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New player questions

Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

So as many of you already know sandboxes are alot more complex than themeparks, and this is why i made this thread. I checked up on the official forums for guides and what not but pretty much all of them are 2-3 years old and i also didnt understand all the acronyms they were using to explain things. So i have some core game questions just to get started:

--There's no lvls at all, only skill lvls?i hear no one has reached cap o.o

--Can you be specialized in everything?have good magic abilities, be able to tank, and use a bow aswell? for example how in darkfall you can train every single thing on one character and are restricted by nothing but time.

--Whats the gameplay like, to explain this ill use wow as an example: you choose a faction and make a character, mainly quest until 80 but you can craft, pvp, do dungeons and raids and when your 80 you start getting into hardcore raiding and mostly pvp.

--I'm aware of quests being totally optional, but are there alot of them? are they nicely written as in have a story or are they kill x collect y kind?

-AI, ive read about the amazing Ai system this game has but are mobs in general easy, just right or hard?

--Once youve settled in as in mid game-end game for themeparks, whats your regular day like? like do you do dailies, some specific dungeons, quests, just kill mobs etc

--Are there mini game kinda things? like when your bored of the regular stuff you can play chess, pvp games, lotro style instances etc

--Unique features that distinguish form other sandbox games?


I would really appreciate some up to date information on starting up aswell. I literally have no idea what faction, crafts, skills etc to choose. Thanks in advance!

Yeh its kinda long but im one curious guy, btw reading the 56 page manual is gonna be fun =3


  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    Originally posted by Gabby-air
    --There's no lvls at all, only skill lvls?i hear no one has reached cap o.oOnly skill levels with a deep skill tree. I don't know about no one reaching cap, but I've heard it would take around 8 years to fully master everything.--Can you be specialized in everything?have good magic abilities, be able to tank, and use a bow aswell? for example how in darkfall you can train every single thing on one character and are restricted by nothing but time.Yes. You can focus on whatever you want, whenever you want.--Whats the gameplay like, to explain this ill use wow as an example: you choose a faction and make a character, mainly quest until 80 but you can craft, pvp, do dungeons and raids and when your 80 you start getting into hardcore raiding and mostly pvp.Create your character from four races. Start out in noob island where you'll learn the ropes by questing. Leave for mainland and then it's up to you what you want to do. There are two major factions you can align with, or remain neutral. Can craft, harvest, fight or magic. Each of those breaks down into more refined areas the more advanced you go. Skills can be customized, which rocks. There is PvP, usually guild against guild over outposts for resources. There really is too much to write here, so I'll stop.--I'm aware of quests being totally optional, but are there alot of them? are they nicely written as in have a story or are they kill x collect y kind?There aren't a ton of quests, but I HIGHLY recommend doing the ones on noob island since they teach you all the basics of the game. On the mainland, there are more quests, but it's mostly scouting, harvesting, killing quests.-AI, ive read about the amazing Ai system this game has but are mobs in general easy, just right or hard?Depends on what you're fighting and what level it is compared to you. Some are a cake-walk, and others will 1-shot you. You'll quickly learn which mobs are aggressive and avoid them.--Once youve settled in as in mid game-end game for themeparks, whats your regular day like? like do you do dailies, some specific dungeons, quests, just kill mobs etcIt really varies. Some days I focus on harvesting/crafting. Other times i work on fight or magic. Our guild usually does boss runs or treks to Prime Roots. We have special events and contests. It's really up to you what you want to do though.--Are there mini game kinda things? like when your bored of the regular stuff you can play chess, pvp games, lotro style instances etcYou can gamble in the major towns. You can challenge others to duals. Not a whole lot else that I can think of.--Unique features that distinguish form other sandbox games?The mob AI. Seasons. Nicer weather effects. The harvesting is dependent on time, location, weather and season. Community is small, but top-notch.
    I would really appreciate some up to date information on starting up aswell. I literally have no idea what faction, crafts, skills etc to choose. Thanks in advance!
    Yeh its kinda long but im one curious guy, btw reading the 56 page manual is gonna be fun =3The only advice I can give is to do ALL the quests on noob island before leaving it. Once you leave it, you can't go back. After that, it's totally up to you. There isn't one thing that's better than another. You can focus on fight one day, and magic the next. You can't really make any wrong choices.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627



    To just dive into the main "problem" first.

    Get rid of everything you think is "right" from other games. Forget all about Classes and being stuck with one "role" in a team.

    Everyone can be that Tank, or Healer, or main DPS over time and if the circumstances allow.

    Take your time learning things and don´t rush through the Tutorial-Missions of Silan. Read the texts!

    They explain many of the mechanics and "behind the scenes" stuff, that otherwise causes you to stop and ask.

    Not that asking is bad, everyone will be glad to help you, but it nevertheless pays to pay attention to the explanations given by the NPCs. Even if it´s just saving you from confusion.


    The factions btw. are not set in stone. You can convert with some effort if you like.

    So for example, if you chose to become a Karavan follower, you may over time change your allegiance to the Kamis, or vice versa, if it suits you. Or become neutral, or get from neutral to one of the factions. Just as you like.


    At the moment there are not many "Quest-lines" implemented yet. But the last patch brought some very nice ones for low level players and they promised to add more with upcoming patches. But, just to make this clear, these will mostly "just" give you rewards that are nothing like some "Sword of Überness" from any other game. They will, if at all, give you some equipment that fits your level and gives you a slight edge for some time, until it degrades and finally breaks. All equipment degrades with use and can not be repaired. Thus crafters have their work literally cut out for them.

    All "Missions" avaliable, as opposed to "quests" are simple collect/kill/explore Missions, but they do only grant fame and/or money, so they´re mostly a mechanical tool to accumulate fame with your faction. Some can be done alone, others need a team, you´ll figure out which is which soon enough *g*


    To me at least crafting and foraging are "mini-games" of a sort. They require Player-Skill and give you something in return. You´ll see. ;)

    There are wheels of fortune in the Main cities, but these are just like any real gamble, mostly giving you "stuff" and only with very good luck something nice or useful. My favorite pastime is sneaking from A to B. I love to explore the countryside and the prime roots. Just a few days back I encountered a Named-Mob (Mini Boss) I´d never seen before in my almost 6 years of play. But it takes time and patience. And a complete disregard for Death Penalty

    Just think of it as more like "living" in the Game, as opposed to "playing" it and rushing to meet the "End-Game".

    In my mind you´ll have a far better time then.





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
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  • KyarraKyarra Member UncommonPosts: 789

    I have been trying to get into this game since closed beta, I always got sidetracked by other games though. The last time I tried the trial the only thing that turned me off was the very low population. I saw maybe 1 or 2 others in the noob zone and it was kinda depressing. I remember when it was packed. Is the game still empty? I did enjoy my time on the trial (and I still have the retail box from when the game first came out) just never got far into it.

  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    Originally posted by MaDSaM
    Just think of it as more like "living" in the Game, as opposed to "playing" it and rushing to meet the "End-Game".

    This is definitely the best way to approach Ryzom. If you try to rush to level cap your skills, you're just going to get frustrated and rage quit. You can't rush it. It takes a LONG time to master any branch, and there are multiple branches. So just enjoy the world and community. The whole point is the journey and not the destination.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627
    Originally posted by Riverstar

    I have been trying to get into this game since closed beta, I always got sidetracked by other games though. The last time I tried the trial the only thing that turned me off was the very low population. I saw maybe 1 or 2 others in the noob zone and it was kinda depressing. I remember when it was packed. Is the game still empty? I did enjoy my time on the trial (and I still have the retail box from when the game first came out) just never got far into it.


    Sadly its population is still quite low.

    But, truly, I can´t get my head around this damned phenomenon, of people leaving because of people leaving.

    People not staying in the game, because there seems to be no-one to play with.

    Which btw. isn´t true at all. There are still enough people to play with on the main continents.

    The Trail Island may be empty at the moment, but if people keep leaving after 10 minutes of play, because they saw, or read none other, it´ll never fill up.

    I can understand completely that people want to play with others, thats what an MMORPG is for, after all.

    But frankly, how will there ever be "enough" people, if new players keep leaving because well... other new players don´t give the game the chance it deserves. It´s a very, very, very sad state and a problem thats really hard to solve.

    I for myself have no idea how to.





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
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  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    It might help to have a media push by Winchgate. If you can get a sizable group to all start within a certain period, it would help alleviate that feeling of "no one else is around" on Silan.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    Thanks alot for the detailed reply's guys!

    Just need some clarification before i start playing, does your race affect what faction your in? or do you choose your faction at a later lvl and races are just for looks? It also seems like i need to pick one main skill when making the character, this have any affect later on or is this just for the starting?Also there's only one server right o.o?

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    Race has almost no effect whatsoever on your starting stats.

    The only difference lies in Tryker and Matis being aligned to the Karavan and Zoraï and Fyros being aligned to the Kami, by Fame-Value.

    This means that each respective race gets a positive starting value in its "ancestral" Faction, so to say and a negative in the opposing factions fame. But this does not mean you may change this, whenever you like.

    As I said above, you can switch sides any time. By gathering fame with the opposing faction.

    Of course, for example a Fyros wanting to go Karavan will have a harder time than a Matis, because he´s git some (negative) reputation to make up for. ;)

    You don´t need to choose a "main Skill" when creating your Character. What you get to choose is a "disposition", for the lack of a better word. All you get from this is some fitting starting equipment for your choice and a small bonus in form of one extra action, that you won´t have to buy for XP later. Thats all.

    Just try for yourself. ;)


    Ah, and there are atm three servers.

    Arispotle = International (mainly English, but other languages too)

    Leanon = German (with many English speaking players )

    Aniro = French (well... French)






    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    Thanks for the quick reply, i hear the international server is the most popular?

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    If only.

    I recently learned that its population is atm in severe decline.

    But, you can help that  ;)

    Just don´t let yourself be discouraged by lack of Newbes.

    The community thats left will welcome you with open arms.

    Even if you try the German server, although I can´t speak for the French.

    Have fun! :)





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • PiquedramPiquedram Member Posts: 127

    mhmm, reality is, the french and german servers have a larger population than the international one...


    (even more so because international has its players spread out over different timezones)


  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    well since i dont know either french or german and probably wont be in there timezone i joined the international server.

    Currently playing a zoria mage, ign is crescentia =3

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627
    Originally posted by Gabby-air

    well since i dont know either french or german and probably wont be in there timezone i joined the international server.
    Currently playing a zoria mage, ign is crescentia =3


    *small slap on the fingers*

    What did  I tell you about forgetting classes?

    Go stand in the corner!



    Its hard to let go of old concepts, eh? ;)





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    haha naw i know what you mean but i meant that i was focusing on magic so ye. Well yesterday i did the magic tutorial, dang that thing took long and then i started doing harvesting, i literally wanted to rage quit doing that o.o , Hopefully im done with the tutorial today.

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    Ha, yeah. Foraging does that to you in its first levels.

    But believe me, if you progress in the skill, so the fun of it will progress. You´ll be faster, better, stronger.

    You´ll just have to buy the technology (i. e. stanzas)

    Like I said, its a bit like fishing in other games. In the beginning you´ll only get out one small fish at a time,

    later you´ll get out more and better fish ;)





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    So far im having pretty fun and ive been literally playing all day and i still want more, been months since that ever happened. While playing today though we started talking about how the tutorial is fairly hard to solo and people were saying the mainland is even worse and that ryzom is not a solo game, some one else said that its soloable till p200 whatever that is o.o , but now im kinda worried about not being able to solo, i like to group but i really dont have the effort to look for groups and stuff as i play pretty casual and with the already low population this might kill it for me, any input on this?

  • NizurNizur Member CommonPosts: 1,417

    I almost rage quit over harvesting on Silan too. It didn't make much sense at all. My harvesting is still pretty low, and it feels like a chore almost, but my guild leader helped out the other night. Her harvesting is much, much higher and she was popping multiple nodes almost instantaneously. So it will definitely get much better, it'll just take a while and some patience to get there.

    You can solo through the whole game, but it's MUCH slower and more aggravating that way. If you try to solo, I guarantee you'll see many more "recharge" times between mob kills where you're waiting for your health/sap/stamina to rebuild. I soloed through Silan and the first few levels on the mainland. I took the advice of others though and found a guild to make the journey more enjoyable. It's made the game so much better, imo. Having a healer with you while you level fight or magic speeds leveling up dramatically. Having someone help you stabilize the node while you harvest is also nice. Going on boss runs can only be done in a group. Trekking from one zone to another can only be done in a group.

    But most of all, it IS an MMO. Grouping is built-in to this genre although that seems to be changing. Having friends I can chat and joke around with while I'm working on whatever makes it much more enjoyable.

    Current: None
    Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
    Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
    Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN

  • PiquedramPiquedram Member Posts: 127

    Trekking is not necessarily a group-business, and if you're going to do it solo, i suggest doing it at a lower level rather than a higher level.

    Why you say?

    Because at a lower level, it doesn't matter much if you max out your DP (Death Penalty), as it's worked off fairly fast. At a higher level it takes ages to get rid of it ;)

    Well how can a newbie defeat the high monsters on the way?

    He can't, but mobs move, they walk about, carnivores fight and eat herbivores, they're not everywhere at the same time, and usually their "aggro range" doesn't extend beyond 25 meters. Knowing what mobs are aggro, and knowing their aggro range (for some it's less, for some it's more than 25m), and player skill can get almost anywhere on Atys.


    That being said, harvesting/crafting can easily be done solo if you sneak to your harvest locations (at higher levels they're harder to reach), and as said you can hunt solo, though you'll have to rest between mobs, and not get as much xp per mob. Once you have a guild however, it's not unlikely that you'll find somebody willing to heal you between battles, or out of team during battles to find optimum xp gain, and guilds will usually provide with xp catalysts as well. Be wary of burnouts if you burn through levels though ;)


  • TuyetTuyet Member Posts: 135

    What a lot of players do is dig when they can not find a team.

    There are dig areas that are relatively safe in every zone. You may not be able to dig every mat you need for your craft completely aggro free but you should be able to run to safety if you need to. And if you decide to dig your native Zora Jungle terrain as your main terrain dig, the Void has a very nice aggro free area for every mat needed for craft grinding.

    Soloing is tough for ones first skills, however say you have a melee skill to lev 200+ -- then you can most likely solo lower lev melee skills to say lev 150 solo with the proper gear.

    Also at higher levels the players tend to congregrate in the same places for leveling as the quickest experience mobs and locations are pretty much known now.

    Another thing, you can be quite a bit lower level in healing than a partner your healing in a team. A lev 80 healer can do quite nicely healing someone say lev 180 depending on what is hunted. And if you get higher in healing than elemenatl magic, you might find soloing elemental is not too hard.

    One can solo both melee and elemental magic to lev 250 if they really want to go that way but much much faster to get good teams.

    There are good guilds for both the Kami and Karavan factions that should provide enough support for both good gear and teams.

    I have a question for you though -- do you think the Silan foraging missions really helped you learn the foraging system much? Or do you think you could have pretty much picked it up without the missions? Same goes for the crafting?

    It really bothers me when i see players spending hours doing a dig mission on Silan. Personally i think its much better to just join a guild and get someone to mentor you.

    As  for trekking solo, players always say it can be done at low levels and sure i have trekked a lev 30 char to every TP but that was after many months of playing. It took me months before i really started to get good at understanding how the mobs behave. For me, I was trekked by the guild i joined first, then i helped out on treks and did some side treks to TPs in lower lev zones, and eventually i started trekking new players myself and for fun trekked an alt solo to all the TPs. 

  • metalhead980metalhead980 Member Posts: 2,658
    Originally posted by Tuyet

    What a lot of players do is dig when they can not find a team.
    There are dig areas that are relatively safe in every zone. You may not be able to dig every mat you need for your craft completely aggro free but you should be able to run to safety if you need to. And if you decide to dig your native Zora Jungle terrain as your main terrain dig, the Void has a very nice aggro free area for every mat needed for craft grinding.
    Soloing is tough for ones first skills, however say you have a melee skill to lev 200+ -- then you can most likely solo lower lev melee skills to say lev 150 solo with the proper gear.
    Also at higher levels the players tend to congregrate in the same places for leveling as the quickest experience mobs and locations are pretty much known now.
    Another thing, you can be quite a bit lower level in healing than a partner your healing in a team. A lev 80 healer can do quite nicely healing someone say lev 180 depending on what is hunted. And if you get higher in healing than elemenatl magic, you might find soloing elemental is not too hard.
    One can solo both melee and elemental magic to lev 250 if they really want to go that way but much much faster to get good teams.
    There are good guilds for both the Kami and Karavan factions that should provide enough support for both good gear and teams.
    I have a question for you though -- do you think the Silan foraging missions really helped you learn the foraging system much? Or do you think you could have pretty much picked it up without the missions? Same goes for the crafting?
    It really bothers me when i see players spending hours doing a dig mission on Silan. Personally i think its much better to just join a guild and get someone to mentor you.
    As  for trekking solo, players always say it can be done at low levels and sure i have trekked a lev 30 char to every TP but that was after many months of playing. It took me months before i really started to get good at understanding how the mobs behave. For me, I was trekked by the guild i joined first, then i helped out on treks and did some side treks to TPs in lower lev zones, and eventually i started trekking new players myself and for fun trekked an alt solo to all the TPs. 

    I learnt how to craft and dig without the tutorial.

    As for trekking and solo hunting I had guildies help me with my TPs but I do solo hunt alot because I enjoy the challege, or atleast did when I played the game.

    PLaying: EvE, Ryzom

    Waiting For: Earthrise, Perpetuum

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    Just a side-note here:

    I´m immensely confused by the notion some people do seem to carry, that it MUST be possible in any given game to solo everything in the same time and with the same level of success a team would have in a given area.

    I mean, how would that even be possible?

    A team will always have a better chance of survival and will always be able to take on higher mobs and all that.

    That some players do seem to think this unfair amazes me to no end.


    On Topic:

    Trekking solo is a matter of experience, pure and simple.

    Every inch along the way is either hard learned from experience and dying a lot of times, or learned from someone "older" than you and listening to him or her. I thoroughly enjoy trekking new players from A to Z, and I´ve made it my newest rule, to go almost everywhere by foot and use TPs only if there isn´t enough time to get to my goal. It brings so much excitement to "stay on my toes" all the time and sometimes I get into situations that inspire me to write them down in a short-story, just to flesh out the life of my character on Ayts. Treks in Groups do have one mayor problem to me.

    They almost never take their time.

    They just charge through every single aggro spot and blast everything away and they seldom stop at interesting places or just to admire the view. Thus the Newbe is learning next to nothing at all, except to click "follow" and be led by the leash.

    There´s too much to see for him in too little time. All most newbes see on such a trek is Veterans blasting away MOBs they don´t even know the names of and some scenery scrolling by.

    So, I try to always give the treks I lead some edge. I take only small groups and sometimes all newbes. I try to show and explain them what to look for in the MOBs behavior and where there are safe places and where there are just nice lokations to visit again.

    I only wish more people would do that, except to just rush the Newbes to the next TP and leave it at that.

    I´ve encountered people 6 month ingame who´d never been to Virginia Falls, and didn´t even know it existed because they just TPd from A to Z all the time. Never bothering to run since their first trek. Its considered a "waste of time" by many. *sigh*






    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440
    Originally posted by Tuyet

    I have a question for you though -- do you think the Silan foraging missions really helped you learn the foraging system much? Or do you think you could have pretty much picked it up without the missions? Same goes for the crafting?


    Actually i think it was one of the best tutorials ive played, but it seriously needs to be alot easier. Why do we need forage 20 times or harvest 20 things when doing it once teaches you? or even kill all those bosses that are just a pain, one of the other annoying problem was traveling, so annoying having to walk the entire way through the tunnel and clicking a mob and then going all the way back to camp just to be sent there again.

  • MaDSaMMaDSaM Member Posts: 627

    Well, yes it is illogical.

    But, its meant to teach you to watch where you´re going, so look out for aggo-mobs and avoid them and generally find your way around.

    What fun would it be, if you could just teleport from point a to b infinitely with nothing in between?

    And btw. you get these kinds of Quests in every single game out there. And everywhere they´re illogical.

    Especially in games where there´s a "safe road" from a to be, with no MObs on it and none to ever even touch its fringes.





    Ryzom, we dare to be different.
    Do you dare to adapt?
  • Gabby-airGabby-air Member UncommonPosts: 3,440

    Well i wouldnt quite mind them in the real game but to extend the tutorial that much i do, again its just my opinion no one has to agree with me.

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