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Old interview.

WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

This is about a month old,but what i found is that it really gives definite answers to a few things people were wondering about.

First of all ,it was quite clear to me ,that Tanaka says it "IS" going to be basically a SOLO game,as he states because you will be able to switch and heal your self.He goes onto say ,it depends how you feel that day,bit it is prety well written i nstone ,that it wil lbe a solo type game.I believe the difference wil lbe in that you do GUILDLEVES i na group you get a better reward/points to your skills,while if you do them solo,you will get less reward,that is just my crappy theory yes.

Although i have read differently in other interviews,he also sort of says this game was designed to have the FFXI players transition into a NEWER better looking game.This  is also why they kept the same feel and races, basically a better looking FFXI.They said in other interviews they intend on supporting FFXI after this game,but in what capacity?It seems clear to me they are not going to do anything as of right now for FFXI.I think what this means is that if the majority move over to FFXIV and the people that don't ,avoid causing a big ruckus,they will stop supporting FFXI.

The COMBAT system is basically FFXI as they both played an important role to weapons/gear and skillups of your weapon,the same will be true in this game.What they have done as i meantioned before is REMOVE content from FFXI,as they are removing XP points and levels.Tanaka is also claiming there will be ARMOUR skillups as well as the weapon skillups.The ARMOUR skillups is the first i have heard of them actually ADDING something to the game,i like that.

Another FACT.Tanaka says it will be much more effective to hone your skills using GUILDLEVES.This means combat is streamlined even further and really will be more useless,the direction of the game will be to QUEST.There will be no more party camps with the traditional puller/tank,everything will be based on guildleves.It is not clear yet how that part will play out,like the minimum players you need to do a guildleve?if it is again something you can solo,and Tanaka already states you can solo this game,then this will  further deterioate grouping game play.

Also a FACT is they are removing any and all RACIAL abilities,personally i don't like that,it gave the game and the races definition and character.This again is a move that shows a direction in removing things from FFXI rather than improve on them.So what race you choose will mean absolutely nothing,i wonder how other people feel about that?It will be like our characters are imageless,that's how i look at it.I cannot imagine that other people will like that their decisions mean nothing,every player will be the same no matter what after the creation screen.

Also pointed out in the in interview is that there  will be ABILITIES to LEARN.This he also says will be better suited to learn through Guildleves,i think that is probably the ONLY way to learn abilities,through completing certain quests.It would make sense ,since there is no levels to auto gain a new ability,but in FFXI,you actually gained abilities through your weapon skillup.I think in the end this will be sort of the exact same thing,Tanaka is just hinting that you will achieve it faster through Guildleves/quests.

Another FACT,the game will be smaller.I feel this may very well be because rather than 3 cites as was in FFXI [Sandy/Windy/Bastock] they may once again streamline this game into ONE starting area for all.This is something i have heard many times that peopel do NOT like,so we have to wait and see if this is truly the case.

My end thoughts on the whole interview?FFXIV is geared towards the casual/solo player with a game based like [WOW] on questing.The whole game will be the same continuous GUILDLEVE grind until the end game,witch is still a secret.So again just like WOW,it will be quest after quest afer quest offering the best rewards to game play,probably[most likely] all geared towards end game.

The good?i believe this will be the BEST looking MMORPG to date,it will make games like AION look pathetic,as AION is actually over rated anyhow.FACT the world will be SEAMLESS,i know it is not a deal breaker for myself,but i am POSITIVE this is a good thing amongst the majority of the community.I also believe or at least HOPE this is a TRUE seamless game,not like the FAKE WOW seamless world.


Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.


  • BellarionBellarion Member Posts: 244

    Wiz, you may have a few things wrong. New info just recently translated states;

    -Worlds will have loading screens in a few areas probably, but bigger regions.

    -Different races and regions may affect your jobs, skills and attributes still.

    I do, however, agree that all this Guildleve talk is painting a disjointed/instanced world a la Diablo. Lol, Aethryte= Game lobby anyone?

    Non the less... SE if you read this, please let me Beta?  *^.^*


    (Great FF14 source)

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    This is only a month old,i can only assume ,if you read loading zones  will be present,that would mean instances,such as unlocking new zones like SEA/SKY was in FFXI.

    Tanaka was quite strict in saying races will NOT affect anything it is merely for looks.As far as regions affecting things,i never mentioned anything about that ,as i have heard nothing about that myself.That would be an interesting touch if they do it well and not half ass.Perhaps this is hinting at something we already saw in FFXI?like sunny regions might affect certain spells or dmg ect ect.Or it could be a very linear approach to the storyline,like they might instance you to a zone where only the taru can deal damage and only humans can heal,or certain guildlevels will do something also the same.

    BTW you nor any of us will beta,they have an inside team that will be doing beta.As also mentioned by Tanaka,the beta we will get ,will probably be short lived,more so for a STRESS test on the servers.

    As far as Guildleve goes,ya i don't like how cheap it sounds at all.We play an MMORPG we want to feel like the gaming world is open to do whatever we want to do,this game sounds 100% forced into Guildleve or you will have a lesser game if you don't.Take into consideration how your skills will also be unlocked,it all points to a MUCH more linear game ,forcing you to do certain guildleves to get certain skills,is just that linear game play.I also believe just like in FFXI,certain zones will be instanced because you will have to UNLOCK them once again through GUILDLEVES.It all points to  a VERY simplistic game,continually pointing us to Guildleves and weapon skills ups,the feeling of a free open world i feel ,will not be in this game.

    I am not sure as to who these inside testers are?I kind of think it is certain employees  from each of their worldwide divisions.


    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • BellarionBellarion Member Posts: 244

    Tanakas exact wording was the racial stats would be a small difference, but would like to see people able to choose their race more because they want that race for lore and aesthetics not purely for the perfect stats. After all they may grow bored with the one job and then the game will seem less fun, strategically Tanaka is allowing people to choose a race they can enjoy and then allow them to enjoy many roles.

    He said their will be large areas the size of what in ff11 is a region and that between these they will have zones. Guildleves is a seperate issue.

    Guildleves are beyond me at this point, but I hope for much community and gameplay within the game outside of them. I am hoping that, should they be the focus of the game, I am just not understanding how this will lead to a connected  feel in game.

    The Beta has been stated to be first a small group of Japanese lucky people to use the development model . Then 10,000 international  PCs, then 20,000 PSs, then 30000 pcs, etc all the way to 80k or something. And then a stress test. So yah. I will just enjoy ff11 uintill launch.

    (Great FF14 source)

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