle but the world and mob graphics are far from sub-par compared to most AAA mmos.
The graphics are overall not as good as Atlantica, Guild Wars, Warhammer or LOTR. The graphics do look dated.
The tutorial explains everything you need to know, from skill trees to faction info to game mechanics. Anymore structured and it would be a retarded themepark.
You miss my point. I was not saying that how the game works is unexplained (except for the races, which needs to be emphasized). I was saying that the plot and your place in the world is unexplained and that there is no pressing mission or threat to be addressed at the outset.
You live on Atys thats your role everything else is up to you. if you want clear cut goals play a themepark.
I can play a themepark and you can go learn reading comprehension. What you or I can do on another game is not what is being discussed. What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
You already have a choice of starting skill set, this tells you right away the the races are flexible, use your head.
The fact that a starting skill set is given does not exclude the possibility that race may influence skills or classes. It's unfortunate that when you use your head, it only leads to failure.
The tutorial covers all of that and then sends you to a skill trainer.
Maybe it does, or maybe you are just dismissing what I say because you are a Ryzom fanboi. It's not clear which.
Is is that difficult to talk to one extra Npc? honestly I think your just being way too picky for a guy that likes a game with way more flaws like Atlantica.
Whether or not it is that difficult or not is immaterial. The topics being discussed are weaknesses and improvements to the game. It seems that you take my comments about a video game (which you did not even make yourself) personally. You should get a life.
NO!!! Ryzom missions are supposed to be tough and get you lost. Its the only game where the quests (atleast most of them) are challenging. You seem to want to just coast to a preset goal. Really! No wonder you cant stand this game you must be very bored without a Npc giving you step by step directions.
You have no idea what I want to do personally in the game and it is foolish of you to speculate on that, as it is not the topic of my post. The actual topic is weaknesses of the game and how to fix them.
After rereading your posts you seem to have a dated opinion on Ryzoms starting Island. Maybe you should try it again because most of the things your asking for have been put into the game. Just beware all that babying and handholding in the tutorial stops once you reach the mainland.
Think of it this way Tutorial Island is like a mother babying a child, breast feeding you, cuddling. Once you get to ML its like mommy tossed your ass out the window during a thunderstorm and said good luck.
You seem incapable of discussing this game in a mature way and you take criticism of the game as if it were personal criticism of yourself. As such, a discussion with you is merely dealing with your immature rants and is more or less a waste of space on this thread. Just another exercise in immature angst on your part.
What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
can we cut the childish bickering and calling names? This was a serious discussion before, can we keep it that way?
I see now what you meant and I´m sorry I misinterpreted your posts.
But calling people "fanbois", as if this was something to be ashamed of, is simply uncalled for and absolutely NOT objective, eh?
We do like the game, we do even LOVE the game, we´re not averse to change (Yes, we can!! ) and we´re just expressing our opinions of the game and your conceptions of it, that are in someways rather flawed views, if I may say so, and we´re trying to convince you to re-think your opinion, of which you´re perfectly entitled. But it does not help to see any of them as "set in stone".
Sadly, some have a quite rude way of doing so.
So, let me respond normally and in a civil manner, ok?
If "auto move" does revere to "clicking into the scenery and having the char. run towards this point", I think its pretty overrated.
It´s still a straight line.
If you in fact do mean the Char. should "find its own way from a to b and just run along a preset path.", well... then sorry, but I don´t think this would help at all. Why play a game when every path is preset? Does it get any more boring?
If I´m still wrong, then please do explain and enlighten me, as to what it is you revere to. I simply don´t know what else it could be. Sorry, but that´s the truth and not meant to insult your intelligence, only mine. I never played "Atlantica" so I´ve no experience whatsoever with this system you´re revering to.
As for an overreaching story arc. You´re send to investigate the occurrences of the "Goo" and later to punish those responsible for it. In addition you´re sent to investigate the Kitin and the the old ruins of old Silan to find out more on what caused this cataclysm. Isn´t that overreaching enough?
If you´re revering to a scenario the likes of "save the world, young warrior", well, these are quite nice indeed and make you feel like the "Hero of the hour". But, that´s just it.
Everyone´s a hero then, everyone has already killed Onyxia in a thousand ways, everyone has helped the village survive some obscure threat, time and again, with no improvement whatsoever to the matter. I must admit I hate these kinds of Quests. And many others do so too. But, well, sadly enough most gamers out there don´t seem to care. *shrug* Many games to revere to such great boasts as "Write your own History", or "Become your own legend".
How am I supposed to do that, if everybody else did exactly the same quests and things I did before and will do in the future? So everyone is "their own legend", great... Why then even play n MMO? If I´m just playing to be "my own legend" under a million others? That´s a concept I do have a severe problem with. Ryzom does offer you another way, free of these pre-set Quests that everyone did and does. Let´s just say that my character just managed to become something more that average by doing what she does. And not by following a set quest-line. She was raised to noble status, just yesterday. And not for killing some MOB or doing some immense Quest-line. No. It was done for the things I did (and thus she did) for the community and the game(and the culture of her people). And everyone with a bit more on their mind than just blowing through levels can accomplish that.
And just to drive home the point: Almost every NPC does explain parts of "who you are and why you´re here". Beginning with Chiang the Strong on the hill, recounting the story of the Exodus and Exile. But, yes, again I say it would be pretty cool to have this in some nice vid-scene. But that´s a pretty big fish to fry for such a small team of Devs, as it´s got atm. Sadly.
The step over the "councilor" may be redundant, but even the councilor does tell you some things about "why you´re here and what you are." But, if reading such things is too much for some people, I can only say I´m sorry for them. Clicking through and ignoring given explanations and later complaining that things aren´t properly explained, is simply daft. Not revering to you here. But some idiots do such. I´ve seen them,... *sigh*
"While I do not remember the text you get from the guy you first talk to in the beginning, it should quickly summarize that there are 4 classes and you can develop the skills you get from all 4, but you'll want to emphasize one class over the other 3."
Ok, Please correct me if I´m wrong, but the way I see this as an experienced player, who just wants to get away with misconceptions (or fanboy, as you might prefer ), I´d like to respond again to this as follows:
There are 4 "classes", correct, but only for the lack of a better term I´d call them that. As the skill system is open, there´s no need to emphasize on one. Call them whatever you like, the baby needs a name after all, but many players do sadly make the mistake of restricting themselves to just one "role" in a team, out of pure habit. They´ve learned that a healer is supposed to heal and a warrior is supposed to tank and thats it. Many do need some time to get used to the idea of being able to all this and more. There simply is no need to "emphasize" one class over the other." People may do so if they absolutely feel like it. Nobody will stop them, but they´ll just restrict themselves.
Biggest Fanboy of all and proud of it
P.S.: If any of my assumptions about your posts are still mistaken, then please to not refrain from explaining in a normal an civil way. I may speak and write some good English, but its not my native language and I may still be wrong on some interpretations.
Ryzom, we dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?
Originally posted by Sisko2009 Originally posted by Nizur
Originally posted by Sisko2009 What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength. There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact. And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
Current: None Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
can we cut the childish bickering and calling names? This was a serious discussion before, can we keep it that way?
As far as the tone is concerned, my default is civility, but I will return incivilities with incivilities.
But calling people "fanbois", as if this was something to be ashamed of, is simply uncalled for and absolutely NOT objective, eh?
Actually, it was very much called for given the rudeness with which the fanbois replied to criticism of the game they are married to.
We do like the game, we do even LOVE the game, we´re not averse to change (Yes, we can!! ) and we´re just expressing our opinions of the game and your conceptions of it, that are in someways rather flawed views, if I may say so, and we´re trying to convince you to re-think your opinion, of which you´re perfectly entitled. But it does not help to see any of them as "set in stone".
It remains to be seen if my views can actually be argued against by fanbois, given that one has to actually understand the views of the person she's arguing with in order to disagree with them.
Sadly, some have a quite rude way of doing so.
Whom are you referring to? I'll let you answer that first and if you keep it civil, then we can proceed with a serious discussion.
What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
Originally posted by Sisko2009 Originally posted by Nizur
Originally posted by Sisko2009
Originally posted by Nizur Originally posted by Sisko2009 What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength. There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact. And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand. It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision. You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
What's up with the personal attacks? You keep claiming I'm getting all emotional, when you're clearly the one getting emotional and slinging the personal attacks.
Where have I claimed you made that statement? Read what I wrote. I quoted you saying you believed the objective weaknesses of Ryzom were being discussed. I'm pointing out that your opinions on Ryzom's perceived weaknesses are NOT objective. You clearly believe your opinions are objective weaknesses that MUST be addressed. They're not.
I don't know how to make this any clearer.
Current: None Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
What's up with the personal attacks? You keep claiming I'm getting all emotional, when you're clearly the one getting emotional and slinging the personal attacks.
Where have I claimed you made that statement? Read what I wrote. I quoted you saying you believed the objective weaknesses of Ryzom were being discussed. I'm pointing out that your opinions on Ryzom's perceived weaknesses are NOT objective. You clearly believe your opinions are objective weaknesses that MUST be addressed. They're not.
I don't know how to make this any clearer.
What personal attacks? I'm just giving you some encouragement. With regards to emotion, it's obvious that you are angry that I have dared to criticize your girlfriend called Ryzom and this has upset you.
You're now backtracking on your comments. You claimed I "pretend" my "opinion is objective fact." I asked you to quote me saying this. You don't need to make anything clearer. You either need to quote me pretending my "opinion is objective fact" or you need to admit that you falsely claimed that because I insulted the game your married to. Show the quote or grow a pair and admit you're wrong.
Originally posted by Sisko2009 Originally posted by Nizur
Originally posted by Sisko2009
Originally posted by Nizur
Originally posted by Sisko2009 Originally posted by Nizur
Originally posted by Sisko2009 What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength. There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact. And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand. It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision. You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
What's up with the personal attacks? You keep claiming I'm getting all emotional, when you're clearly the one getting emotional and slinging the personal attacks. Where have I claimed you made that statement? Read what I wrote. I quoted you saying you believed the objective weaknesses of Ryzom were being discussed. I'm pointing out that your opinions on Ryzom's perceived weaknesses are NOT objective. You clearly believe your opinions are objective weaknesses that MUST be addressed. They're not. I don't know how to make this any clearer.
What personal attacks? I'm just giving you some encouragement. With regards to emotion, it's obvious that you are angry that I have dared to criticize your girlfriend called Ryzom and this has upset you. You're now backtracking on your comments. You claimed I "pretend" my "opinion is objective fact." I asked you to quote me saying this. You don't need to make anything clearer. You either need to quote me pretending my "opinion is objective fact" or you need to admit that you falsely claimed that because I insulted the game your married to. Show the quote or grow a pair and admit you're wrong.
Wow. There is no backtracking on my part. I can't backtrack on something I never said you stated. You've built up this strawman that doesn't exist. You do believe your opinions are objective. I've quoted you at the very beginning stating so. You're jumping around this and slinging insults left and right.
Who's the one who is angry? I have yet to insult you, yet you continually insult me. I'm not angry. I'm not bothered you're posting your opinions on Ryzom. I'm simply trying to get you to admit your opinions are not objective. You won't do this, so there's zero point in me continuing in this hamster wheel you call a discussion.
Welcome to my ignore list.
Current: None Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
You come to a sandbox games forums and bitch about lack of structure, the need for more hard coded goals and Ezmode immersion breakers like Auto move.
You need a reason to do things in Ryzom? Your an obvious troll.
lol yeah, and i can only think of 1 game with auto move wich is atlantica. at first i thought it was kinda neat then thought about it, are people so lazy they can't move their character around a vitual world? you do realize its not really exercise, you don't have to get up off your fat ass at all?
I´m sorry, but now I´m completely lost.
What do you mean with "auto move" if not "running"?
Do you want the Toons to run automatically to any NPC or destination in Game, without you steering?
I don´t get what you mean?
You're lost? Well just think a little. Can you always get from Point A to Point B by running in a straight line?
The races not having any advantage over any of the others is a tragemark of so called "Sandbox" games.
You distinguish yourself from others of your race, or any other, by your actions, not by your beginning statistics.
If they were to introduce different stats for races and as you state later "classes", then well,... what´d be the difference to WoW or others?
It's like you completely did not understand what I said, even though I expressed it in a very straight forward way. I don't think I could have been any clearer and I don't see the point of repeating myself using different words. You misunderstood what I said and if you'd like to understand what I mean, you can re-read what I said.
The "classes" thought is a completely wrong approach, in my book anyway. You absolutely don not have to "concentrate on one skill". That´s not the point of the game and of playing it. If you play it like that, then you play it like any other game before.
You´ve got to let go of these ideas. The logic behind this system IS that you´re not bound to any class or "role" in a team.
You´re not forced to be "the Tank", or "the Healer", or "the DPS". You can be anything and everything, if you just do it.
You can train skills whenever and wherever you want, just as long as theres opportunity to do so.
One day you may train Swordfight, the next you may train Pike, the next you may heal in some team, the next over you´ll be digging some needed materials. Just don´t force yourself into a corner by thinking: "I have to learn elemental to 250 before doing anything else." That´s bound to get boring and "grindy" pretty fast.
I myself for example only dig when I need to. I craft when I´ve got enough material to do so and then I do something else for a change. And I don´t mean "leveling", which I do only a few times a month. But thats my play-style, others do it differently of course. And there´s simply NO Game out there that caters to every single play-style out there.
Again, you did not understand what I wrote. You write in quotes that I said "concentrate on one skill" yet I never wrote that. Again, I'll let people read what I wrote and agree or disagree with what I said. If you would like to understand what I wrote, you may read it again.
A nice opening scene, yes. That would be pretty cool indeed. As reading the history of the peoples seems to be too much for most players, it should be delivered by way of visuals. I agree.
That would be nice, but I think you missed my point that the game needs more structure in the beginning. I don't think there is much or any initial explanation of where you are and why you are there, nor any pressing mission that needs to be completed for you or the village's existence. That contributes a bit to the who cares? factor.
But the "guy on the Hill" aka. "Chiang the Strong" DOES send you to the trainers right away?
Ok, after explaining a bit about the world and yourself, but he does send you to the trainers. If there was a visual Intro the explaining would not be necessary of course, but he does send you to the trainers.
Does he? I thought he sends you to a guy (the camp counselor) who sends you to the trainers. The game might be better served if you started out at the camp counselor.
If race mattered it would limit us, imagine if starting city, faction and racial spells were set in stone. It would go against the freedom we have to make a choice and change our minds later on if we want to.
You misunderstood what I wrote. Nowhere did I say that a system based upon race-based classes or stats should be established.
What is "Auto move"? Not that bullshit Atlantica has is it? that shit is horrible and designed for people without a brain.
Then perhaps you would enjoy it.
The character graphics are a bit funky due to the artstyle but the world and mob graphics are far from sub-par compared to most AAA mmos.
The graphics are overall not as good as Atlantica, Guild Wars, Warhammer or LOTR. The graphics do look dated.
The tutorial explains everything you need to know, from skill trees to faction info to game mechanics. Anymore structured and it would be a retarded themepark.
You miss my point. I was not saying that how the game works is unexplained (except for the races, which needs to be emphasized). I was saying that the plot and your place in the world is unexplained and that there is no pressing mission or threat to be addressed at the outset.
You live on Atys thats your role everything else is up to you. if you want clear cut goals play a themepark.
I can play a themepark and you can go learn reading comprehension. What you or I can do on another game is not what is being discussed. What is being discussed are objective weaknesses of the game called Ryzom.
You already have a choice of starting skill set, this tells you right away the the races are flexible, use your head.
The fact that a starting skill set is given does not exclude the possibility that race may influence skills or classes. It's unfortunate that when you use your head, it only leads to failure.
The tutorial covers all of that and then sends you to a skill trainer.
Maybe it does, or maybe you are just dismissing what I say because you are a Ryzom fanboi. It's not clear which.
Is is that difficult to talk to one extra Npc? honestly I think your just being way too picky for a guy that likes a game with way more flaws like Atlantica.
Whether or not it is that difficult or not is immaterial. The topics being discussed are weaknesses and improvements to the game. It seems that you take my comments about a video game (which you did not even make yourself) personally. You should get a life.
NO!!! Ryzom missions are supposed to be tough and get you lost. Its the only game where the quests (atleast most of them) are challenging. You seem to want to just coast to a preset goal. Really! No wonder you cant stand this game you must be very bored without a Npc giving you step by step directions.
You have no idea what I want to do personally in the game and it is foolish of you to speculate on that, as it is not the topic of my post. The actual topic is weaknesses of the game and how to fix them.
After rereading your posts you seem to have a dated opinion on Ryzoms starting Island. Maybe you should try it again because most of the things your asking for have been put into the game. Just beware all that babying and handholding in the tutorial stops once you reach the mainland.
Think of it this way Tutorial Island is like a mother babying a child, breast feeding you, cuddling. Once you get to ML its like mommy tossed your ass out the window during a thunderstorm and said good luck.
You seem incapable of discussing this game in a mature way and you take criticism of the game as if it were personal criticism of yourself. As such, a discussion with you is merely dealing with your immature rants and is more or less a waste of space on this thread. Just another exercise in immature angst on your part.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
Oh please,
can we cut the childish bickering and calling names? This was a serious discussion before, can we keep it that way?
I see now what you meant and I´m sorry I misinterpreted your posts.
But calling people "fanbois", as if this was something to be ashamed of, is simply uncalled for and absolutely NOT objective, eh?
We do like the game, we do even LOVE the game, we´re not averse to change (Yes, we can!! ) and we´re just expressing our opinions of the game and your conceptions of it, that are in someways rather flawed views, if I may say so, and we´re trying to convince you to re-think your opinion, of which you´re perfectly entitled. But it does not help to see any of them as "set in stone".
Sadly, some have a quite rude way of doing so.
So, let me respond normally and in a civil manner, ok?
If "auto move" does revere to "clicking into the scenery and having the char. run towards this point", I think its pretty overrated.
It´s still a straight line.
If you in fact do mean the Char. should "find its own way from a to b and just run along a preset path.", well... then sorry, but I don´t think this would help at all. Why play a game when every path is preset? Does it get any more boring?
If I´m still wrong, then please do explain and enlighten me, as to what it is you revere to. I simply don´t know what else it could be. Sorry, but that´s the truth and not meant to insult your intelligence, only mine. I never played "Atlantica" so I´ve no experience whatsoever with this system you´re revering to.
As for an overreaching story arc. You´re send to investigate the occurrences of the "Goo" and later to punish those responsible for it. In addition you´re sent to investigate the Kitin and the the old ruins of old Silan to find out more on what caused this cataclysm. Isn´t that overreaching enough?
If you´re revering to a scenario the likes of "save the world, young warrior", well, these are quite nice indeed and make you feel like the "Hero of the hour". But, that´s just it.
Everyone´s a hero then, everyone has already killed Onyxia in a thousand ways, everyone has helped the village survive some obscure threat, time and again, with no improvement whatsoever to the matter. I must admit I hate these kinds of Quests. And many others do so too. But, well, sadly enough most gamers out there don´t seem to care. *shrug* Many games to revere to such great boasts as "Write your own History", or "Become your own legend".
How am I supposed to do that, if everybody else did exactly the same quests and things I did before and will do in the future? So everyone is "their own legend", great... Why then even play n MMO? If I´m just playing to be "my own legend" under a million others? That´s a concept I do have a severe problem with. Ryzom does offer you another way, free of these pre-set Quests that everyone did and does. Let´s just say that my character just managed to become something more that average by doing what she does. And not by following a set quest-line. She was raised to noble status, just yesterday. And not for killing some MOB or doing some immense Quest-line. No. It was done for the things I did (and thus she did) for the community and the game(and the culture of her people). And everyone with a bit more on their mind than just blowing through levels can accomplish that.
And just to drive home the point: Almost every NPC does explain parts of "who you are and why you´re here". Beginning with Chiang the Strong on the hill, recounting the story of the Exodus and Exile. But, yes, again I say it would be pretty cool to have this in some nice vid-scene. But that´s a pretty big fish to fry for such a small team of Devs, as it´s got atm. Sadly.
The step over the "councilor" may be redundant, but even the councilor does tell you some things about "why you´re here and what you are." But, if reading such things is too much for some people, I can only say I´m sorry for them. Clicking through and ignoring given explanations and later complaining that things aren´t properly explained, is simply daft. Not revering to you here. But some idiots do such. I´ve seen them,... *sigh*
"While I do not remember the text you get from the guy you first talk to in the beginning, it should quickly summarize that there are 4 classes and you can develop the skills you get from all 4, but you'll want to emphasize one class over the other 3."
Ok, Please correct me if I´m wrong, but the way I see this as an experienced player, who just wants to get away with misconceptions (or fanboy, as you might prefer ), I´d like to respond again to this as follows:
There are 4 "classes", correct, but only for the lack of a better term I´d call them that. As the skill system is open, there´s no need to emphasize on one. Call them whatever you like, the baby needs a name after all, but many players do sadly make the mistake of restricting themselves to just one "role" in a team, out of pure habit. They´ve learned that a healer is supposed to heal and a warrior is supposed to tank and thats it. Many do need some time to get used to the idea of being able to all this and more. There simply is no need to "emphasize" one class over the other." People may do so if they absolutely feel like it. Nobody will stop them, but they´ll just restrict themselves.
Biggest Fanboy of all and proud of it
P.S.: If any of my assumptions about your posts are still mistaken, then please to not refrain from explaining in a normal an civil way. I may speak and write some good English, but its not my native language and I may still be wrong on some interpretations.
Do you dare to adapt?
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
Oh please,
can we cut the childish bickering and calling names? This was a serious discussion before, can we keep it that way?
As far as the tone is concerned, my default is civility, but I will return incivilities with incivilities.
But calling people "fanbois", as if this was something to be ashamed of, is simply uncalled for and absolutely NOT objective, eh?
Actually, it was very much called for given the rudeness with which the fanbois replied to criticism of the game they are married to.
We do like the game, we do even LOVE the game, we´re not averse to change (Yes, we can!! ) and we´re just expressing our opinions of the game and your conceptions of it, that are in someways rather flawed views, if I may say so, and we´re trying to convince you to re-think your opinion, of which you´re perfectly entitled. But it does not help to see any of them as "set in stone".
It remains to be seen if my views can actually be argued against by fanbois, given that one has to actually understand the views of the person she's arguing with in order to disagree with them.
Sadly, some have a quite rude way of doing so.
Whom are you referring to? I'll let you answer that first and if you keep it civil, then we can proceed with a serious discussion.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
What's up with the personal attacks? You keep claiming I'm getting all emotional, when you're clearly the one getting emotional and slinging the personal attacks.
Where have I claimed you made that statement? Read what I wrote. I quoted you saying you believed the objective weaknesses of Ryzom were being discussed. I'm pointing out that your opinions on Ryzom's perceived weaknesses are NOT objective. You clearly believe your opinions are objective weaknesses that MUST be addressed. They're not.
I don't know how to make this any clearer.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
What's up with the personal attacks? You keep claiming I'm getting all emotional, when you're clearly the one getting emotional and slinging the personal attacks.
Where have I claimed you made that statement? Read what I wrote. I quoted you saying you believed the objective weaknesses of Ryzom were being discussed. I'm pointing out that your opinions on Ryzom's perceived weaknesses are NOT objective. You clearly believe your opinions are objective weaknesses that MUST be addressed. They're not.
I don't know how to make this any clearer.
What personal attacks? I'm just giving you some encouragement. With regards to emotion, it's obvious that you are angry that I have dared to criticize your girlfriend called Ryzom and this has upset you.
You're now backtracking on your comments. You claimed I "pretend" my "opinion is objective fact." I asked you to quote me saying this. You don't need to make anything clearer. You either need to quote me pretending my "opinion is objective fact" or you need to admit that you falsely claimed that because I insulted the game your married to. Show the quote or grow a pair and admit you're wrong.
And yet most of what you're posting is subjective. What some view as a weakness, others view as a strength.
There's no doubt Ryzom needs some polishing and improvements, but don't pretend your opinion is objective fact.
And lose the attitude. It doesn't help foster any real conversation or debate.
No, what I'm posting is objective. I can't help it if fanbois like you have an emotional connection to the game in lieu of having a life.
Quote me where I said that my opinion is objective fact. With fanboi's like you who only want to attack the messenger, there never can be any real conversation or debate. Don't even bother pretending you are capable of having one.
What did I just quote you saying? You believe you're discussing objective weaknesses, yet in reality you're only discussing your subjective opinions on the game. It's not that hard to understand.
It's clear you have no desire to actually have that conversation though since you so quickly jump to name-calling and derision.
You claim that I said my "opinion is objective fact." I just quoted you. Now prove your claim. Quote me saying that I claim my opinion is objective fact. You cannot because you are an insecure fanboi who takes criticism of a game as a direct attack on himself. Someday you'll emerge from your mom's basement and join society. I'm confident of it.
What's up with the personal attacks? You keep claiming I'm getting all emotional, when you're clearly the one getting emotional and slinging the personal attacks.
Where have I claimed you made that statement? Read what I wrote. I quoted you saying you believed the objective weaknesses of Ryzom were being discussed. I'm pointing out that your opinions on Ryzom's perceived weaknesses are NOT objective. You clearly believe your opinions are objective weaknesses that MUST be addressed. They're not.
I don't know how to make this any clearer.
What personal attacks? I'm just giving you some encouragement. With regards to emotion, it's obvious that you are angry that I have dared to criticize your girlfriend called Ryzom and this has upset you.
You're now backtracking on your comments. You claimed I "pretend" my "opinion is objective fact." I asked you to quote me saying this. You don't need to make anything clearer. You either need to quote me pretending my "opinion is objective fact" or you need to admit that you falsely claimed that because I insulted the game your married to. Show the quote or grow a pair and admit you're wrong.
Wow. There is no backtracking on my part. I can't backtrack on something I never said you stated. You've built up this strawman that doesn't exist. You do believe your opinions are objective. I've quoted you at the very beginning stating so. You're jumping around this and slinging insults left and right.
Who's the one who is angry? I have yet to insult you, yet you continually insult me. I'm not angry. I'm not bothered you're posting your opinions on Ryzom. I'm simply trying to get you to admit your opinions are not objective. You won't do this, so there's zero point in me continuing in this hamster wheel you call a discussion.
Welcome to my ignore list.
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
You come to a sandbox games forums and bitch about lack of structure, the need for more hard coded goals and Ezmode immersion breakers like Auto move.
You need a reason to do things in Ryzom?
Your an obvious troll.
PLaying: EvE, Ryzom
Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum
lol yeah, and i can only think of 1 game with auto move wich is atlantica. at first i thought it was kinda neat then thought about it, are people so lazy they can't move their character around a vitual world? you do realize its not really exercise, you don't have to get up off your fat ass at all?
Locking this since it is going off course.