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My First Impressions in EU Beta

GidasGidas Member Posts: 68

In my opinion this game is extremely fun and very strategic, if you get a good group going, that is.

I got into beta for about 5 hours ago, via my Curse Premium, and I haven't been able to let it go before now, because it's 3:45am in the morning and I got stuff to do and places to be at 8:00am. I'd never heard about it before, so I looked up on their website and thought "Hey, thats awesome. I want to check it out!"

An average match is 30-60 mins long, which, I think is the perfect time for a little match.

/sarcasm on

ooh and this game got the best item shop ever!

They got all tons of stuff! That leet gear and stuff!

/sarcasm off

Seriously, I love how the store ingame is builded and how it functions. You got 6 inventory slots, and you got a recommend items (for which ever character you're playing) so thats a great starter until you get the hang of things and make your own Item combos.

But remember you only have 6 item spots and some items take up to 3-4 lesser items to create, so you have to make those first or you'll be stuck in 1 of the "craft sections" (I dunno what to call it)

You're called a "summoner" and you summon "champions" to fight for you in each map. You control 1 champion in each match. You can level that champion up to 18 in each match. It will reset when the match is done.

You have a ton of different "champions" to summon/play, so thats awesome! Never gotta stick to 1 class for 100+ hours again! (unless you choose to)

My love at the moment goes to the champion, Sivir. She has a Ricochet Blade which I think is awesome and she is great for dealing dmg to several opponents at once. You just gotta boost her attack speed, with items, and your good to go! She also gets this great ability in the later lvls, where she boosts attack speed 75% to all nearby allies! Works wonders when your trying to destroy the opponents nexus, which btw is how you win a match.

The game is great, but you'll have to deal with the occasional "leavers". Which is quite annoying, if I might add. 3vs5 is not really that fun! (even though I've managed to win 3 matches where it happened it ! Yay!)

I've never played DotA, never thought about it, and never will, so this game isn't only for "them"

Keep looking out for this thing, if this is what can keep you entertained.



Sorry for the lousy grammar and writing in this thread, but I'm tired! :P hehe




  • Hellscream07Hellscream07 Member Posts: 123

    Good to see new people enjoying LoL xD

    Just wanted to say, you can't really "get stuck in craft sections" because A) you can always sell your items and B), you can buy a big recipe all at once. Ex. if you need 2 more items to buy the final item and you only have 1 item spot, you can wait till you have enough money to buy the whole thing.

    And since I'm at it, I definitely say to people to give this a try. It's cool, it's refreshing, it's more newbie-friendly than other games of its genre and it'll be free to play!


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